Advanced English Speaking season 2 056 Memory Loss

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[Music] hello welcome back everyone thanks for joining me right here on actual English my name is Jennifer Clyde it's time for lesson 113 and today let's talk about memory loss I guess a slight loss of our memory could come with aging but it affects people at a younger age and that is something considered to be abnormal by doctors and it could be pretty serious in some cases so for example memory loss can stem from alcohol abuse you may even have short-term memory not remember something that just happened now that's something very serious and the cause of short-term memory loss or memory loss in general is number one as I mentioned alcohol abuse there also are preventive treatments including increasing levels of physical activity so exercise as much as you can eating five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables daily it sounds very difficult but it will help definitely there's something else you can do now challenging your brain is something very helpful as well so you could maybe do puzzles or play games for example - I guess exercise your brain what about sleep sleep is very important so it's very important to keep regular sleep patterns enough sleep and and just ingesting moderate quantities of red wine they say maybe not too much but a little well an adequate amount of red wine will do you good and last but not least reducing levels of multitasking to keep the mind sharp and focused these are some things you can do to prevent memory loss at a younger age of course as I did mention earlier on as we age and get older we could lose our memory slowly and gradually so a slight decline in memory function is normal but sometimes if it hits at a younger age could lead to something much more serious okay so once again today's topic is memory loss let's get started hey Peter how are you doing today I'm sorry who are you oh yeah I forgot you forgot yeah I don't remember a loss I'm experiencing that these days with the lack of sleep I forget where I put things there's nothing to do with age are you sure no it's okay I put my phone in the fridge the other day and forgot about it oh that's nice yeah I went to get myself a midnight snack I was taking my I was texting on the way and I opened the fridge I probably left it on one of the shelves there and yeah closed it I was too focused on the food yeah but yeah memory loss is a really serious problem you know I was watching an episode of Criminal Minds the other day and there's a guy that was killing a bunch of women and then serial killers yeah serial killer Heath in a chase fell off a building ended up in a coma for ten years and when he woke up he didn't remember doing any of this oh so then the trial goes on and they're wondering well is he really guilty of something that he can't remember doing but that doesn't change the fact that he actually did kill these right but you start to lose I mean who you are when you forget you know forget things it's just like somebody with the Alzheimer's later in life the they're really actually losing a part of themselves you know can't recognize their own children or something like sometimes I don't even recognize themselves in the mirror yeah yeah memory loss that's really it's really scary mm-hmm just think about it well they say that you know a couple of things it affected a lot and one is is diet oh these days smartphones because you're constantly on your smartphone you put everything in your smartphone how many numbers do you actually exactly so making you dumb not smart I think everybody should throw away their smartphones and just try to remember to fix memory loss welcome back everyone that was today's actual talk conversation we had Joanne and Peter talk about memory loss now they did mention words such as amnesia Alzheimer's or Alzheimer's disease and not being able to recall or remember pretty recent past events hmm okay is Peter gettin old he's still young I don't think he needs to worry too much about that okay let's take a look together first of all Joanne says how are you doing today and Peter says I'm sorry who are you they're such great actors aren't they anyhow Joanne says oh you're and then let's get started now Peter says I'm sorry I was in another world I was in another world meaning he was spacing out he was thinking about something else he wasn't able to concentrate or hear exactly what Joanne was asking him or saying to him I was in la-la land for example I was in another world I was thinking about something else he says I forgot short-term memory loss we've got short-term memory loss in some cases this is also called amnesia now short-term memory loss is when an individual a person has difficulty remembering recent events recent past events so say for example if you don't remember what you did this morning or what you did last night and if it continues on and on and on well you could be well you could be affected with short-term memory loss once again also called amnesia in some cases he says I'm experiencing that these days with lack of sleep okay so he's talking about how he thinks he has short-term memory loss he has difficulty remembering things from past current events and he says well these days with lack of sleep lack of something means not enough of something or none of something so if lack of sleep is what he's saying he's saying not enough sleep okay so because he hasn't been getting enough sleep these days he thinks he has short-term memory loss I forget where I put things I forget where I put things to forget where you put things now Joanne says it has nothing to do with age and he says well he should have said no but yeah meaning it has nothing to do with age early onset of Alzheimer's I ahem oh I think that's in some cases how it's pronounced but the correct way to pronounce it is Alzheimer's Alzheimer's okay some say Alzheimer's but Alzheimer's is more common early onset means in the beginning at the start of something but if something happens earlier than expected especially at a younger age you can say that it is early onset of something we'll practice that later on in our actual expressions now Joanne says no it's okay I put my phone in the fridge meaning refrigerator the other day and forgot about it so now she's talking about her experience of forgetting where she put her phone she says I went to get myself a midnight snack a late night snack or a midnight snack I was texting on the way meaning on the way to the refrigerator now text here is used in the verb form a text message is a message we get on our phones for example that's a noun but you can also text somebody which is short for send a text message so you can say I was sending a text message on the way you can also simplify it and say I was texting on the way so she opened the fridge open the refrigerator and she says I probably left it it meaning the phone on one of the shells and closed it closed the refrigerator door I was too focused on the food meaning I was thinking about food so much I had forgotten about my phone okay so this is a part where Joanne tells us about what happened to her how she forgot where had aware she had placed her phone now Peter says oh yeah now he tells us another story he says I was watching an episode of Criminal Minds the other day this is just a program one of my favorites too and he says and there was a guy that was killing a bunch of women this is just the storyline the plot of that episode then Joanne says a serial killer serial killer we all know what a killer is a killer is a person that murders people that kills people but what is a serial killer a serial killer is a murderer who kills more than two or three people in a short period of time actually it can be a long period of time but it's a person that kills people over and over and over again many people more than two or three and on and on now so Peter says yeah he the character in that episode of that drama in a chase fell off a building ended up in a coma for ten years let's take a look at end up he says he ended up in a coma okay to end up in something means to eventually become or become eventually result in something so he was in a chase he was running away from the police for example and he fell off a building and he eventually went into a coma he fell in a coma coma is short for comatose it's a it's a deep justice state of deep unconsciousness for ten years so for ten years he was in bed and he was unconscious and when he woke up when he became conscious he didn't remember doing any of this doing what doing any of this this meaning killing all those women so then the trial goes on and they're wondering well is he really guilty of something that he can't remember doing nuances but that doesn't change the fact that he actually killed these people it doesn't change anything doesn't change anything he killed people thus whether he remembers it remembers it or not he's guilty of murdering people any are moving on Peter says right just like someone with Alzheimer's later in life they're actually losing a part of themselves in this case let's take a look at this part of the sentence lose a part of oneself does not literally mean you're losing a part of your body parts but it means that you are losing some parts of your perhaps memory okay you are forgetting things which means you're forgetting something or losing some of your life or parts of your life you can also lose yourself or lose parts of yourself so they can't recognize meaning identify their own children mm-hmm sometimes they don't even recognize themselves in the mirror so Joanne is talking about in some cases they don't recognize themselves in the mirror memory loss it's really scary to think about it and Peter says well they say that a couple of things affect it a lot and one is diet one of them of them was omitted I added that to help you understand better so there are a lot of things a couple of things that affected a lot and one of those many things is diet he says now these days smartphones Joanne says because you're constantly on your smartphone meaning you're constantly using your smartphone or constantly talking to someone on your smartphone you put everything on your smartphone put everything in this case means to store you store everything on your smartphone you can store pictures on your smartphone of course there are tons of phone numbers in contacts on your smartphone so she's saying well I'm sure that smartphones is also a big cause of memory loss so Peter says and you don't try to remember things that's right because everything is on your smartphone it's stored on your smartphone people do not try to remember things joint says exactly so it's making you dumb not smart I've thought about this too smartphones are these so smart I think nowadays smartphones are becoming smarter than people because they can do so many things right they calculate things for you they can do numbers of things for you so she's saying jokingly it's meaning smartphones are making you stupid it's making you dumb not smart and Peter finishes by saying I think everybody should throw away get rid of their smartphones and just try to remember everything so as I did mention earlier on in the very beginning of our lesson there are a lot of Prevention's things you can do to prevent memory loss especially at a younger age and one of them was to exercise your brain use your brain right such as doing puzzles or even playing games try to use your brain by thinking a lot or even up calculating by I guess using your head right and not a calculator or your smartphone try to remember phone numbers for instance that exactly will do you good okay so that brings us to an end of today's actual talk conversation let's have a listen to it one more time hey Peter how are you doing today I'm sorry who are you oh yeah I forgot you forgot yeah I know memory loss I'm experiencing that these days with the lack of sleep I forget where I put things is nothing to do with age are you sure no it's okay I put my phone in the fridge the other day and forgot about it oh that's nice yeah I went to get myself a midnight snack I was taking my I was texting on the way and I opened the fridge I probably left it on one of the shelves there and yeah closed it I was too focused on the food yeah but yeah memory loss is a really serious problem you know I was watching an episode of Criminal Minds the other day and there's a guy that was killing a bunch of women and then a serial killer yeah serial killer Heath in a chase fell off a building ended up in a coma for ten years and when he woke up he didn't remember doing any of this oh so then the trial goes on and they're wondering well is he really guilty of something that he can't remember doing but that doesn't change the fact that he actually did kill these right but you start to lose I mean who you are when you forget you know forget things it's just like somebody with the health hammers later in life the they're really actually losing a part of themselves you know can't recognize their own children or something like sometimes I don't even recognize themselves in the mirror yeah memory loss that's really it's really scary mm-hmm just think about it well they say that you know a couple of things it affected a lot and one is diet oh these days smartphones because you're constantly on your smartphone you put everything in your smartphone how many numbers do you actually exactly so it's making you dumb not smart I think everybody should throw away their smartphones and just try to remember to fix memory loss [Music] are you ready for some vocab words terms and some phrases patterns of course let's take a look at some words here we just have a couple of them for you okay first of all we have serial killer I've chosen to put this up here just to help you pronounce the word serial I don't know if you eat cereal on a regular basis but a lot of people have cereal in the morning because it's quick right so with milk and cereal cereal is spelt differently the cereal we eat is C e ar e al but cereal as an svr i al they're pronounced exactly the same so serial killer serial killer is a murderer who kills more than two three four five people okay now coma as I did mention is short for comatose the long form is C om a comatose yeah t o SE c om a TOS c comatose and it means a state of deep unconsciousness okay now coma and recognize recognize stress goes on the first syllable it means to identify acknowledge or even recall to mind recall means remember okay so recognize means to recall or remember past events of what happened now it's time for patterns okay here let's take a look at lack or lack of something in today's actual talk Peter mentioned something about lack of sleep meaning not enough sleep so here is a sample sentence lack of sleep may increase Alzheimer's risk did you know that this is something I read and I think it's true lack of sleep may increase it may bring about Alzheimer's risk increase a certain risk what about this one she lacks common sense to not have enough of something means right laksa thing she lacks common sense she doesn't have enough common sense she's hard to have a deep or serious conversation with okay some people really do lack common sense so it's very difficult to converse with them so keep in mind lack something or lack of something early onset as I mentioned early means early early in the beginning at the start so in the beginning at the start especially when something occurs or happens at a younger age or earlier than expected you will most likely see early onset so early onset menopause brings about many changes in a woman's life so we're talking about early onset menopause so say for example if menopause hits women at 45 let's say for example okay 45 is the average age but early onset menopause could come at a younger age earlier than expected perhaps in one's mid 30s or late 30s or early 40s that's early onset so and so what about this one what are some early onset dementia signs okay we're also talking about not being able to remember things so dementia dementia what are some early onset so-and-so signs okay it's important to know certain signs to prevent something and last but not least here's a last pattern and up to become eventually in the end do you think you'll end up being successful do you think you'll become successful do you think you'll eventually become successful same thing let's practice the sentence two times do you think you'll end up being successful do you think you'll end up being successful good job and one more sentence he ended up marrying his high school sweetheart and up doing something he ended up marrying his high school sweetheart so it's usually end up is used in the beginning of a statement or most commonly even at the end of a statement it's a way to end something okay and it means end up to eventually happen or become so keep these patterns and vocab words in mind everyone all right job well done there are many different types of memory losses and different things that can cause memory loss so things like amnesia can be caused by traumatic experiences in which you tend to blank out whatever happened to you something that was very traumatic or something that you just your mind wants to blink out it can also be caused by trauma to the head things like a car accident can cause memory loss whether it's permanent or long-term or short-term sometimes doctors don't know whether or not you're ever going to regain all of your memories or not things like Alzheimer's tend to affect older people though they can of course affect younger people and it slowly just starts to deteriorate your mind in your memories sometimes you don't remember who you are or where you are and sometimes you'll be perfectly fine so that's something that is more common and more current that a lot of elderly people tend to experience [Music] well now that you've taken a listen to today's actual story it's time for us to go over it together and we got health from Alexis today from the u.s. of America okay here we go there are many different types of memory loss we're talking about memory loss so she's talking about the several the various of different kinds of memory loss there are many different types of something and then what you want to do is focus on the different types now she talks about a certain type of memory loss which is called amnesia remember we were talking about short-term memory loss short term memory loss which means you have difficulty remembering or recalling things that happened recently okay amnesia can be caused by traumatic experiences hmm very serious very scary really really big experiences in which you tend to blank out what ever happened to you what does blank out mean what is blank for example I could tell you I could give you a handout and say fill in the blanks fill in the blanks which means fill in the empty spaces right but here it's used in the verb form blank out i blanked out means I don't remember anything everything was just white okay so amnesia can be caused by certain experiences in which you tend to blank out not remember anything okay not remember whatever happened to you Alzheimer's tend to affect older people okay now this is another type of memory loss it affects older people though they can of course affect younger people Alzheimer's yes it is slowly and gradually affecting younger and younger people okay people are suffering Alzheimer's at a younger age which you can call early onset Alzheimer's right it slowly it gradually slowly starts to deteriorate your mind and your memories so we're talking about your mind pretty much your memories okay so things can become rusty things can become old and diminish deteriorate vanish go away okay so it can slowly start to I guess really just kill your brain so you lose your memories okay oh and we have one more sometimes you don't remember who you are or where you are and sometimes you'll be perfectly fine so she's talking about Alzheimer's right now first of all she mentioned something about amnesia now this is an example of what could happen if you have Alzheimer's sometimes you don't remember anything you don't know who you are you don't know where you are but sometimes you will be perfectly fine there will be nothing wrong with you and you will remember everything okay it's kind of scary isn't it any air thanks Alexis for helping us out and have a listen one more time there are many different types of memory losses and different things that can cause memory loss so things like amnesia can be caused by traumatic experiences in which you tend to blank out whatever happened to you something that was very traumatic or something that you just your mind wants to blink out it can also be caused by trauma to the head things like a car accident can cause memory loss whether it's permanent or long-term or short-term sometimes doctors don't know whether or not you're ever going to regain all of your memories or not things like Alzheimer's tend to affect older people though they can of course affect younger people and it slowly just starts to deteriorate your mind in your memories sometimes you don't remember who you are or where you are and sometimes you'll be perfectly fine so that's something that is our common and more current that a lot of elderly people tend to experience [Music] all right everyone that brings us to an end to today's lesson today we talked about memory loss it it mentioned some things you can do there are preventive treatments you can keep in mind and remember tell people around you even your parents for example tell them to use their brain exercise their brain you know get out there and enjoy some sports for example and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables but I guess the best remedy for memory loss is preventing it in the first place alright hope you had a good time with me today next time let's talk about a skin disorder okay well skin disorders in general so hope you join me again very soon in the meantime come to our home page find your way over to dub dub dub IBS Yahtzee ok our and look for actual English with Jennifer come by to say hello I'd love to hear from you ok that's a wrap I'll catch again next time bye for now [Music]
Channel: EUN-YOUNG Jung
Views: 15,872
Rating: 4.8699188 out of 5
Id: mduGu48Yd_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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