Advanced ChatGPT Prompts for Dungeons & Dragons

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in this video I'll show you how you can use Advanced chat GPT prompts to run a Dungeons and Dragons Adventure that's right because of chat GPT anyone today can be a dungeon master this video is part of a larger series of videos about Advanced chat GPT prompts and advanced usage of chat GPT so that you can use this tool in your career and in your life when I first discovered chat GPT I found lots of resources about the basic guide or the quick guide but as a practicing attorney I wondered hey is there a way I can use this in very complex ways in my career and the answer is yes so that's why we're hosting this video on my law firm's YouTube channel even though it's about Dungeons and Dragons and I hope that you can see how it's really cool to use this tool in this low stakes way to discover new ways that you can use it and create Advanced output through chat GPT [Music] thank you so it's March 2023 and the Dungeons and Dragons movie comes out at the end of this month when the month began I sent a text out to a bunch of friends and I said hey let's play a Dungeons and Dragons campaign just for this month leading up to the release of the movie and then we can go all go out and go see the movie together and I was shocked and surprised when so many of them were available I did not think every single one of them would be available to play this game and and go see this movie at the end of the month because Dungeons and Dragons is frequently a time commitment so all of a sudden I had a bunch of friends in a group that I had together and I needed an adventure for them now if you're like me and you've seen what chat jpt can do the first thing my mind went to was this would be amazing and so I developed some interesting prompts to get it together now some of my players are experienced and some of them not so much and so what I'm going to show you is some prompts that I've provided and used and refined to help you generate a character and that have helped me run my dungeon and Dragons game so the first thing we're going to look at is the character generation prompt and here we've got you're an expert Dungeons and Dragons character generator only create the sheet when a user gives you this prompt so I'm asking I'm going to tell it give it these details the level number it's race it's class and then look it's already said great provide me with the prompt and we'll get going now as you come down it says only after receiving this prompt then generate the character sheet following these Specific Instructions and right off the bat I want to talk to you about some of the things that I'm doing to make it structure the output that I'm going to get so first off is this little hashtag or number sign character at the beginning of the line what is that even doing so many of you have seen perhaps chat GPT tutorials where it will output an entire table and sometimes the user will prompt give me a markdown table chat GPT knows how to interpret markdown which is a lightweight markup language to format plain text elements okay and here's a quick cheat sheet here on this website we'll put this in the video description but if you're familiar with Microsoft Word and the concept of headings or if you've gone a little bit more in depth and you've dealt with HTML or css you know what an H1 or an H2 is all you have to do for markdown is put that number sign at the beginning of the line and the output you get is the equivalent of an H1 or a heading one and so that's what I've done over here with my my Advanced prompt is that I'm giving it structure and asking it for specific results the same thing works with bold text ordered lists this is a very shortcut way you can say give me an ordered list as opposed to just a list and you'll know that it'll come out numbered which is very helpful and then extended syntax you can do tables as we've already discussed with chat GPT so if we come back another distinction that I want to point out is that these brackets that that's not part of markup that's just a natural language instruction that I've given to chat GPT if you are giving this set of instructions to a human being you might put something in parentheses with an explainer like create a character name and then that human being is going to say ah okay great I'm going to fill in the blank here chat GPT is smart enough to do the same thing it's going to read along and say great I'm going to fill in that blank and you'll see that work here in a bit so let's get started with the output and I'm going to ask it to generate make a let's go with a level one gnome Bard let's try that all right here's the d d character already I get my structured output the character sheet for sprig fig whistle uh gnome Bard which is a very appropriate name and then I also get my mid-journey description and let me copy that and I'm going to generate this image while you continue to watch how the prompt is structuring the data according to the instructions I gave it keep in mind I've asked for markdown table markdown table mid Journey description markdown table ability scores and all of this is to make it so that it's easier for a human being to visually read and put into their actual character sheet later all right okay let's let's put in this mid Journey description and get that image generating and then here on the chat GPT side you're going to see yep there it is so this is one of the limitations to chat GPT which is that it can only output about 590 to 600 words each time and so we're giving it this complex prompt I don't know how it measures the characters so when you go to markdown the table is built with these pipe delimiters and these dashes and so I don't know how many tokens that takes up and so frequently I'll see this prompt and other complex prompts stop but what we can do is just we can just say keep going and it will continue to generate and respond to the prompt right so it's giving me you've got 15 silver pieces and this is your equipment and then it's going to keep going with the rest of the prompt after equipment which should be features and traits and your character backstory those kinds of things let's hop on back over to mid-journey this is what we've got here now mid Journey sometimes struggles with things so if I give it gnome it's going to make a garden gnome right but we can see that we have an option here that we could use for sprig thick big whistle so I'm going to go ahead and upscale that that second picture and that's our character art for the game as well now the output that I'm getting is designed to fill in the character sheet which you can see here you've got your name class level all of those items armor class initiative speed I love how the output that we get helps us to fill in I'll show you the personality traits ideals bonds and flaw when you really fill out the entire character sheet you flesh out your character and it's a lot more fun to play as as an adolescent kid who spent most of his time playing Dungeons and Dragons and just making characters endlessly because that's all you could get together to do with your friends um we would focus a lot on all my ability roles I'm gonna have an 18 strength and an 18 Charisma and those kinds of things but uh playing as an adult it's been more fun to come up with unique personality traits and explore different sides of these characters so let's come back I think we're probably finished oh almost so I've asked it to give me a character backstory with allies and organizations and and some narrative description of what sprig has lived so far in his life so one of the other interesting things that I want to point out between chat GPT version 3.5 and chat GPT version four is that my prompt actually tells it to give you one organization and two allies and GPT 3 3.5 tends to struggle with that instruction whereas version four Nails it every time and in fact anytime you see a quirk here that isn't quite working right if you go to chatgpt4 it works very well the character generation prompts have been the most problematic in terms of the version switching the the dungeon master prompts that I'm going to show you here in a minute work excellently in 3.5 or version 4 which is necessary because 3.5 is that much faster so if you're going to generate things on the Fly you really need those dungeon master prompts to work quickly all right so here we've got everything it's a gnome Bard and a Bard should have spells so what you can do is you can submit a follow-up prompt and so here I'm going to ask it to give me the spell list and the spell table with this next prompt and you can see oh it's going to give me the whole character sheet you can see that I've asked it for a two row markdown table actually I'm going to say it give me just the Spells section that I asked for all right here's the Spells section all right so instead of having it generate the whole character sheet again we can stop and say wait um and now we'll get that Spell section so in your character sheet you should now be able to fill out the name the class and level personality traits hit points your saving throws your skills you've got your attacks figured out you've got your features and traits equipment including gold and those kinds of things your languages your character name your appearance because we've got and I'll show you this is the larger version of sprig big whistle that we've already got created he's kind of mousy look at him and then um as you go on we also have allies and organizations that sprig participates in we've got a character backstory and now let's take a look at our spells table all right so these are the spells that he's got again this is one of those difference between version 3.5 of chat GPT and version four version four is going to do a better job of knowing exactly how many spells might be available to a user so for example a wizard is going to have six spells in their spell book when they start but they're only going to have two spell slots and so version four will spit out all six spells recognizing that you're only going to be able to cast two of them per day and so um that's one reason to maybe use version four when you're using the character generation prompt so I want to show you now that we've created spells and all of that I want to show you this game playing prompt because it can be very helpful sometimes okay that's going to be happy to help us great so now that you've generated my character when I'm playing I'll give you a simple prompt like role perception or making it I'm going to ask you to stop make an attack when I do always give me the following information so I've structured the information that it's going to Output to me as well I put that asterisk around the title and that tells it to do it in bold and then it's going to go through all the steps so I am going to roll perception actually I don't I want you to see that it can pick up other things so roll uh stealth stealth check you roll the 7 on the D20 and with your plus due to externally modifier your total stealth check result is nine as you try to move quietly you find yourself tripping over a loose Rock and kicking a pebble loudly right so that's typical some of this narration might you know Veer into the area of what the dungeon master is going to do and so it's still kind of fun to see it at work let's try make an attack so if I go make an attack sometimes it'll ask me yeah what do I want to attack with if you just tell it you choose let's see what it does I'm attacking a nearby training dummy with my light crossbow but if I tell it I'm attacking an orc I'm going to make an attack I'm going to attack an orc with my crossbow here we go let's see what it does here like crossbow attack versus orc all right so I roll a 12 on the D20 with my plus two dexterity modifier all right the work has an AC of 13 so my attack misses uh anyway you you get the idea it will roll this information and then you can use it to play the game which is pretty amazing so this is how the character and gameplay worksheet uses 3.5 tends to be a little finicky like I said if you want precise output you can always go to version four I want to try and show you one of the dungeon master prompts and I'll show you the battle prompt generator the battle generation prompt because in my view it's the most impressive in terms of all that it's doing and then I also think it helps us learn what you can do in terms of structuring the input and output from chat GPT so here we go this is my basic prop sure I'd be happy to help you I want to show you a little bit about what's going on so I've said it I've told it act as an expert dungeon master I've got four friends who are first uh who are playing first level characters help me create level appropriate encounters for them as they go on a d d Adventure what's impressive is that chat GPT actually creates level appropriate encounters it's incredible so the game that I am dming between now and the end of the month to to then go see the Dungeons and Dragons movie uh that game is for level five characters and so that's where we started the the players are members of a King's Guard and the King has gone missing and it's it's been a good time to play and have fun but it has created level appropriate encounters for them so they're level five characters they're not running around just you know shooting at goblins that kind of thing all right then I ask it to write narrative in the style of a New York Times best-selling author so it's going to narrate what's happening as well only right when I specifically ask you to write when you write the generated text should be formatted with markdown using headings so I'm telling it use markdown and this is my general prompt that I start a number of things so I have a prompt to help me with generating scenes I have a prompt to help me with battles I need to re-title that next one I have a random event generator so like let's say they the players camp out for the night and one of them stays up to watch you know I I do a random generation kind of event to see if anything happens to them that night and then player interactions so I'll need you to help me generate the battle encounters when I do I'll say battle info and I'll give you the name of a senior setting when I do give me the following information and you can see that it's structured here using this markdown format again create a title for the battle the turn order a narrative description and then enemy combatants it's going to provide me a full list and I want to distinguish between what's marked down here and what's just natural language formatting that I've given it so I have I struggled it took me a long time to figure out how to get chat GPT to give me accurate responses here with the Enemy combats because I wanted a list of the enemy combatants but then I didn't want the list first and then some information and then their stats later I wanted the name of a combatant their stats their description and then start over again and so by telling it look provide it in the following format format beginning format ending again that's a natural language instruction like if I'd given that to a human being and they looked at it and thought about it they would figure out oh he wants me to make a list with all of this stuff and then make the next list for those of you who've used WordPress I think of the WordPress Loop and so I've been able to Loop this content it's going to make as many enemy combatants as I want you'll see that here in a bit all right so it's going to make the the name in bold and then a header 3 a physical description in bold that I can then copy and paste into mid-journey yet again and then stats uh for each of the characters and what's amazing about this mid Journey description is before the battle is concluded I'll have an accurate description of the monster that they're fighting which is pretty wild um all right so here's what I want to do let's go with battle info let's just go with a Tavern brawl because it'll be fun all right great here's the information brawl at the rusty dagger I love the names that it comes with comes up with okay so this is another difference with uh version 3.5 versus 4. version four we'll just go ahead and roll Initiative for all of them which is one of the instructions I give um like I said I'm running a game just in the month of March and we have limited time everybody's got careers and families and so I want it to roll Initiative for everybody and give the same initiative value for everybody and version four tends to do a good job with that we've got our narrative description the rusty dagger is a dingy Tavern and the Seedy part of town the smell of stale L and sweat hangs heavily in the air perfect for a Tavern brawl chairs are overturned glasses shatter and people start swinging their fists right then we've got our enemy combatants and you can see I've got enemy combatant one he's Thug one we've got a physical description and I'm going to go ahead and copy this into mid Journey while we look at the rest of the prompt results then I get my stats which is this table another another Thug another table another Thug another table now what's fun here is that you can do this I want to add one more enemy combatant give me a level 15 washed up wizard let's see what happens this has been hilarious in version 3.5 because sometimes it'll tell me your character your players will not survive this encounter with a level 15 wizard are you sure there was one time when I was playing with this prompt it just would not create the wizard um and so it's it's kind of fun to see it working now I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and make him a mid-journey as well so that you can see looks like our Thug is complete uh over in mid-journey so I'll show you a picture of him boom there he is so this is our Thug that's fighting them at the rusty dagger and then you can see we've got the stats here for the washed up wizard all right yeah he's got a pretty comprehensive spell list here and we'll see all right so I've got some follow-up battle prompts and this is one of them that I'll share with you right now so now that you've generated the enemy combatants I'm gonna give it some additional instructions says sure good let me know when it's the enemy combatants turn I'll type your turn when I do I want you to do all the rolls take all the actions do what needs to be done to run the battle and then when an enemy combatant takes damage I want you to keep track and I want you to put it in a markdown table using a header row of ec1 enemy combatant one through EC however many they are and again this per this bracket around the X that's not markdown that's just a natural language instruction like if I told you you know you see one through EC you know and whatever right and however many there are then you would understand that I mean however many there are chat GPT also understands that instruction so let's see what happens when I tell it your turn so I realized after recording that last video that my audio caught off in the last few minutes so while this is the first time for you uh this is the second time for me to go back through this battle but I'll show you what we've done and and what worked and what didn't so now that we've generated the enemy combatants I gave it this additional prompt I think the sound cut off right as I said your turn so here we are at chatgpt's turn it's going to go ahead and do all the attack and damage rolls for the enemy combatants and spit out this table then I wanted to show you what happens when an enemy combatant actually takes damage and so when you see that it gets below zero hit points that's when we get to it doesn't it doesn't make an attack here on the next turn now I've this is one of those finicky issues between GPT 3.5 and GPT version 4 which is it added a thug so version four would not do this because if you look at our enemy combat list washed up wizard is ec4 right and so we'll see here's the remaining combatant hit points even after it says there's a thug four I'm all like why did you add a thug four it says I'm sorry didn't mean to list the mark down for enemy remaining enemy combatants all right and so you can see that you can run you can run a battle you can correct minor issues you can tell it your turn you can you know monitor how much damage all of the enemy combatants are taking and I have actually used this to run battles in my Dungeons and Dragons Adventure because as I said we are gearing up for the movie at the end of the month so I hope that you have enjoyed this video I hope that you've seen you can give at GPT chat GPT structured input to then get structured output you can use kind of these Advanced strategies to curate the kinds of information that you're going to get from the tool and then I thought also it'd be fun I do want to show you really quick what we ended up with with our washed up wizard here's the art for him as well and so that's who you're fighting at the rusty dagger so anyway again I hope that you enjoyed this video and that you can see how you can use these strategies not just for fun with Dungeons and Dragons but also in your career as a lawyer what I'm thinking about is that I could go and perhaps sit down at a trial and give it an advanced prompt and say help me monitor objections help me keep track of evidence those kinds of things and I can ask it for structured output if I give it an advanced enough structured input and so I'm very excited about that I'm also very excited about the Dungeons and Dragons movie at the end of the month if you are a Dungeons and Dragons fan go see the movie if you're not you should check out a DM who's willing to try out these prompts and give it a go these prompts will be available on our website like I said this video is part of a larger series of videos about using Advanced chat GPT strategies to help you in your career and I'm focusing primarily on law but also having some fun here with Dungeons and Dragons and so this video videos on my Law Firm YouTube channel there will be a web page on my website I will post the the prompts will be accessible there for download and perhaps for a fee we'll see what we do and then uh thank you thank you very much for watching subscribe to our Channel and we will continue to post tips and information what we discover and how we're using chat GPT and advanced prompts to help us here at our Law Firm [Music]
Channel: Tingen Law
Views: 7,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bWvrjCk11Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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