Advanced ChatGPT Prompt Engineering

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over the last couple of weeks I've been studying and trying to level up my own skills when using the latest wave AI tools the ones that really impressed me the most are chat gbt and mid-journey in this video we're going to focus on Advanced chat GPT prompt engineering I think a lot of people look at chat GPT as like this magical black box which gives us mysterious human-like output but a better way of looking at it for me is a calculator for words this is a tool and the output that you get or the quality of that output is very dependent on the input that you put in by learning how to put give the machine better input and tell it what you want and how you want it formatted on your response then you can get better output which is more aligned with what you're looking for when used right it can be like having an extra employee in your office they can do a multitude of tasks better than humans can and at the end of this video I'm going to look at 50 different use cases which is half the battle chair with GPT knowing what it can be used for because it's only just been released and we're still discovering new use cases every day okay so let's start by looking at a very basic example and I'm going to look at how we can improve upon this so in this we're going to reuse a felicom use case we're going to want to get chat EP to write as a sales letter so we put in a prompt write a sales letter for a SAS product or edits video using AI the response we get here is fairly decent it's a good cohesive letter we could use straight out but let's see how we can make it better so the first thing I want to do is add a topic and I want to give the chat GPT a Persona so I want to say you are a professional copywriter and then I'm going to tell it exactly what I want I created one page sales letter about the topic above using these strategies now these strategies are fairly standard copywriting practices use strong persuasive language use short sentences in simple terms ask questions to transition between paragraphs back out the main points with figures evidence and examples and speak directly to the reader even go about this by kind of asking chat GPT how to kind of write a professional sales letter ask for advice and tips and then use them strategies into your prompt the final thing I'm going to add at the end of this is a call to action I'm going to want to tell chat gbt what the purpose of this sales letter is what we're trying to do I'm going to say the golden the call to action for this content is to sign up for a newsletter let's try that and see how it compares as you can see by just giving chat GPT more information about how we wanted to write the content the length of the content and what we're trying to do with that piece of content we're getting a much more compelling product as the output from this program this is one of the key differences I think between chat GPT mid-journey was with me Journey there's a benefit to keeping your prompts condensed and concise maybe only focusing on couple or free topics within a single prompt whereas with chat GPT it seems like the output is benefited by the more input you can put in the more details you can give chat GPT and maybe some of that's copy and pasted like if you want a sales letter you can keep half of that prompt save somewhere and you just change the topic the other feature that track GPT has is this memory of the conversation history but everything you type into chat GPT is almost training the model for your particular use case within that conversation now what this means is it's not kind of isolated like a Google Search and over time you can actually build up and train that model to focus it on what you're trying to do let's go back to our example now and what we can do is we can add a comeback to this so chat GPT has given us this sales script I want to make it more informal so to do that I'm going to then say can you rewrite this in a more informal tone and add some humor now what it's doing now is kind of creating a sales letter which is more personable is using more informal language and we can manipulate it to our needs in some cases this might be beneficial in some cases this might not be the perfect way to write a sales letter and I'm not suggesting it is but you can see here how it's possible to craft the output of chat GPT not for a single prompt but for a conversation history of multiple prompts to get the exact output that you're looking for in the blog post links in the description I've come with a bunch of these different comebacks where we can add things like put this into a list create a mind map for this summarize this into a tweet and that's kind of thing you can do on a day-to-day basis you could write ask chatgpt to write your blog post and then summarize that blog post into a tweet thread so that you can use it across social media the final thing I wanted to go through is a different use case I'm just going to read these out from the blog post because there's some that you probably haven't heard of before some might come up with myself some that I've seen from other blog posts and people experimenting with chat gbt so one of my favorites probably my favorite kind of thing is to use it for brainstorm 10 ideas about how to X like if you want to kind of come up with ideas for how to do something uh chat GPT offers an Insight which is obviously non-human but it's something that it'll come up with maybe some ideas you've already thought of and some ideas that are just kind of completely out there which is pretty amazing and it improved the grammar in this transcript quite useful if your writing is as good as mine explain the term X so you can use it to explain something write a code function and see for this so for very simple coding like I think a lot of talk has been about like coders are going to lose their jobs and stuff that's just not the case for simple things like if you want to shuffle an array it's quite useful for the right Advanced programs it's just not there yet and explain what this code is doing that's something that is really good for you can use it to explain a complex bit of code or maybe a bit of code is written in a language that you're not that familiar with you can use it you just paste it in and ask it to write an explainer for it creating marketing exercise or content plan for whatever this is another thing that it really excels at it's great for making plans and giving you outlines and templates and that's the next one create a template for something this is like really useful if you you want to do something or you want to create a piece of content you actually get chat gbt to create an outline for that and then go through all the different kind of headings for it or the different sections individually write a list of possible chapters for a book on X very similar create color contents list some recipes for these ingredients so if you have this is a personal one really if you have some ingredients and you'll kind of come up with a different recipe then you can just input them ingredients and it'll spit out a recipe for it and then you can kind of go into how you can cook that and look at the details of the recipe run introduction Outreach email forms this is very much a sales kind of pitch right an outline pitch write a summary for the book this is a really useful one so if you kind of if I went through different books I was looking at reading over the next year and I lost chat GPT to write a summary of them just to kind of get an idea for what they're about and it has a knowledge as long as the book's written before 2021 I think it is when the data started then you'll be able to get a book summary for that book just by asking chat gbt for it create a list of topics about X create a lesson plan if you're trying to kind of teach something then you've been able to ask chat GPT for a lesson plan is really useful write five headlines for X there's something else I'm not particularly good at is writing um kind of click-baity headlines so having a kind of virtual assistant in a computer that can kind of write more compelling headlines is really useful summarize this into a tweet also very useful if you've got a long piece of content that you're putting out there you want to kind of summarize it into a tweet for social media then that's great right let's reply to this email DM this is another one where there's a there's a great prompt on my blog for how you can kind of reply to this email politely declining the offer and very useful translate this into French again very useful if your language's skills are as good as mine we Factor this node.js script into rust so I'm doing more and more of over the next year classify these cryptocurrencies this is one that if I hadn't seen someone else do it I wouldn't even know that it could do this but if we copy and paste this into chat GPT we can take a list of different cryptocurrencies and then we can kind of put them into what the type of cryptocurrency is so it's a layer one blockchain a token an oracle or an exchange coin and chat GPT can actually classify these and put them into kind of Link which ones are which and which is really useful I haven't explored these use case as much as um I could have done right unit test for this code I've had mixed results with this I think it's something they'll probably improve over time but if you've got a very basic smart contractor sync you can go through some simple unit tests and it can actually write them for you can you suggest some metaphors analogies or synonyms for X this is one I really love and it comes back to kind of using it as a word calculator where you can if you want to come up with an analogy or a metaphor for something you can just type into chat GPT and it'll come up for some ideas for you can convert this into American English um probably quite specialized here but if you speak British English and trying to write for a kind of a global audience I tend to convert my words and my work into Americanized English right of which he responds to this tweet hopefully you shouldn't need that but it might be useful can convert this title into a compelling intriguing hook again this is something that's really useful and the other thing I looked at was creating an opening scene for a video about X so kind of coming up that first 30 seconds within a video or the first three seconds of a video short for example it's really critical to the amount of um retention within that video and chat GPT is very good at kind of creating that not clickbaity but that kind of intrigue around the video content that is very useful for Content creators there's this one we've already spoken about respond to this email and the client would politely which I find really useful if you're going to get in marks in emails you don't just ignore them then you can actually spend like send a plight response very very quickly just by pasting the email and this into the chat GPT chat gbt feels like a giant leap forwards for Consumer focused Ai and I think it's worth taking some time to learn about how it works how to get the most out of it through prompt engineering creating your own library of prompts that you can use day to day if you want to learn more about AI then my channel is most certainly not the one to follow but feel free to check out the other video on midgeny thank you for watching
Channel: James Bachini
Views: 119,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blockchain, Crypto, DeFi, Decentralized Finance, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum, BTC, ETH
Id: bBiTR_1sEmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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