Adrishya | Award Winning Short Film | Mohit Dubey

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(Temple bells ringing in the background) (Jagdeesh reciting morning prayers) Hey Jaggu Jaggu Sit, sit! (grunts) Man, what a stupid habit I’ve developed saluting every bum all day. You shouldn’t mind saluting me, mate (laughs). By the way, what happened of that new work you were planning to pick up at Sharma’s bungalow Yeah bro, have to go now. Just sitting in this damn chair all day will paralyse me and I’ll die with my ass glued to it. So, do something. You want freebies just by sitting all day telling beads and chanting mantras Yeah man, have to do something big now. You know what Life is running ahead like a train and I’m stuck here like a platform Mate, just do your work honestly and one day your train will come too Bro, I hope it’s a bullet train First reach to Sleeper CLass from General Class then Sleeper Claas to AC Class before dreaming of bullet trains. Or else, bullet train sure would come and you would still be a security guard there also. You can’t stay without mocking me, can you? I’m only saying the truth. Will get going now, my wife must be waiting for me Yeah…yeah… you have a wife, sure she would be waiting What did you say? Nothing, nothing How does it look? It's beautiful (Song in the background) Let’s run away today itself. You’ll be free from that oldie. Come on, come on, please. No. Okay, one kiss. What are you doing here at this hour I heard some noise. So came out to check, must be some dog. Please come in, I’ll get you food. No, I’m not hungry Jagdeesh! Yes sir, coming. I have an important work for you. Every year, on Shweta’s birthday, I do some charity at a temple. This time, I am stuck with some urgent work, so I won’t be able to go. I’ve done the arrangements, I want you to go with Rajesh and do to this positively. Ok sir. Rajesh, Sir said we need to go to the temple, Take out the car. Hey Uma, wait. Where are you these days, haven’t seen you in a while Listen, I need to tell you something What happened, why are you so quiet? Is everything fine? Is your wife alright? Bastard, you knew everything. Tell me, what else do you know about her What happened bro, what are you doing? That Mannu, now don’t say he’s not your friend Mannu, who Mannu? Oh him, bro I haven’t met him in years. You’re lying, asshole. Bro, I’ve been trying to explain, please listen. My dreams are turning real. Few days back, I saw that I am going in a posh car and doing a charity at a temple. That turned out real And now this... But how is all this related to my wife? Bro ,please try to understand. My dreams are turning real. A few days back I saw someone who looked like her, actually it was her with a man... I’m sorry...I respect her.. try to understand It's happening for real I don’t give a damn about your shit dream story But for the first and the last time I’m telling you If I ever hear again of your dreams with my wife You’d be damned. Ok, don’t believe me But if you see a blind today at the signal, just help him cross the road. (thinking) How does he know? I did find a blind at the signal today. Why did you stop now. Go on, leave. Earning lord’s blessings is the biggest religious deed of life. He is blessed, who gets the opportunity to feed a hungry. One who has provided meals to 100 beggars or 10 brahmins His life is successful, but Saving a being who is nearing death, is the biggest virtue a human can do. (Dramatic music) (Music intensifies) It’s the same car whose accident occurred in the dream Whatever happens I'll make sure Sir doesn’t go out tonight I’ll be awake all night Shit! What did I do? Sir’s car left because of my sleep. Rajesh, pick up the phone Hello, yes, Hello Hello. Rajesh, where are you. I’m outside Is Sir with you? No, Sir is at home. And where is Sir’s car? At the service centre. Some repair work came up in the car’s brakes. Hmm, so you are saying Sir is at home, you sure right? Yes I just told you. Okay Something is not right Something is off Ok then, See you, Bye. Jagdish Yes sir, coming How’r you? Great, sir. All good? Yes, sir Ok listen Tonight I’m leaving for Umapur So don’t lock the gate okay Sir, today? Yes. Sir, today the weather is not good and Rajesh was telling some issue came up with the car. That’s why I’m leaving in the night The plan was to leave in the day. Did you get it? Don’t lock the gate. Sir, from the evening, Rahukaal is starting So the time is also not good.. What has happened to you Go wash your face and sit and relax for some time. Wonder where his mind is these days. Hello, Rajesh, where are you? At my home. Listen carefully. Play some trick today so that Sir doesn’t leave home today. He is going by himself What, he is going by himself? Listen Just cut the phone. Keeps irritating calling me. Hello Uma. There is a huge problem. Sir’s life is in danger. What? What are you saying? Bro, I saw in my dream that Sir is in his car He is driving and the car falls off a bridge But he usually sits in the back seat in his car What difference does it make whether he is sitting in the back or the front. His car falls down 200 feet. You come here quickly in your bike. Okay, I get it a few dreams turned real, that doesn’t mean every dream will. Now, tomorrow you see me giving speech somewhere, then you’ll say I’ll become the next Modi. You think this is the time to joke. Sir’s life is in danger. Come to the bungalow, we need to leave quickly. How do you know it's Narmada bridge. In your dreams Evening becomes night, security guard becomes a boss. You’re not making sense Listen, Uma. Sir himself told me that he is leaving for Umapur and there’s only one bridge in the way Narmada pull. Don’t waste time and come here quickly. Okay, I’m coming. Keep it on, keep it on. It's a bike It's not a helicopter which will land you straight at the bridge. The gate is wide open and where is Jagdeesh (Intense music) Don't act crazy (Music intensifies) Yes, it's this one. Sir Wait, you’ll get us killed Come on, come, come on.. Let's run from here (Intense music)
Channel: humaramovie
Views: 561,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Short Film, Hindi, Hindi Short Film, Indian Short Film, Bollywood, Humaramovie, Movies, Cinema, Short Movies, India
Id: dmaPq670ub8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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