U=Me| Short film by Umesh Kulkarni| Ft. Shweta Basu Prasad, Dr. Mohan Agashe, Arjun Radhakrishnan

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<i>The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has sent a spaceship to the moon for research.</i> <i>Radio broadcast continues...</i> So close to the gate you have parked, Neeraj! - Sorry. It’s ok. Let me know if we're watching a movie tomorrow. Ok. Bbye! - Bye! Nikita… Since when are you meeting Neeraj? Since last month. I was going to tell… Does Aniket know that you meet Neeraj? I am not being judgemental. But 'move on' is what we have learnt from you. Isn't it? Niki... I am shifting to the US next month. Why? Look Aniket is a really nice guy. I don’t want to complicate your life any more. There are no complications. We can remain friends, no? In that case, my life will get complicated! So you are moving on? It was your decision to move on. Neeraj why do you... - Look I am not blaming you. I don’t even have the right to complain. This is not fair. Niki... Hey! So... I can’t even touch you now? Can I suggest something? Hello! Are you drunk? <i>The reunion that I went to...</i> It was just a one night stand! <i>I am sorry.</i> <i>So sorry.</i> Please, continue. The same night I got my blood test done. It was negative. This drama went on for three-four weeks I controlled my anger a bit... and tried to sympathize. I mean... tried to empathize. I tried. But I failed. I left the house. I struggled very hard. But it was impossible for me to accept it. What was impossible to accept? Initially I thought it was the cheating part. You know, how could he… But Neeraj is a lovely human being. One of a kind. In the “balance sheet” of our one year long marriage, he had collected a lot of credit points. It was not that difficult for me to let go the cheating part. Also he promised, that he will not do it again. He was feeling very guilty. So… the real problem... was his disease. If it was for a short term, I could have considered it, given it a thought. But to live with this for the entire life… We filed for a divorce. Of course, with mutual consent. So, you are single now? Ya. I mean… not really… I work with a colleague, Aniket. I know him for sometime. Very caring, very funny. My being negative is sufficient for him. He has proposed to me. So, let's see... Maybe I’ll say yes. So what is the problem now? <i>Last month I was at a cafe with my friends.</i> <i>There…</i> <i>I couldn’t believe my eyes.</i> <i>He looked so full of life… healthy, energetic.</i> As in, if one sees him, nobody can say that he… And I missed him. I really love him. So I called him the next day. Then we met. And we met again. We kept meeting. <i>Neeraj said, according to the doctor,</i> <i>the treatment is life long.</i> <i>Just like diabetes and hypertension.</i> <i>But his life span would be absolutely normal.</i> <i>As long as one takes a tablet a day,</i> <i>one cannot die of AIDS.</i> <i>Just one tablet a day.</i> <i>His doctor said he can have the same quality of life</i> <i>if he takes his medicines regularly.</i> Nikita, in my opinion, you should… Listen, I am not here to get an opinion. I prefer to take my decisions myself and I have already decided. What? That I’ll say goodbye to Neeraj. I am not the impulsive type. I am practical. I know in a couple of years, there won't be a folder named Neeraj in my hard drive. He wouldn’t exist! If Neeraj had cancer, would you still have left him? Nikita, your problem isn’t the disease. It is the stigma of the disease. No. It isn’t that. I have a lot of expectations from life, Devayani Like? Like I want to have kids. I desperately want children. And I don’t want to adopt. I mean, I have nothing against adoption. But I want to experience it. I want biological kids. I might seem orthodox. Also... Also, accepting sex with condoms for the entire life… I don’t know how will I accept that. And even if I do accept, I cannot live with the constant anxiety that the condom might rupture. That fear will spoil my life. Here. Such emotional appeals… they don’t work on me. Just read it once. Are you crazy? This madam of yours is a counselor. Not a doctor. So let's take a doctor's opinion. I am taking treatment for so long. If this was a fact, wouldn’t my doctor have recommended it? So let's see some other doctor. Neeraj, come on! It’s worth a shot. Niki, no! Ok? Doctor... She was insisting, not me. I told her... this does not make any sense. Had it been so, I wouldn't have put this up, right? Your virus levels are so low that the lab test can't detect it. And this is consistent. That means I am cured? You are undetectable. And if you continue taking medicines then you remain undetectable. In this situation, the virus isn't transmitted sexually. You remain untransmittable. Does that mean I don’t have to use a condom? No. Definitely not for HIV. See… sex without condom has a great effect on your quality of life. And I don’t mean sexual. I mean emotional life as well, right? But if you want to prevent syphilis or other sexually transmitted diseases, then yes, it’s a must. And of course to avoid pregnancy. But not for HIV. Doctor... does that mean, we can have our own biological kids? Yes. Why not? Of course you can! Many couples like you visit us. And they have their own kids. Let’s not underutilize this science. This is one of the most incredible inventions of our century! Thank you! Everything looks convincing on paper. But... I don't have the courage to execute it. What’s the problem in trying? This is a dream life for me, Niki. Why should you sacrifice? Sacrifice? Who said I am making a sacrifice? This is my choice. Ya, but you can be with a normal person. You are a normal person. You just take a tablet. You and I are no different, Neeraj How will our home stand on the foundations of these tablets? Don’t think like that. These tablets have given me immense courage. You know me, right? Until my brain is satisfied, my heart never feels comfortable. And my heart is comfortable. Hey! If you don’t trust this, it will be an injustice to a beautiful future that we can have! Please...
Channel: humaramovie
Views: 72,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Short Film, Hindi, Hindi Short Film, Indian Short Film, Bollywood, Humaramovie, Movies, Cinema, Short Movies, India
Id: XQOw1Zz9Qzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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