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yeah welcome to another episode of million dollars worth of game me me me me million dollars River game this is listen man this is you know this is the that big boxing Edition man oh you know that that big 8B Edition what's been going on a b man talk to us man what would you know about what do you say a b yeah I know [ __ ] twin from the west side oh [ __ ] okay okay I know twin from the West Side be with two times a little head yeah yeah you know what's so [ __ ] funny a [ __ ] named Lil head who had bigger [ __ ] yeah like why y'all I'ma tell you what it was I saw that [ __ ] if you would have saw that [ __ ] eight years ago his whole body was different damn so [ __ ] head grew yeah they got a little little peanut [ __ ] put some weight on it you know I mean but that's who I know I know I know I know a twin from the west side you know what I'm saying this episode of the million dollars every game is presented by Omega Accounting Solutions attention small business owners I'm talking about all the small business owners out there you may be eligible to receive up to 26 000 per employee I'm talking about through the employee retention credit you were responsible was your responsible business owner who continued to pay taxes employee staff members during the pandemic recover the payroll taxes you overpaid as a refund of up to twenty six thousand dollars per employee Omega account Solutions help get back the money you deserve through the Care Act it's called the Care Act all it takes is a quick easy 10 minute consultation to determine if you qualify Omega is the small business Champion I'm talking about this the champion in small business that's what Omega do with with teams that dedicated to maximizing tax credits CPAs even turn to Omega for ERC guidance don't miss out on your small business tax credit even if you got the PPP loan there's still time to find out if you qualify and file your claim listen man what you need to do right now you got one employee call 26 000 yeah eight employees there's 26 000 times whatever you got whatever 26 000 times 14. I mean and this is the Omega Solutions Omega account Solutions is the presenting sponsors a million dollars worth of game which you need to do right now call 855-505 Dave 855-505 or visit Omega tax slash bars through sports right now I've been I've been working my ass off and this is uh this is actually one of the the first camps where it was it was it was more more emotional than everything because even yesterday it [ __ ] me up because I got done working out I stepped on the scale I'm only four pounds within weight yesterday and I look in the mirror and I'm like God damn I really didn't lost 30 something 40 pounds and and it's about to happen I'm about to get back in the ring and do my thing so I mean coming from where I come from you know it really [ __ ] me up it had me crying like for real [ __ ] me up yeah it's just time to go to work for real when you say how you crying what places you connect with the most when you're seeing yourself you've seen how you know how far are you coming it was it was more so I know that they really counted me out like like you know some people say that but for me it was like damn the people I thought that loved me that say they love me the the people who I thought was for me you know everybody really just said [ __ ] me and once I seen that and you know once I seen that you know I had to look in the mirror myself and I had to tell myself like damn like only one can change this [ __ ] is you so I had to bet on myself man so that's what I did and it was a long trip to get here it was a long trip to get here it was it was it was some some days I I relapsed I I be straight stop drinking and then on a weekend it'll be like [ __ ] it have a drink and then come back on Monday it'll be like I can't even get up the run because I I'm I'm hungover and then it's like damn it was one weekend it was like man I'm and I'm drunk too it was one weekend and I'm really looking in the mirror at myself drunk and I said man [ __ ] it I said it out loud and everything I said [ __ ] it and I ain't drinking yeah and I've been going strong for like the last three months well I'm gonna congratulations congratulations man that's amazing man we all got demons that you know we be fighting as people man I don't I don't call them demons bro I'm [ __ ] up bro I I like like I really went cold turkey and if anybody that really know me and really know twin [ __ ] I love to drink I drink that's one of my biggest vices I never did a drug a day in my life but I love to drink it and it was just one day I was like man [ __ ] it I'm done and and I did that [ __ ] and it was tough it was so many times I wanted to just say you know what I'm gonna go nah I stuck through it and now we we back I'm fit I'm fitting Smalls again I could fit my wardrobe I can fit in my clothes yeah yeah I mean so so we put in a lot of work to get here man let me ask you a question when did the accountability come kick in because you're real accountable for what would transpire when did that kick in um it been kicked in man you know all my life you know I ain't never been somebody who I ain't never been somebody who would throw a rock and hide my hand or or or do something and point the finger me if I did it [ __ ] you're gonna know it's me no that that was me bro my bad that was me now we could do whatever we whatever whatever gonna happen is gonna happen here but it was me and and we can handle this right here but don't bring it up no more and that's just how I you know I mean so to take accountability for the [ __ ] you know because I've been through some crazy [ __ ] bro and right now I'm at a point of my career to where I get all my money I get I get everything ain't no middle man I ain't gotta call owling telling me you getting this and then then you're on you don't get it and then there's a lot of [ __ ] that go on in this box and [ __ ] I mean elaborate when you say you're not a middle man so so let's say because because I've been in a lot of trouble and this is this is I'm at a point of time to work a lot of [ __ ] is is coming off of my shoulders at one time I I get a chance to really dig myself out of a hole that I've been in for the last six years seven years straight six years I fight I I don't get a check I don't I you getting this there that I get a yes I get something to show for taxes and then it'll be like you got this and then it was like all right every time I need money I gotta call a [ __ ] hey send me this all right I know I just made this though right but it ain't in my account though it got to a point to where it's like [ __ ] look [ __ ] because because ow my [ __ ] that's how I talked I talked about how I talk to you right you know the mother [ __ ] are getting on the phone hey Mr Heyman and all that he don't like that [ __ ] yeah you feel me I I talk to that [ __ ] like like this so hey so it was one time I'm like because you get frustrated like [ __ ] I know I just made hey bro you know what just give me my money just give me all my money man and I'll handle what I gotta handle right because right now I'm at a point to where it's like I still gotta handle all that [ __ ] that I'm still supposed to handle six years ago right um so you telling me I'm getting this then and then and then the last straw for me was like I'm like man [ __ ] it man just give me my money bro whatever I gotta if I gotta go broke pay what I owe or what I'm lawsuits and [ __ ] it I will I will I'm that type of [ __ ] bro I'm a hustler bro I know I if I go broke today I can wake up tomorrow and and make something happen bro so if I gotta if I gotta spend every dollar I own to get rid of this problem I'm gonna do that right now oh all right boom huh because I know I can go make some more money right I know I can go make some more money but then when you ask like [ __ ] give me my money the mother tell you ain't no more money but it go at but was you when you say you got a call and get money yeah but but when when when [ __ ] go like all right let me get a hundred thousand let me get fifty thousand then it's like all right we're gonna give you a thousand a day 1500 a day it went from it went from 2500 a day to 2000 a day 1500 a day 13. what you mean you're only getting that each day is hitting your account yeah so they're not giving it to you all of them but they tell them oh wow how the [ __ ] did that happen how does that happen because like the [ __ ] it was my fault that's why I don't point no fingers in my fault because the the the the position I was in the trouble I was in you know if anything hit my account I would have to spend it that night because if I didn't in the morning the government was taking it or my lawsuits you know yeah they did they garnishing my wages and all that [ __ ] damn so everything that I was getting sent would have to get spent that day damn damn see I'm saying so every day is like okay 2500 get spent that's 25 I get spent 15 hunt against fed then it went down a thousand a day 1200 a day seven seven fifty a day I mean but 500.50 a day once it got to 250 a day 250 dollars you [ __ ] kidding me 250 a day how would you able to take care of oh well I'm a hustler man I mean at the end of the day right at the end of the day right I mean I was I mean don't get me wrong uh you know when boxers let me tell you uh the problem with a lot of boxers they only get money boxing like I said I know I can go make a million two million dollars doing what I do you know everybody like them how the [ __ ] did he retire he and I was I was getting paid from the NBA man I I'm making no don't you know me me I ain't gonna get into it but you know I was touching some money man I mean you gotta you gotta tell somebody to stay alive out this [ __ ] even think I swear you know what I mean but um that that was like the [ __ ] that you just told us was kind of like damn it's almost mind-blowing no no no no when it got to 250 a day me being drunk every day broke every day getting another 250 that day it was just like damn let me call a little head man cause we we're gonna run off on somebody or or you're gonna go back to what we know you feel me but then um I finally because because when the [ __ ] happened I wasn't going to the gym yeah I wasn't going to the gym at all I was just stressed out [ __ ] up I couldn't even watch Boxing bro like no fight right I didn't want to be dealing with no boxing then I went to the gym went to the gym all right come out got drunk got drunk every day it was just like that every day and then I got into it with my coach that's why I love my coach so much coach Kevin Cunningham because he like bruh we really got we really getting into it he like bro I ain't got to do this [ __ ] [ __ ] I can I can go chill and go go on my [ __ ] boat I ain't gotta I ain't got to be picking you up every day and spending time with you and making sure you I ain't got to do this [ __ ] right so about so about a week went past I ain't go to the gym he ain't talking to me that [ __ ] serious dead ass serious and then uh because I I used to always say I'm like man I ain't signed to nobody man I'm just a real [ __ ] I'm just a loyal [ __ ] if I [ __ ] with you I [ __ ] with you and he heard that and he seen the way that I was getting handled I mean he was like he the type of [ __ ] like if if he see like he said you [ __ ] up you want a [ __ ] up situation but he can make some moves where we can go conquer all of this [ __ ] everything everything against you he gonna be 100 with you but you got to be 100 with him too right so he like so you ain't signed to nobody I'm like man I I ain't been sad nobody for the last six seven eight years bro I'm just loyal I'm just I'm just a real [ __ ] next thing you know I went to Disney World with my girl that I'm with now currently with and uh was out there with her family and [ __ ] next day the [ __ ] called me bro now he just asked me this like Friday next day he called me say hey bro uh where you at he ain't even know I left I'm in I'm in Orlando with my little [ __ ] I ain't gonna put his name out there but [ __ ] it I'm with I'm with a bang right it's me and leban we don't supposed to be leaving though we supposed to be chilling training and [ __ ] but this we we still about three to three months and some change out so we in Orlando kicking it at Disney drinking and [ __ ] that [ __ ] called me he said hey bro where you at we got such and such about the flying he talked about giving you this money man you gotta get here I say I told him I said bro I'm in Orlando he said what the [ __ ] you doing in Orlando bro yeah so he pissed so I calmed him down I said look listen man uh listen I'm wet too I'm drunk I say uh if that [ __ ] want me today it ain't no way he won't want me tomorrow [Music] he's like all right boom we took a Uber from Orlando back to West Palm had the meeting I call him Uncle Dez man he a black [ __ ] he came in he sat down he said his first words was I'm here to make a deal man you got to talking it was real clear this this and that okay so you want this this and that we're gonna give you this this and that and we're gonna give you this on top of this on top of this too all you have to do is have your lawyer write it up so so we ain't gotta we can have my lawyer write all this [ __ ] up um everything that so so you ain't got everything that that we saying you're gonna do you're gonna all right I'm still thinking it's [ __ ] right two days to deal with sign eight figure deal eight figure deal now everybody looking crazy like how the [ __ ] did this happen this [ __ ] just he just didn't he just drop out of fight and y'all and come back and he come back with a bigger a bigger situation how is that possible God so so that's when it got serious and you you know me in the street [ __ ] you know I still was [ __ ] up and that's when I was going through that [ __ ] I'm saying and then I got into it with uncle again and he was like bruh you [ __ ] up because you will go through the week and put in all this work and then on a weekend you can't control yourself right so it went on for a little bit and then that's when I had that talk with myself like man [ __ ] the only way it's gonna work is if I really just say [ __ ] it and put my head down and really go right and then I remember the day I did it I was I'm telling you I was [ __ ] up I love to drink I looked in the mirror and I was drunk I was like I ain't drinking no more I had another drink then once once I start going out with my [ __ ] and they like because because me 250 a day I'm spending it on on me and all my [ __ ] [ __ ] it come on all the shots on me we got we got another 250. once they seen that I was buying the shots and I went drinking everybody damn bro you serious we ain't never seen you this serious a week went by another whole week went by next thing you know they looking up and they're like bro this [ __ ] ain't he ain't coming around no more all right he really just in the gym he ain't answering the call he ain't answering off he ain't answering our calls he ain't pulling up no more oh he's serious bro are you serious bro that's when they start seeing that and then it transpired to this and then and now we like yesterday it [ __ ] me up because I know how hard it was all that 8A and all that [ __ ] I am I I need no goddamn A.A matter of fact I did have a a Adrian assistance that was my hey me I mean but you know I did that [ __ ] and now we're here I mean like right now [ __ ] don't even know like like y'all got more money than me right now right now but one thing's for sure two things for certain y'all won't next week but it ain't never about the falls about to get back no I'm just saying though I'm just being honest oh anybody here boy next week [ __ ] no hell no [ __ ] y'all crazy as [ __ ] [ __ ] hell no no [ __ ] hey hey hey hey hey listen listen y'all might have more money than me next week but that following week oh that's that's the pay-per-view that's a pay-per-view slice what a lot of people don't know is right the type of deal I got I get my guarantee money you know if everybody I get 16 dollars damn um that's what you want to do this episode of million dollars worth of game is brought to you by ZipRecruiter how can you break through the Clutter and attract the most qualified candidates for your business zip recruiter and right now you can try it for free at game how does zip recruiter help you stand out to the right candidates zip recruiter technology sends you great candidates for your job and can send a personal invite to your top choices to make an impact zip recruiter also makes it easy for candidates to apply to your job instead of filling out a lengthy application they can apply with just one click to help your job catch the eye of great Kennedy zip recruiter also offers attention grabbing labels like urgent training provided remote and more get your job noticed by the best and the 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everybody in here the train don't move without a b so you know leaders lead you know and you took accountability you realize it's all on you just look at it like this man you know God's gonna give you too many chances to be great right it's another opportunity like you said it's all on you oh yeah I'm betting on me man one thing's for sure two things are certain we are and I see y'all be shooting dice and [ __ ] but uh but but but I'm betting on me I'm retired some dice I just like I like roulette now huh I like roulette oh you roulette dummy but but but but I gotta ask you some boxing questions because this [ __ ] nut thing he just is boxing Almanac this analyst and I'm gonna ask you okay now because I don't I'm not as well seasoned as some people but he think he know every [ __ ] thing in the Game Spot all right we got three questions the first question if Bud Crawford and Earl Spence fight who you got Earl okay I'm close I'm close to both I got personal real personal relationships with both but I'm I'm close with Terrence that's my [ __ ] like for real right him and Lil head them Nate they they talk more to me I mean but we we are our camps is closed but me and Earl you know that's that's my real deal why you got Earl though why um it's a lot of reasons honestly that I that I really don't want to go to going to because because we'll be here forever but at the end of the day once once that like that's like that's really my the only thing that don't make us blood is because he didn't come at my mom or he ain't coming my dad I mean but that's really like okay all right now it's full of Fighters you know I always hear people talk about and I'm not that seasoned to understand the difference or who is the top fight out of these four Fighters but I want your opinion tank Ryan Garcia Devin Haney Shakur Stevenson who you got dang why I just told you bro you know you know people don't know I'm talking about skills not personal man listen to me man listen listen to me bro break it down all that [ __ ] go out the window all that [ __ ] go out the window like my heart bro like tank like I had that little [ __ ] with me 14 13 bro his mama his mama never had to drive to Cincinnati to come get that [ __ ] away from me bro like this is my real little brother okay like like for real bro like did you ever see him sparring any of them yeah what happened who he sport y'all know what happened man I don't know Sparta Devin right and uh you was there hell yeah I was there and uh he sparred in about billion shirt Javonte yeah he got right off the plane was [ __ ] around and went to the gym and and as far Devin and uh I was supposed to fight I was about to fight Sean Porter we was at Floyd gym packed I just had weighed in right and uh we went to the gym packed is hot they get in there tank hit that [ __ ] he hit him boom then he hit him again and he like went out I jumped in the ring because at the time Devin is 17 I'm like hell no this is a kid hell no it's gonna it's gonna fall it's gonna fall on us if you know me if he really get [ __ ] up like that so so what happened was it uh uh Bill jumping away his dad Haney [ __ ] jump in the ring and then it was about to it was about to go down about billions versus them [ __ ] it was about to go down but it calmed down but I it calmed down and um they got back to working and they got back to work and tank tank got got a little bit more uh uh um fatigue and they have got off but get off a little bit but it wouldn't it wouldn't like really like getting off it was just like some good ass work but Deb was getting he was in more shape he was in better shape tank probably had a couple shots before we got to him yummy nah [ __ ] was hanging out Vegas but um ain't no excuse I mean it was good work but but that [ __ ] would have been over with though that [ __ ] would have been over with and and um I love everything that Devin's doing you know me and me and Bill we got a nice relationship so they know I I ain't no fake ass [ __ ] BH said that he beat you I think your uncle or your dad for some money yeah because you got to understand what I'm saying once they kept going Devin got you know Devon got the best of him oh okay but in a real fight time with eight ounce gloves on bye bye that's what 16 ounces on headgear with eight ounces on no headgear bro bye bye bro bye that [ __ ] would have been over with yeah in your prom and Floyd in his prime What's it gonna look like man Hey listen to me bro let me tell you something I like what he talked like that before he say some [ __ ] let me tell you something bro I don't give a [ __ ] who in front of me on the side of me on the back of me I'm batting on me yeah I love it I'm betting on me I told Floyd bro I said big bro when we gonna Spar something because I just want to know what it feels like to be in a ring with you bro now let's see maybe we get in the ring you [ __ ] me up I'm gonna learn from that mm-hmm or maybe we get in a ring and it's Tiff attack I'm gonna learn from that or maybe we getting there and I'll [ __ ] you up bro we're still gonna learn from that I'm still gonna I'm gonna learn from that I ain't doing it thing listen I'm not doing this for what he can learn I'm doing this so I can learn some more because I'm still a student again even now I'm an OG I'm the OG of the game right now I'm the OG bro you're taking all of them they you know they doing their thing I love it to death but I'm the OG bro and right now like I I feel like I'm letting them down like like right now me and tank like is weird because he loved me to death you know I love him to death but we don't talk every day how we used to [ __ ] [ __ ] it used to be a time where you ain't see me without tank or you only see tank without me it'd be a time where where he you know but what what happened was what I think what happened was he just like damn bro I feel like I feel like he looked up to me so much it's like I let him down because he know because he's somebody that really know like what I can do and and and how good I am and it's like he feel like man you tripping yummy but you know like I said I don't I don't blame nobody but myself and I'm betting on me and I already know bro once once I go out here and perform and do me you know not only is is she gonna come back full circle but it's gonna be bigger than than the first time absolutely it definitely got the opportunity to be because people love the comeback story it's going to be bigger than the first time so you know this this time around is really for me you know because me if if if you if you ask anybody about me that really know me that really no twin that really know that really know me they'll tell you man that [ __ ] give you I don't give a [ __ ] if if it's his last dollar in his pocket if it's his last shirt he will give it to you right if if I love you and and you wanted to hear won't think twice right don't think twice how was it going to say this you know you're taking accountability and you know when all that that's that's cool and that's that's the beginning but I want you to always remember where you came from you know them Dark Places bro because you know three months is a short time we need three months to turn into three years you know what I mean three years to turn into six years six years to turn into man it's been 15 years man I ain't drink I ain't because I truly believe that if you take the next four or five years of your life and you dedicate that [ __ ] strictly to the gym eating good training good running doing all the right things you need to do I think the sky the limit because it's not like you don't got natural special talent everybody that know you know like you said you probably is letting tank down because tank like damn man it's my [ __ ] it's my old head me always drunk and [ __ ] man he really that [ __ ] man you know how it is so and he he more closer to you so he really probably know what's going on financially know what's going on where's the outside we don't know you might come on Instagram you might say some [ __ ] but we don't know if you're playing are you for real right you know what I'm saying but if you dedicate man this next five years A.B I promise you man some some extraordinary [ __ ] could happen for you brother I promise you man all you got to do is dedicate yourself man and then whatever you want to do after them five years is up you want to go get fat be in [ __ ] West Palm Beach drinking Mojitos and all that [ __ ] yeah it's gonna be 1942 for sure right but these next five years and and even more than even more than you man this [ __ ] about them youngins yeah that I see you on the ground with this that's what this [ __ ] is really about you already partied enough for you [ __ ] you already bought enough design and [ __ ] hey that's another thing my uncle said um okay if my Coach care I call him yeah he he knew me first time I met him I was eight years old a baby but um yeah yeah uh that [ __ ] his favorite line back when I was [ __ ] up still [ __ ] up and and he do it on purpose he he take the long drive home you know in West Palm you know it's all the mansions and and you know all the big ass cribs he drive past all that [ __ ] and get to talking to me and his favorite Line Used to Be bro you did enough partying for everybody out this [ __ ] bro you you still need to party right I mean and and it was like yeah you know I I didn't have my fair share I mean so you know I don't mind you know coming up out this hole and and getting my [ __ ] together man I mean I mean at this point man you ain't got no [ __ ] Choice man hell no I ain't it's even get your [ __ ] together or and and just think about this because you know I'm gonna get it give it to you straight rolling uncut man [ __ ] counting you out I know [ __ ] the money you gonna get the money to your bank account regardless [ __ ] is counting you out as a fighter [ __ ] think Saturday when this fight come you ain't gonna let your [ __ ] hands go that's what they think I'm telling you I gotta tell you you tripping you go in there you let the [ __ ] hands fly you read and react I promise you the next day it's gonna be a different respect it's going to be a different it's going to be a different because they're going to see the focus Hey listen they're gonna see this [ __ ] ain't just talking I'm just taking something off of what you just said you said if I read and react that's a double r so that's one of my Bible after I read and react another one of them another one and another one damn I already see you got your [ __ ] nasty ass Footprints all over the greatest of the beds this [ __ ] pull up the [ __ ] tinted all you see is the man [ __ ] got his taxis up on the glass [ __ ] all you see is a bunch of two prints all over I said man this [ __ ] this episode of me and I was worth a game is brought to you by Barstool Sports Book bar stool sports book is the sports book made for stoolies it's the only place to find exclusive picks and parlays from big Cat El Perez and I'm I'm gonna get my own yeah I am I'm getting them on it because I'll be hitting more than big cat in prison yeah I don't know shout out to him but you know I'll be hitting so follow or feed them it's up to you the bar stool sports book lets you bet however you like daily eye boost live in game markets move the line teaser bets to Parlay Plus for awesome same game parlays Casino was also available in selective states with your favorite table Games and Slots now offering one thousand two-player bonus if your first bet loses get up to 1 000 in bonus cash so download and create an account today be sure to use the code Gilly g-i-l-l-i-e to unlock your one thousand dollar new player bonus don't don't skip over that thousand make sure you get that thousand dollars Gilly bars through sports book but I gotta ask you a serious boxing question you got a hundred thousand you got to bet on the fight eight rounds eight eight rounds who get knocked out Mia Gilly [ __ ] that's easy now think huh who get knocked out my reaches who get knocked out me and Gilly eight rounds nah nah nah I ain't gonna lie while though I sent your setup it ain't right what you mean myself ain't right my [ __ ] come from martial arts what you mean my setup ain't right nah I'll be saying what's the setup got to do with like you and Gill knowing he got something in his Arsenal I sent your setup your setup ain't really right I bet and I bet my 100 on Gil man [Music] you ain't seen no Fighters with messed up setup that still come out no come on nah I ain't gonna lie your setup ain't right damn man he set up look like he going straight to sleep dude yeah he's gonna come in there with them title shorts coming there with them with them with some gym shoes you ain't got no boxes you gonna come in with them title shorts [ __ ] Gonna Get off on you hey [ __ ] get off on wallow he gonna have them black and white title joints yeah okay man yo let me just tell you that is that let me tell you a little bit about the gym that is the tire that if a [ __ ] walk in with that with that you [ __ ] all the kids [Music] okay prime example I took cheese one day he at The Spar and then after after it's a mentality after the spawn match he was like I knew I was gonna beat him up Dad I was like how you know he said he had Chucks on yeah see it's a mentality he's like you got Chucks I might slid up in there so beat you to [ __ ] yeah yeah when a dude come in with them square ass title joints I'm spurning [ __ ] be they be trying to get the rings and [ __ ] no she's crazy man I'm telling you I see that that's why I'm laughing so hard because your mama Switched at because uh I think this was y'all got a relationship so I think that well I think he was biased but you know because he always gonna rock with who he's more personal with so that's that's not gonna count but I'm gonna say this growing up in Cincinnati how was it for you man but how was it growing up man tickets back growing up in my city man it was it was either it was either box and and grow up and try not to get box or try not to box something but it was all around boxing damn I just said a lot of [ __ ] and once you did because a lot of homies I'm pretty sure you got homies it's not here yeah you know for me it got to a point to where it was like you know uh I did some [ __ ] allegedly and [ __ ] you did it no free now and you know I went to jail I they they bound they bounded me over as a uh when I was 17 they bonded me over and tried me as a dog I was facing 57 years that happened to me um you know so I'm I did it like a year of fighting the case I ain't had no money back then I was just young dumb robbing and shooting of doing everything so so allegedly uh the allegedly allegedly so everybody everybody that everybody yeah I had a case then I did some [ __ ] allegedly yeah but back then I was robbing stealing shooting allegedly but look though so I'm in there right and everybody that went to court that's in my pod everybody or or on our side everybody went to court you come back like yeah I'm good I got 18. yeah I'm good I got that's right yeah I'm good man I got 10 I got sold to in my mind I'm like I ain't ever getting up I ain't ever get out but dude but if you see like for me seeing that a lot of times in the courthouse you ain't everybody coming back that'd be just like the the reverse psychology itself they're back like I'm cool when they really not right because that [ __ ] cause I just seen dudes yeah I got a minute ago you you he screamed like a white woman in a scary movie they gave him all that time in the courtroom no not actually I just can't get a stupid I'm telling you I'm telling you I didn't dumb ass when they was running my time down he'd be 10 to 20 for this five to ten for this I didn't know they was talking to me I'm like who she talking to [ __ ] are you talking to I'm like because I who the [ __ ] doing all that time I mean so by the grace of God man I boxed my [ __ ] up [ __ ] [ __ ] whole finger got shot off all types of [ __ ] in the sand boy that boy I took that [ __ ] to trial by the grace of God acquitted so y'all telling me I get to leave today I've been down this [ __ ] 12 months you're out of here you're walking out the day 13 months and I get to leave today in the same outfit that y'all just brought me in when I was 17. I turned 18 here so I get to leave today you're out of here I got out I kissed the ground I ran to the gym and I sparred and they said how the [ __ ] you get out better what was you doing and doing was you doing push-ups calisthenics was this mentality it was a lot of boxing is not your mentality stop talking like you're a [ __ ] real boxer man I'm telling you always throwing that [ __ ] out there like you just this boxing attorneys man you was a [ __ ] attorneys man affiliate I used to beat you up in the gyms it was a joke because he keep throwing a joint up yeah cause it's a Metallica no [ __ ] record it was I ain't gonna lie because because I had a I had a I had a routine and I and I was shadow box and I would do 500 push-ups a night and and it just kept me sharp my mind it was just keeping me sharp and [ __ ] and then one time the [ __ ] slowed up so I stopped I'm like man and I don't think I'm ever getting up and then my lawyer came to see me he was like we got him damn so I'm in there I'm writing a rap I'm you gonna spit some too for your league now you tripping hey hey so so what I did was I was writing a rap I was talking to myself though I'm trying to finish the rap and then my mind just went switched off some shelf like I put the I put the pin down you know the little flimsy pin not the real people yeah the flims your plastic jump so put that down I'm like I'm talking out loud though because I was in a room by myself who couldn't have um yeah I'm gonna do if I get out I'm a rat I'm talking a lot I say I say [ __ ] it I'ma just robs and sell drugs and I'm like nah I'll be back in here I'm really talking out loud bro that's what I got and I said I'm a box just go back to the gym I got up style Shadow Boxing 15 22nd winded I say man I gotta get in shape I'm talking about dead tired got up I threw I threw a hard combination it's a little ass window in there I went to the window but I gotta get in shape but right there I knew I said I'm going pro it's over I'm going pro and um my next court date man that [ __ ] the [ __ ] the [ __ ] like Boyd boy but damn I don't know I don't know how bro I swear to God look yeah oh another thing that saved me too I'ma shout my [ __ ] out too love him to death every time he called me I'm always there for him my [ __ ] Kev I don't know he was my co-defendant yeah I don't know how they let us go to court together this time and put us in the same cage we was a we from with this trial we're gonna go up there that [ __ ] told me he looked me dead in my eye cause his sister is my baby mama my first son I had my first son Adrian Jr that [ __ ] looked me an eye he said bro I'm a cop out to this four and a half bro go box shout out to Kev shook that [ __ ] hand he took four and a half I took my [ __ ] to the to the Box Beat It so that helped me too shout out to him about the Cavs real one man I hope you solidify your dreams but I just want to say this don't let this slip by God give you a chance with that you came home you went to the gym you was great yeah we witnessed greatness right yeah that was just that time no bro hold on it was a lot more [ __ ] happens but what I'm saying is just another example of God giving you another chance with the money you in the best situation you could possibly be in with your career as far as business-wise that was only one thing for you to do go be great thanks that's it that's it it's all on I'm gonna tell you and I'm gonna tell you the biggest thing I got going for myself right now of course of course you know the skills and all that [ __ ] I'm I'm doing all I'm on top of all that but my relationships is so heavy relationships is worth more than money my relationships like I laugh I joke but I really got real relationships with the ones like like real relationships like because I you know you know this is our you know first time book but after today you don't [ __ ] with me different too yeah you too I'm just that's just me I ain't faking I ain't faking like [ __ ] to see me do some [ __ ] and be like that [ __ ] faking then they get around me like damn that's really him right right and he's really just a good [ __ ] like for real right right man but I just don't want me what's the [ __ ] name Bruce what's up with him he he he here come out he'd just be wandering around and [ __ ] like look that [ __ ] just wants somebody he's a he's a alcoholic monster girl let me tell you a story about Durham shout out my [ __ ] Breezy man it's me and Chris Brown Hey girl no no no it's it's Chris Brown and Daryl okay but all right break it down right yeah it's Chris Brown and Daryl so I think we was uh Atlantic City yeah I think I'm thinking it was a party or some [ __ ] down there he was there when we hooked up boom this is our first time and this is when the AV [ __ ] is jumping off um I'm telling you talking [ __ ] I beat Mexican the money the money is everything just now jumping off so we get in the club this WOW ass this wild ass wild ass twin this get in the club me and Chris it's a mega bottle of Patron bro right so I tell him I said hey bro Club pack I said you drink half I drink half that's a big joke yeah this is not the regular bottle bro right this [ __ ] gonna be in my movie too this particular part I swear to God he said he looked at me he said [ __ ] come on damn that was music to my [ __ ] ears right you was dying for a challenge right so not only he said yes right so he go he take off while he take off the whole crowd is this the pack the party is full guess what the whole crowd doing go go I'm like what the [ __ ] Mercy turns you turned it up he drink half he give it to me I turn that [ __ ] upside down go go [Music] by the end of the night he went to jail I almost went to jail but we had one of the best times of my life man that was one of the best times damn he drank that [ __ ] he turned into Chris Brown he all on the club shoes but I ain't no Chris Brown good but I can't yeah [Music] but shout out to Chris though man that's that's that that that's out of a lot of celebrities like that's that's really like one of my now all your close friends is gonna be guys they're sober you're not letting you hang around nobody is challenging you too a half a [ __ ] gallon of vodka hey hey that was the good old days man it's good those is memories man and that's why we we experience those things so we can have them we could talk about them and then we could be like okay I grew the [ __ ] up man like I grew up I don't think it's gonna be another one of them moments though but it's time to it's right now for me it's really time to really really you know because you know I I I've done I didn't lived a life for so many that you know a Crazy Life bro from from from women to you know I didn't I didn't been around and been with some of the baddest women that they glorified and all on I just like man y'all know what the [ __ ] I just did to her damn let me ask you a question we always ask you eat eggs huh I have before okay I have before fresh out the club or fresh out the tub sometimes I don't know [Laughter] you know I get lit to drink bro I don't know I'm an honest [ __ ] but I ain't no ass lately I ain't no ass lately you know I'm in a new relationships well it was not a new relationship it's just I don't know it ain't really been it it's been out too well but it ain't really like that because because I ain't got I gotta I got a bad [ __ ] I mean gorgeous beautiful BMF huh but but she ain't one of these high class glorified uh I found a good one and I just like kept her to me and [ __ ] and and and and I can literally say like she went through the fire with me you're like like your darkest days I'm the darkest days bro I'm talking about like like [ __ ] don't even know [ __ ] don't even understand bro what what hit me yesterday bro was like damn I've been training for over a year I've been training for literally like I'm over exaggerating none of that like I've been training I've been out of the loop for over a year I probably went somewhere but I've just been trying to get my [ __ ] together just how long it took [ __ ] up go drink [ __ ] up go drink liquor [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it and then this last once I signed the new deal it's like and I had that talk with myself it's like [ __ ] it come on all right and that's what made them tears come out yesterday and I seen my body it was like damn like is it I'm gonna show y'all [ __ ] a picture of me and y'all ain't gonna believe it's me bro oh no I've seen some pictures we you know one thing about you you live in your truth so you'll you'll post Throwbacks and I've seen the throwback you posted up then and now and this is night and day yeah you know and and all they say is because it didn't have these words written over top of the two pitches but it should have had unfocused and focused that's what it should have had over the top of the pictures you feel what I'm saying because a focus a b is a [ __ ] everybody know that you know every no no [ __ ] could ever deny your talent and then it ain't a Critic out there they can't they know what you can do it's just about you being focused and you knew you wasn't all the way focused yeah you all the way focused now so now it's up to you to prove it [ __ ] the fans you got to prove it to yourself that's that that's and that's what more more made me Cryder yesterday too because it was like damn I really did it you took the first steps I really did it and and the job is far from being done even so I ain't got no time to be in the club shaking my [ __ ] no you got to get these [ __ ] out the way damn you know what it's crazy that's that's a lot of fights because I was looking at uh some stats and uh Mike Tyson F4 13 fights in a year I was like how the [ __ ] do you do that my first year I did nine damn it's a lot so how was you how was you right like right like because you knocking [ __ ] out first round I had like seven six or seven damn you know when I was fighting 130 bro yeah get out of here yeah I wasn't playing with them [ __ ] get a body yeah so so so I I can see how he was getting them [ __ ] out the way yeah let me ask both of y'all this question on your Journeys through life to get to where you all at now if y'all could change one thing what would it be I'm gonna ask you first while up what would it be I wouldn't have got in the streets because I lost so much uh you know lost time with my grandmom family little brother I got separated from my family two years though the system knew me more than my family knew me and it was like so well you know when you spend more time you know most of my life I spent in the system it's like you got to try to get to know your family again they don't know you and you missing moments that you just can't get back you know you see it's so much you missing and I would never like if I you know never stepped in the streets I think you know my life ain't no telling where my life would have went but it's like that's something that I look at and say if I could change anything I probably change that just being real you know I mean I'm just talking about my personal thing everybody else is different that's for me what about you twin if I can change anything on my path to where I am today [Music] I wouldn't change the goddamn thing because and I say that because everything that I went through every obstacle every hard day you know every day that I told myself you know what I ain't gonna drink today [ __ ] it give me a triple man 1942 man sometimes I've only had the money but you know it'll be like [ __ ] it is a b bro yeah but or if I'm in Cincinnati I don't need no money [Music] it's my uncle club or man give me so for me to go through all that [ __ ] you know to get to right here I wouldn't change nothing because I enjoy the ground like I I really do I really do you know when I finally said you know I'm not gonna drink no more and I the first real week a train in the first second week third week body [ __ ] up I was like yeah now you working now you really working and then you go on that first five mile run and then it's crazy things crazy I went on the first the first five mile run right because Uncle Kevin coach kid everybody calling but me he just throw you right in the fire bro so it's like we're running them all [ __ ] you running five miles all right so I'll get out there I get two and a half in and I jumped in the car damn that [ __ ] looked at me so disgusted because he know how hard I train he know I would he say s exact words he say hey man I don't know this [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is you bro yeah this ain't twin bro boom so what he did was he he would he would get to the spot pull off right and then I will be running with people who was a little more shaped than me little bang Hammer they are more shape with Demi at the time so by the time they coming back he'll just tell me to turn around but I still gotta finish the Run you get it so so instead of jumping in that car nah [ __ ] we know you ain't doing the whole five but you finishing the run though and I don't give a [ __ ] how long it take you we gonna wait right here until you get back then next thing you know is I start it was it was still they were still leaving me and then when they come back I just turn around then next thing you know I start making it the whole five miles even though my time ain't I did that five I did that five oh now it's hold on well you ran good today oh now it's oh [ __ ] running like twin now now is oh all right the [ __ ] to turn the corner now whoo now you turn the corner all you gotta do is stay right here and you good bro right so he's still giving me them lectures and then now it's like damn it starts sometimes I could tell when it hit him like nephew really did it yeah nephew really did it you really did that [ __ ] I mean because I don't think people really know the type [ __ ] I went through I mean to work to where it's like [ __ ] up body [ __ ] up but I'm mentally [ __ ] up mentally [ __ ] up but I'm still about to go in here and give him my all right I'm gonna give it all my about to give them all and then now like right now can't nothing can't nothing stop me bro can't nothing stop Ain't Nothing Gonna Stop my pet right now Ain't Nothing Gonna Stop Me Bro the baddest [ __ ] can hit my phone right now what what you hitting me for because you weren't hitting me when I was getting that 250 a day you you wouldn't hit me up focus is a [ __ ] yes I mean when I was out you know you know [ __ ] went down a lot of you know [ __ ] wouldn't hit me up and I'll be hitting you to check on you huh man I gotta and I got a long list man and [ __ ] love me like like not that fake love not that good just cause I'm nah real love [ __ ] I don't go [ __ ] who who she with whatever if I call her Hey get here [ __ ] gonna be right here but that's such and such I don't give a [ __ ] about none of that yeah yeah three four on what's up cause they just [ __ ] with a [ __ ] like that they like like I ain't no man listen bro I could have a hundred two hundred thousand on me with a female man and I'll probably leave with my money man I hey speak on it no for real that's just me bro that's me don't get me wrong if if this is one of them days I'm gonna what you want somewhere all right all right cool cause you can't be looking crazy around me but and all that other [ __ ] these These [ __ ] [ __ ] up the game they giving them monthly ten thousands and twenty thousands and one night five I thought man it ain't cost that much to raise you okay bam speak on it oh so so they paying for it they ain't playing for it man what are they bought a huh well listen it ain't cost that much to raise you so the game out here [ __ ] up like that man the game [ __ ] up right now man and then I'm a type of I'm a type of [ __ ] like damn so so you telling me you know so you you like a Bob Barker [ __ ] The Price is Right you so you gotta have the right price to get that huh come on down you're just the right I said I don't want that um I don't want that all you got to do is hide the right price you can get that um because the only thing I know about Bob Barker is they get jailbrushes from them yeah I never had a good experience with Bob Barker I don't want none of that you can be bought it's nasty out here yeah I'm cool it's trifling out here I'm cool but I ain't gonna lie I did some dumb [ __ ] too I love it he told all this crazy [ __ ] to bring some [ __ ] down though these [ __ ] I paid for some [ __ ] before though it'd just be like but if sometimes it'd be like I gotta knock this one off you just lost your mind for five minutes over [ __ ] damn players they pay us five thousand one night you [ __ ] is good ten thousand nah [Music] this [ __ ] crazy that's why I love him Hey listen to me all right man what's the move she ever paid don't lie you know you keep it real the most activate shopping and all that and then I'm Gonna Keep it all real uh before you even answer I know it was a hell of a amount cause a [ __ ] caught you one night when you had too many shots at 19. [ __ ] look good use a [ __ ] take it all everything in their left pocket [ __ ] that's yours listen how much foreign I pay some [ __ ] I ain't gonna lie I bought I bought daytonas oh [ __ ] I didn't bought prezi's Autumn ball oh yeah he did say that's you know Prezi Prezi about 30 something I don't ball no Iced Out joints oh well that's more than yeah yeah yeah yeah Iced Out Iced Out he went ballistic yeah yeah yeah he went about 50 about 50. I didn't have my fear I ain't gonna lie I had I have I've had I had my fair share I'll be seeing you know I ain't gonna say no names but [ __ ] still wearing watches and [ __ ] that you bought yeah all on the ground with another [ __ ] [Music] look good though look good baby it was worth it though ah you little dirty [ __ ] and then and then there's some crazy some crazy [ __ ] have happened like like ah knock a chick off ship off with a [ __ ] oh no that's that's the that's all when you come out athletes rappers all them These [ __ ] Can't get together because they worrying about these broads everybody got a problem with it and they're crazy the crazy thing one of these like that this is supposed to be my god oh no no they get crazy and the funny thing about it they get crazy about pieces that's for everybody I don't know if she was very Fair no that's [ __ ] you mean she let you bake a barbecue bake ass she had a [ __ ] didn't she hold on did she have a [ __ ] nah oh so he probably was able to deal with both of y'all nah it was bigger than that but that's that's so let me ask you a question so how often did did did you fall you don't gotta say no names but how often did you fall out over with some some [ __ ] you thought was your homies about a chick it's a couple of [ __ ] that kept that [ __ ] 100 and we Still rocking but that's how you supposed to keep it it's a it's a couple now I'm talking about a couple [ __ ] it ain't too many but it's a couple [ __ ] who kept it 100. the other [ __ ] I mean you could name the [ __ ] kept it silence hey [Music] my [ __ ] it I say one because that's really my big homie who is it Ross he's a real deal and he man he he actually wanted like when it come to like celebrity [ __ ] and like OG [ __ ] like Ross is really one of my biggest mentors and and like it ain't somebody that just say like yeah I [ __ ] with Shorty or he show you he show me yeah yeah I mean and he and and he want the best for me like [ __ ] don't even remember or or or like but my first loss you you know like the next week Ross put out a freestyle imma bounce back like Broner I didn't know Ross like that at the time but I like he that was love yummy mm-hmm I'm like damn and then once we met and it's like damn bro I really you know I mean I really [ __ ] with you and then I knew he really [ __ ] with me I got a twin brother bro my Dre they love him to death my [ __ ] we in a club one day bro he's smoking with Ross and [ __ ] we getting lit next thing you know I look over my twin got his [ __ ] elbow on Ross forehead I'm like bro chill bro what you want he like nah he's good whoa I'm like damn Ross really [ __ ] with us so like from that moment Ross just always [Music] [ __ ] what it's like and it been crazy and then that's when when I start buying like I bought everybody an MMG chain when I had the rappers and all that one shot I bought everybody everything he ain't telling me to do that [ __ ] it was just like I really [ __ ] with him you know I mean about everybody in MMG chain what's up man shout out to Ross man briefs and the young [ __ ] one thing I always shot right even though them [ __ ] [ __ ] shits though it's cool oh you know places that's what they throw in the streets [ __ ] get [ __ ] up they gotta get there I got two of them back you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] I got two of them back too yeah y'all know who y'all is too but it's cool I still love all y'all how you gonna love her baby you called a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] they know they know they know that's how that's how we talk for sure and I really love every last one of them [ __ ] two of them right now and AJ the jeweler shot but I got them back they mine now yeah it's getting made with my new chain you know I mean everybody coming to me you know I mean I have them I have them next week talk to me absolutely welcome to another episode of million dollars worth of game business yeah like and listen this is a big one this one's a big one Omega accountant Solutions is here we got the CEO Jay is here today listen man this is going to be something special yes all business owners if you own a business everybody in the United States of America if you own a business even if you don't own a business you got a friend you got an associate you got a mother you got an uncle you got a cousin you got somebody one of your college buddies or whatever I don't know who you know but if you know somebody that own a business send this to them they need this information this information is Jay ready tell them about and Bart go and tell them about it listen it's amazing I'm talking about Jay could you tell them what Omega accounting solution do for owners or businesses yeah so we work with small business owners and we've been working on this employee retention tax credit which is a credit for businesses or non-profits that had employees during the pandemic people that were distressed by the government shutting us down and not being able to operate but they kept their people employed they kept those paychecks going there's relief for them it is uh you know a massive relief bill that I've never seen small business owners really get access to so far we've helped 2500 business owners get almost 700 million dollars in tax credits so this is real dollars that small business owners need to know about oh could you take that back real quick how many business owners did you help and how much money did you get them 2500 about 700 million 700 million you're chasing a billion dollars you're chasing a billion so can I can I say this how long did it take you all to do that that's been the last two years and 24 much I did it and and a lot of people don't even know about this but how long did this last so this program lasts for another two years so essentially there's a clock is ticking and there's billions of dollars that the government has outlined that are just sitting there so basically it's it's uh business owners all over the country that's missing out on money that they could be getting they're missing out because the the you know this accounting industry let them down accounting industry was taxed out you know no pun intended during the covet there was a bunch of changes they had to go through business owners had to navigate social distancing and how to how to modify their business during a pandemic so there's just a lot going on and this was an overlooked tax credit that got really brought back into the fold in the beginning of 21 by the white Administration and so you know a lot of people just don't have the right information about it and so we're seeing people hear about this from the radio or influencers when they really should be hearing about it from their their accounting experts so yeah I mean there's a lot of people who don't know so you mean to tell me if my name is uh Bob I live in Middle American Iowa Michigan Dubuque Iowa yeah exactly whatever and I have a a small little market employee about 10 15 people I was taking care of them doing the pandemic and everything what could come my way if I get with Omega yeah if you've got 10 employees we could get you up to 260 000 in tax credits for keeping those people employed during 2020 and 2021. so and it's the kind of thing where it takes about eight minutes for us to walk you through the process and you have I mean if you're a business owner you need to be looking at this even if you don't qualify to not even take the look to see if you qualify for the money I mean we've helped uh you know universities get the credit we've helped churches get the credit their employees are not just for-profit it's you know absolutely so if you had employees and you kept them on the payroll and it and you you weathered that storm you should look because there's relief for you and you mean to tell me that uh come to Omega hey Omega how you doing they're like hey come on come on in sit down talk to us for a minute I sit there talk to you and I just give up you know Passover my paperwork to make sure that I'm you know I'm in good standings and there's the paperwork make the paperwork paperwork make the paperwork and then after that y'all give me a case manager did I deal with directly correct so we're gonna sign someone who's gonna walk you through the whole process and because the the reality is you you qualify one of two ways one your Revenue was really down because you were impacted or two all the social distancing all the government shutdown orders really impacted the way you operate your business and so yeah you you give us your information we're going to go through it we're going to see if we can qualify you and so really you know place people who are in um you know cities that were really locked down are people that really should be looking at this too because they're you know if you were in Chicago or if you were in Los Angeles if you were in Philadelphia Philadelphia was locked down you were locked down New York you were impacted yo you remember you couldn't operate the same way you know how crazy was I it was a moment that I came to was coming through Philadelphia and it was like do you do you ever see The Walking Dead yes you remember when Rick first went to Atlanta when he was riding on the horse that's how I felt I'm talking about everything The Walking Dead in prison yeah everything was done I'm talking about like everything like every business I know was like they were just struggling to stay alive but it was still ones that was open so you mean to tell me that the government is saying listen to all employers out there listen if you are an owner of a business if you were a player out there and you did what you supposed to do and you took care of people even though time's rough we're going to reward you that's what you're telling me absolutely so this is amazing though and it's 20 up to 20 how much up to twenty six thousand dollars per employee per employee yeah up to 500 employees do you have to pay it back you don't have to pay it back no it's a tax credit so you're going to get a check from the IRS it's taxable to you so you got to pay your taxes on that but if someone's going to give you a million dollars you got to pay a tax on it you're gonna take the million dollars and as a and as a business owner is this money for me to uh give back to my employees or it's just for my for me for my business I just work my pockets out with it it's however you want to dispose of it but yeah that's that's the reward for you for you keeping people employed okay so so I kept people employed I went through the struggle I'm top of them I lost weight many plenty of nights crying I don't want to fight your real whatever I am too I'm like ah yeah all that which you did now the government is saying here's for the 12 employees that you had you want to buy cars Amigos represado you want to take a trip to Mexico you ain't got nothing to do with it ain't got nothing to do with nothing you can do whatever you want to do it's your money you're getting it back that's like that so you can get that money and just say okay I had 30 employees they're giving me this money I want to take this money and open up a whole different business there's no restrictions on how you spend it there were certain there were certain loan programs that went out during the pandemic and you had to use it to operate the business this is an after the fact return so this is you spent the money already you already cut that check here's a refund to help you offset the burden of running the business that's hell of a startup if you you that's it it's an advantage I mean the way I explain to people is hey if if you're not taking this money your competitor is and you're giving them an advantage in competing against you so you need to look at this as an opportunity to whether you know you're getting some relief for what you put out there or it's a way to invest back into your business or to give to your to your employees or it's just sitting there if you don't take advantage of this [ __ ] it's just sitting here it is so why not get with Omega Solutions right you get with Omega Solutions and without making Solutions gonna do they're going to go through the paper they're going to soccer to your pockets you don't have to do nothing absolutely you know I'm telling me you don't have to do nothing but just sit there you know I mean and just bang Omega do everything for you that's you do got to do something you gotta have your paperwork right you gotta have that paperwork right you work write your taxes you got them yeah don't be trying to add your cousin who really don't work for you know that slick [ __ ] yeah these are the best of the best Johnny Parsons He didn't work for your business last year you lied we can't do nothing for you so don't try no slick [ __ ] don't do none of that come straight forward if you had three employees put three employees on there that's gonna be three employees times 26 000. make sure your taxes is right make sure all your paperwork is right and this could be a beautiful situation what is the main paperwork that y'all need to see yeah so we look at payroll information so that's what we're going to verify yeah you know who who you paid and how much you paid we're gonna look at some of your tax return information and then we gotta if we gotta look at how uh covet shutdown orders impacted you it's a little bit more of a process we're gonna get you on the phone we're going to talk to you about how your business was impacted we're going to document that we're gonna make sure that you're good when you file with the IRS so when they when I go through the process they just eight minutes they go through the process and then it's just a waiting game now there's a waiting game it's like you got it you don't well yeah and in the waiting game unfortunately with the with the IRS you know they're behind too they had kova to go through they had to deal with all the things that businesses dealt with so they're they because because Saint when we was paying taxes saying what like um don't pay right now don't give us the millions because we you covet y'all keep the Harris was going through it too absolutely because I can't tell we filed for we found people all the time and it takes the IRS 10 months or 12 months to cut a check and so but because of that we came up with a Funding Solution where we can help people get access to their their money earlier but the reality is yeah once we get your paperwork we can get you filed within you know three to four weeks and then you're it's a waiting game for the IRS to get caught up they're behind yeah well you know a lot of times they'll get caught up when you're least expecting it oh you checks here 47 employees usually they're better at giving you an invoice than cutting you a check yeah get that invoice now now people want to know like what Omega is doing all this for me what do I got to do for Omega all they got to do for Omega is pick up the phone or go to the website give us their information you know and what they should be doing is spreading the word I mean everybody knows someone who's a part of a business or uh you know supporting their family in that respect so spread the word get it out there this is going to be listen this is going to be major so basically everybody that we gave for the 4.5 million dollars to they could double right back and go to a mega right especially if they were saying kids because they had all their paperwork right they already went through the the process how many businesses was that how many businesses a lot man we gave most businesses we gave 25 000 to then it was 50. we gave a couple of them three hundred two thousand yeah so 100 75 50. so it was a lot yeah yeah a lot so imagine you know those businesses getting 25 000 or being able to get you know a couple hundred thousand dollars of employee retention credit I mean that there's big dollars at stake and all of the businesses would be basically would pretty much be eligible because they already the paperwork already went through the process of seeing if you know everything was real and so yeah that's it that's a that's a great deal that was just one market that was just one market we talking if you're in Chicago you win you win Atlanta you're in Detroit you're in Tennessee what are you waiting for some money out there waiting for you I don't know about you but if it's somebody out there waiting for me I'm going to get it yes I'm gonna hunt it down when you want to get it before it goes away you've got a couple of years so I wouldn't wait too long right I think you should do it now yes so how do they or they got to come to the website yeah so they can go to bar stool or we've got a phone number they can call it's 855-505 Dave yeah and then they can uh get talk you know talk to one of our our client success managers all right so make sure y'all tap in please what Omega account Solutions that's uh say the number one more time one uh 855-505 Dave Dave or the website is Omega tax Barstool yep let's have been man that was another episode of million dollars for every game been the spotlight man thank you to Jay thank you to Bart listen I'm telling you guys get with Omega right now don't wait till tomorrow don't wait and listen tell a friend that's going to tell a friend that's going to tell a friend that's going to tell a friend that own a business because if you own a business and you in America there's so many people that don't know about what Omega is doing and don't know about what the government is doing but one thing that's so good Omega is going to do everything for you gonna give you a case manager and it's going to help you get the money that's looking for you think about this there's money out there that's looking for you yeah you yeah you you're not looking back you right there the money business owner in Ohio around the corner like this California in Oakland and Seattle you playing hide and seek with the money the business person the money like this one two three four five six seven eight and you running it high in front of money huh it's right here we 805 505 Dave right 855 505 Dave yeah listen Omega tax slash Barstool what are you waiting for come get your money and it's just like that right in boxing man you know everybody want to knock somebody out of course of course you're gonna come to the fighter with their intentions to knock somebody out but in this [ __ ] man you just try to get as sharp as you can just in case the knockout presents itself and you can take it you know and that's and I'm speaking as an OG and if if you're a young fighter out there you know I mean you watching this [ __ ] and you follow me I'm that's the way I'm speaking because off of my experiences you know I mean so you know I don't go out there like trying to knock a [ __ ] out of course I'm going to try to [ __ ] a [ __ ] of course and if the knockout come I take it but you know uh I ain't trying to be in there for no whole fight when I can get the same amount if this fight gets stopped in 30 seconds yo man you don't get paid for overtime no not in this [ __ ] I mean I'm trying to get on to the next one anyway so so you know uh I could tell you man I'm sharp as [ __ ] and you know um I'm ready to put on the show and and just go reclaim we can't reclaim my spot because I look at it like this and it's just another part of me growing up you know everybody be like damn man he ain't at the top he ain't in the spot no more nah God don't ever take your chair away your chair is still there but it's up to you to go sit back in it damn I like that man yummy and that was some game [ __ ] and like not only not only you can go sit back in it but he still arise that [ __ ] up some more you do the right thing I mean so it's never it's never and and all of this I I really been I thought about I said and I thought about going through all of these hard times it's like [ __ ] you know [ __ ] that chair empty that's your chair you just gotta go sit back in it whatever you got to do to to be able to go sit back in that chair again you just got to do it you really got to say [ __ ] it that's when that came in my mind [ __ ] it I like that you know a [ __ ] had to come from some dark places to come up with that analogy yeah I got my chair right there I just gotta go sit back in my chair you know I mean like I know like he ain't never ever and it's for anybody out there who going through something feel like they're going something like you better go reclaim it and this musical chairs the problem is you [ __ ] never cleaned your chair and let another [ __ ] jump in your [ __ ] then you're out the game nah the crazy thing is but the crazy thing is they'll never jump in your chair cause can't nobody jump in your chair I know it's just a lot of I look at it like this it's a lot of empty ass chairs I look at it like this a [ __ ] could jump in your chair if you don't reclaim it it's like this you buy a seat at the movie and you don't show the [ __ ] up and Nick is sit in your seat man I don't look at it like that I don't look at it like that I don't look at it like that because now now I'm gonna show you where I'm very intelligent I don't know I hate the show [ __ ] I'm smart I don't look at it like that I love it go ahead for real good baby I hate this [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm smart for real though I don't look at it like that because because how can he get in my chair when we gonna go out different I didn't see your casket no no no no I'm just saying you're still in that chair though yeah but you're gonna go out differently no no no no that chair went enough different direction that ain't your chair he went out in his chair that way okay that's why [ __ ] still here that's why I'm like damn bro he that's why some [ __ ] like damn he didn't he's still alive still here because that shirt still got a shot you still got a shot at this [ __ ] yummy absolutely and right now for me man I'm like man I'm like boy you know [ __ ] really don't really ask for God until he really [ __ ] up and I asked and he showed me and it was like all right okay I'ma stop playing all right big dog you got it yeah that's black people for you though because because it's just like [ __ ] how many how many chances you want yeah I mean how many chances you want bro right and then and then it then it came like this uh nah I can't let this one slip away see the bounce back is notorious and glorious that's what is only us what is always about is never about the fall so many [ __ ] fall on the contract on Friday on concentrate on the game you know honestly and I'm gonna say some other [ __ ] that I wasn't even gonna say but [ __ ] it out look listen I went in my position right now I it's like [ __ ] I couldn't even bring my family [ __ ] I got 10 kids bro I didn't know you had 10 kids yeah I got 10 bro [ __ ] Ain't Met a condom brand you like huh yeah nah I like to feel it and you couldn't feel it I like people like I like to feel the actual juices yeah I like the feeling brother I ain't gonna lie to you but but honestly though you know you know by the grace of God and my relationships you know all my family coming now you know all my kids you know one of my sons you know he uh he said Dad I just I just don't like to see you fight I don't I don't like to see you fighting and um that's like my baby my baby man you're KJ so he he ain't coming he said Dad please don't make me come I hate watching you fight I I just don't like to see you fight cause you can get hurt and I'm like damn man you know at first I used to think of it like damn man he ain't like my other boys man it's off but but no he he just loved me that much to where you know I don't I don't like fighting and I I rather not look at my dad fight yes that's beautiful you know I asked that [ __ ] to go go to the gym he said nah Dad give me a book that's beautiful beautiful you know his mom a doctor you know and I'm blessed to have some good baby mamas he's gonna give me [ __ ] well they don't give me that much trouble you know all my baby mamas I love them and I got some beautiful children and uh you know it's time for me you know do what I got to do to make sure everybody's straight I know it's been it's been a rough it's been a it's been a rough probably the last year even though I still tried to make sure everybody got their child support and [ __ ] you know y'all know what I was doing for that [ __ ] money [ __ ] we stripping and stripping that Bernie's man late night and [ __ ] shaking it to make it yeah but but you know um you know um like I always told y'all man you know uh I'ma figure this [ __ ] out and I'm gonna do what I gotta do and everybody gonna be straight man I I signed up for this [ __ ] and I got y'all so you know I want to say you know I love all y'all we gonna be good that's some real man sure I'm proud that's real man [ __ ] but before we get out of here you got we got me and you got to handle something you gotta show me how to hook my setup up cause you said something about my setup yeah yourself show me myself all right [Music] come on because because right now how old are you 43 you 43. it's your setup right here you said what what we gonna do huh that can't be considered man that gotta be your setup you're trying to fight at 43. when I'm sparring in the gym with him huh okay okay with him with him right here you try to you with him you want to try to use your region so so you try to use your region yeah so you really want to just keep getting outside and then come with the right hand bam get up under his left hand you know his left hand side left hand come on so see damn you're set up for the record right yeah [Music] do you that was a nice setup [Music] I'm is when you get in there no that's it none of that [ __ ] up there I got him I need a setup for it see he was hating them because that's your man yeah he's trying to finesse me I don't even need no setup he said it ain't there and none of that should be not when you get a new yeah all right till you go to sleep yeah did the fight start until you get punched all in the back of your [ __ ] be running around the ring stupid Hey wallow man [ __ ] that [ __ ] Bro 43 stops I'm at my camera never do it again leave that [ __ ] alone bro listen I know where him all I gotta do is do Street punches yeah Hey cuz all I gotta do is keep my chin to go straight down [Laughter] oh look good [Applause] for me and [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah straight down the fight well listen it's just like that right
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Keywords: adrien broner, adrien broner interview 2023, adrien broner interview funny, adrien broner interview after fight, adrien broner interview after maidana fight, adrien broner vs marcos maidana, adrien broner funny moments, adrien broner highlights, adrien broner podcast, boxing podcast, sports podcast, podcast clips, fresh and fit podcast adrien broner, adrien broner porter way podcast, round da way podcast adrien broner, million dollaz worth of game, gillie da king, wallo 267
Id: k0TZQBv6lhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 18sec (5958 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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