Adrian Rogers:The Only Way to Live [#2382]

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welcome to love worth fighting with pastored teacher and author Adrian Rogers reaching out with God's love bringing people to Christ touching lives around the world and helping you find the answers you need today join us as we prepare to open God's Word and discover how your life can be changed forever by his great love worth finding the time of the message the only way to live we live in an age where we have a lot of people who called stars movie stars and we have a lot of people who called idols sports idols in my humble but accurate opinion we have too many stars and too many idols and not enough heroes I'm going to be talking to you today about heroes Bible heroes the title of this series that we're going to be in is this champions of faith champions of faith and we're going to study primarily in the 11th chapter of the book of Hebrews about champions of faith but that chapter is set up by Hebrews chapter 10 if you find that for just a moment and I want you to notice verse 38 Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 30 here is a great statement and it is so abundantly and imminently true now the just shall live by faith the just shall live by faith now that friend is a quotation from the Old Testament it's a quotation from the book of Habakkuk Habakkuk was perplexed he lived in a day of violence a day of degradation a day of apostasy a day of danger and he bombarded heaven and he wanted God to answer he wanted God to explain so he could get along in life as it is and God said Ibaka I you couldn't understand if I told you what I'm up to you think I'm not working I'm working and Habakkuk here is your responsibility you are to live in this uncertain age by faith you want me to tell you live don't live by explanations live by faith now that's not a lot of hocus-pocus smoke and mirrors we're going to see that has spiritual steel and concrete in it but the just shall live by faith that is the only way to live as a matter of fact this scripture is quoted here in Hebrews it's quoted again in other places in the Word of God I wonder if God is trying to tell us something well I know it is the just shall live by faith so we're going to be talking about faith today now you have some problems and I have some problems there's not a problem that we have that does not relate itself someway to faith as the answer for example worried anybody here worried let me see your hand to note don't lift your hand I think that's almost pandemic in our society is worried well why do we worry lack of faith worry is a mild form of atheism where is a way of saying God this problem is too big for you or if there's a God at all you're not able to handle it and so worry is just faith turned inside out and faith is worried turned inside out and if you're prone to worry you need to strengthen your faith are you lonely you say nobody my my children don't call I don't have any friends my friends have all gone to heaven or I'm a student here away from family faith makes God real to you you and never alone when you have genuine faith because faith brings him so near some people here are burdened with guilt you did something so terrible so horrible you hope the world never finds out but you're not able to forget you're not able somehow to set yourself free from that burden that you carry around like a sack full of stones well why do we have this guilt lack of faith because faith understands that the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ has atoned for that but you can believe that intellectually or you can hear about it theologically but faith lays hold of it matter what faith is faith is my acceptance of God's acceptance of me God receives us not because of our own goodness but when we come to him just in faith therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ disobedience they have trouble obeying the Word of God you want me to tell you why you don't obey the Word of God you don't believe it you don't believe it let me give you an example the Bible says bring all the tithes into the storehouse improvement out with here we set the Lord of Hosts if I'll not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that not be room enough to receive it there's not a mother's child in this building that doesn't want the heavens opened above him and God pouring out such blessings he can't even contain them all all of us won't let but not all of his time why because we don't believe that promise you can't tell me if we believe that promise we would do it if you if you believe that when you do it doesn't everyone want the heavens open and and doesn't everyone want a blessing they just simply don't believe the Word of God have you ever passed a wall and it has a sign on it says wet paint don't touch what do you do why you just don't believe the sign you somehow you just hear yourself it's wet and you're going to touch it now why do we disobey because we do not believe the Word of God so in our study today we're going to look we're going to leave chapter 10 we're going to come over to chapter 11 and we're going to think about faith what it is and how to have it and the elements of faith now first of all I want us to look in chapter 11 at what I'm going to call the description of a life of faith now faith is the only way to live but just shall live by faith and here God describes faith notice in Hebrews 11 verses 1 & 2 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report now as we describe faith today I think it's very important first of all that we understand what faith is not before we learn what faith is faith is not blind as superstition nor is faith closing your eyes to reality a little boy said faith is believing what you know ain't so no no that's not faith faith is not positive thinking or feeling of optimism I like to be around positive thinkers I like to be around optimist I don't like to drive and get behind a person and things before they get there the lights going to turn red and by the time they do it has you ever get behind those kind of people and I don't I don't like to be around negative people I know people who brighten up a room by leaving it I like to be around optimistic people but but faith and optimism maybe in some way tangental but they're not the same faith is not positive thinking or optimism it may lead to that faith is not a leap in the dark to the contrary it is stepping in the light and faith is not faith and faith Bible says have faith in God does that say have faith in faith sometimes people will tell you I believe as if believing will make it so believing will not make it so now we're talking about what faith is not what is faith when he tells us here that faith is three things and I want you to get these words down in your heart first of all confidence conviction and and confession now I want you to get these in your heart first of all it is a confidence that rests in hope look at it faith is the substance of things hoped for well pastor why did you call it confidence well because confidence that's the way it's translated in some Bibles new American Standard for example gives it as confidence why do why do I use the word confidence well this this word actually it it is akin to substance and substance is an acceptable translation I certainly believe that but if I could just hone it a little bit more it means assurance actually it was used in the language of this day for a title deed if you had a piece of property or an inheritance that you not yet seen but you had the deed you had the assurance of that which you've not yet seen but you want to have that something that your hope is in and so faith is a a confidence it is not a will of the wisp sort of a thing it is it is substance substance um beneath that we stand on when we live by faith where it's not smoking mirrors we're not walking around on eggshells and jello it there is as I've said substance confidence now it is the confidence that rests in hope the word hope look at it there the word hope doesn't mean perhaps nor does it even mean wish does it mean desire listen very carefully or you'll miss the whole thing the word hope in the Bible means rock-ribbed assurance based on divine revelation for example the second coming of Jesus is called the blessed wat the Blessed hope does that is that the blessed maybe oh it is rock-ribbed assurance based on the promises the Word of God now faith therefore is the title deed the confidence that what God has said is true and God will perform it now listen very carefully there is no legitimate faith without hope and there is no legitimate hope without faith these cannot be separated faith is the substance of things hoped for put down the word of confidence secondly now think not only of confidence but conviction faith is a conviction that sees the invisible now here we we read it here faith is the evidence of things not seen now that word evidence may remind you of a Columbo account in his rumpled overcoat looking around for something well as akin to that but actually this word evidence literally means conviction conviction Jesus Christ used the same word when he challenged those who were challenging him and he said which of you convicts me of sin who can convict me of sin of course obviously no one I wouldn't dare ask my friends that question much less of my enemies which of you convinces me or convicts me of sin but the word here has the idea of conviction now what it means is that if you have faith in your heart there is a conviction of something that you've not yet seen but it is there it is it is an absolute confidence that leads to a conviction even though you've not yet seen it you don't have to see it for it to be real friend there is an invisible world that invisible world is electronically all around us right now their movies and newscasts and music and all of that in the air but we just don't tune it in right now but it's all there there is an invisible world out there I listen to Colossians 1:16 for by him by Jesus we're all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible don't make a mistake of thinking that everything is that that is real is to communicate it to us by the five senses no there is a sixth sense there is another world there is an invisible world now what does faith do listen carefully this is important to you is the only way to live Phee enables the believing soul to treat the future as present and the invisible as seen you can treat the future as present and you can treat the invisible as seen by faith now the Bible says your deliv by faith and then the third thing is it is a communication that comes from heaven now Hebrews 11 and verse 2 says by 4x8 that is by faith the elders received a good report that doesn't mean they made straight A's as a matter of fact it doesn't talk about what they did at all it talks about what happened to them they received a good report that is God spoke to them out of heaven it doesn't deal with their reputation now maybe they should have gotten straight A's but that's not what it deals with the good report means that they heard from heaven that God spoke to them it is not their reputation but God's revelation that is spoken of here that God speaks to them they were of God testifying to them now if you put this confidence in this conviction and this communication together when they come together then you have something in your heart inexplicable but glorious and wonderful and it is called faith and that is the only way to live you will live by faith now when you put these things together then you're going to understand first of all that faith should not be altered by appearances faith should not be altered by appearances look again in 11 verse 1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen when you live by faith you live above sea level now you live above the level of what you can a sea we live in a world that says a seeing is believing the Bible says believing is seeing put this verse down John 20 verse 29 Jesus says in him Thomas because thou has seen me thou hast believed blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed that's you friend Thomas they examined the nail prints in Jesus hand the wound in his side Jesus said blessed those have not seen yet have believed 1st Peter 1:8 put that down speaking of Jesus whom having not seen ye love you see by faith we see the invisible so faith should not be altered by appearances don't let any so-called appearance make a lie out of the Word of God in your heart and your mind number 2 faith should not be fettered by feelings faith is confidence that goes beyond emotions I have told you before that your emotions are the shallowest part of your nature faith is the deepest work of God and God doesn't do the deepest work in the showers part don't live your life under the tyranny of emotions by feelings now it feels good to feel good and nothing wrong with feeling good but feelings are fickle sometimes you wake up with a dull headache sometimes things will happen in and you will get you get all bent out of shape because of feelings sometimes that happens to preachers now you know when I come up here on the platform always try to look like I'm having a good time and I feel good but sometimes I don't surprised maybe I didn't get any sleep last night me I've got an upset stomach maybe I've got a dull headache you know and I come up here but I it's time to preach and I'm going to preach and then you know sometimes you think's going to be a good service and you get your foot in the lard bucket and can't get it out while you're preaching you try to say something and you get your Tang all tumbled up and the ushers will rush the choir sounds like a couple of cabs dying in a hailstorm and you say goodnight God is light years from this place and yet heaven comes down your emotions had nothing to do with that you see listen faith is not altered by by appearances faith is is not limited by your feeling it's not fettered by feeling I'll tell you something else about faith faith is not limited by logic faith is not altered by feelings are fettered by feelings and it is not limited by logic you know faith is not contrary to logic faith just goes beyond logic now if if this rug is a ditch and I'm over here and I'm moving step by step by step by step to this ditch and let my walk be logic then I come to place where logic ends I need to get over there I need to take a leap of faith now I could completely jump over this rug but I don't show off and and I come across I come across by a leap there comes a time when you have to make a leap of faith faith is rooted in logic faith goes beyond logic faith becomes its own best logic it is not contrary it is not limited by logic when Jesus was there with his those people following him and they were tired and hungry and he called philip and he said philip how we're going to feed these people the 5,000 there how are we going to feed them don't got out his pocket calculator he said well it takes a laboring man a year's wages to feed these technically he was right but any good red-blooded atheist could have done the same thing now when Jesus asked Philip how we're going to feed these people he wasn't asking for information because the Bible says he knew what he would do he knew what even he wasn't he was just warning Philip to learn something about a miracle of course there was a little boy there with a lads luncheon and they fed the whole multitude with that a couple of fish and loads now you see if you're adding up an equation you're never going to get the right answer if you leave out one of the elements you see what Philip did he he left out God he just he just did it without God now logically it was right but faith is not limited by logic are you trying to figure out something some of you I mentioned tithing awhile back some of you trying to figure out how you tie then you get all the figures that we can't do it did you add God in did you add God in I mean it's God a part of the equation faith friend is not limited by logic bring God into your calculations now we've talked about the description of faith let's talk secondly let's let's shift gears all right put it in another gear and let's talk about the dynamics of a life of faith let me tell you how dynamic faith is you see we live by faith first of all faith is the dynamic of spiritual wisdom they're things that you will never understand apart from faith now look if you will in verse three through faith we understand would you like that don't you like that through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear plain English the visible was made out of the invisible now God in the Bible is not explained God is not argued God is just simply presented and God must be accepted by faith go down to verse six Hebrews 11 and verse 6 for without faith it is impossible to please him for he that comes to God must believe that is we're talking about wisdom now the skeptic will say to you prove there's a god don't ever try it never why because the finite cannot prove the infinite and you say well I can't do it and he will smirk but it's not over yet you say now friend prove there is no God of course he can't prove there is no God he accepts by faith there is no God all people are believers there those who believe in God and those who believe there's no God they're all believers you see people are trying ever so often about every 3-4 months there'll be some new article in newspaper about the origin of the universe you'll notice that but it's always different they never have the answer every now and then the scientists will say some good words about God that doesn't give me a more faith in God a little more faith in the scientists maybe but not in God what what is science science is the study phenomenon now existing God asked old Jobe this question in job chapter 38 verse 4 where you when I laid the foundation of the earth there were no scientists there no way that they can explain it how do we understand it by faith you say well that takes a lot of belief well friend I say it takes less belief than believe that nothing times nobody equals everything that's what they believed I mean good night no one of the Bible says The Fool hath said in his heart there is no God God is the supreme fact and the man who denies it is the supreme fool The Fool has said in his heart there is no God remember faith is not contrary to reason is just simply beyond reason to go in the laboratory to try to prove God to be like tearing that piano part trying to find a tune you can't do that now now faithless Whittle about the dynamic of faith faith is the dynamic in spiritual wisdom it is the dynamic in spiritual worship look again in verse six but without faith it is impossible to please him worship is pleasing to God for he that cometh to God must believe that he is now you say God you prove yourself to me and I'll serve you no no no no God not going to prove himself for you he's not under any obligation to prove himself to you faith is not a response to proof that's what Thomas demanded and Jesus said Thomas you've seen and you believe blessed are they have not seen but they believe what is faith faith is the heart's response to the character of God when Jesus Christ came to this earth he left all of the splendor all of the glory all of all of the that in heaven and came to this earth and and came in a very ordinary nondescript way the Bible says when we see him there's no beauty that we should desire him do you what do you think Jesus looked like you think Jesus looked like the paintings that the painters paint like he just stepped out of a beauty salon white flowing robes moving around with a dinner plate behind his head do you think that's way look if that's the way he looked why did Judas have to point him out so they could take him away they're no beauty that we should desire him very ordinary nondescript person but yet there was in him all of the glory all of the serenity all of the dignity all of the majesty all of the purity all of the character of God in human flesh but not because of outward extravagance he didn't come in a jewel chariot with down to this earth born in a palace born rather than a stable and when he did miracles they were not publicity stunts often he would say don't tell anybody about this a friend of we did them we'd hit the road wouldn't we don't tell anybody about this I don't want that kind of father ship oh he did miracles that attested to the fact that it was who he said he was we have those people today who advertise miracles and don't do them Jesus did them didn't advertise them why did he come as he did because he wanted what he wanted which his faith without faith it is impossible to please him he could buy us he could bribe us he could convince us he could take the roof off this building and say boo you'd say I believe we didn't want that faith is the hearts response to the character of God when your eye is right it responds to light when your ear is right it responds to sound when your heart is right it responds to God and that response is called fa irth faith and so faith friend is the hearts response to God that's the reason the Bible says beware lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief unbelief never comes out the head unbelief comes out of the heart faith is the dynamic of spiritual worship faith honors God and God on the state now here's the third thing we're talking about the dynamic of faith and we say it's the dynamic and spiritual wisdom is the dynamic and spiritual worship and it is the dynamic and spiritual wealth in spiritual wealth look again in Hebrews 11:6 but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is now watch this and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him why are you seeking by faith jesus said be it unto you according to your what nobody knows be it unto you according to your faith thank you hello okay now not according to your fame not according to your feeling not according to your future not according to your fortune not according to your friends not according to your fate but according to your faith be it unto you faith is the medium of exchange in the kingdom of heaven if you pray without faith you don't get an answer what things if you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them pray believe you receive praying doubt you do that now God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him faith is the dynamic of spiritual wealth how spiritually strong are you how wealthy are you how many what kind of reserves do you have well it is all according to your faith now let's move to the third and final point we've talked about the description of faith we've talked about the dynamic of faith let's talk about the destination of a life of faith you see life is a journey we're headed somewhere and it is not a casual journey it is a race now notice here in Hebrews 12 let's go and we're going to skip all of these champions of faith because we will come back and take them one by one all we're doing now is just laying the groundwork okay all right now here in chapter 12 it's kind of a conclusion to all of this verses 1 and 2 wherefore seeing we also compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus now watch this the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God now the life of faith the only way to live is a life that has a destination it is like a race it has a goal now faith helps us to find that goal which is the will of God do you know what life is all about it is defined to follow and to finish the will of God define to follow and to finish the will of God that my friend is the destination of faith that's what faith is all about now how we're going to do that well very quickly I want to mention some ways first of all we're to be motivated by the Saints around us we're to be motivated by the Saints around us listen he says sing we're compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses there they are you can't see them but just as those people up there in the balcony looking down on us all around us in the heavenly gallery they're in the stands a great cloud of witnesses these are the champions of paint who've gone before now there they are in the Ring of Honor up there look down and we happen to be on the field being watched by the gallery of the great and they are cheering us on as we run the race Abraham Moses Daniel they're up in heaven saying go Adrian go go cheering us on and that's the reason I'm going to bring this series of messages on these champions of faith and so they can encourage you we're to be motivated by the Saints around us number two we're to be separated from the surplus upon us now many of us are carrying extra weight the Bible says we are to lay aside every weight now these are not sins these are weights in the olden days I used to be on the track team to run and when I would run I would get the lightest shoes I could get and just a pair of very light shorts to wear and and a shirt didn't even have sleeves in it just like a shirt made of night a light nylon and to get down there with your hands spread out and your feet there on that starting block every muscle ready to go headed toward the goal now one thing I did not do I never ran with an overcoat on never anything wrong with overcoats not a thing in the world nice to wear in cold weather but if you're in a race what do you do you lay aside every weight everything that is superfluous if you want to be a success in life don't get in the kindergarten stage you're saying is this right or is this wrong is this lawful or is this unlawful forget that you ask yourself is this thing a weight or is it a wing and friend never exchange wings for weights there's some things that are not bad in and of themselves but you just have to say that's not for me not if I want to run this race there are certain things that I am going to do without I have to be motivated by the Saints around me I am to be separated from the surplus that is upon me any extra baggage number three I'm to be liberated from the snares beneath me we're to be liberated from the snares beneath us the Bible also mentions and the sin which does so easily beset us all of us know what of a setting sin is is something we've been wrestling with for a long time actually this word beset means to entangle you is something that would trip you up when you're running a race ask what it is that keeps tripping you up where do you keep falling now notice what it says it says lay it aside lay it aside come to grips with it be done with it do you know what the great enemy of faith is it is sin beware lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief you say I have intellectual problems no you don't you have dirty rotten sin I told you that your heart will respond in faith when your heart is right now if you're having trouble with faith try repentance in the Bible it always comes this way repentance and faith never faith in repentance repentance and faith try repentance get your heart right get the sin out of your life and you'll be surprised how quickly the flowers of faith will grow when you get the sin out of the soil of your life lay aside every weight and the sin which that's so easily beset us we see you know this this this little sin I have is so precious is it is it worth God not answering your prayers is it worth a right relationship with God is it worth not being a mighty power for God is it worth it No lay it aside be done with it now next friend we'd be activated for the race before us notice he says we're to run with patience the race that is before us patience means determination God does business with those who do business God has a course for you God has set a race before you and you to get on the track last of all be dedicated to the Savior above us look if you will in Hebrews 12 - looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith looking unto Jesus friend listen to me it's not great faith in God that you need oh we all want great faith in God but that's a byproduct it's not great faith in God that you need listen look at this pastor it is faith in a great guy did that sink in it is faith in a great God do you know what faith is it is the byproduct of looking unto Jesus who is the author and the finisher of I think he's doubt for the Omega he's the one that fires the gun he's the goal to which we run he is the coach that coaches us as we run put your eyes upon Jesus Christ if you needed to cross a bridge you're not sure it could hold you let's say the Mississippi River bridge over here you could tremble and try to screw up your courage that would be one way to do it afraid the bridge might fall but on the other hand you could step back and look at it and see semi-trucks 18-wheelers going back in for thin automobiles you can see the great pylons and the steel and the girders then you don't have to make yourself believe you just go across the bridge because you see who it what it is and what it can do look to Jesus fall in love with Jesus study Jesus and you'll find him in the word faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and we're going to be talking about champions of faith now you're going to live by faith and you will not live without faith do you know Jesus or you can exist without faith but you will never live without things jesus said I've come that you might have life you put your faith where God has put your sins on Jesus Christ you bow your heads in prayer heads are bowed and eyes are closed if you already know Jesus I want you to pray for those around about you who may not know him and I want to lead you in a prayer now God will give you all the faith you need to trust in Jesus you don't even have to manufacture it you just say lord help me to believe any will are you ready to pray pray this prayer dear God if you're not certain that you're saved pray right now dear God I know that you love me and I know that you want to save me Jesus you died to save me and you promised to save me if I would trust you I do trust you right now this moment this moment now right now this moment I receive you by faith I don't ask for a sign I don't look for feeling I do it by faith I trust you to save me because you died for me you shed your blood for me you paid my sin debt with your blood on the cross you were raised from the dead I believe it and I receive it you're now my Lord my Savior my god and my friend begin now Lord Jesus to make me the person you want me to be give me the courage to make it public in your name I pray amen we pray God has blessed you as you watch this message if you'd like additional copies or information on other resources write us at love worth finding vo box 38 800 memphis tennessee 38134 @lw f0r chief in the US you can place Visa or MasterCard orders by calling 1-800 two seven four five six eight three Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central thank you and may God richly bless you
Channel: Blanket Tomcat
Views: 54,744
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Keywords: the, only, way, to, live, champions, of, faith, heroes, Adrian, Rogers, Dr, Pastor, Teacher, Teaching, Preacher, Preaching, Evangelist, Prophet, Prophecy, Truth, Praise, Faith, Worship, Gospel, Grace, Word, Minister, Ministry, Ministries, Love, Worth, Finding, God, Jehovah, Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Yahweh, Messiah, Saviour, Savior, Lord, Holy, Spirit, King, Lamb, Ghost, Bible, Bellevue, Baptist, Church, Saved, Salvation, Sermon, Fellowship, Trinity, Priest, Missionary, Revival, Lost, Sin, Satan, Backslide, Help, Forgiveness
Id: 7nvE4HrRa2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 19sec (2599 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2016
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