Adrian Rogers: When the Spirit Speaks - RA2318

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welcome to love worth finding with Pastor teacher and author Adrian Rogers reaching out with God's love bringing people to Christ touching lives around the world and helping you find the answers you need today join us as we prepare to open God's Word and discover how your life can be changed forever by his great love worth finding take your Bibles turn to John chapter 16 and in just a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 7 the tide of the message when the spirit speaks there are some things that you will never learn in school some things that you will never figure out intellectually the things you will never never ever know until you lay your intellectual pride in the dust and let God the Holy Spirit speak you speak to you about these three tremendous truths now folks truth is so very very important we have some who have cowardice they are afraid of the truth we have some with laziness they accept half truth we have some with arrogance they think they know all proof I pray God that you have humility today and ask God the Holy Spirit to speak to you the truth now here are these three tremendous truths beginning in verse 7 Jesus is talking about his going to heaven and the Holy Spirit coming there and he says nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you now boys and girls that means it is better for you necessary for you that I go away if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you now the word comforter is the word that means Paraclete or Advocate or lawyer somebody who comes alongside of you to take care of you jesus said I'm going to heaven but I will send the Holy Spirit to you now notice verse 8 and when he has come he will reprove the world number one of sin number two righteousness number three of judgment those are the three things that you will never understand apart from the Holy Spirit sin righteousness and judgment you say well Adrienne they sounds simple to me hang on and listen now Jesus goes on to describe what he's talking about in verse nine of sin because they believe not only of righteousness because I go to my father and you see me no more of judgment because the prince of this world is judged now I want us to learn those three things today and I pray God that he will give me the mind of Christ the tongue to learn I pray God that he will open your heart I pray God that the Holy Spirit of God will speak to you today and help you to understand these things because I can articulate but only God the Holy Spirit can write them upon your heart what are these three tremendous truths that you will learn when the Spirit of God speaks number one the truth about the sinners basic problem the truth about the sinners basic problem what is the sinners basic problem look if you will in verse nine of sin because they believe not on me now what is man's basic problem well first of all a man is a sinner because of what he is he's a born sinner put in your margin Ephesians 2 verse 3 that says we are by nature the children of Wrath man is born with a sinful nature he comes into this world with a sinful nature and therefore unless there's a change he's hopelessly lost because he has a nature that's given us in uh somewhere I read about a missionary who went to the mission field and they showed her where the missionary residence was and it was a convent ISIL cottage but the floor was filthy and so she being a good housekeeper decided she would scrub the floor and she scrubbed the floor but she didn't seem to be able to get the dirt up she put on more water more suds finally she got down on her hands and knees and just kept scrubbing but it was dirty she'd scrub it was dirty she scrubbed it was dirty she would rinse it scrub again still dirty somebody said madam I hate to tell you but that is a dirt floor what she was doing I was just simply scrubbing a dirt floor and the more she scrubbed the more dirt came up now folks you can never take your sinful nature and clean it up because your sinful nature is like that dirt floor man is a sinner basically because of what he is now you may not have you may not have done so many bad things but God looks at your nature if you were to see a dog foaming at the mouth and a dog acting strange and you could tell the dog was rabid that dog would be caged and destroyed not for what the dog had done he may not have bitten anybody but what he is capable of doing friend wheel centers not only for what we've done but what we are capable of doing so man is a sinner because of what he is secondly man is a sinner because of what he has done Romans 3 verse 23 says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God think friend of the deeds that you've done now we sit in church this morning well-dressed sing these hymns but think of those things that have come out of our hearts think of the lies that have been told think of the cursing that has been done you say well I didn't mean anything by it yes I took God's name in vain I didn't really mean anything by it that friend that's a part of your guilt that you could take the name of God and not mean anything by it God says thou shall not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain for God will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain one of these days you meet every curse word think of the gossip that you've told where you have used your tongue to slander somebody else's a character think of the disobedience to your parents think of the dishonesty think of all of those things you've done you say well haven't done that much do you ever steal a toy of your neighbor's yard you ever steal a nickel off your mother's dresser jherich Eton school they say those are small sins but I want to remind you that God doesn't grade on the curve we are sinners for what we are we are sinners for what we have done think of your thought light you hate it God wrote down murder you lusted God wrote down adultery man is a sinner because of what he is man is a sinner because of what he done man is a center because of what he has not done why did God make you to know him to love him and to serve him that's why God made you if you've not known him loved him and served him then you've been walking on God's green earth eating God's food using God's sunshine breathing God's air and not returning to God that which is his which is glory to him man is a center because of what he has not done man is a sinner according to verse 9 for not believing what I believe in that's something that only the Holy Spirit of God can convict you of jesus said when he has come when the Spirit of God has come he will reprove the world of sin because they believe none now you say oh well that's that's not a big sin no friend that is the great sin that is the mother send the father send the parents send the sin of sins the greatest sin is not believing it now you say well it doesn't seem so bad murders worse than that rape is worse than that no God says unbelief is the greatest sin they say well I don't agree with it I wouldn't expect you to agree with it unless the Holy Spirit of God teaches you when the Holy Spirit of God teaches you you're going to understand why the Holy Spirit of God will come and help you to see that this is the great sin that may not seem as great over here is a as a mountain of garbage over here is a teaspoonful of tasteless but deadly poison now this may seem greater than this but this is the deadly part the great sin is the sin of unbelief it is the crowning sin it is the proof of man's wickedness and it my friend is the sin that will damn you forever not believing now that you sat on the way with that think with me for a moment and I pray God the Holy Spirit of God will teach you as I preach that you will understand that this is the greatest sin and with it you pay the greatest price in a matter of fact this greatest sin is not often committed in the house of prostitution it's not committed in the tavern is committed in the church house when the gospel is preached you know somebody says well yes I admit I told a lie yes I admit I stole an answer in school yes I'll admit that I lost my temper or I read a a girlie magazine but Adrian are you trying to tell me that God would send me to hell forever and ever and ever because of that I mean that would be like putting a man in the penitentiary for life because he stole a loaf of bread the punishment doesn't fit the crime I mean after all isn't God just friend here's the whole point God is not going to let you go to hell because you stole a loaf of bread but because you aim the gun of unbelief at him and pull the trigger do you know what unbelief is unbelief is wickedness consummate wickedness unbelief is the refusal of Almighty God unbelief or saying God you go your way I'll go mine it is my life I will not trust you with it I will not give it to you I am my own person you see unbelief is the parent sin it is the sin of which all other sins come from which all of the sins come why did Adam and Eve sin in the Garden of Eden basically it was unbelief why does a man tell a lie today unbelief he can't trust God to get him out of the mess that he's in only the Holy Spirit of God can conviction that there is no greater sin than unbelief unbelief says God you're not worthy of my faith you're not worthy of my trust you're not worthy of my love I don't want you in my life well Adrian I can't help it I'm just not superstitious I'm not religious I can't help it if I can't believe bring that's where you're wrong that's where you're wrong the Holy Spirit of God will enable you to believe that's the reason the Bible says in the book of Hebrews the third chapter beware lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief unbelief does not come out of the head it comes out of the heart it is a predisposition against Almighty God it is not trusting the God who loves you now I can preach that but one of these days you'll understand that the greatest sin the mother send the parents in the sin of sins the crowning sin is to refuse Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior that he suffered bled and died for you reached out his hand to you sent the Holy Spirit of God to convict you sent the Word of God brought you here today and you refuse to believe in him our courtroom may convict you of crimes conscience making victory of wrongdoing but only the Holy Spirit of God can truly convict you of sin yes man is a sinner because what he is yes man is a sinner because of what he's done but the greatest sin the sin of sins the mother send the father send the parents send the damning sin is the sin of not believing he that believeth on him on whom on Jesus is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he had not believed not because he told a lie not because he stole not because he committed adultery those sins have been paid for but because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God he that believes is not condemned you come with faith and put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and there is therefore now no condemnation of those in Christ Jesus refused the Lord Jesus Christ and you are condemned because you have not believed you have refused him that is the greatest sin and with it it brings the greatest penalty now there's a second truth that you'll never understand until God the Holy Spirit teaches not only the truth about man's basic problem which is unbelief his basic problem but number two the truth about the Savior's bountiful provision what is the truth about the Savior's bountiful provision the holy spirit has come when he speaks he speaks of righteousness jesus said because i go to my father and you see me no more what is the Savior's bountiful provision you say came to heal no he came to teach not primarily you say he came to do to help the poor no he came to seek and to save that which is lost he came as a savior and he came to provide righteousness he came to provide righteousness and when he had uh was virgin born lived a sinless life took my sin your sin I sin upon himself hung upon that cross and with his blood paid the sin debt then went into that dark tomb came out the third day ascended to heaven it was done all that he came to do was done he said I have finished the work he's speaking to the Father I finished the work that gave us me to do and now I am going back home I have done the work that God told me to do now I'm ascending the high hills of glory and the Holy Spirit of God is going to come and he will convict you of the righteousness that you can have through me now the world's idea of righteousness is just as warped as the world's idea of sin now the world's idea of sin is the man is a sinner because of what he does no he does what he does because he's a sinner man is not a liar because he tells lies he tells lies because he's he's a liar the sin is in the heart but the world's idea of righteousness is just as warm the world thinks that a man is a sinner if he does wrong he thinks the man is righteous if he does right and somehow that God is like a Santa Claus making a list checking it twice going to find out who's naughty or nice and one of these days we're going to die and our bad works going to put on the scales on this side our good works on the scales on this side and God's going to weigh it all out and if our good works outweigh our bad works and he's going to say you made it if our bad works outweigh our good works are you going to say you missed it that's the world's idea of righteousness but I want you to listen to these scriptures here God talked about his ancient people Israel and here's what he said about them in Romans chapter 10 and verse 3 put it down the Bible says they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God the ignorance is terrible friend but when it comes to heaven or hell that it is it is tragic they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God most of the people in America are self-righteous strutting their way to hell thinking they're too good to be damned now your only hope of ever appearing righteous before God is in the finished work of the Ascended Christ when Jesus went to heaven when he said I'm going to heaven what did he do when he went to heaven he went and presented his blood on the mercy seat there in heaven before the father as an atonement for our sin now think with me for a moment if you could be accounted righteous before God by doing good deeds by giving you money by helping the poor by being religious being kind if you could be counted righteous for doing that listen to me now why did Jesus die why did he suffer on that cross if you could be saved by your own righteousness I submit to you that if you could be saved by doing good then Calvary was the blunder of the ages now you think about it let me give you a verse of scripture Paul said in Galatians chapter 2 verse 21 for I do not trust straight the grace of God for if righteousness come by the law then Christ is dead in vain what does that mean when you try to earn your salvation you frustrate the grace of God for if righteousness come by the law then Christ is dead in vain it means he died for nothing if you could by keeping the Ten Commandments that's what it means by the law if you could work your way to heaven tell me friend why did Jesus die what is the purpose of the cross are you telling me that God would allow his dear darling precious son to die in unmentionable agony upon that cross when you could be saved without it he just let him die friend if that is true I hate to meet that God in a dark alley I have no respect for a God who had allowed Jesus Christ to die that way upon the cross to be butchered on a Roman cross when you could be saved by just being good look at that verse again if righteousness come by the law then Christ is dead in vain but most of the people in America are egomaniacs strutting to hell thinking they're too good to be damned only the Holy Spirit of God will convict you that the greats in the basic sin is unbelief only the Holy Spirit of God can convict you that you do not have half a hallelujah of a chance to go to heaven apart from the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ you say well I'm a good person pastor Rogers well let me tell you what God says about you put it down Isaiah chapter 64 and verse 6 for we're all as an unclean thing and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags all not not your bad deeds your good deeds in the sight of God so like a filter rag is the word that's used to rap the lepers losing souls all of our righteousness is as filthy rags now only the Holy Spirit of God can teach you that I it you see you can make a deadly mistake by depending upon self-righteousness rather than Christ's righteousness now when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ what does he do well when you believe on him number one here's the kind of righteousness that he gives you number number one he changes what you are the moment you believe on him remember we said a man is a sinner because of what he is what Jesus changes what he is Christians are not just nicer people they're new creatures if any man be in Christ Jesus he's a new creature God gives you a new nature when I receive Christ as a team God put a new nature in my heart such a new nature that the teachers were saying what happened Adrian ronsis there was a radical change but not only does he change what we are a friend he forgives what we've done remember I said we were sent us what we've done well every stain every blur every blot every blemish is washed whiter than snow buried in the grave of God's forgetfulness but not only does he friend change what we are not only does he forgive what we've done but he also gives what we need what do we need we need righteousness now let me give you a verse of scripture romans 4 verses 5 & 6 but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness God just puts righteousness on our account even as david also describeth the blessedness of the man unto whom god imputeth righteousness without works and we don't use that word impute very much but it means put on your account next time you go to Goldsmith to buy something just say impute it don't say charges and pewt put it on my account listen to what God says in the scripture but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness lessons man to whom the lord imputeth righteousness without works god just puts that on your account how glorious that is you say I don't understand it that's the reason I'm praying God the Holy Spirit will open your heart today when the Spirit of God has come he will convict you of righteousness the only righteousness that you can have apart from him listen to me the worst form of badness is human goodness when human goodness becomes a substitute for the new birth the worst form of badness is human goodness when that becomes a substitute for the new birth you say well I believe I have a little goodness in me your goodness your righteousness is this filthy rags from the sight of God they're about six billion people on planet Earth if you were to put all six billion people in a single line and pass a golden cup down that line and let each person put all of his righteousness in that cup when you go all over around the world a number of times that each person putting all of his personal righteousness in that cup there wouldn't be enough righteousness in that cup to save one man there is no righteousness there's none righteous no not one now people don't understand that they sit in churches thinking they're doing God a wild favor by getting here and they don't understand that they need to be twice born-again I tell you if righteousness come by the law then pray tell me why did Jesus die the Holy Spirit of God has come to teach what man's basic problem is and that is sin the Holy Spirit of God is come to teach what what Christ the Savior's bountiful provision is and that is righteousness now thirdly here's the third truth that you never understand apart from the Holy Spirit and it's the truth about Satan's broken power the truth about Satan's broken power now jesus said he's going to come and talk to you about a sin righteousness and judgment now he describes judgment in verse 11 he says of judgment because the prince of this world is judged now notice the tents there he doesn't say the prince of this world who Satan is going to be judged friend Satan is all ready judge now you don't need to understand this because some people think that we're still waiting to see the outcome oh no when Jesus face the cross here's what Jesus said in John chapter 12 and verse 31 now is the judgment of this world now shall the Prince of this world be cast out not when I come 2,000 years later now is the judgment of this world a friend when Jesus died on the cross man was doing his most wicked malevolent thing he could do God was gaining the greatest victory when Jesus bowed his head and died Satan's Kingdom was crushed Satan's back was broken Satan became a condemned felon sentence has been passed upon him judgment is over he rules a doomed domain he sails a sinking ship Satan is ruin his ruin he's devastated the prince of this world is already judged that's the foolishness of Satan worship why follow a losing man hell is prepared for the devil and his angels God didn't make hell for you but I say something everybody in this building today is either believing in Christ are you're not believing in Christ and those of you who are believing in Christ one day you'll be like him that's what a Christian faith is about one day you will be like Jesus that is what God is up to God is up to making people like Jesus Christ to be conformed to the image of his son that's what it's all about you're looking at a man who will one day be like Jesus Christ I don't take something you fail to receive the Lord Jesus Christ you fail to believe in him you trust your own self-righteousness and you're going to begin moving in this direction and one of these days you're going to be the perfect image of Satan themselves you'll be just like it you will be transformed into the image of Satan and you will go to a Hell prepared for the devil and his angels it's a frightening thought I want to ask you a question when you get to where you are headed where will you be everybody's headed somewhere everybody has headed somewhere there are those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who have received his righteousness will one day be like him but if you have not I want to tell you that that judgment awaits you don't get the idea that is some colossal contest and we're waiting to see who's going to win Jesus or the devil the devil's already lost and Jesus must reign his enemies must bite the dust truth is mightier than error and love is stronger than hate and holiness is higher than sin choose sides carefully precious friend now it looks like sometimes Satan is winning the battle don't be deceived the prince of this world is judged is judge somewhere years ago I read about a spider who tried to build his web on the town clock you know these big clocks that standing the city square and he he put one end of his little gossamer thread on the hand of the clock and began to build but the clock just kept moving and kept moving he had to keep rebuilding over and over again I won't tell you Satan tries to build a sticky web but God's hand is moving on toward the climax of this age and all of Satan's plans are destined to failure now let me tell you what I love about this passage of Scripture the Holy Spirit of God is come to convict the world a man's basic problem of the sinners bountiful provision of Satan's broken power he's come to convict you of an but notice how the order he has come to convict us of sin righteousness and judgment now in a court of law first the crime when the crime is proven then the judgment that's the order the crime the punishment but with God the order is different there's first of all sin then righteousness and then judgment God has put righteousness between sin and judgment to see God and opposed the precious blood of his son the Lord Jesus Christ now if you don't believe if you refuse there is no righteousness between sin and judgment you just die and go to hell I'm a sinner by nature by birth by practice but I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and therefore God has interposed his precious blood and his righteousness stands between me and judgment I like that between me and hell there's a bloody cross and Jesus is only friend if you're not a believer put your hand up then you feel that little heart beat that's all there is between you and him so just a heart beat but if you've given your heart to Jesus if you've trusted the Lord Jesus Christ if you've said my basic problem my basic problem is I've not trusted him but I trust him and then God says I'll give you a bountiful provision I will give you righteousness and now for you he is therefore now no condemnation and you're not belonging to that tribe that's following Satan you're twice born your heaven born in heaven Battin oh I prayed on my knees that God will help you to understand this because all I can do is preach it it is the Holy Spirit of God who will tell you the truth about sin and righteousness and judgment he'll do it through my words but he'll teach you if you just open your heart lay your pride in the dust with you and say speak to me Oh God bow your heads in prayer heads are bowed and eyes are closed no one's stirring no one moving oh how you need Jesus don't let yourself righteousness take you to hell don't think that refusing Jesus is a small sin it is the basics in unbelief never comes out of the head it comes out of the heart if you want to be saved may I help you to be saved today would you pray a prayer like this and pray it from your heart oh God I'm a sinner because of what I am and what I've done but my basic sin is I'm not believed in Jesus I'm not trusted in I've not yielded to him Oh God the Holy Spirit of God has shown me that today and I repent of my sin of unbelief and now I trust Jesus with all of my heart Lord Jesus I need righteousness I can't stand before God with my self-righteousness Lord just put righteousness on my account oh thank you Jesus for paying with your rich blood for my sin thank you Jesus for the cross thank you for redemption thank you for righteousness that you alone can give and Lord God now I've stepped from death into life I'm no longer following Satan I'm no longer following a loser I belong to you Jesus one day I'll be like you praise your holy name I love you Jesus I love you Jesus I love you help me never to be ashamed of you your name I pray amen we pray God has blessed you as you watch this message if you'd like additional copies or information on other resources write us at love worth finding P o box 38 800 memphis tennessee 38134 @ l WF 0 RG in the US you can place Visa or MasterCard orders by calling 1-800 2 7 4 5 6 8 3 Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time thank you and may God richly bless you you
Channel: Love Worth Finding Ministries
Views: 165,155
Rating: 4.8217411 out of 5
Keywords: lwf, program, when, the, spirit, speaks, ra2318, love worth finding adrian rogers memphis salvation ways to salvation christ, jesus, sermons, love worth finding, love worth finding ministries, love worth finding come to jesus, love worth finding choir, love worth finding adrian rogers, love worth finding with dr. adrian rogers
Id: gE8P3Z_gfqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 22sec (2062 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2016
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