Adrian Rogers: My Heart-God's Home [#2418]

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welcome to love Werth fine with Pastor teacher and author Adrian Rogers reaching out with God's love bringing people to Christ touching lives around the world and helping you find the answers you need today join us as we prepare to open God's Word and discover how your life can be changed forever by his great love worth finding 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 find it in your Bibles and look up here for just a moment and let me ask you this question do you know where God lives well if you wanted to write him a letter do you have your dress do you have the zip code where is God's house when we come to church we say we're going to God's house what is this beautiful building is this God's house where does God live what is his address well you know the truth of the matter is that as you study the Bible God has been living in a series of houses God has been moving in and moving out and moving in and moving out he doesn't seem to stay put until recently in one particular place he moves from house to house and what happens is that God moves into a house the house gets defiled and dirty and God moves out because God will not live in a dirty house now you may live in a dirty house but God won't live in a dirty house I heard about some college boys that wanted to keep the team mascot that happened to be a goat in the college dorm and they said you can't do that what about the smell well they said the goat can get used to that smell we did now college boys who live in a dirty house but God will not where does God live well look 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 what know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God and you're not your own for you're bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are gone where does God live God lives in us in the Old Testament God had a temple for his people in the New Testament God has a people for his temple God lives in us our hearts are a royal residence I want you to notice some various houses that God has lived in and moved out of for example God's primary house was a man named Adam God's primary house was Adam the Bible says in Genesis chapter 2 and verse 7 and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul now you want to know what man is man his body soul and spirit God made man's body from the dust of the ground God gave man a spirit by the breath of life God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life that's the Spirit of God and man became a living soul now the scripture that corresponds to that is 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 23 a key scripture if you're going to understand the Bible so jot it down 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 and I and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and I pray God that your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blame under the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ faithless he who called it you who also will do it so sitting in your chair this morning is spirit soul and body let's put them in reverse order so it be more easily understood first of all your body you have a body you hide your hair your skin your bone you send you that extra flesh I have water quoi that's your body with your body you have physical life and you know the physical world roughly speaking the world beneath you and then the Bible says that you have a soul now what is your soul the greek word for soul is the word the suitcase the word we anglicize and get psyche from psychology from psychiatric your soul is the emotional part of you the cognitive part of you that lives in your body it's your mind your motion your will all of those things that make you the wonderful person that you are in your personality your intelligence your sense of humor your proclivities your idiosyncrasies all of those things that make you the person you are mind emotion and will that is your soul now with your body you have physical life and you know the world beneath you with your soul you have psychological life you know the world within and around you but what about your spirit I used to think soul and spirit were about the same six of one half a dozen of another but that in what our scripture says our scripture says and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body God makes a differentiation between spirit and soul doesn't he well as Hebrews 4:12 say for the work of the word of God is quick and powerful sharper than a two-edged sword dividing asunder between soul and spirit so God divides between soul and spirit what is your spirit your spirit is that part of your nature that enables you to know God for God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him how in spirit hello worship Him how in spirit and in truth and when we get saved God's Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God now plants have a body but they don't have a soul animals it may surprise you but they have a soul soul the word soul means conscious life in the book of Genesis the Bible speaks of living creatures having nephesh or soul your dog has mind emotion and will but what makes man more than a clever animal is he has a spirit dogs never pray some may but not most I had one I thought might have dogs don't pray dogs don't think of eternity you see animals plants have inanimate life animals have animate life but humans have spiritual life God put into you a spirit God breathed into your nostrils the breath of life you became a living soul because God's Spirit is in you it's the spirit that is the organ of spiritual knowledge and so God made man to live in Adam was a house of three rooms do you know God likes threes because God is a triune God Father Son and Holy Spirit and every God just likes threes everything God made reflects his tri-unity space is what height width and depth now height is not width width is not depth and depth is not height they're all different but they're all the same they are distinguishable but inseparable like Father Son and Holy Ghost not only space but time time is past present future the past is not the present the present not the future the future is not the past they're all distinguishable all inseparable you can't have one without the other and everything God has created as time and space in the natural realm it reflects the tri-unity of God and when God made a man like Randy over here God made him body soul and spirit and I pray God your spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ now when God made Adam when Adam came off the assembly line Adam was to be a royal residence God was to live in Adams spirit when the Bible says that God walked with Adam do you think God in physical form took Adam by the hand and walk with him no God was not only outside God was on the inside God was in Adam spirit and Adam walked in fellowship with God in the Garden of Eden Adam was God's primary house but I want to give you four words that start with the letter D because the whole message going to be built around these four letters and I want you to see the first word is designed the second word is desecration the third word is desolation and the fourth word is destruction now I'm going to be disappointed if you can't give me those words back when I meet you in a hall in just a few moments all right all right first design their desecration and then desolation and then destruction now you want to see a pattern and it's going to go through all of these houses first of all God made Adam and Adam was to be a house of three rooms that innermost room the spirit was where God dwelt with Adam the Bible says God will walk with him live with him that is of a humble and a contrite spirit and so here was a house design God designed his house of three rooms a primary house that was Adam but not only was that house design that house was secondly desecrated Adam sinned he sinned against God and when he sinned against God he defiled he dirtied he desecrated the house Genesis chapter 3 verse 6 and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took him the fruit and did eat and gave also to her husband with her and he did eat plain English they sin they transgressed the law of God and sin as the transgression of the law they disobeyed God and so here was a beautiful house that got it made and now they have desecrated they have dirtied the house well then when they did that what's the next step the house is desolated God moves out God said in Genesis 3 verse 19 in the sweat of thy face thou shalt be bread till thou return unto the ground for out of it that I was was thou taken and for dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return now what happened is this that when Adam sinned God moved out and now Adam is - God in his spirit and his spirit is dead but his soul and his body are still alive Adam now has a house that is desolate it is - God now rather than being God centered he's self-centered and rather than the spirit having dominance over the soul the soul has dominance divine demotion in the will pay attention now don't don't let your mind run off I know what you're thinking mister give me your mind again now here's a house design here's a house desecrated and then it is a house desolated God moves out Adam is now - God in his spirit and rather than being a spiritual man he's a soulish man and then what happens is the house design the house desecrated the house desolated is a house destroyed God says in verse 19 that you're going to return to dust you're going to be destroyed now again I want you to think with me getting technical now but all come together don't don't cut out on me all right now listen how did Adam die God had warned Adam and Eve in the day that you eat you'll die well did they die that day if you read the Bible Adam went on to live for 900 years had children and yet God said Adam and the day that you eat you'll die where did he die or didn't he die well let me tell you how he died he died immediately in his spirit he died progressively in his soul he died ultimately in his body that's very important I'll bring that back to you in a little bit so don't forget it and if you do forget it you're in bad trouble all right now listen to me he died immediately in his spirit what does it mean to be lost he had to be a bank robber a rapist an axe murderer no to be lost is to be - God how much sin does it take to be - God one half of one sin God will live in a dirty house God just moved out of Adam he's just - God now he is ungodly without God God is on the outside and no longer is Adam residence and so God moves out the minute Adam sinned he died immediately in his spirit pass the reason the Bible says he that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of God hath not life now right now there's some people listening to me in this auditorium your heart is thumping your mind is working but you're dead the Bible says she that liveth in pleasures dead while she lives Adam died immediately in his spirit Adam died progressively in his soul what's his soul mind emotion will his mind meant to be centered on God becomes a garden of weeds fears and neuroses and disappointments and sorrows come into his heart into his mind into his soul he dies progressively in his soul and he died ultimately in his body now the seeds of death were in him the minute he sinned many of us at Christmas time by what we call a living tree it's not you go down there where they have all those trees stacked up that's not a living tree that's a dead tree and when did it die the minute that man cut it down it's dead now may look alive but wait till about new years wait in about new years and and it's dead already now people come to church and like that tree you're all decorated you look so good so fresh put your separated from the life of God and just given enough time what happened when you sinned against God which we have all done you're separated from God so you died immediately in the spirit progressively in the soul and ultimately in the body your body is winding down to the grave all right now watch a house designed a house desecrated a house desolated God moved out and a house destroyed that's God's primary house that was Adam now second house God moved into and this is what I want to call God's pattern house which was the temple God built a temple for his people in the Old Testament first of all it was a tabernacle which was just a tent later became a more stately structure but it's the same idea the same principle the tabernacle or the temple again it was a house of three rooms if you know anything about the tabernacle in the temple three basic rooms there was the outer court that's a place of sacrifice there was the inner court that's where people met together and fellowship together and then there was the animals court called the Holy of Holies that's where the Shekinah glory of God was now what was that temple friend that temple was nothing more nothing less than a gigantic pattern as a matter of fact the book of Hebrews calls it a pattern just a pattern it's an object lesson it corresponds to the human body the outer court was the place of sacrifice where the brazen altar was we to present our bodies what a living sacrifice the inner court was a place where the people met and worshipped and had fellowship together like we're having in this church and that represents the soul we fellowship with one another on a soulish plane but then that innermost place represents the human spirit that that holy of Holy's well this was God's pattern house God used the temple to teach a colossal lesson and I don't want us to miss the lesson first of all a house design God designed the temple of three rooms and God says see that you do it according to the pattern that I gave you because it's a lesson a house design a house desecrated notice if you will in Matthew 21 verse 13 why Jesus said about the temple and he said unto them it is written my house shall be called a house of prayer but you've made it a den of thieves now a house design a house desecrated and then what happens a house desolating God won't live in a dirty house look in Matthew 23 verse 38 behold your house is left unto you desolate you see that now he doesn't call it my father's house anymore before he said my father's house should be a house of prayer no longer is it my father's house now is your house now the strange thing is that after they taken the Holy Temple it made it a den of thieves they continued to worship in it but God was a thousand light years away is no longer God's house it is your house a house designed a house desecrated a den of thieves a house desolated your house is left unto you desolate and then what next a house destroyed look in Matthew 24 verses 1-2 and Jesus went out and departed from the temple and his disciples came unto Him for to show him the buildings of the temple jesus said unto them see ye not all these things verily I say to you there shall not be left one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down design desecrate desolated destroy God's moved out and God moves them and you can go to where that beautiful temple was once and you will find not one stone upon another there are other temples that have been preserved but not this one not this one Jesus word is fulfilled now are you catching a pattern there's a primary house there's a pattern house now God is moving on here's the third house that I want you to see that God moved into and it's what I want to call God's perfect house you know what God's perfect house was was Jesus Christ himself now notice what Jesus said about himself here in John chapter 2 verses 19 through 21 jesus answered and said unto them destroy this temple you see him pointing to himself destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up then said the Jews forty and six years this temple was this temple in building and wilt thou rear it up in three days but now notice this but he spake of the temple of his body jesus knew that his body was a temple of God and it was a perfect template first of all a house design but jesus said a body that has prepared me a house design he was the second Adam body soul and spirit he was totally perfect a house design he could he could point anyone and say which of you convinced with me of sin this is why he was born Virgen to be perfect he's not a son of Adam and Adam all died he came as he did born of a virgin to be what it was sinless he was what it was sinless to do what he did to die for our sins only a perfect sacrifice could be acceptable before God now follow with me now a house design but now a house desecrated you say that house that house Jesus was his temple desecrated absolutely read in Isaiah chapter 53 verse 6 all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the LORD hath laid on him on who on Jesus the iniquity of us all 1st Peter 2 verse 24 who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed him who knew no sin that's Jesus God has made to be sin for us all we like sheep have gone astray but God took my sin your sin our sin all the rotten filthy dirty perverted sin of this world and put that sin upon the Lord Jesus Christ jesus never sinned but my sin your sin our sin their sin all sin was laid upon Jesus Christ a house designed a house desecrated what's the next day a house desolated I notice in Matthew 27 verse 46 Jesus is nailed to that hellish machine called a cross in agony and blood and he cries out about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Eli Eli lama sabachthani that is to say my God my God why hast thou forsaken me I'll tell you why God can't live in a dirty house and when when Jesus was willing to become our substitute when Jesus was willing to take our sins upon himself then that perfect house was desecrated and God the Father turned his back upon God the Sun for the Bible says of God the Father thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity and here's Jesus bearing the sin of the world on that cross and God Himself turns his back on the Lord Jesus Christ even when I said earlier today Jesus died instead of you you ought to love the Lord Jesus for what he did for you David said yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I'll fear no evil for thou art with me friend I want to tell you that Jesus walked that dark valley all by himself he could not even say Lord my God my father be with me why hast thou forsaken me a house designed a house desecrated a house desolated and then what a house destroyed jesus knew that that temple would be destroyed himself John chapter 2 verse 19 jesus answered and said unto them destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up jesus knew that he would be destroyed and who would be the one who would destroy him God the Father you say now wait a minute I thought we crucified Jesus well in the sense that he died for our sins we did but the Bible says it hath pleased the Lord to bruise him in Isaiah 53 verse 10 when Jesus took my sin when Jesus became my substitute God had to treat Jesus as he would treat me a house designed the house desecrated a house desolated and a house destroyed the Bible says in Romans 8 that God spared not his only son now come up here let me ask you a question if you if God did not spare Jesus when he was bearing our sins what makes you think God is going to spare you if you reject the sin bear if there were ever a time when God would have been lenient on sin it would have been when that sin was upon his son Jesus if God could not overlook the sin that was on Jesus I'll tell you my friend God cannot overlook your sin now God's primary house was Adam God's pattern house was the temple God's perfect house was the Lord Jesus design desecrated desolated and destroyed all of them that brings me to the final point and the final point is God's permanent house did you know that God has stopped moving did you know that God has moved in and he is not moving out again 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 what know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which you have of God you're not your own for your bought with a price oh what a price therefore glorify God in your body in your spirit which are gods you want to know where God lives right here God lives in me and God is never moving out God is never moving out you say pastor are you certain that he's not moving out I'm absolutely certain that he is not moving out second Corinthians 6 verse 16 for what agreement hath the temple of God with idols for ye are the temple of God as God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them and the word dwell means to settle down and walk in them just like you walked with Adam and I will be their God and they shall be my people and then look if you will in John 14 verse 16 I will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you how long for ever look in Ephesians 3 verse 17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith when God moves in he is not moving out now sometimes we come to church and we say well we're coming to God's house no you're bringing God's house to church you see God lives in you now sometimes we think well been to church now is 12 we're moving we're moving out of God's house friend your heart is not a hotel with checkout time 12 noon God comes into you to live in you to stay in you once and for all now having said that I want to draw several lessons and we'll be finished first of all the lesson concerning salvation what is salvation salvation is not getting man out of earth into heaven that's what most people talk about don't you want to be saved so you can go to heaven well I want to go to heaven but that's not what salvation is that's just a byproduct of salvation have you don't anything else you listen to what I'm saying salvation is not getting man out of earth into heaven it is getting God out of heaven into me that's what it is being saved is getting God back in your heart helping you to understand that you are now a temple of the Holy Ghost and it's so wonderful when God does that hmm to the wonderful people at love we're finding ministries hello my name is Vanessa I live off our last name because of the nature of this letter I'm a single mother of three children I am writing to let you know how much your program has been touching my life I want to thank you for your daily broadcast currently I have been blessed to have a new job as a receptionist I sit in the back area office section I listen to your program here in Milwaukee regularly every day thank you for blessing my life and showing me things I need to know in my new walk with Christ since I've given my life to Christ to make a long story short my life has been changed from being a prostitute and drug addict to a devoted mother with a full-time job I've learned to trust God in every area of my life it has been one year and my life has been completely turned around thank you I just want you to know that your radio program is being heard and is touching lives I know now that God loves even the worst people and he sends his word to heal our diseases I thank him for changing my life I will forever be grateful because God is so good keep preaching God's Word don't stop god bless you keep on keepin on now this is not a woman who's concerned about going to heaven she is a person who said I have life in the Lord Jesus Christ not a prostitute in the moon not a drug addict anymore what is salvation it is not getting man out of earth into heaven thank God for heaven I'm going to have a nope you are see you there but oh it's getting God out of heaven demand now not only the lesson concerning salvation but the lesson concerning security did you see Frank God has stopped moved God is not moving around anymore God dwells in our heart by faith and God is never never never never never going to forsake us he said I will never leave you nor forsake you and actually the Greek lanes is I will never never never no never ever never leave he keeps piling up the negatives nor forsake you he has moved in to settle down where he I thought you said God wouldn't live in a dirty house and I'm not perfect no friend I'll tell you what happens now because of Calvary sacrifice no sin will ever be imputed to you romans 4 says blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin if God would have put one half of one sin on your record you'd have to move out but sin is never imputed to you well what happens then when I sin God will carry you to the woodshed and beat the tar out of you that's what happened whom the Lord loves he chastens and scourges every son whom he receives but you are secure some people don't believe in eternal security they believe you you're saving and lost and saving lost and saved and lost you become a spiritual neurotic if you believe that you didn't know the next day whether you have a place at the table a bed room or whatever is a little child so while you'd become a nervous neurotic some people say oh I believe in security I believe in security when I get to heaven you think bomb will jump into heaven slam the door behind me said woohoo I'm safe Nana oh wait a minute what makes you think you'd be safe up there if you're not safe down here the Angels fell from heaven friends security is not in a place it's in a person in his name is Jesus Christ oh I thank God not in the lesson concerning security he has moved in never to move out again and there's also lesson concerning sanctification now listen to me I told you how Adam died and I told you not to forget it but you forgot it some want to remind you Adam died immediately in his spirit he died progressively in his soul he died ultimately in his body got it say got it all right now it's when you get saved God puts all that in reverse puts all that in reverse when you get saved you are justified immediately in your spirit the Bible speaks of the spirits of just men made perfect you are justified immediately the moment you say yes to Jesus Christ that moment how do you you are justified in your spirit every sin every blot every blur every blemish every stain is buried in the grave of God's forgetfulness now not only are you justified immediately your spirit your sanctified progressively in your soul Adam died progressively in his soul but you're sanctified progressively in your soul God is working on your day-by-day to make you more like the Lord Jesus Christ you see we're not totally sanctified yet are we Philippians 1:6 says he who hath begun a good work in you will perform it justified immediately in the spirit sanctified progressively in the soul and glorified ultimately in the body ultimately I'm going to be glorified one of these days the Bible teaches he's going to change my vile body that it might be like unto his glorious body that's the reason the psalmist said I will be satisfied when I awaken in thy likeness what I'm going to be like I don't know but I know one thing I'm gonna be like Jesus that's good enough for me and I thought to be good enough for you a three-year-old can ask questions about heaven that nobody can answer but what some things we know some things we don't know some things we can be dogmatic about some things we can't be dogmatic about some things would be bull dogmatic about it does not yet appear what we shall be like but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him I am going to be like the Lord Jesus Christ Adam died immediately in the spirit progressively in the soul ultimately in his body I am justified immediately in my spirit sanctified progressively in my soul glorified ultimately in my body what it is going to be when the reddening shadows of this life mingle with the purpling dawn of eternity and Jesus comes and will rise to meeting in the air oh how we're praising you know we have a great salvation no he has moved in settle down he's never moving out what know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which you have a God and you're not your own therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit how many of you would light up a cigarette in here please don't answer if you would yes I would do but you hardly wait to get out hey friend if you're going to file anything be better to to file this then do to file this see what I'm saying your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost of God how many of you would use language out there you wouldn't use in here no no we are temples of God every day is a holy day every place is a sacred place God lives in me didn't that neat but that wonderful I hope you get in on would you bow your heads in prayer heads are bowed and eyes are closed if you're not saved and you want to be say let's get it settled today I promise you on the authority of the word of God that Jesus who saved this precious girl that we talked about will save you you say well Adrienne I'm not a prostitute and a drug addict you know what jesus said to the Pharisees who were self-righteous he said prostitutes and tax collectors that means those who abuse the people are going to heaven before you because they saw that they were sinners my friend there's no one so bad that can't be saved and no one so good and need not be saved do you want to be saved I want you to pray this prayer dear God I am a sinner I am lost I need to be saved I want to be saved Jesus you died to save me Lord you promised to save me if I would trust you I do trust you Jesus I believe you shed your blood on the cross for me I believe that God raised you from the dead and I receive you now pray it I receive you now this moment as my Lord and Savior forgive my sin save me Lord Jesus pray it from your heart save me Lord Jesus did you ask him and pray this way thank you for doing it I receive it by faith and that settles that I don't look for feeling rise for sign I stand on your word and now Lord Jesus I will make it public I will not be ashamed of you I will make it public your name I pray amen we pray that God has blessed you as you've watched this message if you'd like additional copies or information about other resources write to us at love worth finding Bo box 38 300 memphis tennessee 38134 LW fo RG in the US you can place Visa or MasterCard orders by calling 1-800 two seven four five six eight three Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time thank you and may God richly bless you
Channel: Blanket Tomcat
Views: 31,855
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Keywords: my, heart, God's, home, putting, first, things, Adrian, Rogers, Dr, Pastor, Teacher, Teaching, Preacher, Preaching, Evangelist, Prophet, Prophecy, Truth, Praise, Faith, Worship, Gospel, Grace, Word, Minister, Ministry, Ministries, Love, Worth, Finding, God, Jehovah, Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Yahweh, Messiah, Saviour, Savior, Lord, Holy, Spirit, King, Lamb, Ghost, Bible, Bellevue, Baptist, Church, Saved, Salvation, Sermon, Fellowship, Trinity, Priest, Missionary, Revival, Lost, Sin, Satan, Backslide, Help, Forgiveness
Id: oG4aT7TFA94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 14sec (2534 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2016
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