Adopted By Mommy Long Legs in Minecraft!

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I was adopted by Mommy long legs in Minecraft I learned of Poppy's evil plan to turn all the players into toys will I stop her in time or will she take over Minecraft once and for all stay tuned to find out whoa everything is fine that was totally a dream see I'm in my room we're good to start the day no where am I poppy I'm going to turn all of Minecraft into toys like this Huggy do it that's just aphmau she looks normal what oh does she oh my gosh have fun Bree I can't wait to play with you as a toy come on come on avmel I'm going to save you why is there a trap door on the ceiling [Music] oh are you gonna help where do we start I'll follow you oh okay he's looking around don't get stuck in the spider webs is that you no I think it's coming from this way oh what the hell what the heck Bree is that you listen I need your help Poppy's turning everyone into toys so you're trying to help me am I supposed to believe you my husband hoggy Poppy's brainwashed him I can't do this alone okay well I'll come with you can I bring my friend Noob as well please come with me I'll tell you what we need to do to stop poppy you have to stop her toy machine you have to find Poppy and the only way to find poppy is to make a map for all of her instruments okay please just don't walk towards me it's terrifying get mine cart on to the other side no there's a void uh I think you have to flick a lever over that way I'm sorry I'm stuck in the cobwebs oh my gosh this is going to be a long process okay I'm trying to reach flick the lever I'm trying like that okay it's flipped there we go thank you easy we have to get to the cat B it's the first enemy of ours this is where cat B is very dangerous and obviously it'd be easily hey buddy how are you what are you doing here wait These Are you supposed to have a crown why does he not have a crown Cappy has it okay Beasley don't worry I'm going to get your crown back I just have to defeat cat B okay Mr Cappy I'm coming for you that sounds like a hairball if I've ever heard one my buddy Beasley here you took his crown baisley's a booger no it's he's a bee I think all the honey is getting to your brain just come down here and we'll talk no no no no no no no no no no no Kathy won't come down then I guess I have to do this no those are my fish I'm Gonna Hurt Beasley now what did I say earlier I think all the honey has gone to his head what if I just did a little bit of that how you feeling Cappy huh I will only stop if you give me Beasley's crown back no okay then take this no no no I promise you're not the queen bee Beasley is the queen bee [Music] Boss Bar is gone we need three more long legs this is a degree why this is the candy cat Slayer oh wait I love candy and I love cats let's go let's go this way did you hear that what was that oh oh no no oh geez oh was that candy oh ow I took damage okay we gotta make our way to those doors we are hey Brave it's friendly look it'll don't move you're a mother why do you always have in your purse um vegetables how did you know my best friend because I got some salad that was bad wasn't it Daddy oh that was okay find the map find the map quick oh here it is yes we are halfway there why'd you bring me to the dumpster I found the next map piece it's spooky Bots hey boogie pot oh look he's look easy come here buddy you have a map for us you're distract I don't want to have to do this guys but I might have to use this did you just hear that yeah the doors closed oh geez well oh oh oh no something moves something moves it's closing in it's closing I don't want to have to do this we're literally going to die um no no I have such long legs to live please please please please please here I'll just I'll give you your trash you know you like trash you live in a dumpster oh there you go um oh he did it oh I got the third part of the map but um okay we did it this is the Jurassic toy land oh wait but where are the dinosaurs they kind of went extinct except for the scariest dinosaur of them all follow me okay no for real for real is that the boss we have to fight at the end of this it is [Applause] let's do it bro why do we start screaming so early wow Mommy Long Legs hold him off I have an idea okay well she does that I have to head up here I see some granite and I think if I'm mine enough I can actually make an entire Boulder question Mark maybe that's how dinosaurs went extinct honestly okay oh distract him I just need a little more Granite okay oh gosh almost there almost enough look look I made Boulders with all the granite just like this know but look Ron take this [Music] you did it let's get the map piece wait why do you seem so happy I defeated the world the last dinosaur all right and look at this I found a way out of here Mommy Long Legs I have all four pieces of the map what if I put it into my inventory oh whoa okay so I have a map now and I think it's telling me exactly where to go this is exactly where the map took me it is yeah oh no there's a lot of security in here where oh oh hide hide be shorter um oh is that good no absolutely not let's see if they they won't mind you kind of look like a robot oh okay hello fellow robot hey buddy hi no don't act like a human brain oh I'm back we're back okay so they hate humans apparently um remember I asked earlier if you're a robot slash animatronic can I just like jump inside yep and then control you I don't know if that's possible three two whoa it feels so weird being this doll um this is my body breed of just be careful with it hey Martin I think it's bobbert bobbert yes that's not a real name he's a robot he's not real okay yo bobber what's up hey bubbird how are you I'm like oh Mommy Long Legs take that I'm trying to bribe you oh oh what oh no I'm not gonna talk about it let's go to Poppy okay thank you Mommy Long Legs that could not have been better run danger turn around is Poppy in there I think so come on come on we have to defeat her three I can't fit you have to go do it yourself just be you you got this guys that's the first door I swear she could have fit through on her own and she decided to abandon me you can do the Spree be you you can do that hey don't Hey Joe girl you're behind the glass you can't even do anything guys did you see that she's literally gone that was that was creepy um follow me why am I actually following her I don't know but I feel like I have to Mommy Long Legs get her bring you're supposed to stop her okay well you could have stopped her you're still go wait Bree what is she doing what the heck why is she so big Bree she might have laser eyes oh wait what that's a thing oh I always loved you oh I love you too come here she's trying to kill us even she died I'm not laughing you're laughing oh my gosh I don't know why that was funny guys I have to fend for my life here one sec uh poppy poppy let's talk about this you are very large and in my way ah I think this is the toy shop right toy shop yes oh no she's getting faster she's getting faster I am not being [Applause] stupid warning self-destruct button I think this is it click that two one all right that should totally destroy the toy machine um it's gonna work um
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 1,619,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: Os9Rp4JZlJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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