Adobe InDesign Tutorial: Placing, Formatting & Fitting Images in Adobe InDesign

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Angelou YouTube Gio's Mammal smart here and today's very we teaching you how to place images resize images and format images in Adobe InDesign so you haven't we need to the program this should help you out that's come up next what's up guys GSM smart here another brand new video for to towards Jess thanks for stopping by glad to have you here for another video if you have many to the channel new tuning my videos and encourage you to subscribe to channel plenty of other tutorials regarding Adobe products such as Photoshop InDesign Premiere Pro aftereffect we even have tutorials on some of the free programs such as audacity and so if you're interested in software go and hit the subscribe button as well as that post notification bells so you can stay up to date with all the most recent videos so in today's tutorial we're going to be working in as will be InDesign and showing you how to basically work with images how to import them place them format them resize them what all the tools do so you can create some great magazines books or whatever type of document you're creating in InDesign so first we're going to create a new document here I'm going to go ahead and create three pages so in page go and click 3 you want to make custom size adjustments you can otherwise by default it'll probably go to the size of regular paper then we're going to press create at the bottom and this will give you 3 pages you can work on so if you want to add images to InDesign it's actually very easy I have a folder here on my desktop called InDesign tutorial where I have several images now just like in every other program you can very easily just highlight or click one image and then alt tab back over and drag it in just like that and that works just fine however you want more control over placing images and InDesign then you'll have to go through the file menu which is generally what people would do so if you go up to file here go to place and you can navigate to your folder here you see several options down here at the bottom show import options this is mainly only if you're trying to import something like a Photoshop file illustrator file with many layers replace selected item that's if you have something selected already on your board here which we'll go over in just a second so you don't need to worry about any of this for right now I'm going to go and uncheck mark because you have nothing selected anyway and we can go ahead and select one picture that we might want to import now I think we'll see the same thing happens we would have dragged something in but you'll see a preview of your image here now there are two things that you can do when importing an image you can just click it and it will basically give you the full size of your image so if your images is 1920 by 1080 it will be pasted it will be placed into InDesign as a 1920 by 1080 as you can see this actually fits really well on this page however if you don't want to do that if you want to create your own size then when you go back to importing your image I just press control V twice or command V on the Mac which will undo everything you can easily just create one of your own boxes as well whatever size you want by just dragging your cursor or holding down and dragging and then letting go and as you can see that will create an image based on the size that you have specified with with your mouse and it's very easy to do that with all other images so those are the two basic ways to place an image in a document by clicking or by dragging and letting go now one thing you'll notice is that sometimes your picture may not look as high-quality as the actual picture does and if you run into a problem like that you feel like it's pixelated especially if you're working with smaller images it might get really pixelated it might look like the image is smudged it's not really smudged the reason why because you've worked on a low performance preview mode you head up to the View menu up here and then go down to display the formants you'll see there's a high quality display option if you checkmark this this image becomes a lot clearer and with smaller images they actually become a lot less pixelated so if you happen to need a high quality preview head to the View menu and make sure you click high quality display be aware that just take more memory in your computer so you won't have a ton of memory this might slow your workflow down if you don't have a high-powered computer so now we went over that we can go ahead and delete this I want to show a few of the things with these images if you like to create your frames where you want your pictures to stand beforehand before you place them in you can very much so do that you can use your rectangular frame tool right here you can create shapes and boxes of the size of image that you want to create so right here I've dragged and created a box I can now use my black arrow key tool here and I can just put it in a specific spot I can continue to do this and just create as many boxes as I want I can even copy and paste these boxes as well so one I have a copy of this box I can control C control V or command C and command V on a Mac and I can copy and paste these boxes so if I have a layout now of images like this and I say okay this is my layout for my page now I want to start putting images in you can very easily do that so if I go to place now go to file again and I go to place you can actually drop your images into these areas so I'm going to go ahead and select three images this time because I have three boxes here I'm going to go and press open as you can see there's a three marked on my images here and if I actually use my left and right arrow keys I can actually scroll through and cycle through these images now the cool thing is I can either like before we could obviously always drag like that or we could place it however if we go ahead and drop it on to a frame here it'll get placed into the frame just like that now you'll see that this is actually only showing a part of the image and the reason why this is showing only a part of the image is because the image is too big now there are several ways that you can fix this for one you can do it manually and if you go ahead and go to the center of the image you see a little circle here if you click on this circle here you'll see the actual frame of your image which is this red outline here if you go ahead and resize this you can resize it and as you can see the image gets smaller within your frame and you could basically make it the size that you want so that it fits within your frame so like that as you can see now we see both the chairs in this frame the other thing you can do is that we don't want to do it man eally like this it's going to control Z all the way back this is the large size you can go up to object you can go to fitting and you have two options here you can click fit frame proportionally or fit constant proportionally if you click fit frame proportionally this image will get scaled down until it fits your frame the content of this image will not all be in this frame but it will fit the frame and scale down as much as it can so that you have the most amount of content in this frame what you can also do is fit content proportionally so click fitting fit content proportionally and this will get the entire image in this frame and fit it proportionately to this frame so that everything in the image is shown sometimes fifth content proportionally it will work really well other times fit frame proportionally will work really well too and if you don't like either those options like I said you could just very easily do your own resizing here now when you're resizing if you want to keep the aspect ratio the same and keep the proportions the same you want to make sure that when you grab the end points here the anchor points here to resize you hold down the shift key and then it will resize proportionally as you can see as we're dragging this up and down the top and the right everything it's resized proportionately if you don't hold shift down as you can see you can freely resize but you can actually distort it and stretch it if you don't want to stretch it and distort your image then you'll have to hold down shift while you are resizing it that way your aspect ratio stays the same however this isn't the only thing you can do with images let's go ahead and erase these things right here you can also create shapes of your own if you wanted to create a rectangular shape or an ellipse shape you can grab your ellipse tool you can create a circle like that and very similarly and well this is a great time to show you now the select the replace selected option so if I have something selected here if I have the circle selected if I go to file and if I go to place again and if I select an image and make sure I have replace selected item checkmark as you can see it will replace it what it will replace whatever object or image I have selected similarly if there's an image already in this area if I go to place again I want to replace this image for example I can click another image and because I have a checkmark you replace selected item I can click open and it will replace that image and we can go to object fitting fit frame proportionally and as you can see this looks really nice now if you want to move this picture around say you want the plane be more in the center we can once again click the center of this and this will give us the actual size of the photo now not only can you resize in this way but you can also move it so as you can see we can move it like that you can also use your arrow keys on your keyboard if you want to have more fine movements so very easy to work with images here as long as you know the difference between clicking the image on the on the sides you click the center that will turn it to that so if you don't want to mess around the image moving in your frame if you only want to move the image you want to move this entire frame if you want to move the image around your document make sure you click somewhere on the sides because if you click in the center you'll be actually moving the image inside the frame you won't be moving the entire photo for you so that's one thing to be aware about when you're moving images around your document you want to click on the sides the center will select inside the frame that isn't the only thing you can do either if you want to create your own custom shapes we can use the pen tool here and we can just create a crazy shape so there is something like that we connect the dots then because we have the selected already we go file we go place we make sure we have replaced selected I have a checkmark and we can go ahead and click another image and that will get placed into that area if you want to move it around now we go to our black arrow click the center and we can move it around if we want to do so if you want to size it a bit up we can go ahead and hold down shift scale it up a bit and there we go it's also important to notice that you do have to arrow keys here you have the black arrow which will allow you to move the image and if you click your white arrow no matter where you click on your image not just the center now but anywhere you click on your image you'll be able to move that so the white arrow it's pretty much accessible through the black arrow as well but only in the center of the image here and if you have any other shapes that you might create in Photoshop or you might create an illustrator if you see some type of octagon in Google Images you could very easily just drag that octagon or drag some type of shape you drew out an illustrator or Photoshop drag it in here and very similarly as we go to the tendon tool you can just drop the image into that shape so it's also very well integrated with all the other Adobe products as well and the last thing I want to go over is importing and placing multiple images if you have several images that you want to add you can add them all at once we can go to place again and we can highlight all of these if you want to cycle through our images we can cycle through all of them and we can place them all one after the other we wanted to do it like that we can create several boxes for them just like that and as you can see we can place them like that or if you wanted to actually create a sort of grid where all images get placed all at once with the same size of frame we can hold down the control and the shift key and then only drag out as you can see we create this cool little grid let's actually make it the size of this page here and if we let go as you can see all the images get placed in as a grid so that can be sometimes useful especially if your images are the same size then you basically have the same amount of space between them they'll be the same they'll have the same frame if you're working with different size images though it can get a bit messy so I wouldn't recommend doing that but there is a way to do it if you want to import multiple images at once in a grid fashion this is how you do it in a grid fashion by holding ctrl and shift and that pretty much sums up the video that's how you place images through the through the place item in the file menu how you can use some of the tools here to create photo frames and to resize photos and to move photos around probably found editorial helpful if you didn't go ahead and leave a like on the video any questions or comments confusions you might have even feedback that you might have if you know if you know how to do something really cool you know how to do something even better than I should in this tutorial go ahead let me know the comments section Walker you learn and go ahead and check that comments section because it might be some useful and helpful stuff in the comment section as well make sure you subscribe YouTube channel plenty of other Adobe tutorials on the channel plenty more to come as well if you want to check out my most recent video we good the annotation here want to check out our similar to this one click the annotation here or subscribe to my other channels or this one click the annotation here I need more donate adults on patreon page you can click the annotation there let's promote you guys thanks for watching as always this is Jesus mountain smart I'll be back soon when you think don't go anywhere
Channel: Tutorials with GS
Views: 183,081
Rating: 4.9319677 out of 5
Keywords: adobe indesign tutorial, adobe indesign place image, indesign resize image proportionally, format images in indesign, indesign how to format images, indesign how to add pictures, how to fit images in indesign, fitting images in indesign, fitting images in adobe indesign, fit images in indesign, indesign fit content proportionally, indesign fit frame proportionally, adobe indesign 2017, placing formatting and fitting images in adobe indesign, adobe indesign place multiple images
Id: WYWXIf7oO10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2017
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