Adobe Illustrator - Typography - Class 12 - Urdu / Hindi

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Assalam O Allaikum! Welcome to GFXMentor. I am your teacher Imran. and today is our 12th class. And today, our topic is typography. First of all, I would like to tell you some things from the get go that you've come with me this far, learnt so many different things and.. this is the right time to give you a little tip, ok? Now, the tip is.. see One thing, if you are wanting to become a designer, you will want to change your mindset a little bit The biggest aspect of this mindset that is found here locally.. and the new students that I like a specific thing You see, right now, you are learning Yes, you ARE allowed to copy others, ok? Later on, you can change and develop your own style, ok? That's one thing! The second thing.. anything you're creating for example, if you're working for a client then take this thing out of your mind that you'll make something that you will find appealing and attracting. so please, don't ever think that whenever you're making anything, ..... for example, I had used Comic Sans. Why? because I was liking it and I used it. See, your liking and non-liking doesn't matter anyhow because you're not designing for yourself, right? Always think of it as you're making it for someone else same as when you're buying a gift for someone at the time of buying the gift, you think that this thing I am buying, will it be pleased by the other, that's why I am buying this gift. You never buy a gift think that I find this good and pleasing so I will give him/her as a gift Never! Don't ever think like that. If you think like that, you will have a hard time, I am telling you this, it can be a very bad situation for you. Now, having this thing in mind, just as you're buying gift for someone else and you're buying it for his/her preference and liking So, anything you will design, especially commercial! you'll always design it while thinking that my client.. or it is for the audience meaning your target audience. Now, who is your target audience? Whom you target through your designs For example, If there is a product that is for newborn babies and.. for example, there is a toy -very small and tiny you're designing a box for it then it is appropriate to use cartoony elements and things, correct? But, honestly speaking, you are not targeting the baby because that baby isn't going to buy. His/her mother will buy it or the adults will buy it for that baby, right? Just like that, the food for babies like Cerelac etc their target audiences are the parents because the four month old baby doesn't know what he's eating. So be please mindful! Think very carefully that what you will be designing. Think in this that what you are designing, who will use it in the other end and basically who is going to use it is going to be your target audience and what are the choices of that particular group. what sort of things interest them, what are the trends One more example, that if I am designing a poster and that poster is about a concert, right? Now, in that concert, some people... now the concert is not classical concert is like this that a rock-band is coming, right? Now, obviously man, those who are interested by rock music, you will be targeting them You have to know what are their choices what type of fonts will interest them what type of colors will interest them So please be mindful! whenever you will design something, you will design it af001
Channel: GFXMentor
Views: 439,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: typography, type, typeface, fonts, text, serif, sans-serif, sansserif, typographic art, typo, script font, serif fonts, sans-serif fonts, learn typography, typography tutorial, tutorial, urdu, hindi, adobe, illustrator, illustrator in hindi, illustrator in urdu, illustrator tutorial, urdu tutorial, hindi tutorial, gfx, gfxmentor, imran ali dina, iadina, Adobe Illustrator, Illustrator complete course, how to get started, vector, vector graphics, vector illustration, vector tutorial
Id: NluKjkvx3L0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2017
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