Adobe Illustrator 2024 Updates & Disney Using Ai!! (Shocking)

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now I've got four different stories to tell you today all based around Ai and graphic design and trust me you want to know about these stories because it's actually showing us where we're heading in this industry the first AI story requires that we jump into my favorite Vector software Adobe Illustrator there are three main updates that have totally changed the game which actually embrace AI now You' be the judge which one is the most useful if any so finally it's actually happened we now have a way to create vector graphics from textual prompts and we simply create a shape or an area and then come into window and text to image you whack in your prompts and simply away you go now I know Vector peeps out there have been waiting for this for a long time and it's actually finally here but the next update is perhaps my most favorite Adobe might have just shut down an entire industry sector in graphic design so with your design come up to object and then mockup you can then select a category and in a matter of seconds you can apply your design onto a mockup like the other updates this one is still in beta so we can actually expect Adobe to refine and perfect these tools in the future the third update has been updated well twice at this point so here I have a flattened image or design that I grabbed from Pinterest it's a pretty cool design but if I come into type and retype Adobe Illustrator will by Magic detect typography on this JPEG and when commanded it can actually convert it to editable text as well as identify possible type faces now this is pretty cool I'm sure you're going to agree but I found something that is super super helpful as a designer there's nothing worse than spending hours on a project and then just losing all your files due to a virus or some technical issue or for that matter your computer being about as slow as my favorite animal and that's where comb cleaner comes into play it's really quick and easy to download as you can see right here on my Mac and then it's just a case of seeing how much memory you can free up with just a few clicks this will in turn of course help to speed up your device and allow things to run that much more smoothly one handy feature building two combo cleaner is that it can find duplicate files but also hunts from mware at the same time not only that but it eliminates spam notification ads and also protects your internet from malicious websites it's the most comprehensive and complete utilities application out there along with premium support too and you can grab a whopping 80% discount on combo cleaner up until the 31st of December and that is via the link in description box below or by using my promo code and thanks again to combo cleaner for sponsoring this section of today's video now Google have been up to something specifically they might have just erased the need for Mid Journey or Del there is now an opin only text image generator that works directly from Google's search engine the reason it's only optin at the moment is because of how Bing's image generation system has played out basically people found ways to get around the safeguards and manage to generate not safe for work images or just distasteful results Google are also including a feedback mechanism so people can actually report instances where the tool goes off the rails so to speak it's not yet clear if it intends to eventually charge for this feature but I personally think that in the not too distant future this might be a free thing to use but yeah don't quote me on that please so we're now going to China because something a little bit unsettling has happened over there and that is in regards to AI so there's a company in China called Blue Focus intelligent Communications Group quite the mouthful I know but they've just made an interesting decision this blue focus group has gone a step further and have come out and said they intend to replace some of their copywriters but also some of the graphic designers and replaced with what you might ask yeah of course it's Ai and I quote to embrace the new wave of AI generated content starting today we've decided to Halt all spending on third-party copywriters and designers Mercedes Samsung and PNG are some of blue focus's clients and the company says it has 5,000 employees around the world and 100 offices in over 10 countries so we are yet to actually hear just how many people they intend to replace with AI pretty crazy but yeah the question is is this the start of where the world is heading in the future are we going to see this more and more often moving forward anyway now this next one is pretty crazy Disney the brand that has grown from innocent children's animated movies to buying up things like Star Wars so are you a fan of Loki well here's the marketing poster for season 2 can you sense anything about it do you feel anything in the tips of your designer fingertips apparently some people ran tests and three out of four of those tests came back as this image being AI generated others suggest that it's in fact a Shutterstock image but that being said the entire design does look rather artificial intelligence-based if you ask me now naturally of course some designers and artists got pretty angry over this but they're also ones who just didn't really care that much in fact the top comment on Reddit reads as follows oh no employees of an industry-leading entertainment Enterprise are using tools that speed up and create better entertainment shock horor now at this point you might be feeling a bit demoralized but hey we all know that graphic designers are still required in this industry at this point but if you do need a little pickme up and something to perk your spirits up I'm going to play some pretty bad designs without any commentary so [Music] enjoy [Music]
Channel: Satori Graphics
Views: 12,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphic design, artificial intelligence, ai graphic design, ai adobe, google ai, google image generator, disney, disney loki, disney ai posters, disney ai, disney artificial intelligence, graphic designer, artificial intelligence graphic design, ai graphic design website, adobe illustrator, adobe illustrator update, adobe illustrator update 2023, adobe illustrator update 2024, adobe illustrator tutorial, satori graphics, satori graphics illustrator
Id: U758A75c-Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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