[Adobe After Effects] How to Audio React (Camera Pump and Shake) Tutorial NO 3rd Party PLUGINS

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[Music] hey guys today I'll show you how to have your video react to your audio will be syncing the amplitude of the song or how loud it is to a variety of different effects for starters we'll create a simple pump and shake effect and keep in mind this tutorial requires no third-party plugin so you can just get right to it here's a quick example of what we'll be creating today okay enough of that let's go first thing I do is I add in a song and also a picture to use as my background Here I am scaling it down just because the picture has quite a high resolution today we'll be using the keyframe assistant to convert all of our audio amplitude into keyframes now before you begin this will create keyframes based off of the entire amplitude of the song if you wish to sync your effects to the base of the song do what I do here before creating your keyframes in order to isolate the base will be creating a low-pass filter so go to effects and search for high low-pass and then add it to your song go ahead and change the filter option to low-pass you might have to mess around with the cutoff frequency in order to isolate the bass to your liking [Music] once you've got that figure it out go ahead and create your keyframes you do this by right-clicking on your song going to keyframe assistant and then converting your audio to keyframes you'll see your new layer called audio amplitude click on it and press you to open up your keyframes you'll see a left and right channel but for now we'll just use both channels unless of course you have something interesting going on between the left and right ear be my guess so we'll want to see what these keyframes look like go ahead and click on this little graph that's on the audio amplitude layer and then click on the graph that's to the top right of it now you can remove that high low-pass filter on your song okay now that we have our keyframes we can start creating some expressions to make something interesting first thing we'll do is create a little pump effect and we can do this by going to our background and messing around with the scale and just as a disclaimer I know nothing about expressions or coding so if I do something over here that seems kind of redundant forgive me it's just how I accidentally made it work out disclaimers aside go ahead and I'll click that stopwatch this will create a expression now you can parent this expression to the slider by dragging the lasso to the slider now you'll see the expression box pop up I'll go ahead and show you what the expression looks like what they'll alter anything first [Music] yup that seems a little bit much so we'll have to alter the expression just a little bit firstly we will divide the first part by a certain value maybe five or three this will divide whatever number was in that slider by that value then you want to make sure that the picture takes up the entire screen well do this by adding the original value before the second part of the expression so here I just add value and then plus you'll see now that the pumps are a lot less dramatic and it takes up the entire screen but notice how incredibly stuttery it is we can fix this by adding a smooth expression so now we'll go back to our audio amplitude and we'll click on that graph by the slider once again you can visually see just how rough these keyframes are we can fix this by averaging them out a little bit so go ahead and create another expression by alt clicking the stopwatch on the audio amplitude layer so now we'll create a smooth expression your first value will be your width and your second value will be samples your width is the range of time in which your key frames are averaged so for example if you type in point 1 that will be 0.1 seconds so therefore the range of which key frames are being averaged is only 0.1 seconds if you have a smaller number it will be more accurate to the original but be careful not to make it too small because then it would just be as rough as it was before the second number is the samples that you'll be using a higher number will give you greater smoothness in my case I found point 1 and 21 to be pretty good values although you can certainly alter this yourself if you click on the little graph by the expression you can actually see the interpolation going on this is actually a pretty good way of just seeing how smooth your expressions are [Music] apologies if that looks still a little bit Sutter II that's just because my preview is pretty slow however if it's not smooth enough you can always increase the width namely the first value a little bit higher maybe 0.2 seconds so we'll go on to the second effect which is the camera shake we'll do this by creating an expression with the position on our background image so go ahead and click on your background image and press P to pull the position create an expression as you have done before and then parent that to the audio amplitude layer slider once again we'll be altering the expression just a little bit first of all we won't be needing this first part that expression you can either replace the temps with the original positioning of the picture or you can get rid of that part of the expression entirely it's up to you next we'll be creating a wiggle effect which is what we'll be making our camera shake go ahead and set your two values as whatever your sliders referenced as in this case it's just temp and that should be the default okay that's also pretty intense so we'll just decrease these valleys a little bit the first value is the frequency of the legal and the second value is the amplitude do some messing around just to see what works best for you I found decreasing my frequency a lot and my amplitude by half to help make it look a lot better so what I did was divide the first value by 20 and the second value by two a quick tip if you're using mini clips and pictures with this expression I would highly suggest in creating a no layer and then parenting all those clips on to that no layer and there you go that's how you make your camera react to your audio I won't go into too much detail about the other effects I've done that's for another tutorial but I'll just quickly list over them first I created a gradient which I used its opacity to match to the beat and then I made the blending layer overlay then I created an audio spectrum using Photoshop ste fault effect I made sure to parent the audio spectrum to the background so that stays together and finally some particles just floating around and we're pretty much done here if you found this tutorial helpful and watch this far great you
Channel: Zerkxius
Views: 112,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audio react tutorial, Tutorial - How to Audio React (Camera Pump and Shake) NO 3rd Party PLUGINS, camera pump audio, beat sync
Id: 1yKjU1Nav9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2017
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