Adjusting to the NEW 85’ Roller!

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see that I'm just here to save your life I mean don't overl it that might kill your life but you always airing back up if you need a little more pressure when there's like half full orir better hi I'm Tony fast daughter I'm Tony fast daughter I'm Tony fast daughter our family has been blessed to F in Montana for over 100 years now and it wouldn't be possible without the great team we have and blessings from our Savior Jesus Christ morning look at that raining started raining again a little bit ago sprinkling quter inch or so so far so uh the guys from the co-op are about to that tractor going to put that rim guard beet juice whatever they call it in there it's not chloride we can do it directly on the rims with this we have to put tubes in so hoping to add 6,000 lb if we can and then maybe we got to add some suitcase weights be will what an awesome storm well shower didn't storm it just rained last night things are looking up fig about 5,500 more lb that's going to be perfect for that I think my other thought is we always throw all those discs we took off the disc drills put those on the back build a rack for them that' be some free tractor weight maybe a couple thousand more pounds we'll see well hello this is um 24 hours after my last video because I lost my camera yesterday I was uh seating chickpeas with the little air seater brought my camera with me that was was the last I saw my camera I thought it was in the blue truck it wasn't so I kind of freaked out couldn't find it I was just afraid that I left it sit somewhere on a step or something and then my camera was lost forever but it was in the T Handler because I used the T Handler for a grand total of 5 minutes and didn't film anything in the T Handler but I left my camera in the T Handler so camera's found and then it rained so I ran till about midnight last night and um it rained overnight about 210 which is great we really needed it now it's just windy wet and cold today so I'm in the Big Shed we have another tarp to do here yeah this one's in a lot worse shape than the other one and here too so while it's windy wet and we can't do much we're going to switch tarps new tarp love that trick well good morning I made a round with the disc drill this morning and we have a plugged boot with dirt which is not good because the this scraper is not working right got to pull the apart and broken off bolt so fire up the welder grind that off with the grinder stick another bolt in there it's not the same bolt too long but we we'll make it work [Music] [Music] you seen this trick like doesn't work anymore see that I'm just here to save your life I mean don't overl it that might kill your life but you can always airing back up if you need a little more pressure when there's it's like half full or better now you [Music] know let's see how many Case tractors we can get in one field we ran out of chickpea seed with about a third of a mile to go I know I should have cut my raed earlier by 5 lbs on all the chickas would have been fine but oh well now we're going to have a little bit of wheat seated in the chickpea field it's going to be a nightmare for uh spraying because whatever we spray on the wheat is going to smoke the chickpeas so we'll have to make sure there's no wind and use some lots of drift reduction stuff I don't want weeds here and I don't really want to just chem follow it I don't want to put yellow peas in it cuz then we have to come over here just for yellow peas anyways we're going to see weed in it cuz that's what we're going to do can't see much behind this cart would be nice to have a toe between but we wanted the traction weight on the tractor the hitch weight so that uh we can pull our big hills with this tractor where we don't want to take the 100ft drill so till behind would have been better it's a lot easier to see the cart or see the drill and don't have to have the cart in your way but oh well now it worked out this is a give or take I guess I would like the wait on the tractor amazing how little rain shower can knock the dust down and I can actually see the roller now we are still wandering a little bit on our uh Tail Wag and the dog but we did pick up a mile an hour so we're gaining and tractor feels a lot more stable that way but if you can see that hitch is like swinging back and forth back there The Swinging draw Bar Needs tightening up it needs shimming and stuff like that they're made to swing so if you need them to swing when you're turning around on the ends and stuff like that they will but this one's just wore out and need some shims put in there so it's solid and then I think with the weight that's in the in the tires now in the back we should be in good shape if not we'll have to keep out and weights to the back of the tractor till we are we learning today is May 1st uh we're going to get ready to treat some beas got the conveyor moved and going to move the SE treater over first I got to get my trailer mover attachment so I've been told my entire life that yellow PE that yellow cuz we're doing yellow peas and we have blue sea treatment didn't make green yellow and blue make green right they it say blue feel like I've been lied to my whole [Music] life well we're out here at 370 and the disc seater and we're having a few updates being done while he's working on that I'm going to go cause some trouble somewhere else stay busy okay well I'm supposed to be running the small drill right now but um having a few technical difficulties and they're doing some updates on the monitor on a c long story so I have a little time to kill he's having issues rinsing out some jugs so he asked me if I could batch up a load for him and that'll save him some time because he said they're real pain to rinse so see what I can get [Music] done okay so the problem that we're dealing with on this chemical is it's Clay based it must have sat for a while and settled out cuz you see how it just leaves that layer of BL on the bottom I got the got one half done I just thought I'd show you before I finished so you can tell the difference between them but always check to make sure your jugs are rinsed almost got this one this is my last one and I think by the time I get this in get back to the little air seater I'll be ready to go seating all right got two loads actually mixed up for Warren right about the time that I finished the one he showed up put that in the sprayer batched him out another one made it 2 miles down the road on my way to the disc seater and realized I forgot my camera so go see if uh dealership is done with the monitor update is what they're doing on that 7 uh Tony thought he could go do some other things so he threw me in the roller so there it is it doesn't look like it but it's actually kind of a handful and this charger anyway Handful in the fact of wasn't used to it um new monitor system that I had to get used to that too and turning around can be a little tricky cuz that's a lot of weight swinging around back there it's just a matter of slowing down taking your time going all right flexed it through some pretty good little Hills already and waterways and draws or L areas but it's not bad okay well we've got monitors updated finally and the cart program is updated everything's working the reason for the update was to get everything to be tracking onto the iPad but we're missing a harness yet harness is on order should be here any time it's not yet so for now we at least know that we're ready for it as soon as this hardness comes in plug it in ready to go plug and play as they say so anyway other than that going good not going to have enough seed to finish going to have to get some more so part of it but anyway that's what we've got going on now at least for back to [Music] seat so Tony and I are in the same field it's getting dark you can't see him right now because he's right behind me there he is there he is he's running the roller the game is how long can you last before you turn your lights on who will win we shall see got him now how long can I go before I turn my light not seeing or spraying weather currently so working in the shop well this is a mess and you saw a while back that I got toolbox widgets to organize my ranches in here real nice like so we're going do the same thing in here and see how they stand up while we're driving down the road and stuff so these are what we originally had and they kind of worked but the wrenches would pop out of them and they glue them off and held them down so we're going to reorganize them so these are the widgets they are all an individual piece that snaps together together and is magnetic on the bottom so they'll stick in there once the ranches are in this should hold down real nice do work really good in the blue toolbox in the shop and then they also came out with a toolbox widget liners so start getting it all organized [Music] well I organized my standard wrenches different than the metrics I think I like the standards better because I can actually see the sizes on them compared to kind of having to look sideways at these all right now it's really done I got all the indicators put on the combination wrenches still missing a/2 inch all these other ones that are like double box ends I don't really know how to size them because they're two different sizes so that is it cool hey everybody thanks for watching don't forget Farm hard pray harder see you next video [Music]
Channel: Fast Ag Montana
Views: 25,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, case ih, farm, montana, Semi, truck, Kenworth, Wilson trailer, farmtube, quad track, agriculture, bushels, grain, farmer, trucking, spraying, dash, drone, plant, seed, round up, glyphosate, ams, air seeder, dji, Mavic Air 2, Patriot 4440, hemp, dji drone, canola, Dash, Phiber, Spray trailer, hay, alfalfa, case 434xl, may wes, five finger, poly finger, paddle tine, harvest, cutting, drought, combine, harvester, 9240, case 9240, hemp fiber, fast ag, wheat, winter wheat, bourgault, how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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