Adjusting the Electric plane Base

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Base of Electric Hand Plane Set to zero It is almost new, but the base is distorted Use a glass surface plate for correction sand paper Polish the base to remove distortion. Become flat. Soon, this Benchtop Jointer will be renewed. It's going to be great !! Since the base was shaved, the blade became higher. Adjust the blade height. Turn the screw to change the blade height. Make it the same height as the base. Sharpen the wood to see the blade height. You can see the asymmetry of the blade height by looking at the wood chips stuck to the blade. Fine tuning I was able to adjust.
Channel: JSK Projects
Views: 405,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 電動カンナ, Electric plane, 台修正, 鉋台の修正, 電動工具, 木工, WoodWork, 道具, tool
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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