Adin Ross | Jynxzi Podcast #5

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this episode is brought to you by the spring cleaning Champions manscaped this season make sure to groom your carpets and the drapes with the leaders in the below the waist grooming Department clear out that winter bush with manscapes lawnmower 5.0 and watch your confidence Bloom like the springtime flowers embrace the season and join the 10 million men worldwide who trust manscaped with our special offer head on down to and use code jinxy for 20% off plus free shipping code jinxy 20% off plus free shipping I'm going to be honest before manscaped I had an absolute jungle down there in my pants it was literally a forest there was an ecosystem there might have been insects in there I still don't know after manscaped my Johnson is cleaner than ever before and I feel like a new and improved man every single day so click the link in the description use code jinxy 20% % off head on down to caught my personal favorite the handyman or the lawnmower if you got an extreme Bush Big Ups to manscaped oh okay well we'll just cut we're good yeah okay it doesn't matter yeah yeah yeah yeah um well the first thing I wanted to ask you was like how did you like start like cuz for that for every streamer that is the hardest thing is just starting because if you look at like the math of streaming the odds of you succeeding are like literally zero oh man it's it's a gamble um you know it's funny you ask that because people don't know this but I actually started streaming when I was like 16 15 and I would get like 20 viewers playing 2K and it's kind of you know what's funny a lot of creators that are big today all came up off of 2K or had some type of like NBA 2K in their career yeah like speed queso me um dude the first time I ever saw you I already told you this like ages ago but you were either playing NBA 2K9 or NBA 2K 20 I can't remember which one cuz the parks looked the same those years but I remember you had 200 viewers and your Gamertag was just Aiden like it was ad I was like that's sick and like you always had a good energy and I was like cuz I feel like the biggest streamers in the world the game is almost like a backdrop for their personality you know what I mean and like what was like your moment where you made a jump out of gaming like what was like cuz gaming is not sustainable especially 2K gaming is sustainable but not 2K absolutely not but you know and Jinx that's why like a year ago when we met up I was telling you like how the how are you doing this off of Rainbow Six Siege like a game that's like how old is it nine years so I was like how are you doing that so we'll talk about that in a second but you know the energy you give out is what you receive and I feel like when you build a core when you build a fan base a community off of your energy not just for a game you could obviously you know basically Branch out do everything right um but I did 2K for a while and you know when 2K became bad when it came to the nextg consoles the PS5 and the uh the new Xbox that's when I was like all right well this game is not good so I have to really figure out what I want to do so then I started doing eates I started hosting those eates with like Instagram girls and then I got some popping girls on and how many like how it's hard to remember but how many viewers were you averaging when you first did a eay because you're like the first streamer to ever do a eeday stream I want to give credit though to Rice gum because rice did it back in the day and I want to also give credit to snaggy Mo CU snaggy Mo kind of brought it to my eye um and there's another streamer named Austin who's from twitch he used to I forgot what it's like love our host I think it was called something like that um but they they did it but I did it in like a scuffed way like the streamer way of doing it like in a way like where it's like okay how do we involve the chat fully in it like how do we make it like really funny at the same time as awkward and all that stuff so but to answer your question sorry um when I quit 2K nextg I was averaging like 5,000 to 7,000 viewers the eates took me to 10 to 20,000 viewers so first off 5,000 viewers on Twitch as you know is [ __ ] insane yeah so like how did you even get to because you were saying you went from like 20 viewers so when you started how did you get to 5,000 viewers so yeah I mean I was in 20 viewers in high school um I honestly quit because I wasn't making you know any money and I was like wasting my time I was a sophomore I was like I want to enjoy my life a little bit I want enjoy my high school but I knew in the back of my head I'm like I got to come back this suay sometime you know um I live in a I lived in a very rural area meaning you know mountains and stuff somewhere in California and there's very bad Wi-Fi speeds that's part of the reason why actually I quit back in when I was a sophomore I didn't know that yeah so senior year comes along I swear fiber just randomly comes into my rural town in the middle of nowhere California it's called Three Rivers um 559 so randomly okay I have a one gig up one gig down I tell my dad like Dad please like just pay for this internet trust me I got everything I just worked at a as a bus boy to get all my like my I had a Blue Snowball mic I had a crappy Logitech mic uh camera like very bad mouse keyboard and just my console and Elgato on I just made it work but my Dad paid for the internet and it took me a few months in high school to actually make I think like a couple hundred dollars um because I got like I found like a gift or that found you know gifted me and stuff um but but but yeah man I think like having you know balancing high school and balancing streaming it was really hard because I missed my prom I miss all the dances I missed all the fun parties and stuff I got to do it a little bit but I locked in and jinxy I saw that you have videos too of you like speaking to yourself in the future yeah I have those as well I was I was I was literally that was my next question not question I was just going to bring it up like that video you recorded when you were like probably 18 senior in high school like I have one viewer in here right now and I'm missing like prom New Year's yeah how deeply do you like believe in like manifestation oh it's real man but I I I think like okay here's the thing I know and you tell me because you're at a point now where you're you're reaching you know you're reaching Peaks you're breaking records right so I want to ask you a question too because when I was kind of grinding for this it's different than when you receive it if that makes sense like yeah you're and I and I mean not as far as like your hunger goes I mean of course your hunger changes but your it's kind of like your mindset in a way changes like like when you're grinding for when you have nothing then like now you have it now you just have to sustain it dude different it's like the I think the best saying or quotation I've ever heard on that is like you look at a dog when they're starving it's like they're going to do whatever to eat like they might kill a rabbit if they have to do that to eat but when the dog is like fully eat and it's way more like domain and like well kept so it's like for me it's almost about I would say like I just have like a lot of purpose when I stream like knowing that there's a lot of people I'm sure you have the same thing like with your you have a very strong community of people who do rely on you to provide entertainment every night and sometimes it gets overwhelming but I feel like what you just said is a good point that not a lot of people think about is you know the grass is always greener on the other side like you have all these dreams and aspirations but once you get them it's like it it's almost not the same feeling as you thought you would get yeah like when you have all the money and all the fame and all that at such a young age too yeah yeah it's traumatizing bro people don't really talk about it either I'm not complaining about the way I'm not going to say oh this is harder than a 95 job cuz it's not I mean you know streaming we have it very lucky we're blessed but it it does it can mess up your brain too you know I I noticed that recently especially with these Twitter communities man oh my God it gets really really bad and you know I had a break down a couple times about it and people are like oh you're being a lesbian you know you're you're freaking out you're you're you're too emotional but they don't get it man when you have a lot of pressure you have a lot of eyes on you you know sometimes it's hard to maintain it and try to make everyone happy that's your goal as a Creator make your community happy right and I think sometimes like it's it's really hard to make every single person happy yeah so when was like for you when would you say was the first moment where you did feel like your brain was [ __ ] up because I've actually dude I you know I've been watching you literally forever and I remember you were talking about this probably like last year um but you were saying like almost at a young age you felt like you kind of beat the game of Life at a very young age like a lot of people they don't get rich or wealthy till they're like 35 40 50 but like if you're 21 and you're like a multi millionaire that's going to [ __ ] your head up no yeah bro I i' be I've been a millionaire now for almost what I think like three years almost four so like it's just like for me it's like and you know we missed we missed the very important step of my career the GTA sbrp World which also made me like my first couple hundred, check um you know and when you when you see that time of money at such a young age you kind of almost don't know what to do with it you need like to be advised bro because it's just too much coming in it's just so much going on and I man I say it all the time these us streamers man we're like the new like we're lit like as far as like the new we're like the new age of of like entertainment so you know it's we're kind of like we're I don't know how to really put it we're just kind of like that we're them like we're them for for like the younger kids like me personally I would much rather watch a stream than a TV show obviously like it's just way more entertaining no no way more but like did you cuz I think you may have talked about it before but have you ever worked a job or did you just go right in no I had I had two jobs at two restaurants and I no sorry three jobs I cleaned a bees for a summer when I was a junior and uh then I had a when I was a freshman going to my sophomore year that summer I did bus boy I was a bus boy and then the then the summer before my senior year um I did another bus boy job so I was I was basically just cleaning tables after waiters and wait so you you kind of understood the value of money early when you were working like hard of course it's hard work I mean and bro that's boss boy can only imagine what people like construction workers and stuff have to do like it's that's some real hard labor so like you know I was I'm in the middle of central California it's 107 degree weather I'm working outside busting tables and I'm sweating my balls off and so I was like damn like I want to be inside playing video games for a living and you were talking about um like SSB world with GTA how did you even like set that up you know I uh it was actually T Grizzly he invited me to his server I forgot how I got Griz world right gzz world that was a huge server great server man but you know they were being weird it wasn't T himself but his owner or somebody was just like hey you can't have all your SSB Boys in like two of them and I was like what the [ __ ] yeah so I was like can Cur on here yeah yeah oh hell yeah we'll just bleep it oh okay so I was like I'll just repeat that line so I was like what the hell um you don't have to believe hell do you no I mean it's YouTube I mean no no you don't have to okay so I was like bro what's going on like I can only have two of my friends in this server that makes no sense I have a whole gang I want to put in so we're like all right we're just going to make our own world made our own world we shat on them um and and um like I said it wasn't against T Grizzly it was just against like the guy who was actually owning the server T was just representing presing it um and we made our own world and we had everyone starting to come in we had like a lot Travis played on it we had like a lot of people Logan Paul like we had like a lot of people just at that time rice was getting a lot of girls every day it was it was great it was great we had a lot of people coming to out yeah so what was um like okay with with SSB World um cuz I guess T Grizzly was like the first person who was outside of being a he was a rapper but he he made a oh my God I spill a drink now you're good Wait nothing came out wait actually like four drops okay yeah yeah you're fine oh my heart dropped I'm sorry but like so you wanted you basically you wanted to play his server right but then they were like you can't bring like your whole squadre so you were like [ __ ] that I'll just make my own server that's that's always that's always my mindset jinxy it's like if I don't do Your Own Thing do my own thing you know I always take a leap of faith because you know I could have just basically made that one server could have flopped and then what would my career be you know that's like you know when you lead on to things you see that like I've kind of like created I would say my Own Lane in a lot of ways you know and I still continue to do so um and I think that's the biggest thing like you have to have kind of you have to have balls right even you you have to have balls to be able to be a streamer you have to have balls to be able to you know make decisions for yourself make decisions that nobody else is going to take you can't basically follow the same path as everyone else you got to do what you want to do for you and you got to just understand that like hey like this is what I want to do for me and it may you know affect other people but you got to be selfish sometimes right yeah um and that and that's just kind of what I was doing I was just more some selfish you know um timing I was just like all right I want to do everything that I think I'm going to be ignorant right now I'm going to make decisions that I want to do for my career and that's what I was doing and like what was your initial decision cuz you were already like popping off like you said but your biggest era ever was when you went to LA in 2021 like you started just blowing the [ __ ] up so what was going through your head when you're like I'm going to move to LA and like join this content house like what was your main decision for that man I was so excited I would call Faze Banks every day for like three weeks until we moved into that house he set it up right yeah it was rice and him that set it up moved in summer uh we moved in my ex we moved in yeah rice was there Mike m was there it was just a bunch of good people there um it was a good house we all had really really good intentions but turns out like it was really only me and like rice streaming there right I mean um everyone else was just kind of like not really doing anything uh but me and rice were holding it down pretty well and then rice kind of stopped and I kept still kept going and then the house kind of ended but but man it was good no I'm not going to say it was only me and rice cuz speed moved in eventually and so did Prime and we were all doing our own thing for we had a couple you know we had some good streams how long did speed live there for he was on and off like I would say like a total two to three months he lived there okay and like what was cuz obviously that was that house was the first time you ever had a rapper on right like no I had a rapper on with Soulja Boy Soulja Boy was the first rapper on my soul boy was the first ra cuz that was one of my other question he was the first rapper you ever had on um Among Us yeah it was among us back when I was in my first Department I was playing with him I remember that clip and you like accidentally said You Killed Someone dude oh my God so that was my first time ever having a rapper on stream was with Soulja Boy um and that yeah that's great my first IRL rapper was Lil TJ though Lil TJ was the first rapper to ever come on my stream like in my room and how did you like set that up because dude that's like pioneer [ __ ] like no one ever had thought of that of like oh I'm gonna have a rapper sit next to me on a twitch stream no one have thought of that like I think that was you were the first person to ever do that right well it's actually funny you say that because I thought of it but at the same time it it was supposed to be something else so shout out to actually twitch cuz twitch threw the lob on this one he was supposed to do something for Amazon Lil TJ for his album that came out and I had an idea I was like yo U my rep my rep at the time I was like yo like why don't we just have on my stream let's let him like let's promote it let's let's let's do it um and and then I had to convince them and be like it would make sense let's just do it and we ran it and it worked and I started using that form with a bunch of other rappers and rappers and rappers and rappers and rappers and then that was it history I have like a two part question so you're saying okay first off how many like viewers were you averaging before you ever had a rapper on your stream like what were you at like oh my god um cuz if you had like a rap you were big like you were big before the rappers I was maybe getting 30,000 40,000 gigantic streamer yeah that's and people want to I mean I that people say that's quarantine numbers I mean still I agree I think when everyone was inside everyone was like you know really not working and they could really just watch streams watch shows and all that stuff so you know bro when I was Peak April or June of 2021 man I was getting 120,000 average yeah and that was just because like and that was while xqc was live to me and X were getting like 120k 120k then I would do streams I get 200k and 250k so it all just varies but I mean you know how that works yeah dude I think the thing um I think the thing that jump started my stream was quarantine because like before quarantine I was at like a hundred viewers or no honestly before quarantine I was at zero viewers like that was when it was my senior year of high school they're like oh we'll be back in 2 weeks that's what they told everybody cuz you're a year older than me so like you you had you were the last like graduating class yeah right cuz you graduated in 2019 right yes I did class of 2020 it was fourth quarter they're like we'll be back in two weeks so I was like okay you know how online school is you can just cheat on everything so I had like my whole day was free so I started streaming and then what happened was everyone was on Twitch cuz all these kids are in these Zoom calls listening to their teacher because that was all new so like I'll just pull up the zoom call I'll turn my camera off and then I've Twitch in another tab and that's when like you see xqc at 100K viewers you're at 100K viewers not that it was like quarantine made but quarantine helped every streamer in 2020 2021 so like that was a [ __ ] that was a big jump starter for me and um like for you like you said like that helped a lot too you know what I mean no 100% bro um and you know I I I I'll never forget when I first saw you uh you had 3,000 viewers and and cheer showed me you dude I think that night cheer like dm'd me cuz cuam dm'd me too oh really yeah yeah that's funny though because I'll never forget I was like what who what is this who is this he's like dude this is uh you know this is jinxy I'm like what does he do he's like playing rainbow I was like isn't this game eight like it's like 10 years old and uh it was just funny I watched you bro I was like your react you're little twitching and [ __ ] I was just like dying me and Che were just watching you off stream because we we would play games off camera i' have people streams tabbed same thing as you do like just have it tab we would just watch you bro it's just crazy like to see how far your blow up came like I think like watching like your blow up speeds blow up like Kai's even like it's just so like cool how it works because you could see it gradually be done it's like month one month two month three it's like you guys climb and climb and climb I love how it works and then it's just like you build a core out of it bro and it's just beautiful like I I really love it it's like art in a way you know yeah and like a couple minutes ago you were talking about like leap of faith and [ __ ] and I think the biggest like big like decision you made was like going to kick because yeah when you first went to kick there wasn't even an app like now kick has a app like the servers are the servers are better cuz I remember even when xqc his first night on Kick he crashed the like he brought like hundreds of thousands of people to KI so like obviously now kick is way like way better than like day one of course anything gets better yeah but like what was what was like your ultimate like decision as like why you wanted to leave twitch and go to kick so people I mean I I said this on my stream so there's a few reasons why I wanted to leave twitch I had actually had the biggest ad deal one of the me next see I think at the time had the biggest ad deals at the time I had like the crazy crazy split one you know what I'm talking about yeah yeah so majority of your money was from ads yeah yeah I was making so much I was making so much money so I think when I left twitch it was more because it wasn't even a freedom thing okay so I wanted to have yay on stream back in 2022 and I was told by he was like kind of down right cuz didn't he like text you yeah yeah yeah um I couldn't do it because twitch said like hey if you do it just letting you know if he says anything out of pocket we have to take your channel down um so I was like wow okay so I couldn't really have yay on my stream that's like someone who would pass down a yay right so I'm like wow okay um and then at that time gambling got banned and then I think like it was just a mixture of that and then you know I love the gamble so it was a mixture of that and then it was just like a bunch of things coming into play like twitch just making weird policy changes and rules I didn't like and I was like Eddie came to me with this thing he was like hey bro like I'll give you Equity I'll pay you this much run it with me let's just see how far we can go so I took the equity it's it's crazy having equity in a major streaming platform that we just turned down a billion dollars yeah so you know I want to see what we can do and it's like I took a leap of faith doing that and I think it's paid off so far and I think we you know we got some new signings that I'm excited to announce so I'm you know I can't wait for them too dude cuz I remember like I remember it was like last Super Bowl that was your first stream on Kick and I was like um cuz I saw it and I was like what like there's a [ __ ] new streaming platform no one would ever anticipate that and like kick like whether someone's a twitch streamer or not like it actually is competing with twitch no one can [ __ ] deny that and like to be fair like this is people will say like oh I'm glazing like you are the reason like cuz if you didn't go like maybe xqc wouldn't have gone because it's more risky right it was a domino effect I uh actually it's funny I made X I think okay so I'll explain how it went down I would talk to Bruce every day for like a couple weeks trying to convince him to come to kick and I feel like Bruce Bruce coming nobody really talks about but Bruce joining kick made X come made because everyone's like Bruce came okay so now X came and now it'si so I'm going to tell you this these big three people I really want that I'm really pushing I think that's when people are going to really start to be like okay like whoa because I I I I think that what people need to see now is it's I I want to see twitch make changes for their creators too like I I want to see that I want kick to make changes better for creators and twitch so like it's better for you better for me so it makes the platform it makes the whole streaming space grow if that makes sense yeah because without I I've said this before but like without kick twitch before could kind of just do whatever but like now with kick like twitch has to like make their Jin you you and Kai will never and definitely ever get suspended from twitch you realize that now right I mean I dude I if I did like some crazy [ __ ] you wouldn't bro I'm telling well you know what I'm trying to say though yeah yeah yeah yeah like within within reason like um I don't think like twitch would permanently ban like one of like the biggest streamers unless they did something do you know how I got banned in 2022 uh it was unmoderated chat right no that was 2023 oh what was it where it was your AG of stream and a word was said oh he you were calling him and you didn't know he was streaming yes I remember that I got definitely suspended for that definitely if let me tell you right now how did you get unbanned then oh man you don't know the story no tell me that let me tell you the story how I got unbanned okay so in 2022 supposedly you know somebody named Alan Moss dropped the f word uh while your Ra's live um I got suspended for a whole month from that but I had to basically prove that I was innocent I flew to a random city in Texas and I took a lie detector test and I had a bit are you you're kidding swear C am I lying bro you took a lie detector test in Texas to prove it wasn't me yes and it wasn't me and I passed light that is insane bro that's how I got have you ever told anyone that story before I said it one time but now you know that's in on stream you said it I like like people didn't really care about it because like they didn't really believe it I'm trying to tell you it's it's it's real okay yeah um what was like kind of back what I was saying back jinxy if you were to let's say do that which I know you don't you wouldn't but like if you were to do that they're not definitely suspending you now you know why cuz now that kicks a thing and they know oh if we get rid of you know jinxy or we try to show him any type of you know we don't basically reassure him in a way as a Creator and show you their value that they're going to basically just be like oh Kick's a threat you know what I mean so I don't I don't think that that you and Kai can get and definitely suspended so easily now I think the moderation team on Twitch is a little bit less strict um I I honestly like I don't know like I I definitely see your point because it's like there's another platform for streamers to go to now before it was just twitch um I think like I don't know like I think twitch's moderation has gotten better recently with like context like that shows the whole minute of a clip instead of just like showing a clip yeah but I give what you're saying 100% like cuz now there's another platform so like streamers aren't just pige and held to one platform so like you the point you're saying makes sense um but yeah no I mean I don't know to be honest I uh you know when I when I first we were talking you talk about kick I forgot who you had on the Pod I think it was moist moist you know I really you I I I do want to tell you that what you said was right um because I'm going tell you because I was talking to EXC about it there's like maybe three or four or maybe five content creators that give kick a really bad look yeah and I really wish it wasn't like that but it's it's like that because I guess right now I good publicity is I'm I'm sorry bad publicity is good publicity for now all publicity yeah that's what I meant so but I mean like I think kick is still doing really well you know we have a creater program now where anyone can basically get paid depending on how many viewers you have so there's a lot of good things that are happening yeah the only thing um the only thing like I definitely could have worded it better but like me and Moy were like two hours into the podcast by then we were just like like rambling yeah but like um yeah like any we were literally just saying like any crime should just be immediate ban and I agree I agree and I think like recently kick is now doing that like in the last oh yeah so their moderation is a lot different but what I what I need to be harder on because I only thing I do is have a voice people think that I write the checks people think that like I could choose stuff I I I have a word I could say stuff um but at the end of the day the moderation Team all these people make their own decisions like if I'm like hey Eddie I want jinxy to come to kick I can't just write jinxie Che Eddie has to do it people think that I have I I do have ownership but I don't have you know what I mean like I'm um but you know the moderation team needs to be more consistent if if I been let's say someone averages 100 viewers for something um and then I let somebody for like with like 20,000 viewers slide you kind of have to keep the consistency that's the one thing I'm kind of like hard about hard on with twitch I mean kick right now okay and like to kind of like we're in 2024 now but to backtrack like just a little bit um because you were talking about how you went to LA and like that was like you know you were able to do a lot of like rapper collabs and that was like your big blowup era yeah what was your ultimate decision deciding to leave la like what made you want to leave la oh man it's bad for your mental um well what I was doing you know I was so fixated on topping this stream and topping that stream and Topping this stream and I was like PR pressure and I was like I want to build a core um so it wasn't really LA but it was just more the mindset I had I needed to just take a break from it right um because I ended up moving back to LA back in 20122 um but yeah man the pressure you get I swear sometimes when you're trying to reach Peaks and stuff it's hard man dude yeah cuz like cuz then it's like back when like you were like 2021 2022 when like you have all these big streams it's like you almost people start to look at you as like oh what's he going to do tonight what's he going to do tonight and like some days you're like I just want to like react to Discord you know what I mean I don't want to like have a I don't want to have a super guest on every night yeah so that's what I was doing though you know you have to balance that out and so I wanted to basically build a core um and you know how it is man I like like you just said you don't want to have a banger every day so you have to just space things out yeah exactly no for sure and what would you say like for streaming as a whole because you're like one of the biggest streamers ever what would you say is your number one piece of advice for like anybody who's literally just trying to start streaming man you know people people got to understand I know it's luck bro a lot of it is luck people don't talk about that bro but it's a lot of it's luck I don't want to give people false hope false reality a lot of it's luck you know I think that when you work really hard towards something and you manifestation is real you'll get results but you got to understand like it doesn't mean quit your job it doesn't mean quit school it doesn't mean quit your current thing you could still stream while working and doing these things and you could still make a few hours a night doing streams right um I just think that understand that it's it's very hard because it's luck a lot of its luck and I I think that you you got to just put your mind to it man and and when you are in that mode where you're grinding and coming up you got to just be like straight on that like no partying no going out no distractions lock in that's it yeah what was like your first big lucky moment then you think oh when bronnie put LeBron on the mic for sure oh I I I was going to ask you about that how did you even meet bronnie to begin with I met bronnie because we were in the same 2K Clan so when I was averaging like a th 2,000 viewers I joined a clan called AE okay and this clan do you know who the top rep was in 20 let me see if you know 2K 20 2K 20 no idea chop his name is chop oh chop DF yeah yeah he had like the cringey build like the slashing yeah I remember that so AE was a clan that everyone could join right so it's like a it's like a community Clan everyone could join just change your name to AE so bronnie was in there I was in there cheer was in there chalk was in there oh yeah know cheer being a leader is hilarious of that yeah E clan um and we just started playing together and then we started doing Wagers cuz Wagers were hot at that time you know flight was playing everyone for money nade was everyone was and yeah man rest is history we did Wagers together and we he put LeBron on the mic yeah and when he put when he put LeBron on the mic what was the like Spiral effect of that oh man Sports Center posted me cuz you did a tweet and it had like what 200,000 likes or something it's still my pin today all over Tik Tok yeah it's always to be it's always going to be my pin because it's like a it's like a how do I say this it's like the the start of everything you know the big big blowup so yeah man that it changed for sure I went from averaging 1 to 2,000 viewers to like 3 to 4,000 like overnight overnight [ __ ] you doubled overnight that is insane yeah and then okay yeah know that that makes sense as like your big cuz like dude a lot of people have big breaks and big lucky moments they don't capitalize on it you capitalized on it no of course I love when people say like oh bronnie maor all these things um it's hilarious though because bronnie would collab with like a bunch of other creators too and it just it all matters about take opportunity and and and and capitalize off it like you just said like you got to really just understand like sorry my throat's I'm sick you're good yeah sorry guys so I hate being congested it's so are you sick too a little bit not really congestion sucks and I'm not sleeping that well right now okay where was I so you got to capitalize off any opportunity you get right so like you know that man like whenever you have any sort of recognition or anything sometimes people get lazy and stop but you got to really that's when you go harder at something right so that's what I believe in so how old were you when you made like your first million dollars were you like 20 19 no 20 20 dude you okay I thought okay so you were 20 and you made your first million dollar I was 20 when I made my first million dollars yes and did that like [ __ ] your head up at all like of how insane that is or no it's a funny story I was going to buy a Tesla PL and I was with my dad I remember this at my house I was like Hey Dad like I want to buy a car I think I made enough money to do it and then he was like are you sure son I was like he was like maybe you wait another month or two so I waited two months and I said hey Dad look at my bank account now I want to buy a Lamborghini Urus now and then he was like all right go ahead and it was just it just hilarious because it's just how it works bro like I was about to buy a Tesla play but now I can afford a Urus and on top of affording a Urus I could start to get ready to pay for my my parents' home and that was my second big thing I did you know my parents were renting and then once I was making you know x amount of millions I bought them their crib yeah I think the best like two things money can buy is like freedom and then like the ability of just like setting up your family to where they don't have to worry about anything anymore for me and I'm sure for you that's like bro you can't put a price tag on like taking care of the people who took care of you oh of course not bro I pray that everybody I say this all the time I pray everyone is able to take care of their parents and take care of their family their siblings it's the most important best thing you could do with success right whenever you reach success you want to make sure that all your loved ones are taken care of they never have to work again yeah because they've sacrificed and done everything for you to be where you are today so that's what I really like say it's like make sure they're good before anything else yeah did your parents did your parents believe in like the streaming thing at first or not at all my dad did my dad was dud my dad was the same way really yes my mom no my my mom was like you got to go to school but my dad was like dude I you could do it and it was crazy my neighbors used to give like noise complaints my dad would just like show up to their crib be like hey like here's some cookies like he's just he's just playing video games having fun and like you know it's just hilarious man like my dad got a lot of [ __ ] my dad got like like a lot of family members were like in my dad's ear like you need to tell him to stop he's going to be homeless he's going to be a bum my dad was just like hey man Let Him Live his life yeah my dad's my biggest supporter he's always been that way so no that's [ __ ] awesome I mean yeah like I've always told people it's very hard like a lot of people watching like I'm sure their parents or just [ __ ] on if you have a crazy dream like not even just streaming if you want to be a rapper or an athlete your parents like if they [ __ ] on you it's hard to go for it but if your parents believe in you that's like all the belief you need yeah man it's it's like your parents just sometimes don't know what's best for you because there's like you're their people's parents might have went to college and they might only see like Hey College the only route but in my opinion man I feel like school's outdated like oh God yeah I just feel like you shouldn't be forced to go to college like it should not be like oh if you don't go to college you're a failure like I just I really feel like man just sometimes let people do what they want to do um but your parents love you they want what's best for you but I just feel like sometimes they got to just let you know everyone everyone has only one life you got to live your life for you no and like that's kind of um that's like the message I've always said is like um you have to be like a little [ __ ] up in the head to like be successful like you have to be like pretty delusional right like it doesn't make sense to like you know your average person but like if you if you live a life doing what 99% of people do you're most likely going to end up like 99% of people but if you live like 1% of people do you're most likely going to end up like 1% of people do you might not you might [ __ ] fail but you have to genuinely sit down and ask yourself like am I entertaining am I going for this and this goes with anything like sports like if you're like a really talented basketball player you're 6'6 you're naturally athletic you can dunk but if you're partying every weekend you're not going to go to the [ __ ] NBA like you're not like that's just how it is how it is you have to like not only be lucky but you have to capitalize on everything and outwork 99% of people and you got to sacrifice you know you got to sacrifice sacrifice you got to be like all right guys I can't go out tonight that's sacrificing you can't you got to really like take away things that are pleasure and fun while you grind and that's just how it that's how it is yeah when you cuz you're like talking about like your dad and when you first made the decision to move to LA like was that another thing like that messed up your Mentor a little bit is like did you miss your family when you were in La no I was locked in I had a good relationship with my parents you still call them like every night yeah yeah yeah yeah but it is scary that's when lockdown happened and you know I had yeah it was just me and my sister living in an apartment and we were alone we had like man that was scary in like downtown LA too during that lockdown it was really scary bro um but hey man we we made it work and it's just the world was crazy and I feel like at that time everyone should have been with family but we weren't so what was like if you look back on your whole streaming career what were like your top three favorite streams ever man jinxy that's a hard one bro I I you had some crazy [ __ ] streams bro I have I'll tell you what I can say mine first of like yours um the first time you had uh Tate on was like insane that was crazy okay Uzi was insane he literally made a [ __ ] hit yeah what the [ __ ] and um I think one of the funniest ones was probably the blueface stream like that stream was funny as [ __ ] with like I think a ddg was there too yeah and you guys got like stoned I love that stream I don't know why yeah um my top three is probably my 2k 20 stream where the Aiden bronny tyo wager I put that there bro that stream was [ __ ] insane yeah it was just Mom M what was that word Monumental thank you um I'll put that there I will put um the toy Lanes there that stream was F I left that that stream was insane I forgot about that stream he made a hit too bro yeah that was nuts and um and then what was your third one would you say I'm going to put the mall stream in there I just rented out of mall that stream was sick I love that one it was great bro it was just great energy Good Vibes good people and it was great so there's so many more I could put in my top five top 10 I mean that's the part of you know when you've been streaming for years you're always going to have things you like and don't like and I feel like the thing what I found the most and what I do like is surrounding yourself with people with really good energy and positive vibes and people that want to be on camera want to be with you so it's not forced because I've had people on stream that just don't want to be on camera yeah you know what I mean have you ever like paid for someone to come on your stream or no besides cardi okay no besides cardi that was the only besides cardi nobody has ever received a dime to come on my stream bro and honestly that's I'm actually like surprised I figured like a lot of them were free but some of them like maybe but um cuz I feel like the Vibe of paying someone to stream with you is already you're already like operating on La so the story behind that was it's Kick's money right I didn't pay a dime kick paid it and you didn't spend one cent on the no not at all so what happened was kick was like or I'm not going to say who but there was a mutual with cardi and he's trying to like basically find out how to stream his album on a platform and he was like okay what's kick offering like let's see what they're offering so I went to Ed and we talked about it like okay let's do a stream and let me show you how crazy cardi is we're going to end up crashing kick I was right about that and then we'll do a second stream after so we got a price arranged and what was the price for the cardi stream it was not $2 million it was under that it was way under that I'm not going to say the exact still insane but way under 2 million um it was actually cardi that made me tweet out the 2 mil thing to promote it I don't know he just wanted it to be known that I it was for 2 mil I don't Aura just Aura [ __ ] Ora [ __ ] yeah he like I mean you only spoke to him for like six minutes or no but I talked to him off camera three times before that that's why I was thrown off a little bit what's his Aura like actually I mean it's he's so rare that's the other thing like he is very rare like when do you see cardi on a [ __ ] stream never I don't think it'll ever happen again and you know I just think that man I he I I spoke to him off camera that's why I was kind of a little thrown off um because on camera was just completely different and it was just Dark Energy it was really bad were you like [ __ ] your pant pants the whole time I was nervous bro I could hear the nerves yeah bro I was just kind of like I'm I'm a streamer you know I just want to stream and and you were in like a black gated room he chose that I know that's Aura that's [ __ ] so that's what AA is oh hell yeah bro but he wants to scare you dude yeah I guess so he wants to keep the dark the darkness yeah bro but yeah man I never again we never ever going to I'm I told Eddie I said look Eddie he paid well under 2 million you got number one on kick you made a hot a lot of people made accounts excuse me I hate being sick um and you know we got what you wanted so Eddie was happy with the results um but yeah that's what happened and like I think it was like four days later or like a week later the 21 Savage [ __ ] happened right like with the cards 21 was before was that insane like was that like that's the craziest thing I've ever seen on a stream the 21 thing was crazy um I I speak the 21 a lot actually you guys are cool now right he's a good guy he's a good dude and uh we spoke about everything a lot you know we spoke about everything off off camera we we really you know we're going to do some cool stuff for Atlanta we're going to do something a bigger stream um but yeah man everything with him and I are cool cool no that's good that's good cuz I mean you don't I mean it's glad I'm glad that it like was handled like well and yeah it didn't get weird but no I mean cuz anything that happens on stream is like it's you it's hard to control because it's just live like that's that's why people love streaming as opposed to like YouTube is because there is the element of something going wrong like people love that [ __ ] like they like people like just disaster like if they know there's something that could happen it's all live uncut that's why streaming blow like blew up you know what I mean like people love that side of it dude it's with ice Poseidon even right like ice Poseidon did the unthinkable in my opinion ice Poseidon is the greatest IRL streamer ever because he did he was just man he just he literally changed the game with IRL streams you know he's he's just different okay and who would yeah no ice Poseidon like yeah he's been around [ __ ] forever right over 10 years oh yeah who would you you or not not who would you um how did you meet like everyone in SSB and like what are your thoughts on SSB now oh jinxy cuz I have my own thoughts on SSB but I want to hear your thoughts all right jinxy so I met cheer sorry I met Prime first I met Prime back in 2016 him and I used to play NBA 2K16 Park together um I met cheer in 2K 20 actually the end of 2K9 I think I met cheer um he was in college and I we were both averaging like 100 viewers um I met shnaggy ho because he was in Flight stream a lot and I was just like all right well this guy's funny I found him averaging like 100 viewers I picked him up and then I met cuam because he was basically like scamming and hacking PS5 accounts PS4 accounts actually yeah for money so um and he was scamming like gold rush events yeah yeah sorry everyone I'm sick I'm trying to clear up um and then am I missing anybody um well now there's like Cony I met Cony and back in in 2K 21 cuz he's just a 2K streamer so you basically met all of them through 2K or likey much yeah yeah okay and like what do you like what do you think of SSB like do you feel like they're like how what do you like honestly think of SSB I mean they're good they're they're good people I think yeah for sure and I enjoy hanging out with them off camera um but I think I'll be honest I say it all the time I just don't I just think they take their opportunity for granted and it sucks cuz I don't want to be mean or being I want to be their friend not like their to like intertwin friendship and business for yeah bro like I don't know I I just don't want to be there I don't want to be looked up like I don't want to be looked on a pedestal CU they're my friends but you know at the same time you know I I got their deals combined together like they came as a package SSB deal and this was when they were not all of them basically were quit streaming off twitch like none of them were streaming for like a year they were all inactive and I was like yo Eddie like can my boys come please like let them come like please like change their lives please help me change their lives and you know I just think that sometimes they just take advantage of the opportunity bro yeah I think SSB is all funny as [ __ ] I think they're all good dudes yeah they are but like you know like sometimes maybe their work ethics not there like like you were saying but like do you feel like SSB has ever like do you feel like they've held you back or do you feel like they've helped you in your career both for sure both both yeah for sure bro um like I'll give you an example cuz like if you're playing GTA with cuam and shnaggy and it's going to be funny as [ __ ] yeah so so so back in the GTA days and even 2K days you know I play with cofam all the time cofam was my Duo when I wasn't playing with bronny right cofam was my main duo we played every day so he helped me for sure cuz he's my Duo he's entertaining shout out to cuff him um and then as well as GTA goes cam was C's GTA content was great as well he was great at role play um and I think like as far as like the held back goes it's because like work ethic I feel like when you're around people that just want to work work work work work it's going to make you want to work exactly so I just think that look how am I the richest one out of them and like the kind of but like why are they not more hungry than me if that makes sense because they still have so much more to work for I I asked them what's your motive money they say money I'm like okay so how am I richer than you guys but I'm more hungry than you guys make that make sense and man it's just it's just hard to get through I don't know I don't know it I mean yeah I think like it's it's one of those things where maybe it's just like a natural thing like just maybe you just have it in your DNA that you're just cuz like you have like legendary people like Kobe Bryant like he could win you know he could win five NBA championships he wants to win a sixth one you know what I'm saying like true that like some people just have that mindset of like it's never enough um but yeah no I was definitely I would I could easily say like I had more passion when I was broke I still have a lot of passion like I still love the game of like streaming but I feel like at this point for me and definitely like probably for you too it's like you're not really so much worried about the next check it's like you're kind of numb to the idea of more yeah bro you once you hit a threshold like okay I reached kind of enough money where I could just basically [ __ ] off for the rest of your life if I never click the start stream button again you're fine once you have that you just kind of just want to like do it for the fun and you you just have like the freedom so now it's just like okay what do I do to make everything better right um and you know man it's just like I just I don't know jinxy I I I wish that sometimes I was around more people that are kind of just on that yeah you know what I mean like I think the greatest group for an example is amp bro all of those guys go so hard and they're all legends dude I know like dude like I feel like um I don't know like SSB has its own like like its own special thing you guys are genuinely like brothers you can see that but like not only are they just like they have that like Brotherhood and friendship but like they all are on their [ __ ] every day Phantom Duke aent Kai like they go [ __ ] hard course of course I remember um when I first was when I first moved to LA back in 2021 with the rapper era right yeah I remember shaggi came out you know he popped this first stream in La he had 25,000 viewers or something like God damn you know what happened he stopped streaming are you [ __ ] me bro swear to God 25k bro that's like the top 10 streamers in the world like stop streaming if you're averaging 25k I'm not saying he average that but if if you're averaging 25k you're like a top 10 streamer in the world [ __ ] insane you know and he was you know young at that time too and man it's just crazy but but look they have good they have deals right now that are very good yeah um and I you know we keep everything off camera too like I I can kick with them off camera and on camera um but yeah man I just I want to find out something to motivate them I don't know what I need to do I just don't want to be dad to them I want to be their friend so it's really hard for me but that's why I have a manager now his name is to who's to's a [ __ ] legend by the way everyone sees that to's a legend yeah he's killing it he's killing it bro um so to is just going to really be on them not me so I don't have to really be a boss to them you know I thought something you said like two three minutes ago that was really interesting was you said once you reach like a certain threshold of wealth like it kind of doesn't really matter anymore like kind of like what you were saying like you know that I mean the jump from like 10 to $20 million is literally nothing your life doesn't change you don't have to worry about [ __ ] anyways so like what motivates you to just keep going at this point my community yeah um I get really really upset whenever they don't like streams I get really mad and passionate about it like uh I'll end my stream and I'll want feedback and criticism right away and if I don't like it what they're saying it really breaks me like I'm like oh wow like damn I really I I didn't do good today or like but jinxy like this what do you think about the Twitter communities bro I want to get your opinion on it um I think I've always said this for like three years now but I think um I mean you have like the biggest Twitter community in the world for streaming right we're at 100,000 we 999,000 right now yeah I think like Twitter definitely is the worst platform and it makes sense of just how it's designed like Twitter like anyone can kind of just get likes so it's like people just say whatever to get likes um if you look at other platforms like Tik Tok most people are just consuming like they're just scrolling swiping maybe they'll leave a comment but it's like you know it's one and done with a community it's like you have this forum of just everyone like farming and it definitely gets like sometimes it gets really parasocial where like some people you know most I'm sure like most of your community most of my Community cool as [ __ ] right like just normal they [ __ ] they just love you they they don't care but like where it gets weird is like where there's like that for me I always say like the 5% like 5% of my community is [ __ ] weird like they care more about my life than their own life and I'm not even kidding it's I that 5% of my it's [ __ ] terrifying it's like yeah but that's what I say bro jinxy it's literally like they literally care about you more than that's you just nailed it and I get that too it's weird bro like think about it they need to be you they need to focus on their own lives but they're so focused on your life it's so weird but like don't don't ever forget and like I try to never forget it too bro 90 to 95% of your community just loves you they they might just not even type in the chat they'll just lurk they'll pull up your stream every night helps them go to bed like course I'm just saying like 5% of my community like they care more about my life than their own life no I noticed that too it's super weird they uh they want everything to like they want you all to themselves yes yes yes basically um I want to to ask you something and if you don't want to talk about it you don't have to talk about it I saw something happen earlier with you and clicks clicks yeah I mean yeah I mean I've I saw both sides I'm going be honest I saw both sides I understand your point I understand his point because going back at it I told you I said it on stream he was in the wrong for tweeting that okay but what I what I'm going to let you I just want to so but if all you want was an apology I feel like and he gave it to you and if I don't know if he apologize off stream too that really matters I'll explain all of it if you want and I I saw your clip you don't even need to explain I saw like and I did [ __ ] with your take it made perfect sense so I'll give you the full scope of it okay so first off like I'm being genuinely honest like on my mother's life I did think we were friends like I actually like cuz I've called clicks and he might not say I have and I don't really want to like get back into it but we can because it because now that I'm talking about it it's going to be a thing again but I don't care do you not want to talk about it no no I'll talk about it cuz I may as well right I mean who cares the reason why I'm bringing it up is going to be another thing I wanted to bring up about streaming relationships and stuff but let me yeah and I wanted to bring that up too but so what I'll first say about clicks is I genuinely did consider myself friends with clicks like we did wasn't a lot but you know we called off stream about other [ __ ] like I was asking about like just some other [ __ ] like fortnite [ __ ] and like I did I did consider clicks like a friend so I would say like I expect that behavior from like a 11-year-old on Twitter a 14-year-old on Tik Tok but I feel like if you're a streamer and clicks is a big streamer like one of the like probably top 15 streamer in the world in America like you have to understand like your platform and like when you're doing it all live like that you're just kind of throwing me into because I don't get into like beef with streamers like you're just I feel like there's no other course of action and what you were saying about the apology he wasn't a real apology he said it like six times he said he said I'm sorry you got mad like I'm sorry you got mad that's not an apology an apology would be like first off we don't even do it on stream you call me on some [ __ ] like yo that was like weird I was literally just trying to like start up [ __ ] which he was like everybody could see that but it's like I never got that it was just like I'm sorry you got mad and he said that like six times so there was no off stream nothing it I called him off stream he TR okay I'll be honest the biggest [ __ ] up I had he texted me off stream and said like yo can we call like that night and I was like I said get the [ __ ] off my phone cuz like I'm like I considered this guy a actual friend like I always [ __ ] with clicks and then it's like now I don't so so I I'm like you too I'm emotional too and like what I get I get mad so like you got to give me like a day to talk I'm the same way as you need a I need a yeah yeah I can't talk right away I need to sleep yeah I got to like really like sleep on it like don't come at me trying to fix things right away I'm the same way as you and everyone knows that like people think I'm like emotional I am um so I had no idea there was no like communication off not handled off stream got it because you know at the end of the day bro that's just something that I feel like if I'm your boy I said it on stream I'm not do I'm not posting that if I'm your boy right now I didn't know you guys I don't know you guys relationship I don't know his side of it I don't know your side of it but if I'm your boy if I'm your boy I'm not posting that so but I said that but I I didn't know that there was no sincere apology I thought if he I thought if he sincerely apologized I'm like jinxy maybe yeah I would have if he was like on some [ __ ] where he's like dude that's my bad like I was just trying to like be funny for a stream um that's different but he was just saying I'm sorry you got mad and he said that like six times and I'm like that was the first thing he said he's like I'm sorry you got mad I'm like and then I also I'm also thinking like is he literally just saying that so I pay him but then that night uh Lacy was streaming and he called Lacy and he's like we were never friends like I swear to God I actually did consider clicks like one of my friends I'm not saying uh like how me and sketch are like really close I'm not saying that cuz like I'll call sketch every night about anything doesn't have to do with streaming just like how are you bro like [ __ ] like that how you are with SSB like I'm that close with Sketch oh wow okay so I never considered like clicks to be like my closest friend ever but we were just dogs like you know what I mean like on some cool [ __ ] we played fortnite together we call about non-streaming [ __ ] sometimes like once or twice three times a month like so I was just like taken back by that but yeah so the reason why I brought it up I didn't bring it up to basically like reopen up I got you yeah I brought it up to basically talk to you about streaming streamers relationships I swear to God I'm not kidding this was one of our questions I I can actually ask the question we're on it um the question was like how do you navigate dating and relationships when you are like a rich and famous streamer on top of the fact that like you're 23 everyone in your age range every girl in your age range has a Tik Tok they if they might act might they might not act like they know who you are they've seen your [ __ ] before F they've seen your [ __ ] so it's like how do you navigate that you can't you can't yeah it's impossible I'm sorry you literally cannot do that and um you know it comes down to it where it's like eventually they'll just figure it out because you know why that 5% parasocial people that that are obsessed with you that are obsessed with me they care so much and they'll do and dig whatever they can to just try to figure it out because they want to know everything about you do you have like a moment in particular where you were like wow like my like where it was so parasocial to where it like affected a relationship you had with someone for sure my ex um even the past girl I spoke like the recent ex that everybody knows about I'm not going to say name but like that ex the one that everyone her but it was the last the last one too oh the last two the last two yes got it every one bro um that's why now I'm I don't really have a real relationship with anybody any girls because I know I'm too young for it I have like five girls I have on rotation wait hold on what you have like a roster yeah and it's literally just like sex that's it no I hang out with them like I'll I'll bring them out and stuff and they're cool with knowing there's four other girls I mean or do they not probably with guys you know I got it so I mean like I'm okay with it oh you're just saying you just [ __ ] like it's not like a but I hang out with them too bro like I'm I'm not people think like it's I just don't think any girl is cool with there being four other girls no but like I you got to make it very clear what your intentions are cool [ __ ] like hey I just like hanging out with people bro for real like I like bringing them with me wherever I go like that's just how I am so it's like you know but yeah bro I just like to keep people as like friends and close I don't I feel like when you get in a very serious relationship it just it ends bad like every time yeah I was um yeah no I mean especially with I think streaming it's more different than anything else cuz everyone's just so much more involved like imagine you're like a YouTuber and like you post once every month like your life is pretty much all offline streaming everything you do is online and that's just part of it and just knowing how to like deal with it navigate it I feel like I have at this point I have just two different like not personas but like I have two different worlds like I have like my stream and like my like my IRL stuff I don't really let I don't really let like the internet like affect my like day-to-day it's hard to do that like it's very hard to do that but I think I mean you're kind of the same way we're like you know at the end of the day it literally is pixels on a [ __ ] screen at the end of the day man I I got to remind myself this constantly but if you're ever getting people you're ever seeing stuff you don't like on your phone just turn it off and go outside turn it off and go put your TV on go play some video games you know it's just like man I the the one thing I can't get a grip on is the Twitter Community I keep bringing it up because it's like like are you talking about specifically AR loyal oh specifically them okay I can't get I can't get a grip on it I can't tell if they really like me or they don't like me I swear bro they definitely [ __ ] with you and no no but I think so okay I'm sure some people that are like there's I'm sure there are people that are literally just trying to dox you and SWAT you they don't [ __ ] with you but I think most of the people especially if they get on your ass about missing a stream most of your community does [ __ ] love that's different though I can tell when it's like that's like comes from a place of love but I could tell yeah I could tell though it's like Aiden's like damn you're not streaming tonight wow you're being lazy like I could tell that's out of love I could tell but when they get very weird and you know what I'm trying to say like with like family and stuff it can get really like it could break you like sometimes yeah I mean I'll like yeah no cuz it's not normal bro so it's like I said I mean I I don't even mind talking about it now cuz like I fixed it but like literally this week like people found my mom's phone number and were like calling her and texting her I like she changed her number which is great but it's like why like are like you were born into this world in that hospit bed your dad and your mom were holding you up like this kid is going to be an amazing kid 17 18 years later you're dwelling in a basement on a computer like trying to call my mom it's so weird how did your life get to this point yeah bro I I don't understand what what the motive is I just think they're like so bored or like you said they're just they just want to be in control of you I don't know what it is it's a power thing they want attention I don't know what it is but man I can't get a grip on it but I love Loyals like the real a Loyals I love them oh no those are some real [ __ ] like I love them bro they hold it down for me but like it's just those weirdos bro yeah that just always mess with my head yeah I think like the other thing is like when I was like not even blowing up but when I was like taking off on my other [ __ ] like I didn't have time to be worried about other people like if if you're really like locked in and you want to like be successful like you can't be worrying about like watching a stream great I do that all the time but like I mean like if you're spending every waking day and night trying to swat someone it's like you're not going anywhere in life it's only going to end like worse you're not making yourself any less miserable you're going to be more miserable and at the end of the day when you like lay your head on the pillow at night and you're looking up at the ceiling are you living a life that you're proud of like if you have a son one day are you going to tell him about swatting a streamer for 3 weeks I know what you mean it's like exactly no I love that I was like so selfish I don't care I don't give a [ __ ] like I'm too selfish to care about someone else like I don't know I N it's just something I feel like these they're just young and they just when I think when they're older they'll be like that was really whack what I was doing back then you know what I mean probably like 15 16 that's more understandable yeah but yeah I mean okay the number one like main thing I wanted to like talk to you about and if you like don't want to talk about it cool but I know you've talked about it before ask um so like basically you obviously became hyper successful at a young age like Rich famous all that what was like what happened for you to like start drinking lean and let me start off by saying this I hold on hold on I know you don't do it anymore which good [ __ ] it's so hard to like kick the cup it is um I had it really lucky where it wasn't that hard though to kick it I was just really fat and unhealthy like I'm down like I remember that I think when I was with you I was like 180 I'm like 163 and you were just getting off of lean back oh yeah true I'm down like 26 27 lbs so yeah man it makes you fat makes you lazy um it just it ruins your brain it ruins a lot of things and it ruins everyone around you so what made me get involved was just wanting to guess try something um my buddy was just like just try it I'm who's your buddy is it like someone we've talked about yes okay I see if you can guess um it's either cheer or cuam probably cuff not them none of them think harder shnaggy yeah okay shnaggy got you into Le he's off it too he's been working out shag's down like 30 pounds too in the gym he's doing great um but yeah he did but I was only hooked on it for like I would go on binges so I'd be like four days straight of just doing it doing it doing it doing it take like a two weeks off doing it doing it but it was bad and I'll tell you what made me quit was because my mom cried yeah and that's the worst feeling a son can ever see as your what if you ever see that you got to just feel her yeah you got to come on so man that was stupid but I'm back on my fitness [ __ ] it just sucks I keep getting sick like I'm sick right now I was sick like a week and a half ago I keep getting sick but it is what it is yeah and like I mean I've seen it a lot of people have seen it like 2024 like you have like a like you I can see passion like you're a [ __ ] grinder um I guess like the deeper like thing I'm trying to like Drive is like yeah is this your house by the way yeah this is my house really yeah I we do all this [ __ ] from here oh wow you stream in here too oh yeah I stream like right in there what yeah I can show you like after who do you live with um cousin brother Mom that's Co whole family so where's everyone at um brother's upstairs mom's out oh cool but um yeah know the deeper question I was trying to like get at and ask was you said you wanted to try something why like you're I'm saying like you're already rich you're already like famous why why did you want to try something like was something like missing in your life oh yeah man I I I think like when you just have a lot of pressure and stress you want to find a relief or a fix right and it's crazy cuz I was already working out doing great and it's just like it was just kind of like there an option and I couldn't smoke weed cuz I get anxiety when I smoke weed I trip too yeah you do yeah so it's like and I love drinking but you I don't want to drink every day to like you know relieve my stress so I was like what can I do and I just did that it was stupid but I'm glad I did it at a young age where I can learn like hey like it's not the answer you know and where where did like where would you say the stress and pressure came from like was it just the pressure of like numbers and streaming and growing or no was it something else nah I needed I needed that like arrogance I needed that ignorance to kind of basically blow up kick I needed that to basically sell kick I need to be as controversial as possible I need to make as crazy content as I possibly can and say the craziest stuff ever so that I could sell kick and make kick a big thing and I just did it I I had to basically I had a mission to basically make kick known and I was just saying the most outrageous and doing the most outrageous things so do you have like anything in the last like year like that you like have regret doing or do you just think everything was done for like a reason I think everything in life is done for a reason I don't think anyone should ever regret anything um because if you go back and you wanted to change something it would change completely everything um you know I just think that what I can say is what you you need to learn from your mistakes everyone makes mistakes it's impossible nobody's perfect except for God right so I I don't believe in no perfect human being you're going to mess up you're going to slip it matters about how you get up it matters about how you you know can can perform after you make a mistake basically what you how you grow as a person and um the actions you do after you make a mistake that's all that's all that's what I believe in okay and you were saying you wanted to be as controversial as possible why like what was the reason like sell and kick to go viral to make to get Clips to to basically capitalize you know I was told hey man let's give this kick thing a shot if it doesn't work I got banned from so then I got banned from twitch I'm like oh n this has to work I have no other option I have to make kick work and um I slow down the controversial I mean you see that I'm just doing now content and I'm focusing on actually making good stuff so you know um yeah man I just think like I had to I I just felt I had to do that that's but that's when you're on drugs you just don't care yeah you know what I mean so yeah that's just it is what it is so like I mean have you had like any experiences like recently with like just depression like with all like the money and all that of course bro um I'm not going to I don't want to be ignorant and say money doesn't buy you happiness because money gives you Freedom yeah and money definitely can buy happiness because it it's Freedom yeah you know the fact if you could tell your mom hey you never have to work ever again that's buying happiness because she never has to work again you could retire your parents um your mom so stress and pressure comes when you have a lot of responsibility right and I think that you kind of have to sometimes accept that responsibility because we all I sign up for it you sign up for it and you have to basically just take the card you're dealt and you have to own up to it you have to be you have to literally just just do it you you you don't really have time to just dwell you got to just really find a fix like the gym or some type of self Improvement and that's your that's your fix to relieve relieve your stress in my opinion but hey man men's mental health is real and Men men's mental health needs to be taken more seriously because you know us men we don't really they say we don't have time we just have to work work work but man we we go through it too you know yeah and I think a lot of thing especially with men is like men just bottle things up way more like they don't they don't want to tell everybody about it so it's like I don't know it is I think people do appreciate if a streamer is like open about stuff like that rather than just acting like their life is perfect because when you do that it creates a false reality of like oh if I become rich and famous I will never be sad again I'll never have a problem in my life yeah exactly and that's what I liked when you and sneo spoke about and sneo was just saying hey if you're depressed do a push-up it doesn't really work like that yeah um oh so you would agree like with me more on that well no of course I mean of course push-ups help I mean obviously but let's just say I'm I'm depressed I'm not just going to do a p okay push-up on then know but I get what he's saying he's basically saying self-improve and eventually your mind will be constructed to but but but there is people that are really deep into that mental depression hole and they need help you know and it's not just you know lifting right away like you really need to maybe speak to somebody whether it's a therapist or just a friend or a family member some people really just need to just seek mental help and you know I've had to even speak to people because it's hard sometimes you know like you spoken to like therapists and stuff not really therapy um because I feel like I could tell my chat everything I I talked my chat a lot so I have like moments like where I really talks about my problems they know everything about me so I don't like to hide things yeah there's no point they're going to find out they find out anything you know it doesn't matter but you know I'll speak to like my my dad and stuff about certain things and but you know man it's just like you people got to not understand you're you're never alone nobody's ever alone there's always somebody to talk to so what was like what would you say was the biggest thing that came like cuz obviously before when you're streaming and like your come up was very similar to mine with the mindset of like I I'm not going to fail like I'm just going to keep going and just manifest it but once you got everything like you got the money and the fame like was there anything that like kind of did you almost feel like more empty in a way of like if I get this I'll be straight but then you're still not like or no I yeah man I I just think that like you said The Grass Is Always Greener yeah there's always going to be something that you don't have that he will have and that he will have that you don't have and I just think that you you got to just really look at what you have and be blessed be like y I'm grateful if you have people in your life that are alive you're blessed people don't even have homes people don't even have enough money to go buy food so it's like you're you're blessed like at the end of the day you are blessed I I I you know I truly believe that in happiness will and fulfillment is will lead to basically you recognizing that you're blessed and I think that's what we got to do and you know I want to get a better relationship with God um but I want to be able to make sure that I'm a I'm the best I'm at the best points where I can give it all if that makes sense cuz I feel like if I'm not giving it all then it's it's wrong yeah I feel like when I was younger and like earlier you were talking about like seeing your mom cry like really [ __ ] you up a lot and like that made you change your ways but like when I was younger and like there was we never really had like that much money like it was always just you know my mom was working my dad was working there was like just getting food on the table getting AC maybe Xbox it was just like very like that but then I would see like you know I would see my mom like start businesses maybe it wouldn't work out she'd be you know like when you see your mom cry like that I made a decision like or a promise to myself when I was like 14 I was like I don't know how but I'm never going to be broke again because if you're if I was talking about it last night um with him but like if you are broke it's very hard to be happy like if you have money it at least gives you a chance of being happy cuz how are you going to be happy if you're worried about getting kicked out of your house every day it's so messed up man yeah it's a really messed up world we have it's like you have people you know I say all the time bro people like are struggling to pay rent and eat they have to worry about if they're going to get kicked out next month like you just said so it's like but then you got people making billions of dollars like make that make sense I agree with you what you just said I I think that how could you even worry about being happy when you have to worry about where this next paycheck is going to go yeah if you can have the lights on tomorrow like it's very hard yeah it's very difficult and I mean I don't know yeah I think like it all just comes full circle but especially like for us our job is just literally clicking a button and like I know yeah like yeah it's hard to like do but like it's you know [ __ ] like there's people that are literally working like their hearts out just to keep food on the table like know and I'm just streaming you know what I mean I know we have a good man we have a very very good and you know I I I hope that everyone can achieve success and get rich and take care of their people that's my goal I mean sorry that's my my message to everyone I pray everyone gets it you know a taste of this um and if you just work really hard and you put everything you put the hard work and the energy especially especially the energy the manifestation I think people people will achieve their their success yeah how did you um how did you first meet like Andrew Tate and do you think he helped you like with like guidance in that whole world of just money Fame I met I met Tate through um I saw a Tik Tok and I just dm'd him on like what did like Twitter or something Instagram he replied yeah wow this one had like I think under a million followers I think it was like 500 300K oh so you were pretty early to it yeah yeah me and him the stream we did he blew up insane from that because so many Clips this is before he was banned on Tik Tok YouTube shorts Tik Tok all that stuff got clip clip clip clip that was like his big that was like a big blow up moment for him then we kept running the streams and I met him IRL we just did one recently actually yeah I saw that yeah and you know he's talked me off camera about that and he's like I just you have something that I don't have Aiden you're you're relatable to people and um he's like I just want you to basically teach people the right message and I basically was like I understand but it's people don't watch me for financial advice bro I feel like if you're looking to watch me for financial advice when I'm very not all there when it comes to like certain stuff you're in the wrong place I think if people want to make money and learn about the world and stuff they got to do their own research because how am I going to have how am I going to have all the knowledge of the world and how it works and stuff I'm I don't know anything yeah about that stuff and like the other thing um yeah I think he sees it in a good lens of like you he knows your audience is younger and like cuz like when we were in school bro you don't learn like they the last thing they teach you about is how to like manage money they teach you about [ __ ] Pythagorean theorem and how many planets there are like ridiculous they like the last thing you learn about in school is like how to manage money how to like become an entrepreneur like cuz they the school system is designed for like workers like that's what they want yeah it is it's it's modern day slavery you have to raise your hand to take a [ __ ] I know it's crazy it's it's it's a Rigg system and it's set up to for you to literally yeah work work work as a worker for your whole life and be in debt your whole life you know um and that's why I'm trying to tell people you know you got to really do what you want to do and I just thinks you don't have to go to college if you don't want to go to college you're not a failure just I know your parents might want you to but you're not a failure if you decide not to go to college what were your um what were your grades in school like in high school oh man what I like I I had a 3.5 GPA uh in a couple years in high school but senior year and junior year I was having like the 2. fours or something dude my um my freshman year I had a 3.4 and then like sophomore had like a 1.6 and then Junior and senior it was just like 22 and I got my diploma we AP pomas yeah like did you have like shitty attendance or did you just not care like about the subjects at all man you know I have a really bad immune system which is fun I'm sick right now I get sick a lot so I uh I got sick a lot in high school and I would miss a lot and um I would have to go to the doctor to get doctor's notes so I I don't would have to make up the day and stuff um but yeah I I would I would miss a lot my dad used to also let me Miss days on like when NBA 2k 16 and yeah dope [ __ ] Dad yeah no that's sick man he would let me it was called hookie he let me play hookie yeah uh when certain video games would come out like the new Call of Duties the new NB and stuff yeah it'd be like a three-day weekend too I was like yes okay yeah no I mean I had like the exact same experience with school like I was way more worried I just wanted to get home and play video games that's all I wanted to do that's all I wanted to do too ask you jinxie did you play what what games did you play in high school in high school oh my God you play 2K of course so right freshman year I played NBA 2K1 17 like religiously that's I will still say NBA 2K 17 was the most I've ever enjoyed a game but like my video game Hall of Fame would be like NBA 2K1 17 is number one uh Call of Duty Black Ops 2 is number two I sat on that game so good from like I would wake up at like I remember one summer I would wake up like with him and then my two friends from school I'd wake up at 5:00 p.m. I'd get on at like 6:30 I know you're saying we' play multiplayer zombies till like 8:00 in the morning and I would that was my schedule like that's all I wanted to do me too and then number three I played uh Clash Royale which is like a mobile game best mobile game ever in my opinion I actually played that game like semi-professionally like I made like I think I made like 10 to 15,000 off that game from like from ages 15 to like 17 which is pretty cool um but yeah no those are like the three games I played all the time damn man I got to give my top three um Black Ops 2 you ever played Destiny no I heard Destiny's amazing Destiny's a great game Black Ops 2 Destiny and I got to go NBA 2k 16 16 bro 16 was so arcadey no 17 was arcadey I think I think 17 was arcadey with the grand badges for the first month and then they nerfed them like if you remember dude ankle Grand badge you would just and would fall yo remember the uh 61 Sharpshooters that get speed boost so fun and then stretch Bigs like so Luminati oh my God yeah yeah and oh just the community was so like active bro like all those YouTube videos they pull up on each other the so Luminati NX thing that was I still watch that video sometimes so good solon's a goat who's your favorite uh 2K Creator ever NX n x really yeah yeah nade was [ __ ] crazy bro you know you know man yeah n rage yeah he okay top three nade solominati and cash nasty cash is a great broke that's my first stre I ever watched bro I was going to say the same thing cash was the first streamer I ever watched like cuz I I watched a lot of Los but for in terms of first stream I remember he was opening p with his girlfriend yes the blond I don't remember her name uh Ashley Ashley I was going to say Abby yeah they opening packs and I was like this is like this is streaming things kind of cool like you know what I mean did you stream on Twitch or YouTube I don't remember twitch I remember he had 200 viewers when I first watched him and I remember he was opening packs with his girlfriend and he would invite people like subscribers that would sub to play play against and I remember that he just quit his job he was either Walmart or Target to be full-time streamer yeah cash is a [ __ ] Legend he's he's one of the reasons why I streamed I love cash nasty that's my goat yeah I think for me like I would say probably like so Illuminati um Los nade like there's just so many that's the thing about 2k is like there's so [ __ ] creators you got to link up Los polos and queso for the one time you have that would be insane you have to that would be [ __ ] insane I just like the way like Los um I don't know like the way his chat would troll him back then it was so funny oh my God this guy's calling me Jesus um okay yeah uh the the other thing I was going to ask you but we kind of like got into 2K was what was the biggest thing you took away from Tate after all the things he told you like what was the number one thing you were like damn that's really good advice JY JY okay well gy self-improvement um and I would say treating how you treat others because you know I'm going to mature right and as my I go get older my audience gets older we're going to mature together your audience is is your family right yeah you're going to mature they're going to mature with you and I think when you are growing I I think I've motivated and inspired people to also be in the gym I'm down 26 lbs whatever 26 27 lbs I'm trying to put on muscle now and I think that itself is super motivating for somebody that watches you on a nightly basis to be like oh Aiden can eat takies all day and went from sipping lean and all these things to now working out and it's funny cuz I'm sick I'm going to keep saying it but like I'm sick but um you know it's just it's even if you motivate one person yeah one person it's it's just it's still everything you know so I think inspiring people and treating others with respect and you know self growth self growth yeah what would you say is the number one thing in your life that like brings you happiness like for me it's always been like purpose like I've always looked for purpose in life and when I was completely lost I didn't really know but like with streaming um when you have so many people that rely on you to be like entertainment and like you know what I'm saying like I've always I've always found a lot of purpose in that like knowing that x amount of people are actually going to like look forward to your stream and it gets pressure sometimes like if I miss a stream I'm letting them down but I feel like I don't know like just knowing that that many people like look to you as a like an escape from life it's [ __ ] dope yeah bro um throughout my career I've taken that for granted but I really realize how much they love me and how much I love them and my a Loos are just always they got me bro and they got me through a lot of stuff so I had to break down where I deleted the community and they rioted so hard yeah um but I'm glad I got it back and we fixed things and stuff and you got to realize bro my community helped me build that so it's theirs too I don't have the decision just to delete that even though it's my name my branding but they're part of it um so I agree with you and I think outside of streaming because streaming is my my purpose whenever I've gone like three or four days without streaming I crave it I go crazy I literally like what do I I can't lay in bed all day for example and watch TV I maybe could do one day and then the next day but man I got to be streaming my mind is too quick to like 280 HD um but my mom and my dad too as well those are my my happiness right now okay yeah no that's a great [ __ ] answer to be honest how would you say like it's kind of like darker I guess but how would you say you've handled like mortality like knowing that like someday you die like how do you handle death that's a deep question um man I I think everyone you know thinks this though like everyone's like yeah we're all going to die one day people don't talk about it but yeah they yeah I mean I don't know what's going to happen after and I don't know you know what will happen when I'm not here anymore but I just want to leave something behind for either my family or somebody that you know I can give to or you know have a bunch of people that I love and my will and that I you know that I that I you know that I care about um but yeah man it's just you got to make the most of all you're here you know life is life and we all don't know bro you know we don't know if if you zoom out of space there's aliens you don't know what's going on you know you don't know how many you just never know and life is getting crazier and crazier cuz we're finding out more and more yeah and um yeah man it's just the AI stuff's getting crazy so as far as death goes man we're all we're all going to die one day let's just make sure that while we're here we we live up to what we want to do that's why you only live once so just focus on what you want to do yeah I remember it was like my I don't know cuz like I conceptualized death when I was really young but I always had a I always just kind of like threw it to the back of my mind like oh I'll just focus on what's in front of me but I remember I was reading um it was this Shakespeare novel it was like my junior year of uh high school and it was the first time I Really Ever truly thought about it and like I couldn't get out of my mind he said like it doesn't matter if you're like rich or poor like we all sleep with the worms eventually and like that like really resonated with me cuz I but then I was like kind of talking about it with my friend that same day and he said it's kind of life in itself is beautiful in the sense that it is limited like could could you imagine if we just lived for eternity it would get like kind of weird like it'd be like we're just kind of mindlessly roaming the Earth but like I feel like if you know you're only going to live for 70 80 90 years you want to make the most out of it and like you said that's something I've thought about too is like just leaving something behind that like you're truly proud of and you truly make people's lives better like being able to know you can set up your kids set up their kids like that's really cool you know what I mean yeah but I I I would do it in a way where I'm not ruining them too I feel like I feel like if you throw a lot of money at a kid man it'll ruin them bro you're not they're going to be handicapped their entire life mentally they're not going to know what to do with their lives if you give let's just say you're born into money and you're spoiled where you could buy everything you want it's going to ruin your perception of life I mean I love to bring this up because look how LeBron rais bronny right yeah it's a perfect example that's how you raise somebody with LeBron is the greatest basketball player all time and all his money and stuff but in my opinion I've I've known Bon for years he's a great person and I feel like LeBron raised bronnie correctly like it's just like bronnie is a great [ __ ] kid he's a good person a good K yeah he's a really really good person bro so it's like it all matters about how you are as a parent that's why like there's so much hate in this world bro and I just feel like if parents can just kind of get more involved and steer their child children to just not hate and love you know I feel like the world would be better but man there's so much hate in the world yeah at what time in your life do you think you would quit streaming and just go offline never like really return like do you have like have you ever thought about that like when you'll stop man it's hard Jinx it's [ __ ] hard bro it's hard to think about uh because I love it and still and you know I I I I'll tell you you know I don't have obviously the hunger I had in 2021 yep but I still have hunger in me to still do cool stuff and um you know I I don't really know the answer to that question I I'm having fun right now and I and I still want to continue to do Do It um and I want to build businesses I want to build up kick I want to build up some other stuff so I want to build stuff up when you talk about your um it's like we were talking about it like an hour ago but when you talk about your 2021 hunger like what was that like Beast inside of you of like what was your like daytoday like like what was your thought process what were you doing every day because that was like one of the greatest streaming primes ever like that 2021 Aiden era was [ __ ] insane I would wake up um eat hang out with my ex stream every day well I don't think it was every day I would I would I would I would just I would actually just like look through Instagram and just try to like find out what's going viral what's trending and then I would just basically like try to like DM this person DM that person and do everything I can to get a hold of this person that person and I made it happen and that was it the hunger was basically just knowing how to follow Trends and like capitalize on it of like this person's hot right that's what I did but the hunger my motivation was my my my parents yeah I wanted to make sure they were set for life yeah and I did it and yeah okay so now now now my inspiration hunger and motivation is inspiring others and giving opportunity to others so yeah um where do you see I guess like where do you see kick in like five years it's a hard question to answer very hard starting but I but I'll tell you man I I think that if I can sign these next three people you're going to see kick surviving some more time no I look I I I think that it's hard man because I don't even know where streaming is going to be in five years yeah yeah um for sure but what I will tell you is this that kick is doing great I want to sign these new people um and I want twitch to keep making updates see did you hear about twitch taking out twitch Prime Subs um I haven't like heard about that I've heard people like rumor about it but I don't know if it's like a true thing or not um it what is your opinion if twitch takes out twitch Prime Subs if twitch takes out twitch prime it would definitely like hurt the platform but I feel like for I don't know well I heard I don't know if it's true or not I heard they want to take out twitch Prime and make creators run more ads I don't I honestly I have no idea what's going to happen to Twitch Prime I don't think it would get removed because it's like a staple of twitch but I think the big reason what keeps creators on Twitch is just ads like ad Revenue you know what I'm say so good because I mean you remember like you had like a crazy ad deal I was making almost a million a month just off ads which is nuts are you [ __ ] me I swear that was my biggest and that insane when I was averaging like 50,000 viewers [ __ ] man yeah yeah I had the biggest ad deal it was like well other creators had it too um but yeah man I just think like kick right now they want to focus on making the platform like really good the interface and stuff and then we just want to go for everyone we want you we want everyone so [ __ ] speed Kai sketch everyone come on over that's the goal yeah but um what like you said you made like a million in one month off of AD revenue and like this is kind of interesting to talk about because I feel like when most people look at streamers especially on Twitch they kind of are like oh they have this much Subs let's times it by this that's how much they make but like once you are a streamer where you're over that like 10,000 viewer threshold like a lot of your money is AD Revenue like and people don't really know that about streaming like they I don't know I guess they think ad is just a part of twitch but like for you what was the most you've ever made in a single month off of like twitch ever twitch total Twitch in a month I think like a little like a million and something like 1.2 maybe yeah that's [ __ ] insane yo jinxy why have you wait what's your to what's your alltime sub count like Peak Peak 170 like8 or 177 something like that wow what you at right now uh 175 I think why don't you do a subathon um the thing is if I'm going to do a subathon which I was thinking about doing it I need to have like [ __ ] planned for the whole month cuz I don't just want to wake up like play games for a month like you know what I'm saying they're going to have expectations like the way the way Kai set up his subathon was [ __ ] beautiful he had a guest every day if I could if I could line up like 25 guests maybe have five Discord streams I could do it um but yeah that'd be [ __ ] what's the alltime peak what did Kai do what did he 30 something 300 and something wow yeah he's [ __ ] Kai is I love Kai yeah he's great like um you know it's crazy I I we're talking about streamer relationships who I kick it with outside of K Kai's a really good guy bro and I've said I said that um I went on the NEP pod and like steiny was like asking me about Kai and like the thing I [ __ ] with the most about Kai is like he always like he's always speaks so highly of his mom and how his mom is why he is who he is and like I that resonated a lot with me cuz like my mom's the same way like my mom is like my driving force for everything I do and like to hear him speak like that he came from nothing and like turned it into that like I've always had so much respect for Kai he's like probably one of my like favorite streamers bro he's he's such a good human being bro he's just such a he has that like that Vibe of like he boosts your [ __ ] mood if you're around him he's a great [ __ ] soul man he's a great person I love him um speaking of Kai we going to Jamaica I'm excited for that um me you gota we got to figure out some ways to me and you got to do our stuff man yeah I mean bro if you just need to get unbanned on Twitch bro put the yo if you I'm G tell you right now I was having a debate with to if you and Kai both were in a group chat with your reps let's get Aiden unbanned there's no way they're saying no there's no way if you two are like let's get Aiden unbanned on Twitch no way I mean I don't know because they they definitely like you know how I got banned right how did you get permanently banned un moderated chat on my screen cuz did you have your kick chat pulled up while you were streaming on Twitch yeah it was unmoderated but I mean like it was for like a second and that's not really supposed to be indefinitely suspension for that but I mean I dug the whole deeper for sure for what I was saying and stuff but you know that was back when I was on lean twitch give me another chance man dude um for real though I I I respect that platform because that's at the end of the day look man I came up off twitch and you know at the end of the day my friends are still on there my buddies are still there putting in the work and that's their [ __ ] so I'm not here to talk crap about twitch I'm here to work with twitch I'm here to work with my buddies I want to collab and make both platforms bigger make streaming bigger as a whole I think if they unban me and I can collaborate with jinxy and Kai and sketch sket queso and stuff like it's just it's going to make streaming bigger yeah so it's just a thought um I I wanted to like kind of cuz you started off on gaming and you talked about how you branched out from gaming but like you were kind of like I would say the first like gigantic streamer that kind of just said full cam like full face cam oh yeah um yeah yeah what like did you feel like you were like taking on a risk with that cuz it's not even just that you had raperson like you would have some nights where it was Banks and Mike and you guys were just talking and those streams were dope too yeah it's like cuz you kind of I would say I've said this before but you made streaming like more of like a mainstream thing because before you the biggest streamers ever were like blowing up on fortnite like ninja tfue yeah like it was like you kind of just blew up with a game but you kind of made it to where it was more consumable for people who don't play games and like what was cuz that was kind of genius and what was your mindset on like that specifically of full cam to have guests on turn it into like a TV show kind of man just just understanding like that I have to basically do stuff that nobody's ever done before yeah you know I never thought the back of my head it's going to fail I never thought the back of my head like oh wow this is not going to work cuz I knew it was going to work I just like like nobody's doing that nobody's doing this and I think like somebody that I can always you know give my flowers to is rice gum like that's just somebody that I've always kind of been inspired by and it's like you know it's just something that I wanted to do and it's just different and I'm glad that I made it mainstream I definitely could say that yeah I helped make streaming mainstream and I made all these blog Pages like academics and like wealth and Rap start posting streamers now because it's like now it's a real deal it's a real thing and um now you have more and more coming bro like it's good to see that you're now in the mainstream section of things like now people know jinxy and now People Know sketch and you know it's just great to see streamers now finally get the flowers they deserve yeah when did you say cuz like I mean in the last like probably two years you don't like do it anymore but like when did you start like the kind of like sus thing where you're like telling someone they have a big dick or something like oh I me was that the 2K days it kind of sure I mean that's just naturally how I spoke I mean it's not I don't I personally think it was funny as [ __ ] yeah I don't do it as much anymore I just cuz like grow out of it yeah yeah but uh back in high school I was doing it to my friends you know that's talking same thing yeah yeah game chat my friends so I was like I'm just going to do what I do with my friends in the streaming world and it worked and like you were dude like you're um you're like 2021 era especially was like you would literally tell a rapper they have a big dick like you didn't give a [ __ ] like which is insane and like I don't know like were you were you ever like have you ever been nervous for a stream oh what I still got nervous who was like who was like the number one person you got nervous from cardi cardi actually yeah yeah yeah I mean okay that's pretty fair any other streams that stand out who was your favorite person you've ever streamed with collab in person and then who was like your least favorite rapper or any anyone that's ever sat down next to you on a stream who is your favorite and least favorite man okay let me categorize it because I want to do rapper then I want to do content creator streamer wise rapper I've ever collab with sat down and collab with man that's so hard bro because there's like three let me give you three Soulja Boy favorite like these are your favorites Soulja Boy Tory Lanes got to be Uzi right Uzi yeah his Vibe is crazy yeah yeah yeah U is so good for streams I feel like I'm missing good ones though but damn I'm sorry if I miss Tate too no Tate's like amazing I didn't put him in the rapper oh okay okay yeah yeah and you guys only did one iners stream right yeah yeah okay we only did one in person stream um and then content creators man did you did you ever watch the aexp yeah oh my bro that's one of my favorite on I threw a wish in so that was good vibes bro yeah no okay I feel that um well I guess the yeah she's tripping right now I don't know what kind of dog is that uh I don't mix Like a Shepherd or something you know I really like I don't want to leak any I don't know if you don't even have to put this in the pot but bro like where you live bro is so peaceful and nice thanks man that was the goal just to like not really see people and be surrounded by like a forest I love it no seriously how's the Wi-Fi speed out here though great like really good yeah yeah we have fiber yeah oh nice um oh like the last the last kind of like thing we do cuz I've honestly ran through like everything and I was [ __ ] great but do you have any questions for me yeah jinxy you know uh I'd love the interview a little bit let's do it uh I want to know man so what's going on in your brain right now can you can you kind of break down for me like how you're feeling as a streamer right now yeah I know what you mean exactly like in your in your in your level right now right now I feel more pressure than I've ever felt cuz like people do kind of just especially if you're like a trend for a little bit like people are looking at you it's like you can't do the same [ __ ] every single night so it's like I'm in a eternal Battle of like I want to please like the ogs and the people who have been here forever but it's also like not everyone wants to just watch Rainbow Six Siege like you got to mix in some other content so it reminds sorry I'm going to cut you off but it reminds me of back in 2021 um I'm were you going to finish on I'm sorry to Dro because it's like I want to please the ogs but I also just want to Brand I I want to like grow that's the goal of like any stream is to grow I understand like you can't just grow like this like there's going to be like you know this is how like oh [ __ ] this how streaming is so it's like you can't just catapult up like there's going to be down days down months down weeks but like I don't know I want to like I guess I would say just pressure would be like the worst thing but the other side of it is like how you know everything has blown up to how it has and it's how I've always manifested it to go and I want to just keep going you I think I think bro best thing I can tell you advice wise just stick to your ogs yeah more cater more to them than any because the the people who hop on Trends they're going to leave they leave I promise you bro and honestly those are the people that want to see you crash too yeah um your your your core your ogs people have been riding for you since the journey started just cater to them bro because you're allowed to expand a little bit and do your thing a little bit like that's fine don't think you can't do that but you got to cater to OG's like always always try to just keep them in mind because they love you bro they're going to ride for you you know yeah for sure no I appreciate that and like there's no better person to talk to about that than you because you went through the same [ __ ] yeah Cycles bro different phases different eras and then I also one thing I will say is um are you you're you're you're serious relationship with your girlfriend now yeah it's serious I mean I don't know how she feels about it but you know back when I would do content with girls they used to love that too so maybe do more content with her well I don't know because like I feel like if we do that it's just going to be like I don't know it's going to be back into like the cycle of is it a it's very serious relationship like you guys take it seriously I me yeah yeah like it's like just starting but yeah so I mean also it can mess things up the internet if you get stuff in the internet could mess things up yeah so yeah just you got to just keep that in the back of your mind mind um but but yeah bro I just think cater to your core um but yeah keep expanding bro you're you're doing great you're killing man yeah of course appreciate it and like as you know like I have you're one of the only streamers that I've literally watched forever like I don't even know if you know how plugged in I am but like I remember you were talking about how like your like sometimes your ogs and [ __ ] or like Chatters will piss you off I was in your stream one night where like you were doing something people were complaining about what you were doing and I remember I was in the Stream you made like a burner Twitch account and streamed like AR15 whatever and I like went to that account I was watching the stream like you're playing like cod cuz people like we don't want to see or CSO people like we don't want to see CS go you're like I'm going to do what the [ __ ] I want to do because like at the end of the day it's my stream you know what I'm saying so I'm very plugged in and I [ __ ] with you literally forever appreciate you bro yeah no it's mutual I I I love I love what you're doing I you're changing the game too bro and it's just it's just great to see you know you being a content creator and you making streaming even bigger bro you're you're killing you're crushing and keep going and I love what you're doing this podcast and stuff too I know because this is the podcast is always something I've wanted to do and it's like something I could see myself doing when I'm 30 you know what I mean like I might I might not want to stream when I'm 40 but I'll always want to do a podcast it's just [ __ ] you're speaking you shoot the [ __ ] for like an hour or two you know no it's great bro and you know it's you're doing it yourself too you know usually people have co-hosts and stuff and I love that you're doing it it's like one-on-one I like the interview style for sure that was like our goal I think it's great it's great you're killing it thanks man well is that like everything you got cuz this was a banger episode I'm not people are going to [ __ ] with this yeah this is a good one I felt it too this is a great one um let's see what else oh okay I got it I got to end it off like this how do we get you to come to kick uh [ __ ] I don't know man a [ __ ] island or something yeah hey Eddie let's give him an island with a jet and let's get Rainbow Six Siege um bonus perks with every kick sub that's how we get them all right all right man uh that was a [ __ ] Banger click the Subscribe button click the like button go [ __ ] with Aiden socials [ __ ] everything thank YouTube Tik Tok whatever whatever anything else Twitter [ __ ] it [ __ ] with Aiden Banger [ __ ] episode that was fun hey man like the video subscribe right now this is great I appreciate all you guys W jinxy man yep W Aiden [ __ ] Banger man I that was that was actually really fun that was
Channel: Jynxzi Podcast
Views: 844,063
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Keywords: jynxzi adin ross, jynxzi adin ross podcast
Id: 8snvIzFTpuY
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Length: 98min 11sec (5891 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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