Adeptus Mechanicus vs Death Guard - Warhammer 40k 9th Edition Battle Report

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[Music] welcome back to tabletop titans for another epic game of warhammer 40k and today we've got a really cool one because i am showing off a bunch of my newest models this is an expansion to my existing admet collection adamec have always been one of my favorite armies because to me they're just one of the most grim dark but also one of the kind of the kind of the most original um interesting visions of the future of humanity in a way um i always love their stories and their model line and their lore and it's just all great and uh there was a ton of models i didn't have right um from admic i kind of had like an old og collection of the first generation basically exactly that's right and and so i i went out and uh had a good friend of mine add a bunch new models to it it's actually it's more than doubled the army in size much bigger and uh i've been taking it to tournaments because it's a very strong army as well and it's been great to show off this beautiful collection but this is the first time you all are gonna get to see it and we're doing it against the death guard today yeah excited to be playing the death guard it's been a while for me and i am playing something uh very very different for me personally it's lots of vehicles lots of of tough bodies you're bridger in this i am the bridger 100 percent bridgering this and i'm playing with a couple fun things that i've been seeing death cards death guard players play around with so very excited for this yeah you've got you've got a one weird trick in this list i have one weird trick um which is cool something we've never done yeah ever in the history of the channel right we've never done this we've never we've never done this thing it's probably gonna go wrong the first turn so you'll have to wait until turn two to see it but it's gonna be dope okay well and the other thing going on here as you can see is of course we are playing another game on our titans terrain and uh this game actually we're doing several new and special things that you haven't seen before on hobby titans yesterday actually zach made some uh kind of little scatter terrain some little rocks and even some bigger rock pieces that you can mix on in so we decided to put that stuff on the board that he made to kind of show off ways that you could customize it but there's other one other big thing which you might notice in previous games you noticed that the tiles were kind of all aligned and while this is great and it works really awesome it creates kind of clear firing lanes well what you can see here is all of our tiles are offset now um and that's made possible by these new half tiles that we have on either side and these little half tiles offset everything allowing you to create a much more protected board against shooting and what we did today is we just announced this morning these as a stretch goal that's right and if we hit 300 000 in pledges we're gonna give these away free in every one of our expansion packs and so this was actually an idea that we had way way way early on yeah but we just didn't follow it sure and then we had one or two commenters on the kickstarter page we're like you should do this and as soon as i read it i was like they're so right and i just like ran back and i had some extra tiles i cut them and yeah yeah and so we actually just announced it just before the show it's up on the kickstarter page so you can go take a look there and uh we think this is a kind of a kind of an enormous upgrade actually it's enormous uh simple upgrade that's going to absolutely give you extra play you guys will see when we talk when we talk about the mission we are playing things like dawn of war and it gives you that much more flexibility modularity with the kit and so again uh if you've already backed up the project thank you so so so much we appreciate it if you haven't definitely consider it because now we're all kind of working towards that stretch goal trying to unlock these and the last of all of course if you can share it and tell your friends tell your uh your family about it we do appreciate it well yeah and you can even go to the kickstarter page and just kind of hit follow on it and that way you can keep up with our updates and uh you'll be notified before the end of the campaign so you can make a decision kind of before you lose your chance we've been blown away by the support um titan's terrain is really going super well on on kickstarter and we hope to see it continue to grow because we just have so many cool plans for the future of pop-up terrain we think it's uh we think it's a big big change to the game and it makes it so much more accessible and just focus on the game focus on the fun and uh that's what we're gonna do today so why don't we jump ahead and take a look at the list we're bringing let's do it my adeptus mechanic is so excited here um this actually army has been beautifully painted by two separate friends of mine and two yeah two really legendary painters the two best painters i've ever met personally so um i'm really humbled to have them both kind of contributing to this um and what a model line uh this army has i'm really excited this is a new list for me but it's not so far removed sure from what i've been playing of course the balance update that just came through took about 250 points out of my list so this is greatly reduced which was very needed uh my army was much stronger than the the majority of the armies out there obviously it it hung up there with you know jukari and it didn't hang with orcs at all but it's um it you know it was to it was too strong with those other lists so i'm really glad to see them rebalance it um i'm playing a veteran cohort today which is an army of renown um and so that means i can only use qatari but they cost a little more but they all get a little stronger as well you get one priest of each type so you have a single priest that's true i do have one cult unit um and let's start with that called unity this is a tech priest manipulus um this is again one of the uh one of the great models and he has he has my loji upgrade which is going to allow him to really buff up people around him yeah it's just so so strong i'm going to grant that immunity to minus one and minus two ap and give the once per game it's it's okay what do you think refund what do you think it's okay it's a little okay especially against armies you know armies with ap one and two that's right there's a few of those in the army yeah so uh he also has the remnant of the techno martyr this is his relic and it's going to let me put it onto a unit and they ignore all minuses to hit now this particularly stacks well with rangers who take the move penalty um but uh you know you can just use it all around it's great next up a new brand new model here my first of two skittari marshalls and um there's qatari marshals i have two of them one has exemplar's eternity which gives re-roll hits and uh wounds basically because he already has that ability and then program to retreat is the warlord trait i get to pick a unit and uh it falls back and shoots with no penalty it's great very very powerful now of course these already have control edict so i get to ignore the negative effects of one of my um doctrinase yep fantastic the other one has a relic cantrik thrallnet this is uh i get to pick a unit within nine and it gets an extra doctrina this can be used to such phenomenal effects you can do unbelievable things with that um and then the next one is firepoint telemetry cache this is the warlord trait on that other schitary marshall and i pick a unit and they just get to count as being in cover and that stacks very well with several different units i have totally but if they are in cover in combat they get plus one to save they basically get heavy cover absolutely um it's it's great sounds amazing um so those are my three hq's the number of buffs they put out can be dizzying at times so uh in my first couple turns i'll make it pretty clear but then we'll go a little faster because it can there's a lot that this army can stack on a unit yes this is the uh this is the management codex for sure yeah there's a lot going on um and they're all different ranges yeah yeah which is what makes it really tricky literally has he has three six and nine inch words and data tether and data tyler so you can pass them to different ranges beyond that correct it's wild it's uh it's a whole thing if you guys have any questions let us know and of course uh let let people know and chat because this is a it's a fascinating but it could be a lot to kind of wrap your head around while playing and also watching yeah let's talk about probably the mvp in the codex um this is the schitari rangers and i have one big unit of 20. and then i have two smaller units of five now this qatari rangers um a 20-man blobs guitar rangers with its buffs can kill anything that can fit in a 2 000 point army in one shooting phase they are um not to be underestimated they're exceptionally lethal and they're surprisingly durable in return so um they just kind of got it all right they're absolutely amazing they went up two points which um is totally still makes them mega affordable like they're still excellent for their cost but uh they were criminally undercosted before criminally okay so let's talk about my uh other unit i have a unit of schitari vanguard okay man yeah just one five man they were late edition um i would normally play with big units guitar vanguard but things had to get cut yeah we're losing some things that's right um let's talk about uh some of my favorite looking units these are my uh sikharan infiltrators and uh the infiltrators of as their name suggests they can start up the board and i have them all with taser goads and their flechette pistols very cool these guys are surprising in so many ways um their taser goes actually if i use strats on them they can really do a ton of damage yeah they have the double exploding sixes yeah which goes on sixes you can make them pro five and then i could give them extra attacks and their strength six native league yep so fantastic and only going up two points still an absolute bargain at 19. yeah and five shot pistols so a tiny little squad just like dumps oh my god a ton of shots and if you're into like witches or something yeah they just they're just gone and you are mars which means you could be doing mortal wounds if you need it's like oh you know what i feel like i need to do some mortal wounds here yeah exactly they're great so two units of five of them um now my real powerhouse backbone i have two units of ten sikarin rust stalkers all with paired blades these guys are one of the fightiest units in 40k and they're fast and they can be durable and um there's strats to let them advance and charge and there's abilities to make them go even faster and hit on twos and they benefit from my re-rolls and and and and we forgot the most important thing they do uh what's the most important thing they do yeah you mentioned so many things they do mortal wounds okay they do unlimited mortal wins and i've tested the weight of that unlimited nature several times i've had them do over 10 mortal wounds in a fight phase with several times yeah now normally it's like three or four or five or something but that's still outrageous over the ordinary cap of you yeah yeah and it's free so they're spectacular they went up a couple points they went up two points up to 19. totally fair so fast they're they're what the point of an assault intercessor so um i feel fine yeah costs it feels like a mr stark yeah so they're still fantastic love them totally probably the best looking models though are my uh affectionately called ponies the ponies the ponies um of course they're these are the cerberus raiders these guys went up quite a bit quite a few points as well from 16 up to 20 points with the new balance data slate uh so a chunk but still amazing yeah they have these are all about tricks these are snipers and we've had them snipe to real effect oh my god right when you went into my beast boss yeah i was like i'll be fine yeah you're like he'll take the world and then he took like five weeks and we're like oh no i'm in danger yeah um and that was just chip shots i was like maybe i won't shoot right i guess i will because these snipers also of course do mortal wounds on sixes and they already have an ap so they're just good guns generally speaking correct and there's two shots each which is not normal for snipers gosh and you have the amazing uh stratagem tactical where you can run away after you get correct that's the trick that these guys have if you declare a charge on them i can run them away um and a lot of people you know have trouble wrapping their head around that tactic and they make mistakes it can really screw up a whole turn yeah and a whole game so um i have two small units of uh five or two decent actually five minutes just because they're new models we want to show them off actually we probably wouldn't actually have this many because they're kind of pricey now sure um and then uh probably i think lastly i'm going to say my other last powerhouse squad is a unit of uh sterilizers yeah the the taraxi sterilizers here are basically jump pack guys with uh really respectable flamers but they also have big claws on their feet and they can actually fight surprisingly well it's a very artistic shot and um in addition to the claws on their feet that allows them to prevent people from falling back if they wanted to and they natively fall back in charge and they look at that yeah and they also have like a shock assault ability where they get plus one attack on the charge and the sergeant has a taser goad so i've had that one sergeant kill whole squad oh 100 nor like many times it's like you charge your wish squad the sergeant's just like yeah i went into our gosh it was literally at gundenhammer i went into uh jean steelers yeah and i was like all right we'll start with the taser god he's just like kills all of them immediately and all the guys are like whoa and you've got like a fist of other dice and you're like i'll just put them down and these guys have the the special trick where they get to um move like advance shoot if they want charge fight score and then go back into reserve and then come back down the next turn now um there are restrictions on that you can't do it the turn that you're set up on the battlefield so if you come out of a transport yeah or if you um uh come from deep strike yeah they did change that uh uh thankfully which by the way is also how we encourage you to play your def copters in the speedwalk that's your exact same rule so please play the same way yes and then uh just backing all this up is i've got three dune riders uh you gotta ride over the dunes somehow or you're gonna do it in style um so i've got three of these um i was playing with these in my lists when orcs were running rampant because my army suffered so badly to indirect fire now i'm up against indirect fire here again and so actually they're going to do the same kind of job yeah they'll be useful i probably if there's a lot yeah i wouldn't play with this many i would play with one or two um but they're they're still fantastic and um they actually have a surprising amount of shooting 16 16 straight four shots and again there's turns where it'd be hitting on twos yeah and so uh it's a real deal amazing i mean so uh it's still a lot of units it's a feel i still feel like i have tons of stuff we're putting that together as a list and we're just like what is even getting cut here like there are big chunks like the vanguard yeah but still an amazing army a beautiful army and uh we're really excited to see it's crazy to believe that like this still feels like a lot and i can't fit any more in my deployment zone right but i would have had another 20 man squad of vanguard yeah and uh and a few other bits and bobs here so yeah um it's like yeah it's definitely still too many models it's still too many models i um i don't miss playing that at events with your back just kidding i know it is actually the taraxi yeah the tracks are the worst okay well on the other side we have the death guard um again running a very much a bridger stylist today yeah all vehicles all dread thing like things and uh i'm excited so um naturally of course with this kind of build i'm running pox mongers so i'm going to have things like the iron cloth furnace giving a single unit a four plus in volume that will save and uh additionally i have the strat to allow me to shoot my blast weapons in close combat and also get a plus one to hit basically so i'm hitting at full bs with gravity weapons um so it's cool it's cute it hits super hard and it is it's very much mega durable mega durable mega sku um so the way i've done this is it is two patrols because of one cp but also um i have you know four fast attack i have three heavy heavy support and i wanted two casters oh yeah right so let's start off with them i have the double malignant plague casters today super excited for them i've got one with the iron clock furnace naturally and then the other one has the plague skull of glo glo cloma whatever it's called disease glaucema and uh if you're not familiar that's a one spray game grenade that does a ton of mortal wounds so it's real good it's extremely good um yeah that's them moving along that's all my characters in the troop slot i have four troops i have two units of plague marines nice uh these guys are kind of expensive but they're gonna be running around scoring uh performing some secondaries and uh they're my few infantry in this army what are they two more points than a rust stalker yeah it's 105 for five of them oh no they're good they're good they're legit they're good it's just like the game has been upped in in auntie's been up yeah the anti's been upped and the minimum point size that matters a lot with troops right you can take five rangers for like 50 35 points you want the cheapest throwaway thing you can get 45 points yeah yeah exactly so i've got them and i also have two units of uh cultists um just because um again cheap scoring units that have infantry uh keywords these were like a late edition because you were finding that the army list that you made didn't have enough uh score couldn't do actions yeah you do secondaries right absolutely it's a thing you need to watch out in your list building it it really is so but you know as someone who's been playing a lot of free buddhas with only a few infantry i've found that four is still enough to be scoring some some of these secondaries to do raw things like that so that'll give it a bit of scoring power nice moving on a fast attack i have of course not one not two but three bloat drones with flesh mowers this is the correct number oh this is always the correct number right um they are these guys are great they they fight super well they don't bracket um and they're just they actually shred marines they're reasonably fast for for uh this army they actually shred all of my infantry too so they're right they do um as long as you don't have the well even with the ignoring two ap in melee you're basically gonna have your four zero fives yeah so they're pretty awesome yeah um i also have a single unit of three mephidic blight haulers of course these are the mega shootie mega durable units they stay as a squadron which means they're going to be uh very eligible for the iron cloth furnace to get four plus invulnerable safe very hard to shift very tough to shift and uh they're awesome often as your kind of core line of sight shooting firebase you're gonna be looking towards these guys or volcan temperatures in your model we don't we don't actually own the volkai contemporaries right now where we might try them out i think we'll get some to try yeah but these these they what they do is they offer a different type of fireplace exactly we have the melters in there um to just absolutely and they actually can fight a bit too which which is something the uh contemporaries can't yeah absolutely and they also cost you less cp you don't have to pay for them so right that's right anyways that's fast attack um wow this is a very tiny army last of all i have three plague verse crawlers naturally these bad boys are the bane of anyone who's played against death guard the big mortar on top ignoring line of sight it is a plague weapon and the two guns on the side essentially dark lances or adeptus mechanicus last cannons depending on what kind of player you are this is the closest comparison they're actually uh they don't have the strength of last cannons from ductus mechanics that's right but they are plague weapons which yeah they're really the ones to win yeah so um they're not quite up to omnisize standard but they're pretty good yeah yeah yeah they're uh they're good enough from their gold base that's right speaking of nargle speaking of nergo i have do i want to say it yeah okay we'll say it so i have mr he is technically not in this list um i have 105 points of summoning for the first time pretty much ever i read the summoning rules last night making sure i knew how to do this and uh it's a cute thing i've seen some death card players do do i think it's the most tippity top tier thing no do i think it's the coolest thing it's uh it's pretty cool and if you don't know him he's like uh the master tally man and he keeps track of everything you kill and he gives an army wide buff to everything that's a nurgle demon exactly um and everything else here which is everything else yeah so that's really exciting this is the first time we've i think we're ever trying summoning yes um on the channel and uh and it might even be the first time we've paired death guard with some sort of nurgle demon right well because remember in the new books if you have demons or non-death card in your list right you lose your contagion it kind of breaks that however summoning being the flexible tool that it is doesn't break that because it's not in your starting list yeah exactly uh so we found a use for summoning you know we solved the problem something's fine yeah until you roll triples and then yeah i was going to say so of course when you're summoning any doubles cause a minor perils and any any triples like three of the same dice cause like a full of full perils so prepare yourself we've got darth barrels in the house he's going to trip in the house i'll get you guys epidemious by like you can't re-roll a summoning role no because it's not eligible for command yeah yeah so it'll be fun it's going to be great i'm excited we're all so excited yeah i i can't wait for it so fun fun different stuff and uh it's a little model count army which is always fun to play yeah all right so should we take a look at the warzone we do indeed have a warzone let's take a look at it cog and rifle arc technology and transonic blade these are the tools of the mechanicus tools of the omniscience agents on this world reports from sakura and scouts reveal a sizeable contagion dangerously close to their forge world and a task force is dispatched to eliminate this pervasive threat will flesh or machine win out the day and will the benedictions of the all messiah be enough to purge this foul corruption [Music] well it's not the normal flesh you're used to eradicating but we are quite fleshy that's right even your vehicles are surprisingly flashy too flashy a little disturbingly so disturbing yeah absolutely so we're gonna make that work we absolutely will so we of course have this beautiful board set up today we'll talk about what things have what keywords as soon as we go for the mission what are we playing today mr bridger you got me six objectives so this is um surround them surrounded whatever let's just talk about the mission this is a dawn of war style deployment we're going to go 10 inches up facing along this way we have two objective markers in each of our respective deployment zones yeah two lines back here and here so you can't really see this mine's here and here you probably can't see any of them except for brian's one that's not he's not standing on we've got two right on in the middle yeah and um the mission specific secondary is uh basically impossible i like to call ultimate flex where you control your opponent's objectives at the start of your turn in your command phase yeah yeah it's pretty wild and you don't even get that many points no not at all it should be like control both your opponent's objectives in your command phase and win the game it's literally if anyone did that to me and i got got it i feel like that's it yeah that's it great hammer yeah you know so i actually stopped the whole tournament the whole tournament stops you surrounded them my god everyone wants to shake yours you win the whole event that's what i'm saying you instantly win the tournament it's the secret like it's the auto win code basically so you try to lose all your games until this of this round yeah and then you win that game so immensely yeah i feel like we need to do like uh like a two week stretch where we play every mission and we are forced to take commission specific and then at the end whoever wins and loses doesn't matter we tally up after that end of the week and whoever completed more yeah of the like impossible set mission secondaries that's the real winner of that period of time i love it you'd have to like write a bunch of skewed lists yeah like do these secondaries though bridger would be great for making lists for this one to be honest that's just overwhelming turn one and if it works it works it works yeah exactly abc abc baby so uh of course there's many ways to play titan's terrain we'll just go over the way the keywords that we've assigned in this game we have largely um obscuring breachable ruins so we've got every one of the buildings every one of these buildings boom boom boom um we have these obelisks in the in the back which make great craters or ruins today they're going to be sorry crates not creators these are crates yeah so that means they're um they're not breachable um but they will give you uh you can scale them and they'll have a closed position cover if you're behind and your base is hidden that's right that's them uh the in in these corners like relatively parallel to each other these are just gonna be more obscuring breachable ruins um this one sometimes play as dense but we're going to kind of keep it quick and this one will be the same as well yeah so again that's kind of the cool thing is there's lots of ways to actually play each of these well that's and that's even what ninth edition allows you to do right is use the keywords yeah so it's great okay well what are the secondaries that we picked today i guess we picked some uh adrian you have to the last occasional fronts and rod yeah so to the last is okay i'll be honest guys i tried to take all my secondaries from the same category yeah you did that at one point he had three secondaries from the same category and then we were like pretty sure you can't do that no mauricio number spike is great for this army my to the last here is of course the unit of three memphian blight haulers and then two of the playburst crawlers the ones on the end and for the purposes of cameras and all that stuff it's the ones with the silver chassis in the back engaging all fronts probably my worst secondary here but it's something that's um not too bad for the first couple turns after that i'm gonna have to brian's gonna keep me honest on it to be gonna be honest yeah um and then lastly retrieve octarius data praise rod um i do have uh the two plague marines kind of in tucked in each back corner and they have the two um cultist units yeah in the strategic reserve because because of your indirect fire you might be able to clear it out clear an area and drop in there and this can also help me for my engage in later turn stuff like that so you need to keep the pressure on try to get you to clear out a bit but yeah yeah that's me for secondaries okay what do i got brian you have stranglehold to the last and raise the banner's high stranglehold should be okay i have more units to throw away and i have more opsec to the last and not the best it is my two ten man uh oh no i'm sorry yeah it is one ranger squad yep totally it is a squad of sterilizers and then one of my 10 minutes absolutely that's right now the and it's gonna be the one without the fight last round like naturally now the rust stalkers um the big band of them is the same points as the sterilizers gives you a bit of optionality um it's it's a solid 10 points exactly honestly uh the rust talkers hopefully will die but again yeah you have transports i can just get one model back in the transport run away be safe or even just like if you're next to a ward edge pop back up come back down next turn yeah and that's any sicarin unit not just an infiltrator yeah yeah yeah very powerful so lots of options good secondaries man okay so are we ready for uh are we ready for a roll i think it's time for a roll off okay what do you think here i think you you definitely want to go second i would like to go second because your canonicals will be able to adapt to whatever i have so at least i can shoot something all right so uh here's a one it's still low three once close all right thank you first now let's see it you can't help yourself all right all right it's going to be the mechanical one turn one very cool very cool all right i have some pre-game moves and then i do have to decide all your stuff all my stuff absolutely so i'll just do a couple pre-games so he's got all of his uh rangers have a three-inch pre-game move and then the cerberus raiders the ponies have a regular move pre-game move they nailed it and they're so impressed thank you thank you i'll be here all week all right why are you doing that brian thank you thomas howdy uh big howdy from the three amigos the half-tile expansions are genius idea with the inclusion of many ruins and ninth can you see scatter becoming more interactive on a model by model basis like light cover or set to defend interesting so usually we so there's with terrain there's always this dynamic between uh the functionality and the aesthetic of something right and um we have generally gone with the philosophy of if it's truly scattered it's just purely aesthetic and that way we can keep it looking as cool as possible and not stress about it otherwise we can set up something that looks good but it's a pain to play other kinds of things like if it's like a true barricade or something like that then we'll try not to bump it or move it and actually play with it um but i think generally that's that that's our strategy what do you guys think yeah i think often scatter is just to make the board look better and you if it interferes with the game at all you move it right it's like oh i need to be where that scatter is it feels like the best of both worlds so just move it so if you're gonna assign game rules to it you can't move it anymore absolutely so be careful about that speaking of which guys these trees of course are essentially scattered in this game they just look cool we like them we haven't put three random forests in the battlefield kind of into it though um okay so i did my pre-game move cool um and uh i wish for the management phase i was really considering taking my bigger squad out and maybe even just putting them on that center objective right away and just being like i'm gonna get 15 primary unless you can stop me which you probably couldn't um but you would take a huge bite out of them but like at the expense of points and i've just decided not to so i'm going to play it a little easier this time sounds great um for my first turn i'm not going to give my army a doctrina um but i will give them a canticle and i think trout some is in order um and so that way no matter where i am i'm gonna get at least a bit of cover absolutely so um that's my uh that's my canticles and doctrinas then what we're gonna do is give pretty much all my buffs to this unit of rangers here that that could matter because i'm not shooting this turn there isn't a ton that matters sure um i will use my uh i do have abilities for my tanks to spit out uh bonuses so i'll give plus one leadership over to my big squad yeah and then um i don't know if i'm in range to do it there i'll give plus-one leadership to this small squad sure yeah and this also gives them uh a data tether yeah um and uh if i'm in range here i'll give plus-one leadership there if you wanna check that one i think you're good you got it yeah okay and uh let's go with my warlord traits so um i don't really think there's a big deal here this unit here i guess we can give them an extra doctrina and uh now we'll give them the plus one save oh okay yeah sounds good plus one save minus three move and i don't care and not that i care but i'll have them ignore the minus three okay brian g fine i have minuses theoretically they don't usually take effect yeah in theory his army has downsides that's what i'm trying to say um yeah and uh we'll have them this big squad ignore ep one and two as well because we just don't want you to kill them you know yeah i mean it's not ideal it's not and so the vanguard from the veteran are immune to blast the rangers however are not yeah you could get you could get the blast to be healthy but now i've made it not super positive you're gonna i'm gonna have them count this cover but they already count discover you'll have one ups all right so i think i i think i gave everything um yeah they're gonna have two ups ignore and they're gonna be a immune to your urine so they're really not going to be great to shoot sounds good all right it's good we good oh yeah you good i'm i'm great all right let's get going just happy to be here me too me too yeah how's chat doing they're gonna get that right yeah they're all right they're all right they're doing okay they're all right happy saturday everyone nurgle matthews having a good time what's up matthew uncle matthew you know uh thank you dalamar uk hello from the uk first time watching live love the show just finished first round of a narrative campaign playing as mixed eldari if you guys consider running a narrative campaign here yeah absolutely uh and i i think honestly we eventually will whether it is pre-recorded or crusade live or there's been lots of discussion um it's a bunch of work but we almost certainly will at some point we do have some more narrative content planned we did a one-off narrative with uh with brett from hobby titans and we're going to be doing some other non like non-sequential it's not gonna be serial like a series but uh we will we do have some more narrative content planned um because we love it you know even if it's a uh like intense game of warhammer it's good to have it still be narrative so agree thank you so much for your support oops all right thank you bradley hey guys terrain looks great thank you thoughts on the gt second place scion list it's two battalions uh eight by five plasma two by five plane and two by five with grenade launchers looks like draukari it does sound like dracari eight by five with plasmas so two plasmas in each uh sorry this is a list that's uh out at the warhammer gt no it sounds like it already played into gta okay well that's cute um that sounds awesome sounds like a lot of fun it's playing into the ninth edition sounds like the person played really well 12 squads of science [Applause] yes my instinct is that they played exceptionally well yeah that's also true yeah oh it feels like a sean nathan list if he were being really lazy if he like didn't want to build a list he was just like well i have some units they do things yeah i'll just play really well and they'll do things it's also playing with worse units though yes so it's impressive um some sort of side note but poor scions after that flyer update huh yeah they were collateral damage they were they're remoras remoras you know i don't i feel no remorse yeah exactly i just i don't i know the plight of the towel you guys have had it rough for a long time i get it but like no one cares about your weird remark unit i'm sorry i just they got done so i care i just can't bring myself to care yeah man it's not it's not right it'll get fixed i guess it will get fixed i assume it'll get fixed yeah and as far as the science you know what we'll probably play i'll probably get fixed too we'll play like an unbound game at some point with all our flyers well just like i can't imagine these are two factions for like no one of the only one of those factions was built around planes yeah yeah and they're not unfair planes you can have as many valkyries as you want it's still fair yeah the remoras can be abusive but the valkyrie not really the remoras no they're still aircraft so you can't charge them who cares they're quite moved through them they're fine very okay i'm not i'm not uh thinking they're too special they're exceptionally okay i'm not saying it's like a problem but the fact that you could run nine of them as aircraft that can't be charged yeah it's pretty cool all right they only have like a four up save no they have a two up save remoras are two up safe that's new to ninth i assume yeah they used to have a three and there you go yeah because they're just drones like they're drones wings i don't know they're big big beautiful drones so anyways yeah that sounds like a cool science list i can't yeah i don't know how that list beats a lot of things i think it's like brian said i think you know kudos to that player probably played really well um there you go yeah it can be done if you play well turns out this also is only 60 models so the rest of the list no that's it that's how good they are bridger probably like two full payload cores or something like there needs to be something else here that actually wins the game um almost done so i'm going to raise the banner right here cool so i'm going to raise it here i'm going to raise it there so three banners up raise the roof yeah lots of banners to be right sounds amazing and then what i'm going to do is these guys are staying off of the terrain but now they're not so scared so they're just gonna pile on so that next turn if they all needed to get out of the building they could sure yeah sounds great so that's their game plan there you go uh thank you james where is a good starting point for death guard thinking about getting the battle force box and the combat patrol what hqs uh to fit out on and tornados would you recommend also bridger have you watched arcane the new uh league of legends show i've watched the six episodes that came out before today and i'm sure later today i'll watch the final three episodes it's pretty good it's pretty well described previously yeah pretty good it's not like i'm not like eager and waiting for the new episodes to come out uh-huh it's pretty good yeah you say that but you still came in here and you're like guys have you seen my kane and you you never do that it's just you never knew that another one he did that he did that with squid game i did it's just another one of those trending netflix things where it was really interesting yeah but he had a weird argument about squid games so square game was amazing he's like i watched it before anyone else and i did he was he did he was i was in on the ground on netflix button before anyone else he was really he was really pleased he's my one pop culture thing you gotta give it to me okay all right you know what that's fair i'll give it to you you were saying arcane no it's just it's pretty good it's cool to see because they start with characters before the game and you see the characters grow into who they are in the game and that's kind of cool yeah but it's also kind of not cool in a lot of ways because they also just kind of ruin some of the cool way to go i'm looking forward to watching it um the death guard the question uh because i can sense you're about to you're like i'm not going yeah um what's a good starting point i mean so character-wise malignant playcaster for sure is your go-to traditionally you will have to and will have a lord of contagion as well uh the demons or demon prince but they're not you can make them pretty they're they're okay yeah they're often not quite worth their points okay but you're not like oh look at this fool running a democrat yeah no i like them does that actually i actually like having like a weird scary hard to kill demon prince see the fact that you said weird it's kind of weird it is a weird unit there's not much like it like it has this kind of killing output yeah it's also strangely durable yeah and it can do this thing where you put it into the hearts of heart of your opponent's army and they don't kill it and then now it's like running amok again it's a real problem yeah um plague scroll is obviously amazing one or two in in any death card army the final blight spawn fell blight oh yeah the flamer boy for sure pretty required terminators blight lords versus deathstrong what do you think that's right i would probably about five i would own five if i was just starting out only five in boxes of three yeah six six or i'd convert one into my lord of kings two by three can be cool too though right that's how i would because they also fulfill remember you can't have more pox watchers than bubonic uh infantry bases yeah yeah so they fulfill that role in the same ways plague marines which i would have lots of box walkers i would do pox walkers for your troops rod for your elite yeah cool that's that's the army basically yeah i'm pretty elite all right so i moved up um i'm on um all of these objectives which forces his hand um the things he can this objective's a little more of a pain to get me off of yeah um this one's very easy so sure um but i wanted to raise the banner here so that was the that was the main goal here yeah um and uh kind of what i've done here is just kind of put the ball in your court mm-hmm um i've got my points balls and so uh what i'm going to do at the end of my turn is i'm going to get my uh stranglehold naturally and um that's it and that's it you raised three banners that's all she raised three advantages so i'm saying it's death guard turn one it's time you get a command point and um let's do this thing i'm sure you won't have a whole lot of movement i will not have a whole lot but he's got a few he's got to do you know i've i've made the game started the game started already so he's got to decide what he's going to do yeah oh my gosh this is rough yeah this one's really tricky because this guy he's fast but he's not that fast and yeah it's a giant charge to go all the way up and around well plus the doggies will run away so like they're effectively not there that's right no way yeah they do that when is this announced somebody in chat told me that there was an arcane secret lair this must have been announced today because i hadn't heard anything about this so magic doing like crossovers with other products like february right they did godzilla in february uh-huh and they've been doing more and more aggressive crossovers that have been upsetting more and more people right where it's like they went from godzilla which is technically a property they own to um i'm sorry wizards of the coast owns godzilla yeah it's long really because they're owned by bandai namco oh okay wait hasbro their own sorry they're owned by hasbro hasbro owns something that owns godzilla and the hasbro is owned by namco which is owned by general electric it's a long chain this one's this right so they had godzilla it was like their property technically then they did walking dead yeah and that upset a lot of people because it was just like walking dead characters on magic cards and you were like why just why why not why yeah um police officer cowboy guy is a planeswalker makes perfect sense and then they grab him he's a planeswalker and then they announced like warhammer and lord of the rings and they kind of went like buck wild they were like oh man we're gonna do crossovers with everything right this is magic now it's just crossover world yeah today i think today was announced they're doing a secret lair which is like their direct to consumer singers product it's down uh they're doing a crossover with arcane so there's gonna be arcane magic cards so league of legends magic cards when league of legends already has a card game okay weird crossover i'm into it pretty wild i'm super into it weird that's that's the nerd news today island man that's what's new in the world i'm going to melt it yeah the worst thing is you could survive milton um yeah my whole army has a five-up and vulnerable save other than the tanks and um yeah we've seen it we've seen it pop off before because it's not that high volume but you do have the missile launchers also yeah so and if you frag out the missile or yeah if you frag the missile launchers yeah um then i think you'll you'll um you'll do a dent for sure for sure for sure so yeah it's tough because you see these suckers yeah here and here thank you by the way that's uh this is my one uh sorry let me say that again this is the one that i'm throwing away this is the one i need that's temper copia this is the sorry this is the temporocopia the one with the sergeant in the boat and it's also to the last and um no the other one's the total i shoot and this is the yeah yeah yeah i see why you got flipped around and then i got flipped around yeah all right so this is the one with the fight last relic that's right and this is the fight last one they are not the same people not the same people not the same people not the same people yeah so the thing is they can go uh base 11 inches this is assuming he doesn't do any extra movement or maybe no more so that's pretty scary yeah so i basically put them in position everything i was doing turned one was just to have him have to make lots of choices and you know whether he makes good choices or not it makes it makes the game more challenging for him whereas you know i you know kind of no matter what happens i'm just playing my mission so it's like i've got points i've got models on the point and then now he's gotta react to that and what i could do next turn yep it's kind of the this the strength of this army in a way is that it has the assets to both pressure and simultaneously go out and do things and what you want to do when possible is put pressure on with the units that you that they don't want to kill you know what i mean it's like you know if he puts all of his energy into taking these units then the things that are waiting behind them are the real threats so that's always the challenge absolutely absolutely all righty not much longer uh i think we will rod in the back here yeah we've kind of scooted out to shoot here scoot it out to shoot here um not going to really get any line of sight with the entry other entry into like good targets per se that's right um ranger block is nasty you've got you're oh these are your infiltrators okay correct um it's the classic situation of like you're gonna be able to shoot me however you want yeah if you come out now i can start shooting yeah well but you're also if you're there you could get to here and shoot me anyways right sorry the range the rangers are going to be able to shoot um back there i believe no matter what yeah i think it's yeah yeah exactly so at least this way i can get some shots onto this stuff here i need to start using your guns too yeah i need to start putting things on points and we just kind of hang back as far as we can with these objectives secured just barely touching in um and making that just generally kind of yeah they're waiting until their chance to rod next turn or in a future turn precisely precisely okay so we're going there we're going there last of all is all of these uh drones we're gonna put one here just put some pressure on okay for better worse i thought you might yeah i think it's the call obviously i can shoot here if i kill it he can get out this side and i'll start being stuck with the super long but if i come out in the front then now you can charge yeah and if you're in the back here at least that's slowing you down there i agree so it's it's a decision and i think it works as well as any other um everything else i think i kind of just need to hang back if anything pull back with my combat threats so they're ready to respond and not just get charged yeah i didn't think you'd come out on this side um yeah that's the plan all right cool so we're on to the uh psychic phase that's right pretty easy because we don't really have are you going to summon uh oh yeah that's what is your character oh yeah i needed to not move a guy i already messed it up guys i told you i was gonna do it it's not easy i was good to do it all right right here so we're gonna summon epidemiolous what do you need to roll i don't even know his power level oh really you know what okay i've downloaded the warhammer happens 3d6 and no no no we always you want to always know okay and then i know it's triple one he's six power oh he's six powers so that happens and here you still cast him yeah yeah you still cast but you take a bit a bit of a hit you can someone in one unit blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah nine away from blah blah blah blah blah blah if your summoning rule includes any doubles got it takes a mortal wound oh that's fine triples for d3 you're good but it is still listen dark barrels are still alive and well i told you you won three dice he was gonna roll at least a double yeah this is adrian we're talking about 100 there was no doubt the question was like the 50 50 does he roll triple yeah it does is it triple one he fails and takes d3 more wins you know exactly exactly all right there i don't he doesn't like do much else he's there to keep the tally you know he's there to count he's the camera yeah exactly that's right oh yeah and then naturally naturally naturally iron cloth furnace here and uh let's get casting yeah so basically we just have my asthma which most you know you're you're i could choose to ignore it your biggest shooting unit can just choose to ignore it yeah so that's cool um i mean i think it's cool we're basically just looking at who maybe maybe would get charged next turn yeah um because the minus to hit there is genuinely great right um let's see the oh let's see if you successfully cast it because we might not either yeah he's talked about it way too long right now we did it okay just barely you did it i mean yeah just if you had waited even one more second if you talked about it anymore you talk about it like a pip goes every 10 seconds you lose a pen exactly exactly um we got some pink foam showing here i don't like that zach i don't know you could do anything you want all the time put it on this play brings in the back so from this guy to that guy okay yeah because that's that's a scoring potential scoring potential and it's like the straightest shot here all right all right cool we're done let's do this shooting that's one second um wait uh epidemious can be psychic yeah no he's not a psycher oh he's pretty he's pretty he's too busy counting oh weird so the first actually i have to get two kills to do anything which is funny yeah you don't get one kill doesn't count for anything the second kill unlocks rerolling once to hit for my whole army which is cool right because they don't they don't normally get that yeah so unit kills i i think he could get it he should get at this phase yeah yeah sure okay okay so um basically we have this guys i can go to here i've got these guys that can go into here we're gonna start with these boys into these rangers we're just going to put everything into there who's these boys the methodical haulers got it into the rangers you got it got it so we're obviously going to do frag and we'll do melta so here's some dice get some dice here's the meltos first yeah easy peas lemon squeezy hitting on fours no re-rolls right now mm-hmm yeah wow that's me why'd they hit on fours because they're demon engines which hit on three we're gonna have threes now so you didn't roll any did you yeah he rolled one three there you go so three on your involved five up in vulnerable saves cool cool cool so pull two most excellent and then here's the frags triple one three d six i know right but there are min three because there's one oh no they're not you could lie i could die all right cool um let's go to this back back boy right here we're going to put the line of sight guns into the entrance and your stubbers or sliding the slugger heavy slugger and then the mortar is going to go into these guys try and take them off that point try to get those three models that you didn't quite finish yeah exactly so we'll start with them real quick d6 shots oh here we go no all right oh i think it's so much worse over there on three p.m p.m winning on twos we talking about this how you can't be too sad for your buddy yeah yeah five of pinball you're like oh whoa geez oh boy what's going on here one of these are dead my new york like uncle yeah uh all right you got your slugger which is three shots okay three kills you really could use that re-roll once around you stop it uh no one ap uh so four up saves yeah you're not killing very much here i'm not killing very much uh no i i do want to stress remember you said he could get two kills in his face yeah adrian wrote both these lists this wasn't a jaundice don't go blaming john i will blame john i will blame john oh can i can i also fix one mistake yeah fixture mistake just needed to peek out so i can actually shoot my guns into these guys yeah okay you got real quiet for a second no no i'm good that's not okay some people do that they're like all fine and dandy and then yeah like you're like that's not exactly yeah they're like they get really close anyway start measuring everything yeah basically so uh this backplate burst crawler entropy cannon heavy slugger into there and uh it should hopefully be enough you know it's not it's not i know it's not even close you know it's not we have a backup mortar after this i do have a backup mortar well but yeah yeah yeah you don't want to use it on this no he doesn't he wants to start going you won't have the choice okay so here's the thing actually i'm just realizing i need to go here next yeah because rerolling one's in here is great but if i do that then i'll have no more mortars to potentially go into some russians into the guys that come out so once what you're only one how are you gonna get zero kills i'm just gonna hit so you're gonna get two kills in one activation yeah okay no yeah it's fine okay so this boy everything into here watch what it's where you can get two kills you're only targeting one thing listen you're saying no no you're saying that you can't get your rerolls that's fine i don't care it's fine the dream's dead sorry yeah i don't get to save right yeah so no i do i get a six up because i'm in cover uh oh sure no these are ap the year refilled it yeah it would have been a two to four yeah anyways like you're right okay and then the mortar here we go oh gosh four shots okay on fours threes and then winning on threes rerolling ones yeah i'll show you guys egg weapon make them up yeah no no no so two 82 yeah so four up saves you got it yeah yeah two to three yeah three for mortar so i'm down to four wins mortar's just two damage again that's true it used to be d3 i used to be people so i don't play that guard anymore so he took nine total five from the entropy so i'm not a three from the mortars jesus down to three sluggers look four shots three shots three three shots no it's four shots it is four shots yeah it's a weird guy oh the other one has three barrels i was gonna roll that one five no you're just counting the number of barrels on your actual model yeah you don't do that boulder has one barrel is that one shot no i it's it's like baltimore does now have two shots with two barrels it's good yeah they're i feel like that is starting to become their design philosophy it literally is all right at this point then again these guys are two shots so what were they um what were they thinking yeah that's true there's actually it looks like you have to reload them manually with like if they're flintlines it's a breach loaded yeah no it's a barrel loaded yeah yeah all right so here to here the thing is like i i'm not going to get him off of this point anyways so you're going to you could get me off that point which does nothing correct so what i'm going to do is put all my line of sight guns into here and then the mortars into into here try to pop that tank yeah exactly on on the guys getting outside yeah that's that's my whole plan here you're gonna roll once i can't spend one command point on excessive or disgusting force yeah it's probably both and here we go into these guys hitting on threes is the entropies i wasn't going to mention the ones but i did do's okay five up no no one more goes down two left in the squad heavy slugger no i've never seen so many ones in my life it's not even the twos yes you have this yes you have all right they're fine but no it's not just fails it's ones yeah twos are fine i'm playing with two i can't i hate twos that's out of my like control you know what i'm saying everyone hates if you used zero kills you were never going to get real once this is coming from i look you don't believe in the power of friendship okay here we go d6 shots this is the mortar yeah yeah you're good see you look bridger you're gonna get one kill i can't get well let's not get no no let's get ahead it's gonna explode and then on threes we're going once get it okay so three for us i mean i could easily not die here i have to fail two of these you're gonna see p1 and then you're gonna live i know it'd be so mean go back to the island but oh my god the mortals i got the sweater and i've been mortals you still get the mortals yeah on everyone else so uh so it's uh one mortal one one more on this squad yeah and them two it's a six inch they're a man there's a three inch it's a three inch four oh yeah it's on a four out yeah fiddle sticks oh my god all right you did another all right well cool look we tried that was a whiff right there you know i don't need some chat i need ones in chat give me some one so i can like put that energy on the world i'm good then later on okay so you did your first rod well wait no so this point here short charge but we're not gonna measure it the backup plan five cool because it's still unengaged right and it's your first tally maybe oh don't don't count me in all right that's my charge here's my pile in yeah he's just making sure he's over the line or wherever he wants to be yeah exactly okey-dokey let's do this thing we've got 12 attacks four i really wish i was reeling once here i think you'll be fine you need any more than more yeah two more hang on three sitting on threes oh yeah there's there's there's no one see he's like fine with it see my face smiling he's really just showing his teeth angrily um right i'll have to check the strength on this one or reel those seven i believe that's what i thought okay cool so here you go 82. so five others survive yeah all right do i explode no not quite now place your mouth i'll place my models because it is a little it is a bit of a tight little spot i'm very particular about my mom [Laughter] should we take a question uh yeah distract me thank you michael harris marine 2.0 when also because i'm a lore freak some time ago adrian insulted the emperor's honor insinuating he didn't fight his own battles specifically the orcs he personally fought on eleanor i believe i supported adrian in saying that the emperor wasn't on eleanor um yeah look that was wrong i don't know anything about it that guy's a chump you guys haven't figured it out yet you don't know anything about it i don't know anything about it whatever the most controversial take um no i think i think if i said that i misspoke about ulinar because that was like one of the few things he actually did do he yeah he legitimately would fight on all that one of the few things he actually did to be correct you know he conquered the galaxy my stance hasn't changed it's just it's just adjusted i was pretty sure didn't he live for a like kajillion years and kill a dragon and send it to mars yeah but that was like before that doesn't count right the moment he made it he just like kicked back in his glory he's a sellout basically wow all right that was too much even though okay that's a little fun uh yeah no the dragon thing is actually super cool it's pretty cool um that's from the horse harrison one it's i don't know what it's called but they they introduce so many cool things in that one it's like book seven and the horus heresy um and it unlocks yeah there's a bunch of really big concepts in there those are my favorite books yeah like the first three are definitely up there yeah they're up there that one yeah the the mars book in the first like 10. that's that's i don't know why i think of it i mean i could google it you could giggle it legion is also great uh legion is great fulgrim was good but it was again one of those books that i think is better better described it's just called mechanicum that's called what mechanical machine come yeah but legion's amazing these are probably one of the best ones so i've got 10 models they could die [Applause] you don't even know even though all right uh that is the tally i feel like we need a ui for the tally it's like you got one i got like i got one just hold up one finger for the rest of the game one no yeah well you lost your tally what oh would you like to pile into my rust talkers um look it's it's tempting but i'll pass all right that's fair yeah i understand um i will go this way just make a bit of a wall so you can't you know it's a bit harder to make a straight line i think so that's me man so end of my turn i'm gonna get uh two points for engage i'm on one two three quarters uh that's my consolation prize and i have performed a single rodrigo yeah in uh this back uh right hand quarter for you guys yeah left-handed quarterfinals that's going to take us turn two and brian you have to pick all the things yeah and tell me about your i've got three um uh banners and i've also got um uh this is this 15 primer yeah it is a big 15 product yeah it is a big deal now as far as shooting um i don't have enough things shooting that the ballistic skill matters but i doubt that there will be too many other opportunities for it um no just because i think you're gonna drip feed me units you know what i mean so um so what i will probably do um uh we could take a question this is a bit of a tricky one i just have to make sure that one of my abilities works on data i'm going to clock you out that's my plan i do have a morale to take there oh yeah i gave that one plus one leadership and they natively have plus one leadership right and so uh they go from leadership what seven to nine to nine yeah can i fail i don't that is a seven i think you could fail yeah a six no one i lost yeah but it was it was fun to roll if you rolled this six and added it to the ice that he rolled right now yeah then it would work that's right yeah so it is it is uh it is data tether okay so i'm gonna give data tether to this squad right over here and i'm going to give my other data tether to uh maybe the ponies i don't know ponies actually do have a dude yeah you oh you paid for it it was five so i'll give it to these rust dockers i guess i don't care and again he's passing those from these vehicles that's the enhanced or uh the other one yeah that's right it's an enhanced data tether yeah and um now i will take the uh ballistic skill um because what else would you do yeah doctrina and then i'm going to uh for my canticle mm-hmm i don't have a perfect canticle i don't need the strength over here because you're t7 t7 unless i get four tallies then i'll be t8 oh i kind of like that that's a big deal i'll get there by turn five i don't think i need that um uh so i don't the reroll one hit wound and damage could be cute so i think i might uh i might do that so yeah i'm gonna go for the benediction of the omniscient reroll one hit wound and damage roll um that'll give me a few extra um things and then what i'm gonna do is uh my skittari squad i'm gonna give them plus to their movement and i'm gonna have them ignore the minus to their uh armor save and then i'm going to give this unit over here ignore the minus uh to their weapon skill because i gave ballistic skill and because they have the data tether they have data tether now that's correct very nice um and so that'll help over there a little bit uh my big unit of schitari i am also going to give them ignore ap102 count as cover and so they're still pretty durable and um i think otherwise we're good who has the uh ignore ap one two the the big uh big blob the big blocks good oh i guess that one yeah okay cool cool then we can get uh get to move in all righty uh thank you matthew a evening all my daughter is supposed to be going to bed but i poked my nose into her room and she is in fact painting a playburst crawler yeah she is go team nurgle great job on the terrain hope you make the stretch goal thank you so much now that's got to be awesome having a kid and your kid does cool stuff that's great when you weren't expecting it mine um is now uh good enough to play like actual pokemon cards yeah yeah so like really hold the hand and make the strategic decisions on her own um and actually just discovered a new store around the corner from here that actually sells the cards so from here uh yeah it's actually close it just open it's in the mall and uh it has magic cards and pokemon and each other and so i was like walking through the walls like yeah i'll get you some booster packs so good good for stocking stuffers and stuff i'm gonna do a little advance with my uh five inch advance with my ponies sounds great but yeah so that's that's been a lot of fun that's great but she doesn't do the uh she doesn't do wormy just yet not yet one day perhaps or as she used to call it poo hammer that's right she the main thing she the main reason she dislikes warhammer is because it um it takes me away from time that we would play right i was here streaming instead of uh yeah you know playing lego or something minecraft exactly so that was uh definitely hotly contested in her mind that's why i don't like pokemon cards because it takes you away from playing warhammer that's right yeah listen i i understand brian's two children have vast desperate ages yeah still the same though still the same that's why i don't like pokemon who yeah who came on it doesn't work as well poo ham is much more clever i don't know if clever is the word i would use uh thank you chris hey guys i love your channel and all the games what's the best black templar vow in your opinion shout out to my pal yannick thank you so much and what up yannick shout out uh well for me there's no question okay with the vow yeah invulnerability it is for sure yeah it's the only one that downside is not it doesn't well that's not true it forces you to make the least amount of changes to the way that you play based off of right the negative ability you know being forced to charge something or not being able to do actions um they have too big of downsides and and the involve save uh there's a lot of builds you can use where the downside doesn't really matter you're doing drug knots if you're doing uh bikes things that just don't get covered i don't care you're like cool i was told this was a downside but right like i think it's amazing with the dreadnought it's like most space room players it's like okay like hopefully i'll get the you know i gotta get my shields up charge up my fireball and then you know uh black templars are like we don't care we just have it no matter what which is good because they don't have spikers so that would be a problem i'm glad they have another way to access five of them i love that valve i think it's so well designed i think it's great too so that's the valve there you go easy peasy thank you willow afternoon titans just won my weekly crusade game as bloody rose sisters to go 4-0 total pick me a non-hq unit to add to my order of battle congrats that's awesome now here's here's the real question adrian are we trying to weaken willow on her 4-0 win streak trying to make it more difficult for her it sounds like it i think that should be our plan what are their bad sister's units even is that um [Music] no is that a thing no what would be there are units that i've played against in a competitive setting and been unimpressed by well i think um emulators with heavy flamers oh that's harsh man there you go we did it okay it's pretty bad heavy flamer emulator yeah there you go or but that's still transport it's still useful cascader okay okay i still need to get some of those yeah i mean crusaders every time i've seen them have been like but you can still rock disappointing and do actions as a two-man squad yes so we have to say okay as like a five main squad of crusaders like what do you do with that oh i guess you can get them in five and fives i think so i don't know i've only ever seen them taken with twos yeah i can't imagine gw would be like yeah no it's it's you only get two it's for rod it only ever i was yeah okay yeah two to six i was thinking it was like two or three or one to three years yeah yeah yeah oh it was one of three people would be taking individual crusaders yeah that's true that's true that makes sense look this is an amazing book i think the emulator is a good in between though of like it's not the best but it's not the worst it still does something and you maybe not maybe you're not using them in your competitive games and so it's a fun chance to use something that's different that's what i would look for in a crusade so emulator i think have you played around with it there you go yeah and you know what when it dies you can blow it up you know just listen to jesse you are allowed to do that all righty oh boy here comes the pataraxi yeah i'm just gonna get some flamers out and um you know make sure that this thing dies i don't the last thing i'd want to do is have it like live and then crump me back real hard yeah this is the last mistake you'll ever make you know you can mortar them but i've you've got a million targets to mortar so i've got a i've got a bit of a threat saturation on here as we've seen he's probably not going to get rid of that nice guys i'm going to have reroll once the next dream maybe maybe i love that maybe even combat on turn two yo if you never know listen it's possible for me to get another kill against your five-man ten-point models well you do have a squad of two rangers right now yeah i can i can handle that right that's that's feasible we'll see i should run them back into this transport i mean i honestly thought you were going to no no but you're having mercy no it's it's just a it's an activation you know what i mean yeah because i'm so inconsistent like i could flub it and be like well now here's a whole nother chain oh yeah so i forgot my whole army does not have uh cover and cover next year so he's gonna just tone to that cover there and then uh here's another thing guys because we've sort of been changing where uh in cover is for sigmar versus 40k right and with sigmar we've been playing it as this whole base with 40k of course we are just going to the silhouette of the building so these guys are going to touch into here that's why these guys weren't actually visible um yeah so i'll just let you know in case you're wondering and that's of course why he was in the middle of this view before i moved out to the edges where i could actually see through this window yeah and it looks like they've done the thing where yeah they came out and they're going to go at your iron clap furnace um cool because that's the easier one for me to see i think yeah 100 um so it's time to shoot so let's go with my uh rangers first and i will spend uh one of my now what 10 cp down to 9. that is correct um on wrath of mars good investment you know what beats the four up in mon the rangers oh no mortals mortals beautiful open mortals do a four up um our food is outside is now a good time for you to grab it yeah you want to just go to dice cam and then grab it because brian's gonna good luck and make sure you meet your mic he'll be at this for a while yeah yeah yeah it's gonna be a while 10. all right i'm getting my dice um no i lost the dice um this is where i have so many cp i could consider giving myself the plus to win right um but it's what is it three or two it's two because you're in the shooting doctrine that's right so it's discounted um it sounds worth it it might be yeah um the four up save like if you didn't have the form save you would lose this unit sure um but now i'll just lose two now you'll lose like a couple so let's do it i'm gonna go down to seven cp i've tried this once before and it was uh not necessary but i think it will be necessary here so i'm going to be hitting on twos re-rolling my ones yep grabbing some ones for you thank you thank you cocked thank you okay i missed with one google cool that's uh that's a good omen for you right it's rare that i ever missed yes that's all i needed so now normally winning on five now fours and we're rolling only one six is do mortals in addition i'll grab the sixes okay that's generous did i get six no you got none it's crazy those are fives yeah so you got you got your six so it's gonna cap out at six in their old seven of course of course of course well hey that's lost efficiency that is lost efficiency all right so these are all your saves yeah is this all the shots yeah okay cool i did do it as one back okay okay i feel better okay all right cool so four plus involves iron clock furnace uh it looks fine like that's good actually it's really good never mind more like it's amazing i take six wounds six plus six twelve wins yeah amazing that was fantastic fantastic so does this guy blow up no all right i think he actually does but he just can't hurt you oh does he blow up on fives i think he blows up on a four or five yeah okay um okay and these guys have oh i'll check two ones they have nine they have nine nine they're red for some reason i thought it was ten but okay three um i'm gonna do my flamers next one two eight nine flamers and then the sergeant has a flechette pistol cool so here's the number of shots all going into your drone yeah let's do it it looks solid very nice ten 20. right and then that was what 30. this is two more 30. i just came from the other side of the table like 39. i don't know whether those were both ones those are the ones okay 39. which would be messes that's pretty funny i like it personally i think it's a good stop so one two four six ten and then two four six eight nine this is five star wounds okay here let me let me load you up you're gonna load me up you're gonna dice carry me thanks caddy all right oh yep before you go in here hold up lives let's just take out the fives actually it's not very good uh one so three more all right is that it two four six that's it man oh you get enough easy like for real this time all right and then minus one so fives i mean sorry four fours that's right take two i did get off very easy there alrighty well we do have more shots where that came from we have 16 shots from our uh transport two four six eight ten twelve fourteen sixteen um i don't know it doesn't make sense yeah on twos oh cool stuff that's good oh uh you your mars reroll i'm forgetting yeah the truth is yeah i also had one reroll to wound for both of those squads so we'll remember that from now for sure yeah because i did take ben addiction to the messiah yes so here we are on fives and then one reroll that was all good all righty um next what we've got is uh oh i've got flush up pistols i'll just combine this flechette with that those flechettes so let me just do that one this is so many dice you have to count for the summer two three [Laughter] four i don't know what to say to you you did spend a cp while it was gone yeah you should be able to see yeah i'm at seven now seven what i spend three in my shooting phase total wow and then plus one moon good thing you did um i am heading on two so mars yep yep yeah yeah that was great and then this is sixes to win six is with one reroll yeah doing great all right okay so three saves i think you're gonna get two of these three um okay um next what's the range on my stubbers 24 36 36 yeah i think it is 36 yeah this is good this is what you want when you go to a tournament you want an adrian you can just like adrian i'm shooting this at this he's like here's your dice yeah yes i'm more like do it do it now get out of me uh so i get two re-rolls oh how has nobody made a machine that's like captured it has like a one the five button a pen button and you can just like choke chunk chunk and the dispense dice and that's our next kickstarter this is really bad wow look at this oh my gosh it's like all on something that doesn't matter no no you're still gonna kill him i'm not gonna kill him you did three wounds with all that it's like 100 shots yeah it was over 100 shots i think and i've done three wins pretty wild it's kind of crazy actually all right um shooting phase horribly unsuccessful um i don't know if i have anything else that can shoot um i mean no not really cool i have his eradication gun yes so why don't we do that it does it yep it does not wound because it's a strength seven um okay i so um that's all my shooting go i've done it all bring it on the best i got let's uh oh oh and uh sorry uh just before this squad here raised the banner there so let's charge with my rust stalkers into your um cool i do succeed that'll do it i'll do pig that'll do pig i'll do okay one two oh man that smells delicious magnus if you're still here thanks for the five guys thanks man uh thank you but also i'm i feel so teased right now i feel pretty teased too yeah well you could i could but i did just eat a breakfast burrito you could but you shouldn't i really shouldn't i really i've been eating a lot healthier so you haven't been going to the gym oh yeah yeah i guess he's been doing all right i've been cooking a lot that's great but i think the quantity of food i've been eating has increased which offsets the healthiness okay well it depends i've got a seven inch charge uh with my uh taraxi traxxy they fail okay it's fine cool how many once you have left on that guy six six that's still a lot of wins like it could fail yeah um neither of you are unconvinced you're unconvinced you both seem very unhappy um uh no it's fine so let's go into the fight phase we've got 31 attacks and um uh i've cut a few attacks yeah yeah so 31 2 9 10. i'm done helping you no that's funny it wouldn't be great at events but i think it would be good for the stream if you just had a dice dispenser yeah wait why do i have 31 didn't i lose two yeah you lost two he did lose two so get it give me six yeah 225. okay okay now i can live that's fine that was the difference that's the difference so i lost six attacks so i'm gonna spend one cp to add eight attacks no no are you dead again adrian i'm dead again and you have they are ignoring the minuses right yeah so they're hitting on threes yeah let's do it it could still fail it could it could have you seen my dice's turn they've been exceptionally strange look at that there's actually a ton of fails what is it what's the third fails which is exactly fine no to make me happy yeah success to make you happy and one really really intro six all right but that looks fine i think it's it's close but it should be enough so three morals so three mortals and these i forget are they in addition oh my god yeah unreasonable so i need a lot of a lot of saves like he's dead does he blow up it was close though was it yeah i think it was only by like three wins or two two wins he's uh not explode you sure yeah are they not four ups god pretty sure they're i thought that was just i thought they were all like four and five ups yeah pretty confident they exploded on the floor i didn't even think there was almost anything in your one mortal yeah it is for one mortal all right so one two one and um is it a three inch or six inch death guard whoa nice that's my jam yeah yeah i should just switch to death card yeah these guys are gonna be out so one there sadly oh yo all right one here and then one on my tank uh oh yeah definitely tank great definitely definitely yeah and then i'll just pile into cover because that's what they specialize in being in cover piling into cover piling into cover excellent come into it okay um i'm pretty sure my turn is done i did stranglehold and uh and uh that's you know i did a turn yeah and now you have four banners well yeah all right well that's gonna take us to death i'm putting up flags everywhere i know i'm seeing a lot of red flags for sure all right so i am on two points which is going to give me 10 on primary you got it and that's it now i'll get a command point up to eight eight cool let's do this spin one yes okay what's your game plan here my game plan uh definitely not to peek these guys out the way i did that was that was poor inaccurate measurement on my part um again hang them back put some shrimp as they stand now they can shoot at least um i'll still if i move over one inch i can still see yes you're going to want to move i will move back because that's not ideal and again you know he's not wrong but i'm going to try to drip feed him units that's definitely the plan um yeah let's do this thing there you go uh thank you thomas hey titans just wanted to say you guys are awesome you've really helped me get into the hobby this past year also a question about how to approach zinc demon and thousand suns soup oh okay yeah and the thousand suns they lose their uh cabal um or like their cabal powers yeah so just keep in mind when you're combining those two um the thousand suns lose some of their strongest abilities which is their cabal powers but i'd say if you have if you have a mostly thousand suns army and you put a little bit of demons that's not worth the trade-off but if you have a mostly demon's army and put a bit of thousand suns now it is worth the trade-off um and so if you want to soup them i would kind of mostly lean towards the demons and then put a a little bit of a thousand suns they kind of thought i would have like a thousand suns patrol that has things that the demons don't for example i would have like a solid caster and then maybe some terminators um because those are things that that the demon army just doesn't really have it doesn't have tough fighty kind of shooty all-in-one so i i would have that kind of breakdown um maybe even yeah like a patrol with like a rubric squad or a zangor squad and then and then some terminators probably a rubric just because i like the look of it better um brian what do you think tell me hear me out what do you think about summoning in are there anything or any uh demons any demons worth summoning yeah yeah keep your kabobs summoning things like flamers can be great even summoning things like pinks can be great um but um it's um again the standing still right you still have to stand still in order to summon that's really difficult and it's a lot more randomness and you can't use your command points or your cabal so you're injecting a lot of randomness but you're not wrong that it's cool if if you wanted to have a little bit of demons that's the way you would do it right you would you would save yourself some points um and then start summoning um so i don't think if there are any interesting scene steven characters like epidemios and i don't none are leaping to mine not really not really they all kind of got nerfed really hard and most of their characters really only buff other demons like legit demons so um you know that that wouldn't jump to me um but anyways yeah so summoning is one thing um but if you went mostly with the demons the backbone of a demon zenstein's army for me is one or two lords of change because they can be really cool and durable and they're beautiful looking and then you know you you want some troops i like some just have some pinks because at least they're fairly durable and they can shoot um and then i love flamers flamers are the real punch uh for that faction um and uh that's always been pretty solid for me so that's kind of stuff i love screamers but they're so fragile and i find that they either die before they get to do it like in the real world and in the game that model those models break but they're stunning and they're so cool and unique they look very cool but the flamers are genuinely great it's easy to make them work in my opinion yeah very cool uh alrighty thank you bowsen hey guys going to my first rtt tomorrow bringing templars centered around blade guard and redemptor dreads any tips on tactics well um that sounds like a strong way to play templars obviously um those those units are the best way um if you've seen i i still am pretty bullish on the like mega blade guard unit where you you put several buffs on it i know you know i was talking to brett here who also is interested he likes to spread out his buffs a little more um but not not for me i really i really think there's too many synergies on having that mega mega guy so if you go back and see the templars last templar game i played um against uh was it against you adrian no it wasn't was it which the one where we used that mega combo i think it was against works yeah so you can see it's it's we talk about it it's pretty crazy combo but you know the tactic at the end of the day with that army they can't really strike first they're just not fast enough they don't have a delivery mechanism so it's all about throwing weaker stuff up onto the point have them try to respond with something big and then you respond with your blade guards and characters and things like that um and have to me things like the five up feel no pain are a key to controlling the tempo so you throw a throwaway unit onto the middle objective whether that's some bikes or some intercessors or something but they have the feel no pain so they're just too durable for your opponent to just like chip them off so they have to put a real target into them mostly those are combat threats these days and that means they're throwing away a real combat threat in order for you to get um you know to pick up something weak so you're kind of trading up which is necessary because you're pretty elite so that's a tactic that typically works for me um and when in doubt with that army don't give people shots if you don't have to you know you're you are elite you're you're dread not strong but don't pretend it's invincible um you know uh you can't afford to go down in units early in the game it's just it won't work that's cool school army absolutely well said um you all moved up or you got a couple decisions i'm all moved up let's do this thing all right so uh yeah we're coming up with here we're gonna go for a charge on the rust stalkers we've got this guy shooting into other things we've got one guy coming down this lane we've got these two methodic light haulers gunning getting lean and uh kind of visibility and uh range onto these boys this guy's just kind of scooting up making sure you can't get through get your stackers through without going up and over which will at least slow you down a lot it sure would and um that's the play and we've moved up our casters so that we're within 18 of these units so we can get some get some psychic oh very nice um and uh so within three of them you did do rodrigo overnight we're gonna rodrigo over there for this and it's not that table quarter so you brought it in both of your table quarters yeah that's that's all i need so let's get on to casting shall we that's not all you need adrian it's actually just four points like it's four points only down by eight right what you're saying is there's points on the board there's definitely points on the board just waiting to be picked up so here we go let's go to uh psychic let's start off with um just a smite from this front guy into here yes mike let's do this hey y'all you did it mm-hmm not quite but pretty good three up to kill pick him up all right goodbye you have to kill with a nurgle demon no nurgle oh just any knuckle very nice okay well now we don't know oh no oh well we'll see in a second what we might have just made it really hard because the second stop won't stop can't stop me all right and then now we're gonna do curse of leopards onto them uh which i need a six here we go it's a seven so we're gonna roll three four five six seven dice and every uh four up um my contagion range isn't quite in range three inches right now it's three inches right now so we're not quite in range uh so every fourth basically is a mortal wound here we go you picked up three so that's two guys dead that was actually average anyway that was average and i rolled two so it wouldn't matter if they were in the in the range all right now we're moving on to the other cast we're gonna go ahead and put miasma pestilence and it's gonna go on to mr drone right here yeah we're looking for a six hello it's a six that's what we like to call good enough in my book he's my asthma yes and then uh that's gonna be it um oh i'm dumb oh well okay why what did you want to do big gift of plagues because you kind of extended the range yeah it doesn't matter at this point it's all good um because right now if we take you down to two um sure we'll do that so we'll put it from here on to this boy gift of plagues onto your blood drug it'll extend the range which will help for like my heavy sluggers minority stuff so let's do this hey y'all six you did it cool sounds good all right moving on to the shoestone phase it's time to gromp so i guess i should probably check now we have to check it i can i have uh the books over here that's good they're here oh it's the race the race is on i'm not really we'll get there first i'm i'm chilling at the the finish line adrian unit got there first no the tally is at one i played myself and then target is now dead all right some pathetic flight haulers into these remaining guys okay so we're going to do big shots with the missiles naturally right here's the multi meltes though on threes oh yeah i don't need any rear on ones twos oh yeah yeah so three five three five ups this is the meltas yup hit the melters okay that's the squad i could mess this up no no yep and yay we did it there you go cool sounds good uh moving right along we've got uh we've got options now we've got options this feels good just so many options good so we're gonna take this boy we're gonna put all of the line of sight requiring guns that is to say the entropy cannons and the little heavy slugger into these boys right here into my uh uh yeah those boys and then the mortar the thing is we don't want to go into the rust stalkers because we have to charge them we want to charge them sorry all right i'm thinking i'm thinking that's the thing is that's just that's what i think of dice and then the question is do we go into something that's going to be hitting me uh in a later turn or do i start kind of making you have to keep assets back so for example these two units right here um starting to chip into them yeah because he does want to bring in his units for rod next turn and so um i only need to hold back you know from six inches from the edge so here i i need to screen from there basically yeah exactly but you'll have lots of options this mortar can't reach all the way up over to there and so we'll put the mortar into these back ponies okay because that's pretty solid great um all right let's do this so here we go we've got the entropies into the traxxy hitting on threes we're rolling ones oh those are two that's ready for two twos winning on two rerolling one there we go all right five up and vulnerable okay so one of them is going to go down maybe oh yeah that one's a min three so heavy slugger min four rear on the one epidemic look at that valley oh yeah winding on a threes oh yeah if you won okay so five ups again yay so one more goes down yay we did it and then the mortar into these back ponies lay let's take a look and here we go three shots respectable on threes rerolling ones looks good winning on two is rerolling one oh all it took was a tally getting to two and now now we're popping off now he's going to watch out now sorry i picked my sergeant up you picked your nose just i i took my sergeant yeah uh okay so this boy over here this entropy cannon uh this uh plague burst crawl in the back can only see that and it really i really shouldn't be wasting this charge wasting the charge six it's a six inch if i kill two guys it's a six inch charge injury there's eight models there which is acceptable oh and you've got a wounded one in the back or is that yes from the mortal wounds that's correct so we will put the line of sight guns into here um because i can basically kill three without any consequences i agree um this will be the one time i pop off and kill four yes and then let's take the mortar and um we're gonna go into the taraxi okay yeah i thought you might yeah they're tasty so here we go into the rust stockers this is the little slugger on threes where you rolling one there you go there you go there you go threes oh no not as not a play weapon you are minus one toughness though because the gift of contagion thank you so this is uh wave one so you have three ups uh yeah cause you're in cover you're good you're good and then the entropy no and then a two yes look i'm just saying he was thinking he could have killed four could have killed four yeah he was like what if i kill four that would be crazy here we go d6 into here three uh yeah yeah i'm in three right number one yeah yep oh okay well not you know epidemious yeah he's counting no plague weapon oh my gosh someone's counting two two five hey kill two more two more that's tasty it's tasty i like it yeah you've half the squad basically absolutely okey dokey moving on over to the other uh plagueverse crawler we're going to put the entrepreneur and the heavy slugger into these infiltrators the only thing we can say directly and then we're going to put the mortar into these tracks again just going to keep doubling down on this at least have you forced to use fancy p because they're valuable yeah yeah so we will do excessive force onto these boys that's one command point you got it and let's go to the terrace on the track okay so d6 shots three shots just gotta gotta leave it threes okay and then two there you go i mean that was at least six models so three was your minimum yeah so two more go down oh that's true yeah and then more wind on the tank you want to check more to win on the tank yes mortal wound on the vanguard three inches it is three uh sorry yeah and down to ten that's that we did the thing cool cool moving on over to here we have nobody injured right or one in one engine okay so we will do the heavy sluggers first on a threes looks good and on threes to it looks like one at ep one okay so i have about four fours uh it could be anything no one's done all righty and then the entropy on the same unit on threes there's those twos one's on a two looks good on five plus invulnerable save uh cool so we're putting or putting shots on the board let's get some charges so as i mentioned we have a five inch charge into these rust dockers not much i can do there let's just roll the three [Music] cool cool cool let's see do i care do you want to see if there's a fight you think you can win yeah he he he can wipe the whole squad or at least get it down so i can do a lot of damage at least yeah and then i'll in return do like three wins tim yeah three six nine twelve i don't think there's any strats that can pop we are hitting on three's really ones though okay so let's do this this is great yeah okay this is why we do this listen the rerolling ones it's big yeah all right got your two extra heads very nice three rolling ones cool all right this is uh five up saves and everyone's a dead guy it's respectable so wolf so two four six seven i have one left yeah so there bridger you yeah um yeah okay okay look tape measure found a friend what's up you measuring stuff too oh yeah [Laughter] now don't do what i do and leave both the tape measures there cause you'll uh you'll need it in about two seconds i'll touch into you yeah okay um flesh mower but we'll still be behind this obscuring i'm scared i'll fight you back three hits cool okay so just one more uh i'll take this i don't know what that's right it's all yours yay all right um oh whoops come on were you trying to get engaged i need to scoot i don't know if i can that's pretty far no this is the line right here he's on the line right now i'm right on the line yeah you're half seas with the line um so now i think it would be difficult yeah there's no way i think you would fit that's bummer you pulled wisely yeah i was careful leadership for you yeah so uh that last one model he is one of my wowie stands so i'm gonna spend two to keep him alive sounds great and now he will never die so i'm down to four that's correct yeah okay cool so end of my turn i do have the taraxi oh yeah sorry these guys so they lost six yes so they failed to fail and then there is three left and i lose another one okay okay so two left hmm we're working on those we're working on them and the squads are essentially dead yeah yeah exactly which is great you got two of my biggest threats yeah um in this turn um and uh value points everywhere else and so this is what we're seeing like the the um and you're only going to get stronger right so one of the things to keep in mind is um you know that that general output that you just did yeah likely won't reduce much turnover turnover yeah but it's will it be enough to reclaim the board you know that's the question i have concerns about it yeah my army will suffer but the early lead is big yeah absolutely let's see add my turn three yeah so i do have four banners yup and i do have 15 primary yes take a big primary lead here big primarily primary is cap to 45 so you can't i can't take too much of a lead yeah that's my plan so i think i will take the weapon skill bonus this turn i have a couple units i could charge you so i'll consider that um weapon skill bonus yeah and then what i will also do for my canticle is i don't really need the strength um in any of the places i will be fighting you um i'm fairly sure yeah so um i don't know for my canticle just yet sure sure maybe minus one to hit me back sounds good yeah sounds good so might just want to be hit in melee for all of his deuteronomies yeah there you go cool well why are you you guys i'm putting all my buffs onto this one big unit okay so um i'm gonna have them uh ignore the effects of ballistics or weapon skill um and then uh then they're gonna have plus one to their ballistic skill and uh they're gonna have the extra ap and range and the ignore minuses to hit and then they're gonna have counting as in cover okay that's great that's a lot of buffs it's one or two there's a couple you know i've seen more excellent okay well you uh you do that thanks uh thanks brian i pledged all in and i'm excited for the terrain oh thank you so much i appreciate the support and we're excited the kickstarter has been awesome so great to to have all you guys be excited about it and hear all your support so thank you very much and hopefully um looking forward to much more to come yeah this terrain project has been really a labor of love it's been such a long project because we did it kind of as you know we're really busy with shows every week and things like that so we did it as kind of the side project thing forever and just kind of it's almost like a hobby project unto itself like think of it more like an art project like we just kind of um came up with different ideas and explored over time and um we were so excited about this possibility of making these games more accessible for people and uh really i think it's um i'm very happy with how it's turned out and i'm so excited that other people are you know um agreeing and recognizing that that it's a you know cool change for wargaming yeah it's uh it's really gonna it's really gonna change everything oh boy rust suckers oops all rust doctors so we're gonna try to yeah we're gonna try to pick up a few points over here uh he does have a while we stand in this tank here so um and keep him busy and keep keeping him busy in his back field there's always a way to go you know that's right so thank you werewolf thanks for getting back to me er getting me back into the hobby after 10 years starting orcs with b snagabox from ig need help with fast boys list what culture in which units to pick up next to eventually get to 2000 points that's awesome fast boys huh well for fast boys i still really like truck boys um which is you know this will be an addition to your culture a couple guys in these trucks they could be mega knobs they could be regular boys um and so there's a lot in the orc codex that encourages you to have multiple detachments both as far as unlocking one of those specialist mobs and then as far as unlocking another war boss or beast boss or what have you so you know regardless of what clan you take i definitely encourage you to do that if you want fast aggressive units um and then since you have the be snagger boss uh sorry be snag a box um i think getting a kill rig is a ton of fun and really cool and really synergizes with the stuff that you get in there and um there's a lot of good choices for the the clan here i'm always a fan of death skulls for getting things like storm boys and commandos but also honestly blood axes getting cover for your your kill tank your kill rig it's pretty big at long range is amazing and then fall back and charge really powerful with some of these units like the b snagger boys like the squigs stuff like that so a couple couple thoughts but honestly one of the reasons i love this book so much is there's lots of options lots and lots of options there's a way to play everything yeah there really is honestly look at these cowards this this tank now has 10 points of the last inside it does [Laughter] i love it look at this guy on the front he's like ah let's get out of here boss exactly uh thank you lawrence thanks brian for advice on what vehicles to include in my new krieg army i chose the mars alpha pattern land raider demolisher oh to be my first vehicle alongside yeah one commissar set one infantry squad advancing one infantry squad at ease one command squad five engineers five death riders one creek mortar team artillery will be next oh yeah well the manticore is the clear artillery winner but if you're making it more creeky then you're gonna want the uh um the the ones that are like the freestanding you know not the vehicles um the carriages the carriages yeah the carriages are so cool i'm just gonna do an advance with this little squad oh that's a big 12. are these big is this big blob moving somewhere oh for sure nice very cool our friend bryce is in the chat he wants to see us play kill team on the new the new terrain yeah we were gonna do that actually we have we were just cooking up like a new kill team idea the other day right where i am um so there'll probably be a future for that um yeah and we debated it for that that 1k game but we're like you know we have a lot we need to we can't learn another game at this point yeah you guys have never played the new kill team never have yeah right you're kind of i also haven't played the new kill i wasn't going to call you out but i know that you know you've done all the research basically so i read the books i was on like uh turned out to be like a 16 hour drive from here to seattle all right so i run away you read while driving no i was in the car like i was one of two drivers oh i see i see and i thought i was one of three drivers and i wasn't funny story about that drive okay i'm actually i don't really that sounds dark like like a driver has never been heard of again they lost our game guilty [Music] no so um yeah i i had read i like kind of studied the books and i was trying to figure out what was broken and what wasn't yeah and then they rebalanced the whole game since then but i'll tell you what i was right about things i thought were broken like i said it turns out yeah custodies and all these weapons that ignore everything and just instant kill models they did eventually expect too much yeah yeah they had to bounce up again which is good okay i'm done you did it awesome so yeah looks great what i've done is i've i've screened so we can't drop within six uh of either of these quarters yeah um and this is a less known tactic that these um these qatari marshals they uh oh this guy's gone these qatari marshals have a 12 inch no no deep strike that's right so yeah yeah so you can you can really like uh you know space them out do something for no reason yeah because more rules brian's like that's not a reason there it's quite useful yeah i've i've used it uh in at least a third of my games in very powerful ways so yeah um okay so great we've got that cool now that side is kind of crumpled a little bit yeah but you don't have enough assets to like hold it and strike at me so that's kind of the only uh conversation prize you know what i mean like you can either take the point or you could come and start striking yeah now uh striking's probably more interesting um but i can't strike within one turn is the problem you can you can strike in some places you're gonna strat here right right right sorry because of the strap because of the strap you forget your strat i uh didn't remember what was over there yeah okay let's uh let's get to shooting yeah so um we kind of want to crumple his side here and keep him busy so i'm going to go first with my um unit of ponies over there cool and they're just going to pop some shots um the question is yeah if i yeah if i drop this squad then you're gonna be in a bit of trouble sure yeah for holding so um maybe we'll just go with them with everything two four six eight ten so here we go um their base ballistic skill is three three so now i'm up to fours yeah yep and i'll mars it where's it that's great okay wow and then this is uh five to win yep but sixes are the real money right now right okay just two two one so fours okay so i've taken one wound right so now what we're going to do is take my rangers and my rangers are going to put half their shots into the uh plague marines and half their shots into the tank can you see the plague marines you can tell me i uh uh no you tell me okay you tell me and by you i mean both of you so that's the edge of a plague marine right there and that's the edge of the point right so it looks like about three quarters of my squat cool sounds fair um but i'll just put half so two wow the 12-inch deny is the techno archaeologist oh then i've got it wrong oh awkward oh yeah go on rodrigo four six eight ten twelve another half are going where my my big boy and you'll play into the tank and uh well one cp for rather mars rather mars and you're going to wrath on which side uh you don't have to declare that well but you it's whichever one you roll first oh that's true um yes you have to you have to count every six towards it right yeah yeah so um whichever one you do first i don't know do you know of course i know um it's so obvious into the plague yeah of course yeah so here's the plague marines on tues why is wrath of mars one cp it's no it's funny because it is true cp if you go over a certain power level and there's virtually nothing in the entire book 20 rangers is not maybe it is now oh the power level didn't go up carl's been going change there's like nothing in the book that can that can make it cost too basically because selling robots that's it on fives reroll the ones oh it's just a holdover from eighth they just don't want you to do the things you didn't eat so i got only two more to win okay okay okay okay okay so um well i'll cause i have the other one shooting at the other squad i know yeah so there's your saves okay ap2 and ignore cover yes five two more wins two more wins let's take three so it's going to be uh three dead cause that's not the worst one injured yeah no it could be it could be worse for sure cool i don't know yeah cool um great i got off light there um okay now into the um into the tank over yonder we roll the ones you got it and then on sixes yes yes there's the other half that's four mortals so one two three four five six seven seven wounds seven seven seven wounds and uh what is that uh so good or three mortals four good i think it's four yeah four more uh it's good saving give you two so uh shoot okay so seven oof down to five eight eight yeah oh my god yeah ranger is but it's a lot yeah for now rangers are okay oh we're just discussing this beforehand they have a weird number one yeah i thought it was 13 but you're not sure five cool okey doke um i'm pretty sure that's all my guns that can see things that i can legally shoot cool so it's charges chad so we're gonna charge with the um rust stalkers um i will see i will overwatch because i got a bunch of sleepy yeah so here we go so we're gonna be uh men three with the with the blast remember when this had a 12-inch minimum range that's so stupid i i think yeah i think it's actually a cute idea i like it actually six is rerolling once yeah okay well that was my shot energy [Music] slugger watch yeah yeah you don't wanna you don't wanna hoard them hey look another seven don't wanna be a cp dragon i wanna be a cp dragon uh yeah exactly thanks baron oh yeah and then he he retracted this message because it wasn't correct but people were discussing there's no limitation on thousand sun's rituals being on just thousands of units except you need a keyword to do it so they were saying like you could summon in a changeling yeah and then give him plus you to cast like trees in his inch or something wow crazy but it doesn't it doesn't work oh okay i was gonna say well thanks marin ponies now i um what i roll with the ponies a nate i miss a lot of that chaos synergy yeah you know i think it's it's really cool and fun like this epidemious thing for example like i think this is great the summoning in is kind of a ninth edition get around for it but i really like the days where you could legitimately have some need some demons to come with your dudes it's just it's cool that usually one of the cool things about chaos okay okay it's time to crumb so you have five ones left yeah so what i'm gonna do is uh i will spend one for just one attack instead of plus two attacks yeah um and then uh we will have 41 attacks you don't even know who we get so i'll count some dice we can take a question that's it that's we gotta caught up i'll ask you questions nice okay ask me there's too many shows this week yeah how's it going bro uh i'm kind of nice it's good honestly i'm happy i'm having an amazing week uh so excited to be here this is my last game here though before i fly back i fly back tomorrow oh sad i'll fly back tomorrow do that i fly back tomorrow back to the bahamas like early or late when tomorrow um early-ish it's a long flight yeah so i'm so sad don't don't go yeah i have to go back on pager dude no guys yeah we're all right no it's let's be friends it's gonna be terrible again ugh but that's your last day yeah oh yeah yeah monday i'm free monday you're free and then i'll just try to catch up on work i'll be back at it uh here's a question here's a question uh tuesday we're gonna have a member's vote so chat what should we make it i actually don't i don't have any like this position yeah so let us know in chat what uh we should vote for on the members game tuesday yeah so chad tell us what we vote for yeah that's maybe too far oh brian's losing dice no if you can't hold him you can't roll them that's right that's the roll on twos oh and mars why are you why no no just take the ones just a single reroll yeah mars all right are you marzing i already did oh you did so fast that's too many dice it's literally too many you can't even hold them all right six deserve money i could fail uh i mean you didn't but it wasn't great it's not instant dead but it's like dead in a second yeah so it's three mortals yep so you have two saves to make um oh people want some aos oh fascinating okay actually it wasn't great no it wasn't but i have to make a lot of five bucks you have to make a lot of five bucks it's enough that it's possible for them not out of the like it's not insane yeah but it would be amazing what's the explosion radius on these guys three or six well it matters but you don't hurt your own units do you or maybe you do with this guy i don't remember this guy probably does yeah it's on a six it's d3 within six so i can't do it because it would also hurt my plague marines i need them to tank it so i was gonna roll all of those all right no explosion all right now all right uh or yeah to the left was not lasting oh you lost the last yeah you lost the last oh fiddlesticks tiddlywinks yeah all right it was only one sneeze you know when you feel like you're gonna sneeze the second time then you don't yeah you like feel it coming yeah i just think that mel hates where she's about to sneeze and i'll say bless you and then don't do it and then you just can't sneeze uh it makes it that's really uncomfortable it's pretty great you're like you're you you're like i did not change her yeah yeah yeah exactly um i'll do i'll spend two ccp and interrupt my plague marines it's a fine idea yes i also totally forgot there's a plague flail there no way are you okay charging still yeah i didn't mention it that's fine all right so i didn't you know i mean i thought i was safe but i'll happily get hit i think it's still the right call so here's the regular guy uh yes three hits uh strength four you're down to toughness three so threes reeling ones with the plague knife okay three at minus one okay uh so one guy dies yay and then we've got the plague flail which is six attacks it's six if you use the strat right one two three one two uh two base doubles before and then the plague knife doubles to six because six oh okay yeah that's what it is so here we go on threes grilling ones actually not really because we're not demons that's fine and then on twos flag weapon play weapon oh come on there we go so on your invulnerable saves okay and is that the whole squad squad wow that's pretty big still playing the game absolutely um i need that yeah man plague flails strength hey they're just so deadly yeah we also minus one toughness i know it's like i love them every time we play with them we see that they are the like shining beacon of hope in this army i know they kill they've like almost never failed to go to candyland 100 every single time okay um okay i do have to decide i don't think i'm gonna spend another two cp to have them stay alive oh for um yeah morale i don't think they're gonna fail i don't think so either they're fine and okay that's it yeah so so i uh stranglehold and then that's it yeah yeah yep and then we're gonna go death guard death god from three you're gonna do ten primary i should have told you i was minus one to hit in combat oh shoot i'll get you next time give me next time uh you get 10 points on primary and you get a command point and i get a command point let's do this thing oh yeah i almost took your primary way how many how many oh there's not demons gosh no no your tally's still two it's still a two still still a two tally it's a mighty tally well while you're standing right there adrian uh-huh it's me louisa the framing of that shot was really good it's good big big face adrian yeah yeah thank you guys for all the amazing memes of course this is the high oh yeah every day hunter hunter the hunter there were some great memes of a hunter hidden in a picture of somebody hunting deer but i there were a lot of them but like they did they wouldn't have made any sense yeah if i just like you wouldn't see the hunter he's really why is there a picture of a deer yeah what is this this is a great one too the john writing list oh yeah then the minesweeper bridger for all of our guest producers actually just now never mind don't don't be pressing those buttons those are all bombs yeah that's amazing fantastic that's so good if you don't know of course uh meme of the week is powered by our amazing community in discord so join our discord and you'll see the dedicated meme channels which are just pure joy uh some of the best parts of uh our entire community are those meme channels so links in the description to go join our discord and you you really should do it it's one of the bright spots on the internet and uh one of the best 40k communities uh anywhere you'll find so go do it now and also make some memes truly truly true this was kind of fun for me because i've been out of the loop i was on pagerduty for right eight years are fresh for you so like there's memes where i don't know what they're from and i'm just like this is still really funny yeah but now i'm just curious like why why why are we all doing puns now right what's with this is what we do yeah the puns really took over i feel this week there was uh a resurgence of puns particularly with you and the terrain yeah a lot of puns they you know that when i when the terrain was announced people were like for one second and excited about the terrain and then for like a week they were excited about puns about the terrain yeah yeah yeah so exactly the real joy that the terrain brought into the world was the pun potential really it's all about the memes the whole channel was really just everything is done for the memes 100 trying to bring pro positivity and joy into the world that's right for me true so true oh boy that's the thing so adrian's got plenty of things he can do and they're good and fine the the problem is that not a lot of them get him closer they get him closer to killing my models but not to uh flying points right yeah and so that's a tricky thing like this big unit is backfield it's going to take a lot of punch to make it not a threat at all yeah and um and because i've got my fight last guy right in the middle of the squad there it means that he really needs to soften it up in shooting as well so that reduces shooting down field but you have side kick as well which is good i have psychic um but if your psychic goes too hot then you won't have much shooting exactly so it's a weird uh it's a little puzzle this one little unit it is a little puzzle it's a little puzzle it's a little 40k puzzle right here i don't like it at all hmm i like it same i am yeah so i'm assuming there's nowhere i can charge really i guess technically if i get to the other side or is that intended to be now well if you were more if you you could complete the charge if you're within an inch right sure so if you're on the other side almost a full inch away yeah it's it's probably the case right okay well i just wanted to make sure like if you're how do you get there though i fly he flies and then i'm just going to make it to here because you ignore models in the chart yeah exactly uh is that does that work for you it's fine but now if you kill any mall that guy in the shooting phase right naturally naturally yeah yeah but this gives me the most options oops sorry um yeah let's um let's see the play skull is that any phase movement move face move face so i'd have to do that now which means i'm also not getting psychic there was a time where i thought it was any phase and i was very wrong yeah that would be good it's already one of the better relics so giving it any phase is uh could be good quite an upgrade yeah yeah for sure uh thank you paul i've been playing both fourth and ninth with different friends lately wow how nice what fourth i i don't know fourth very well i know more about fifth than that's when i started but i don't know almost anything about fourth the additions are so distinct that they feel like different games yeah they're having a blast in both definitely i can i can definitely see that um you know they especially i i could only think about fifth but fifth is such a different game and uh the models do different things and they feel very different and um even like a little thing like vehicle facing and the way that the vehicle damage table works yeah and templates it changes a lot about the feel of the game in a in a way that i think is great and i think there's you could always picture in your head that you every edition somehow gets better and invalidates the previous edition and that's true when some of the additions are close to one another almost like eighth and ninth right where ninth is just a refinement of eighth in many ways um but looking at you know fifth or something two to ninth these are very they're totally different games and uh i think that it's totally rad to be able to go back and play them i i think one time we should we should see how people feel if like maybe we'll you know on a member's night or something we could break out an old books oh jesus and play an old edition or something we'll get everything wrong we'll get everything wrong and then we'll get everything wrong in our next game playing ninth edition no but it could be cool oh my gosh is it something that anybody you know i i know people aren't always too excited about doing that but if it's something anyone would be interested in you know we'd be happy to uh to give it a go right they're all fun table top games totally okay and uh we have all the old codexes and things like that lying around so you know what i was saying in gibraltar brian tell me what we should play some historicals oh yeah really you're saying that he was saying europeans probably were so excited we were like on the battlements in gibraltar like touring all these different defensive structures right very cool and i thought man no i historicals um historical games are amazing and for the same reason listen we love tabletop miniatures games because they all have something in common they all have this hanging out with your friends epic kind of diorama piece the strategy of moving your models the randomness and excitement of big dice rolls and big swings and big plays and uh those games add in a different flavor which is like this you know reenactment simulation kind of you know thing which is uh which is super cool and so i think that um uh i think that that's the you know uh that's what really can can make it work it's great all right hello hey so i will take my can you get culted cultist did now the real question do you rot or do you charge on the objective oh that's true don't say this yeah that's correct you could actually try for both because if you fail the charge you're still rotting no if you attempt to charge you fail the action is that true yeah because i i wondered at one point because a lot of people don't know that once you start the action you can actually cancel it out you can juice other stuff yeah it just stops it but attempting the charge doesn't oh attempting is the thing that cancels it yeah yeah sadly all right cool i think we did as much as we can do um so what i've done here is i've moved these boys up so that i actually can't see these boys sorry let me specify all these boys there's a lot of boys these two malignant playlist casters moved up so they are obscured from the rust stalkers so i can put all my spells into here and um oh one slight thing i wanted to tuck in these guys so that largely speaking they're closer obviously you can get close enough to shoot these guys but the default position is that these um vehicles will be closer to your shooting at least you're screening your characters with your vehicles yeah exactly we're screening uh shooting into here charging into here we're sitting here rotting in the back um i've got one tank that can see into your vehicle there that's it nice these guys are just gonna they're just hugging this um i rolled a advantage which was a seven which goes here which means they just dive to the ranges that step out this way and shoot here next time going to hold this point here and this boy can't do much we'll shoot into these doggos and um that's it great we're ponies let's do it so psychic phase speaking of let's get it on um we're going to start off with curse of leopard as you do this should always be your first one going into big squad okay looking first six how y'all um that's the darth barrels darth barrels oh no you made it there's nothing visible within 12 for the extra what oh for the extra yeah yeah because that's what you're thinking i assume that's pretty i don't know you can [Music] all right all right cool and then a smite it's 10 again what a team it's class three mortals that's nice it was better than the last one yeah second boy uh this is gonna be the minuses to hit which doesn't really matter against your army um so do you like combat it doesn't combat but you know so i guess i'll put onto the drone the blood drone yep goes off and then his second castle will now be a smite as well okay it's three i am so happy with that that's the highest superspine evolved in a long time listen you still killed like a ton of the squad it's the best way it's the only way to kill somebody almost half that's amazing that's fantastic fantastic all right all right let's get shooting so we've got easy stuff first you didn't want to use your plex call by the way it's not in range and i can't see anyone i see yeah okay i intentionally couldn't see anyone for better or for worse okay okay so we will put uh the methodic light haulers yep into your breast talkers that's it let's do it solid shots on the missiles you're going to have yeah because you have two ups but safety then so here we go here's the multi multis nobody anyone injured no no one injured so on threes ruling ones it's a fully uh fully tight squad ah shucks when you're on tooth cool all right oh very good and new yeah yeah new melted in which case it was three damage sorry i rolled yeah you rolled old numbers oh i missed winning on two okay okay okay this is a four up because uh russ lockers get plus two to their cover states yes what weapon is this oh this is a miss launcher okay i'll kill another one and then they lose their little fl their little spurt gauntlet i don't believe they did lose it i think they still have it don't they but it's not a flamer that's what it's not a flame this is the bile spurt and it's one of the only blast weapons that you can shoot in combat right yeah that's exactly what it says here so it's going to be min3 so we're just going to shoot that because it's d3 shots and it's not a flavor so here we go threes oh if only there's a flamer strength six on twos oh he's trying six that's cute and he rent one three okay so three ups like it's good yeah yeah he's got a bunch clink plink little fella all right uh the plague marines going to them as well from the other side this is three hits winning on a threes oh nice do you does the flail have a vulture oh i'm so sorry hi two hits you're gonna regret the day you ever asked me that question two ups you're good good cool um moving right along this boy can only see the ponies so we're gonna put all the line of side guns into la ponies okay and then the mortar the more the mortar the mortar the mortar is gonna go into um that is the question isn't it it's a tough one actually let's do this we'll take this this um that is the right yeah yeah this is 100 at the correct option so this playburst crawler everything it can everything it can into here yeah let's do it so here's the entropies on threes they're only ones cpu oh okay yeah you gotta do it two here we go yeah straight on three till morning nothing uh so i have ten wins left [Music] yeah yeah cable ammo does it split nope i have three models inside oh we're gonna point this one you gotta place them no place your models oh there's three models it's fine it's fine here oh wow i can afford to lose one okay but now he's got his uh his his last mortar you know yeah exactly precisely okay i'm into it uh do they get cover here uh yup cool uh let's see so other playgrounds crawler mortar into the uh uh taraxi yeah because he won't have a two-plus softer yeah and then all the line-of-sight guns into here so here's the mortar into the board this guy's worth uh five points i know four shots on threes nice that's so far so good and twos nice okay five ups five ups four five ups no zero five ups uh that would have been a whole like half a squad i know so let's say that and then right here uh we got the entropies on threes there's that two of that the two of that two you did earlier in the game request twos you said i did what i meant to say was and uh one's dead one and then heavy slugger a little slugger oh that little slugger a little slugger theories oh no okay i appreciate you not moving thinking i could maybe force you to move another model but yeah not okay look i think that's it for shooting i was good things are happening uh cool charges we've got mr a bloat drone into your boys yeah he did of course remove the model yeah so we're just going in and we're going to take a punch in looks good looks good what do we care about it's nothing super interesting uh i will attempt to kind of hide my line of sight from these rangers though sounds good all righty cool cool um that's it so you get to i will use my tempracopia temperature fight yes and then we'll we'll pile in and we'll get to crumping sounds great leap loop time to grump okay cool cool i have two four six eight models and uh i will spend one of my cp for plus one attack sounds great sounds great so and vortex each one i've now killed four units three what do you have yeah i haven't killed five right that's correct these two yeah some plus one strength i needed one more to get plus one toughness which uh would actually no it doesn't matter because drink five so the matter here but okay so we normally hit on twos up to threes cool and then we've got a mars which failed it's pretty good though okay and then now we're winning on five got it and sixes are the money oh boy i just need to live oh no that's a lot of sixes okay we'll get rid of everything failed we got one weird cocktail gosh okay so one two three four cool and here's the saves on fives five mortals these are five ups ooh that'll get him um yeah that sucks all right does he blow up he does not that's really bad yeah next thing that happened that's the thing about these guys you you got to uh you really got to try to drop them in shooting or psychic or something yeah that's rough okay it's a tough spot yeah uh that's going to be it for me i engaged so i lost half this unit oh yes i'm going to spend one cp to pass because i'm on an objective per game yep absolutely yeah and that's it uh yeah that's it so end of my turn i did engage on three fronts for two points and i did my third rod for a total of eight points yes you did there you go all right we're taking it to round four for the ad max bring it on son so i only get my 10 primary if i can even get that haha you can and i still have three banners left cool very cool all right let's get to rocking and rolling let's do it uh thank you i do need to pick thing oh that was turn four i had to bring in both of my clothes that was turn three that was turned through i had to bring both my cultists you want to put them somewhere else you go for it um um yeah i'm gonna put all my buffs on this squad still um and then as far as my canticle this turn um i already use ballistic scale i already use weapon skill i do not want armor save or do i yeah i'm mostly just going to hunt her down so i'll take the armor save which is at the expense of my movement and then other than that i will for my doctrina or my canticle sorry i will take the plus one strength okay all right very cool okay okay uh thank you jagerbomber what's up hey guys long time lurker i discovered you during the canadian cove lockdown and while laid off you got me hook line and sinker 3k necrons just became a member and got the core uh plus x-pack keep up the great content hey thanks man wow thanks glad you uh glad you like it and i'm sure you'll be really happy with that expansion pack especially when if we uh we hit this stretch goal uh because as i said we're going to give these towels free in the expansion pack and i think it's gonna be really great yeah 100 so that's great thank you and thank you so much glad you could join us in this game that we love so i'm taking my mighty three-inch movement 3k of necrons that's what he's collecting right yeah that's i'm loving my necrons they're such an expensive army that like you know even 3k that's still just like a beginner like a starting collection you know what i mean the collection i have seems like a lot but it's already not enough to build all the different lists we can cook up yeah that's true that's become well increasingly so with the balance update yes we gotta get ten more storm score packs for each of our collections um i'm going to uh put this guy into reserve yep for one cp circuitous assassin and in this case he's trying to not be assassinated yeah yes uh very cool okay he went uh you you still have a chance to get him because i can't bring him down into a transport brian first who brian first okay so i will have one that's what i'm saying you'll still have one chance yeah yes thanks gormak hey titans congrats on the kickstarter let's go orcs oh wait nevermind yeah let's go works challenge time 500 point melee or crumpin escalation list okay go go um gas the boys yes done and a cold one gas on the board um 500 points truck boys in truck okay more boss with uh the biggest balls well that's not a thing anymore unfortunately what because they're all the biggest boss they're all the biggest i'm so disappointed um war boss you could do a squiga a squig boss but that might be a little bit mean and [Music] how close are we one buggy of of your choice there you go hmm that's what i would do a little bit of everything not too obnoxious you might need you might need you know gross for some actions but there you go the crumpiest um so here's uh this little squad here they're going to advance they were ignoring the -3 movement penalty so that's not going to be big enough advance i think so they're just getting seven inches which won't get them back on that point um so we're gonna try to re-roll that advance i think sure sure um let's find out what we need yeah so the objective is ten and a half away which counts as basically eleven right for my purposes in your events oh boy yeah he did it okay give me those french fries yeah yeah i i'm wishing i i can smell that there's five guys over there and i wish i had it no there's only two guys over here oh no oh and you can smell them [Laughter] i'm glad bridget is back that was pretty funny [Laughter] oh bridget [Laughter] okay um i guess i don't need to do that that's being dumb i won't i won't do dumb things for no reason oh i i mean i should follow my lead um i think i've largely moved every model you're done that i need to make we just started hand camping i know we did so what's the plan walk us through it yeah so over here just going to kind of uh big tank and also uh these guys trying to stop you from running and taking my objective next turn um i've rushed these guys up into the center to kind of be another threat for you in a future turn um these guys have moved up to shoot at the guys at your tanks that touched into the building uh something should not be touched in oh okay i thought you were specifically saying i'm putting them in no no no but they can still screen when they're out line of sight yeah yeah yeah yeah totally they can that's why i didn't understand at all yeah so it's just that little l okay at the time i had actually i had they were just a little too far back that's all it was i see i said yeah so you might wanna adjust that um these guys advanced up to grab this point from you here the ponies are coming up to maybe try and hold off these uh cultists yeah and that's about it we just need to honestly even just charging them because they're right on the line for that rod next time as long as they don't uh die as long as they don't die i believe in my cultists i know i you know they could do it cool well sounds like a plan all right so um we're gonna go into the uh shooting phase bring it on and let's just uh pop some shots into these guys down here three six nine twelve fifteen sixteen shots man kill those rustfuckers i'd be feeling like i could do stuff one mars yeah if you got them then then you're right you would have you'd be able to start just kind of breathing and spreading out a little bit yeah um here's your call to save okay six ups six steps okay made one five four down okay and then now my flechette pistols these are the kind of things they do specialize in killing cultists hey if you got any weak guys with just shirts on these guns these guys will really get them so four more saves six ups oops there you go look can't even get through their shirts um i'm like been hitting them in the boots that's the problem yeah yeah yeah gonna stop hitting those guns um okay so the rangers can't shoot anything um so then what we'll do is we've got my ponies over there they'll put their shots into the cultists i guess because no one else is that you're um john's not wounded right he is he's down to eight how is he but that's still nice mars reroll right okay and then threes you got it oh wow i mean two two dead cool that's uh something that's the thing um okay so that's all my shooting cool sounds great because i can't shoot anything else so what we've got is charges we're going to charge with my uh rust talkers into your um your two little boys there it's all boys the boys the two players and the boys okay so blink and we're just gonna start getting on the terrain here okay cool cool cool we're just gonna make sure our sergeant is up front such that uh nobody's nobody's making watch out somebody's making me fight last i'm gonna shank you with my pillage knives you're very well-minded like a rusty little little blade gonna rust you don't rust me bro okay so um i don't think i need any pluses here uh charge over here oh yeah let's do that that'll do it and to charge over here oh yeah dang it you want to move that one yeah i would thanks um okay so into the plague marines so i still have eight so one two three four five six seven eight and sergeant so i gave myself the plus one strength so i am strength six today so hitting on threes mars reroll sounds good and uh winning on threes yes six is to kill three three sixes to kill okay okay zero sixes well but and then i get six ups he had six up saves so yeah how about that for my trap card six is for life they're gone all righty um i'm largely where i want to be i'll just pile in a tiny bit sure um i'll do that after so next what we've got is my ponies unless you're interrupting uh no okay i like it could have been a thing you did yeah so yeah okay so hitting here on fours oh okay marshall hype train okay threes to end okay okay and then we've got the ponies themselves watch out okay all here ah those are ponies and no ap no if you just gotta get some sixes here look okay not bad it's something so two more go down and um now i've got uh two attacks each with uh these guys and uh six is explode no okay we'll re-roll this into a six oh okay and then choose to kill yep and that's that squad i am all right cultists um you can fight back with your cultists oh you're gonna get it right over here you can get five times uh i'll just pile in over here you only have i want to wait no yeah five attacks okay cool for a second i thought i was giving them uh two attacks here we go on fives one save one save on the ponies on the ponies all right so four out that's all you get all right one takes a win i'll learn yeah and now we got somewhere else uh yep [Music] the worst thing is i'm out of combat but i'm just too far i can't go in a straight line now yeah so that's the funny thing you actually lost the precise number you needed to to be out of combat but i don't think you can move fast enough you had screened me in in such a way that i could only land exactly on the line which means what i need guys is to move exactly six inches forwards and i can't unless i'm like a witch yeah that would be nice but that is something you can do right you can set yourself up so that if you lose morale then you can pull out of combat and do stuff it was close it's not enough here but yeah you're right okay uh anyone else no i think that's the end of my turn uh yeah cool so um i did manage my stranglehold again and um uh that's it did we do your banners this time i should have started this term with three banners but you took a banner down last turn yeah three four three that's right cool all righty all right death guard well let's do this thing i'm on one point for five and uh let's do this thing all right so bottom of four yeah we're in tough time town right now uh it's okay let's start making some big plays so we're going to try for a charger we know here yeah just get up the freezing all the assets you know yeah bring up all the assets there's no point ending the game with a bunch of assets behind the wall precisely precisely um thank you paul if you do play historicals play chain of command a very tactical game i'd like to see your game brains chew on chain of command i don't know that one you know check it out my favorite game that takes place a long time ago in galaxy far far away is star wars yeah i knew where he's going is historical yes and so does horace heresy canonically okay definitely definitely the future though uh it's the future but it's the past of the future horse heresy is legitimately in like you know the circles where they play seriously is played as a historical game yeah like honestly you follow the paint scheme perfectly you structure your arms read the right way you do your research you recreate the battles that's part i'll tell you what if i do historicals i will not be like that i know you'll be powerful you'll be power gaming yeah you'll be like combining these like armies that don't actually never fought together and followed this one tank from like like five years after this battle yeah yeah he's like oh yes but now i have the french cavalry in like english longbowmen and we just make the ultimate fighting power yeah that would be pretty cool so bridge is over here power gaming his historicals oh my god this is the most ridiculous thing i've heard he's basically turning into like command and conquer yeah yeah okay okay well now an hour accountability so if you're intentionally doing alternative history yeah with like tim curry then that's fine you're absolutely right let's see now it's all good what was that rust game there was a an alternate retro futurism game i don't know cold war cold war with max oh oh oh oh oh yes no you mean the diesel punk game yeah that's um so the game scythe is the board as a board game okay that's based off of the same artwork and that's oh yeah yeah i know you're trying beautiful artwork it's like diesel punk i haven't seen it there's no the center like i've seen the artwork there's a tabletop miniatures game yeah i think it's got rust in the name somebody in chat take a look it's that diesel punk is a really cool time period or yeah no it's my favorite time also historical i guess i don't know it's underexplored which is weird it is weird because it's like how is there not more more media yeah it's such a simple concept yeah yeah it's good you just take ata t's and put them in the cold war and that's it that's great right like you have i'm pretty sure the cold war um would be a lot better pretty sure that's not a cold war at that point it's a hot war all right we're gonna fix our mistakes and at this point oh wait this is his wins where's epidemius why isn't he coming out to fight i feel like he's a chump but now he's gonna come out and fight because he should what else are we gonna do that's right you gotta fight what else are we gonna do um shoot still lots of choices to make um i'm gonna cp this i need a higher advance okay that'll do it cool all right to be able to get around this corner see and [Music] yep yeah it is rust no it's not rust oh what's it actually called like the survival game yeah that's every time he says ross i just think of this dust it's dust dust dust dance okay i don't know i still don't know what you're talking about 1947. okay is that it yeah is this hmm just like booting up video games now um yep not sure what to do here yeah yeah it's dust 1947. although people in chat are naming a lot of games that are not top board games like iron harvest these aren't harvested iron harvest is the um rts one i was talking about that's the video game that's the video game version it was just company of heroes set in diesel pump um that's a very bridger way of describing it yes i like the company i mean it is a company here i like company heroes when it wasn't called zone of war three two yeah donna ward two what kind of advanced star wars two was just oh you just didn't like dawn four two is what you're saying because it was a different game it was just company here it's literally made by the same company yeah well i mean there have been a lot of like i'm like doing things really quickly and so he's going to touch on the point conflict 47 is also what i was thinking of okay you were thinking of you were just inventing what is just making things up all right cool we did it guys you ready for this i'm ready i don't know i don't know man i'm sorry guys you've got a plan i got a plan we'll advance him whoops okay now he's just dead all right what's going on we're done we're done we're done no idea what he's doing we're done i don't like your face ignore it ignore it psychic face here we go you're not gonna use your pike skull or you're not in range again i'm not in range again you're just not coming close to me i don't know what that is i'm coming pretty close medium close [Applause] cool okay you're good yeah that's good because this was a summoning guy oh he could have oh and he already took a wound right yeah so he's down to two he couldn't have died though he has five or no he has four they have four little baby characters yeah so you could have you could have lost him right there just two more wounds so one guy okay um yeah and then a smite whoops wow what's wrong with me today eight d3 one more more more than 12 for your one more mortal well then 12 yeah i think so so that's two more mortals yeah for sure two more mortals okay off of castling with seven plus only got line of sight onto one more from this back shooty guy hmm no it's still worth it it's still worth it so next next caster smite well there you go what size it okay that answers that question yeah and then miasma on to the um whitehollers okay we're good all right cool that's it shooting we got some shooting we got some shooting it's on let's do it over here we've got the two methodic white haulers going on into the uh rust dockers yeah everything they've got and uh at this point nobody's injured correct nobody's injured cool so melt those three different ones all right cool and then on twos okay five ups five it is good right cool all right so fives okay very nice first guy hold on i'm gonna roll your one right here no we got him okay cool okay and then the so how did you kill them uh it's down to one guy sir you killed two guys or just you just killed three i killed two with that okay right so i have two left oh okay yeah yeah yeah yeah sounds good and then i just have one that was good file spurt d3 shots watch out guys i've had a heck of a week and i'm ready for it if you want all right five up right cool you're good awesome um so you do have the princess there which is nice because i can still see you assuming you just want to keep that temper copy alive yeah see me with who i don't know what you're talking about the plague british crawler oh okay cool yep basically that that row i thought you would pull sooner do you want to pull him it's fine okay do your thing okay you're just not worried at this point yeah i didn't it's fine it's not a big deal okay so we'll put uh all the big the aligning site gun so the entropy can and the little slugger into those boys right there okay and then we're gonna take the mortar and we're gonna go into uh these vanguard in the back here sounds great let's do this so entropy into your boys threes and then on twos cool five ups okay one's dead one's dead and then the little slugger reel those ones as you do and then on threes two at my ap one so follow-ups oh he's ten we got him cool excellent here's the d6 shots into the van god in the back three on threes reroll the one yes okay and uh so you're getting covered here so three four five five ups which would have been my involvement okay all right cool moving right along [Music] we've got this plague burst crawler we're gonna put mortars into the back okay thing i have to decide is if i want to get if i want this charger the shot the charge will slingshot you right yeah it's kind of important to be honest so that's it just the mortar okay yeah yeah it makes sense cool so here we go mortar five shots oh yes on threes no it's the two no okay and then twos yes all right she could kill a squad there's four left that's the whole squad that's nice putting points on the board you know cool now means you're up to five kills you're t9 g9 or t8 with my last remaining drone it's good cool i believe that is all of the shooting what did you get on the last tally uh like that i get to reroll the ones on my disgustingly resilient rolls what which the chaos even still epidemious himself has a five-up and he gets around that's pretty bad that's janky all right cool let's do some charges yeah yeah so no no runaways i have one cp and i get one i get to discount it by one so yes runaways oh so you do have runaways yeah oh because i have my one discount just strategic ploy okay brian uh well there's nothing i can do you wanna do it you're going to declare a charge yeah then i'll run away yeah cool there's all my cp sounds good and they'll move 12 inches sounds good sounds good 12 is far it's further than you might imagine apparently that's rough portion all right and then we've got a charge from mr epidemius going into these boys here oh he's here to crump okay he is all right let me actually fight i have no idea just below seven so looking for six hey going on in yeah epidemios epidemious all right let's fight with him i thought he has three attacks i'm gonna say he has let's find out four attacks yeah yeah it's pretty high brian he is just ascribed he has i'm sure he has some well you're both wrong he has four attacks plus d6 from the nurgle yeah the nerd language i know the attendance for sure yeah and this is just a four wow i'm impressed yeah four well ninth edition forge roll i guess yeah yeah exactly so here we go hitting on twos cool looks good so far so good winning on twos re-rolling bale sword go ap three so you got your five plus in bones okay two dead two dead and then d6 from the nurglings fly attacks one two three four five twos ruling ones yep and then uh it's going to be strength five which goes to strength six so on twos ruling ones cool that many no ap okay four ups dead wow i actually got them hey did it epidemious that's a big deal that's great never doubt me all right cool that is my turn you done did it man uh so i did engage on three fronts for two points and that's it easy peasy i'm a squeezy very nice very nice all right into my last turn out i'm going to um be on one two objectives you can only get five primary so i get my five primary cool um i will also um uh take the plus one movement doctrina um which i haven't done yet yeah correct so um and then what i'm going to do is three movement plus plus three movement yeah and then for my canticle um i'll get the extra dice on advanced in charge cool sounds good and then what i will do is give them plus one weapon skill um and then the rest of the buffs over to this squad over here excellent sounds great okay and um and we'll get to we'll get to rocking cool these guys will get on a point all right thank you digital designer evening titans what thanksgiving dishes are you looking forward to most for me it's the filet i'm doing as my main and steam sweet potatoes well that sounds amazing oh so good oh my gosh it sounds like a new blue apron sweet potatoes new favorite vegetables sweet potatoes are pretty great if you just bake them interesting literally just put them in the oven with olive oil yeah they're amazing yeah yeah they're delicious huh so proud of them they're so good they're like fries out of them you can mash them they're like potatoes but they taste better i already really liked potatoes you like potatoes oh yeah i love it yeah it's good starchy everyone loves potatoes everyone loves potatoes potatoes pasta everything's starchy bread yeah boiled mushroom stickiness too yeah yeah that's correct oh gosh i'm really torn there's so many things uh i really like two things stuffing in mashed potato and everyone's like mashed potatoes it's so basic like you can get with the gravy no it's amazing it's very much looking forward to it speaking of which be sure to tune in next thursday as we celebrate the return of thanksgiving uh very excited because this year brian can't hurt me i'm playing john and yeah this is the first thanksgiving i'm not here have we announced the factions for thanksgiving we have uh only for the members though i think oh okay so let's tell him so well let's let's do a little historical recap first year of thanksgiving naturally we played uh the tao bryan had just finished a whole bunch of hammerhead variants against the imperial guard i was playing brian's uh uh super heavies for the first time shadow sword i don't even play them no i rolled horribly he rolled totally great and i got destroyed yeah it was great last year second year of thanksgiving yeah uh you brought the space wolves with uh the flyers because we agreed those are like storm wolves frostwolf basically flying and then there was like land raiders predators yeah and i was i had my frenchly painted triple lynxes very excited uh it turns out super space wolves had an amazing combo where they all had two up armor saves minus ones to hit minus two to hit because there's times because they're flyers yeah and i got destroyed so here we are he got he got right third season thanksgiving brian can't get me this year my model my models will still get you i know you're still gonna like do something i told you i'll mail in my uh my dice rolls yeah yeah yeah exactly um so this year of course i am playing the orcs that's right specifically we are playing the biggest tank of them all right well you say it's the biggest tanks all but on the other side will be the ultramarines yes and they'll be bringing their biggest tank of all the australians [Music] are both similar points are they both around 700 something yeah if that's 700 points yeah it's about 700 absolutely um it's going to be cool that's going to be a great one well you don't have void shields so you do not have void chills no yeah so he's got you there nobody even knows what those are so yeah so it's definitely going to be you know the spirit of thanksgiving is things with the vehicle keyword yeah you know so all things with vehicle keyword and then you're allowed to have like supporting hqs that like fit the bill exactly so um it's sure to be exciting yeah it's going to be super cool and of course on wednesday on hobby titans we're going to be painting tanks for thanksgiving i will be a guest on it i'm going to be painting with zach you're going to be painting a what a ridge runner i'm thinking a ridge runner yeah i have one to add to my squad of three and uh the codex will come brothers and sisters yeah it will arrive one day we will overthrow the oppressor it's been planned for a thousand years yeah yeah what's another generation it's another month that's right all right so uh it's time i um so uh the only thing i was trying to see could i get any because i have my plus three movements right right could my nine inch movement get me to shoot through here and it's like yeah maybe a few are any of your uh blightholders wounded they've got one down to six so i could shoot with like four of my models at you um which is like something yeah so i'll do that and then um so he's just running up touching in there yep and then the rest will shoot at your leg brush crawler um okay sounds good so um let's just do that yep do that and do that so great um now oh don't fall down little guys um okay so let's do that we're going to shoot at you now so we've got the four going into the uh the uh play or sorry the blight haulers sure and i'll spend my last cp do i have a last cp you do yeah yeah on rather mars because this is your turn right let's do it so yeah i guess i should have saved it for a reroll to charge go ahead so let's do that um so here we go hitting on the twos and uh two wounds four ups take a both okay cool and then all the rest one two three four five six seven eight so 16 shots three six nine twelve uh fifteen sixteen here we go on twos lots of ones [Music] and then on sixes because you're t9 yes two ones we've been six is either way that's right okay all right two seconds all right now it's time to charge so we've got my um we've got my rust dockers here who have a charge on you it's uh it's a seven i'm gonna say it's just outside of seven sounds good so they need a seven but i do have three dice because of my canticle drop the lowest wow this is why we kept the re-roll yeah it is all right he's in with an 11. here we go bloop bleep okay so let's uh start fighting you there i'm into it and then um the rangers have an 8 inch charge to your tank for sure three dice 8 inches and that'll do it wow then 11 again spicy charges on the final turn bloop okay lots of models here yeah i'm into it coming on up into your home yes we're visiting my home just visiting all right so zero cp um so i'm just going to fight now with my rust talkers one two three four five rust stalkers hitting here on twos because i gave them plus one weapon skill and then minus one from asthma excellent yeah um so pretty great there and then one reroll from ours and then we're fives to wounds sounds good it says are the money bring it on okay so it's just a few ones here yeah so one mortal all right and four plus in vulnerable saves okay one nope so down to one one wound on that guy that's great and then i won't bother fighting with the rangers um and so it's your fight my man cool sounds good so we'll pile forwards she'll go i guess there um yeah sounds good and let's see what we can do show what you got i have a gnashing ma four tie four attacks this is into the uh rust stalkers first here we go on threes rerolling ones looks good looks good and then on twos cool ap five up okay and d3 just one just one okay why would they do that into the rangers now looks good all hits on twos uh played weapon all righty so you've got four onto the um rangers so you're uh this is from the same guy yes okay got it so two dead you got it all righty and then players crawler for better or worse but mostly worse four attacks four attacks huh yeah okay roll the one uh so one hit ah there's a way you're gonna make me walk back over there no we're good okay that's the end of my turn i do get my strangle sounds great and uh that's me perfect perfect okay uh adrian it's over to you sir what's um you get ten you hold two i hold at the end of his turn he'll score i score thing on my turn that's right correct i'll just take those points away then yeah get out of here so is the uh is the grenade an actual weapon or do i just do it no it's just move face use yeah you do it you you don't uh i can be you can be in combat standing amazing amazing oh yeah where's your lone roster you bring in cool wait oh is it a rust talker yeah it's a rust docker sorry throw a stalker i thought it was a little mm-hmm yeah that's why i tagged that one because i figured that one would be out of range gotcha gotcha gotcha okay well let's uh let's test that theory yeah command range these are 48 right yeah yes yes yes yes yep yep basically the whole board but corner of the corner a little more than 48. yeah a little more than 40. uh so we're going to play skull on these boys two four six eight ten seven eight what yes no ten boys left and he's got his place called yes wait what is it how does it work seven days it is four ups or mortals six is d3 yes that's great wow that was amazing so it's going to be four seven mortal wounds so three models left spicy spicy spicy looks good there um how much we can do or over from there no more strats no more nonsense i have zrcp good good good good yeah take that good i think that's the play actually so we'll go there he'll stay within three this is much more reliable actually this guy's already on the point so we will take this long charge looks good i'm not going to make anywhere there oh i'm sorry there was an original plan rod there he stays there that's what it is that's all we saw he finished his rod hey we did we did uh all 12 run points did the thing with the stuff the lone sergeant speaking out he made it happen i know right what a champion i know he's great yeah yeah yeah yeah so let's see if i do this if i get here i'll hold one two three and you'll hold two so that'll give me my whole more boom perfection all right let's go into the psychic phase um so we're closest to the rangers we're going to go for a curse of lepers play up seven you've already killed one four five six seven that'll be the other one there's the rest that's why the rest of the game i didn't get close to you exactly because the mortals from the death card are absolutely no joke very good again so smite into the stalkers seven that does it so that'll be um four uh five because the first cast would also do it oh no it's the closest it's not a burst so for you yeah because this is from the other model or the the one you just cast with you're correct four wins i don't know what your question means but because do you do it every time you cast or only once every every time great yeah but it is the closest unit so the first one goes into other guys right and then uh second guy swipe as well it's a four which doesn't go off how many tv do i have a lot i will reroll goes off so just two two because i didn't roll seven and then that's it there let's get to a shoe stand that's right all righty so do you let's see so that's my model right there um looks like it's just out bummer the big ranger squad one near to the left yes it was okay so unfortunately despite that we're not gonna kill the dude in the back so i i sacrificed it to last to protect it to the last yeah yeah exactly exactly honestly didn't necessarily think they would die to the man uh like like they would interesting they would get them all i thought there was a chance but um yeah yeah and i can also shoot my blast in close combat too oh yeah right yeah that's fun uh okay so let's go ahead and do the speaking which the methodical light haulers into the rust stalkers here's the multimeltes here we go oh you know what i'll do i will spend a cp um to shoot my blast in combat which only partially matters more importantly gives you a plus one to hit okay great so here we go so back to threes rolling the one looks good on twos all right two weeks and five ups nice very cool and then missile launchers cool and then twos looks good and one dice uh kind of yup one dice awesome awesome awesome what do you have left just one guy uh one guy oh one guy was injured so if you don't mind i'm gonna do the bile spirit real quick so because i would have to go first threes twos all right three minus one cool squad uh alrighty looks good there looks good there you got your tally all the way up to seven got my tally up to seven all right we're gonna take this boy everything into the manipulace just try to take you off that point sounds great and that way this charge doesn't matter so here's the one cp on excessive force number of shots three on threes looks good on twos real the one all right there you go right right right okay and then this last guy over here um at this point we're just gonna go for the charge yeah yeah let's do this so this point into these boys no more tricks no more tricks fives are over uh seven so here we go hey seven exactly we're in precisely all right cool let's let's do this thing it's gonna be three six nine twelve attacks here we go on threes re-rolling ones looks great on two two three rolling ones whole bunch of fives you can see how good these guys become with epidemious when they got all the power yeah it makes them even more think that's right and they're with the t8 yeah um it's a fine roll but you would have got an entire squad two four six eight they go down alrighty that's gonna wrap it up for me so you engage yes for two points and then at the end of the game brian gets two banners all right that makes it 80 to 70. we took it nice and close at the end absolutely i've got like five models left i know i don't even have a single squat absolutely wild um so definitely that's we knew that about your army it's mega lethal yes um and every turn you know just keeps putting it out and if you know if i hadn't gotten that extra plague burst crawler or you know the if i had just uh survived with one wound on the drone to then go into your rust stalkers yes right right right um tiny tiny things you know this being literally was an inch out yeah right above being able to shoot and take another five points off which is awesome that's what you would have been very very close yeah because it looks it looks very grim i thought i don't hate a broken record but sometimes games can look grim and you play through but you're just sticking it's just a great game i agree so that's awesome well this has been one heck of a week yeah already done um actually do we have how are we do we catch up on super chats we feel like we're moving oh we have a few but we also have mail right uh we do have some okay you go get some mail i'll remind you oh i think he's saying we go to q a if there's how many is there enough for q a or we'll just do it oh no there's like five oh okay so we'll go and do a q a yeah yeah okay so we'll do a q a after this which um which will open some mail that came in um i actually know what it is i see it on the table there but i don't know yeah yeah uh so stick around and it'll automatically move you over there but i just want to remind this is the last game um going into tuesday we'll we'll be playing on other terrain yep um but we'll sprinkle this in throughout the month it'll be on the rotation yeah it'll be in the rotation yeah um but i do want to remind you obviously we've got this campaign going for the next you know 25 days or so but we still have a long way to go that we want to get to the project is fully funded but we still have um stretch goals one that we just introduced today and we'd love you to go take a look um uh at the page so it's just titan's terrain on kickstarter um and uh it's really fantastic either just follow the page share it or back it if you think it's pretty cool we definitely think it's awesome we like it um yeah so once again thank you guys so much for your support and for your support and your continued help with everything and just being an awesome community we really appreciate it um of course we talked about thanksgiving next week uh members will have a vote up right after this um for the tuesday game lots of amazing stuff coming on up thank you guys so much
Channel: Tabletop Titans
Views: 31,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40k, 40k, Games workshop, Tabletop, Miniature, Wargaming, tabletop titans, adeptus mechanicus, mechanicus, death guard
Id: D06P_zMUWDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 5sec (10625 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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