Adele - Rolling in the Deep (Official Music Video)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: AdeleVEVO
Views: 1,714,863,160
Rating: 4.8632879 out of 5
Keywords: vevo, Adelevevo, official, music video, video, single, album, Hello, Someone Like You, Skyfall, Set Fire to the Rain, Adele, Pop, Rolling in the Deep, XL Recordings/Columbia
Id: rYEDA3JcQqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2010
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
It's hard to consider this a throwback when they play it every fucking hour on the radio station at work every day.
Ever since the rate, I've been listening to this song more and more and it just gets better and better with each listen. Goodness, it is godlike.
Seriously, as a spotless song with an incredibly soulful singer to it, I'd say this deserved to win the rate.
It's sad it didn't, since Want U Back won.I dare anyone to find problems with this song, I bet you can't.
best song of 2011/2012
In a recent PBS special on recording music, they dedicated a few minutes on Adele and her voice, and they included an exclusive recording of Adele singing RITD acapella. Here's the video, It's awesome in the most literal sense.
Thanksgiving is a perfect time for Adele:
Can't unhear