Adele is Back! (and is as hilarious and legendary as ever)

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Crisps with Worcestershire sauce? Good luck to our kidneys

Edit: not her relating CD/vinyl production to Squid Games

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/ds_appointment 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Drink the bag juice! It’s officially my motto for this Friday.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/SlimySalamanderz 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello at last i'm a panelist apparently oh oh my god hello what time is it here you pour soda [Music] oh my god adele you're back hello how are you i'm good how are you i'm so i'm over excited to be honest we haven't done an interview for a long long time more on that in a minute it's so great that you're back it's we're so excited for the new music this it must feel weird for you to i mean first of all to be doing everything on zoom to launch the new the new songs and stuff but are you just completely buzzing for this i'm buzzing i mean you know i was hoping to release this album last year but obviously 2020 happened for all of us um so i've been living with it for a lot longer than i feel like i would have liked to um so so i'm just like i'm just i'm just so eager like but this is the for the easy on me to come out and then for the album to come out and stuff like that and it just exist for my truth just to exist in the world so yeah i'm buzzing but you know i'm obviously knackered it's like this is such like a duck position like you know it's like i'm going like 25 miles an hour during my time off and then suddenly it's like a thousand miles an hour but it's it feels like good timing i feel like there's a reason you know that that i couldn't put it out last year it won't finish when i just chose not to um but it just feels like everything's slowly falling into place with with you know the release of the record and stuff like that which was i had to be patient in my life as well for everything into place so it feels fitting so yeah i'm i'm i am buzzing yes i'm buzzing good i wanted to check that you are in fact no not at all i mean this is the thing is that it's great that you that you release the music when when you want and when it's ready and when you're happy with it but with that as you said comes an expectation and also a stress because as you say you get used to sort of you know just having your life and being a human being and then suddenly you've got a million idiots like me to talk to wow i love talking to you i've known you for years now i really enjoyed your instagram live the other day i think a lot of people did it we'd all seen the beauty of the brilliant vogue front cover and you just look sensational on that we're like i had a cold sore i was just wearing a t-shirt [Music] and then we were like oh yeah it's still adele and she's on instagram live and she's talking about crisps and i wanted to just bring this up quickly my favorite crisp is prawn cocktail walkers or just ready salted water with loads of worcester sauce on it so the worcester sauce ready sorry i think that's an actual thing is it that's the thing in england no but you'll put your tipping worcester sauce into the bag oh yeah and then you like then you hold it tight you clip it you shake it shake it shake it oh it's a dream okay well we've got a question from john in stockport on that subject hi adele johnny from stockport just like you are a massive fan of putting worcester sauce on my really salty crisps after seeing my dad do it years ago i literally have them swimming in it but then to finish it off i like to drink the bag juice and get the last few soggy crisps at the bottom do you do the same yes darling i do the same and i saw my mother do it growing up and that's why i do it so hey we are twinning basically hello yeah that's exactly it and yes those soggy ones at the bottom are the best okay i just wanted to clean that up but when the ratio is like normally just meant to sprinkle it on like you know like a nice little like splash of it but by the end it's like just juice with a little bit of crumbs in it and wooster sauce can be spicy right well thank you for clearing it up yeah but yes absolutely absolutely it's my favorite thing my mother loves it so yeah the most important thing right now is that we have this new song and people are desperate to hear it adele we love it we love it it's got the auto it just it's the autumnal chords it gets you right there in the heart it's it's very mean very very much it is beautiful so easy on me is brand new from adele and adele's on the breakfast show with me this morning where where did that song come from talk us through that song please um it was the first song that i wrote for the album so you know going back beginning of 2019 really um and i was quite shocked that i got it out straight away like you know i've been back in the studio for like four or five years before that um and it was just you know i was making decisions in my life which have been well documented over the last you know a few years but also obviously some interviews out and stuff like that but it was just sort of that thing of like initiating a discussion or you know whatever or even not in the case of you know my son's dad and some of that before a massive bloody fight which i definitely started some fights post my relationship with my dad with other people but um normally i'm very not you know confrontational and stuff like that but it was just like you can initiate something and be like hang on a minute no go easy on me it was just like just be like bear with me while i try and find my feet in a situation you know um and there's something like this really like hopeful about it as well as sad um but i mean obviously it brought my eyes out when i was writing it and when i was singing it you know for the recording and stuff like that but just there's an element of hope in it which in turn gave me hope you know because i was at my wit's ends you know in the beginning of 2019 um and yeah just there was a few choices but you know we just i decided obviously in the end but it was a discussion with a few people in my team that it felt like that was what people were missing from me you know the people that like my music so i mean it feels bold to go over piano ballet because even someone like you like that was never like that was never meant to be a kind of lead single it was after um the brits it just blew up yeah so like you know to come back with just a p i mean i think it's kind of punk you know but like well i think it will it would have affected a lot of people's days and i think it will be the song that you're i think you're absolutely right it will be a song that people are waiting to hear and go oh my god i've not heard that sentiment in a song like you know three and a half four minutes of just like hopefully it will encourage people to acknowledge how they're feeling which i feel like we are all encouraged not to do right exactly and what was the reaction from your nearest and dearest about that song from from the people it concerned well they loved it i was saying the other day um that you know i sent a snippet of me singing it as i was writing it to three of my closest friends here and one didn't like it the other one was like well yeah maybe keep trying though you know the other one was i'm busy working so that was the perfect um response for me um no it was it was people like you know my nearest they love my patients in it like you know and that like i'm such a knee-jerk person like you know i'll be like i don't like it no forget it all those things and i'm like that with my music i'm like that with like just things i want to do i'm like that with my feelings and stuff like that and it was i think it was clear to them you know in the lyrics of easy on me that it was like i abided my time like you know and i wasn't reacting you know to a reaction or anything like that it was just it was just you know a feeling that i'd sort of stirred on for a while but um they loved it and you know i really i don't do any music in my time off like it's not a muscle that i exercise you know writing or singing so most of the time you know even like just for like my best friends and even my manager their first reaction no matter what a song is is it's just nice to hear you singing do you know what though that's exactly what i like for them but it's the it's the same for it's the same for all of us i think is that when i first played that song i went oh so nice of your voice again it's it is just so nice to see your voice again thank you it really is what are you doing your time off then what you've been doing what is it not like a boring day for you i mean obviously i'm on the school run and stuff like that you know i love cooking and stuff like that i love hanging out with my friends and like getting a bit drunk after bedtime and stuff like that and like chatting absolute nonsense um i love films like you know i've always i've always spent most of my time watching films and stuff like that um now i'm just spoiled for choice of all these streaming services but just very very mundane like living in your life is which is important in my life sometimes feeling everything sometimes feeling nothing um but you know definitely it creeped over this time because it was the longest i've gone without you know making music releasing music whatever and you know touring it promoting it whatever and it was like it was a year and a half two years too long for me but you know like i said it would have come out had 2020 not happen but um i got very very bold you know i like everyone else but it was like but you know it but yeah it was but yeah my day today is yeah just what it is that's um it's a it's a dangerous cocktail of being bored bit impulsive isn't it so yeah what are we saying are we definitely saying are we sticking to the album on the 19th of november definitely you're not gonna change your mind that's definitely happening no that's been in that's been in the pipeline for quite a while like i'd say maybe like where are we now october like that's been in the parliament for six months i've been sitting on this date okay um because you know i'm i'm printing cds and vinyl like i'm all up for like the way the world's changed it doesn't mean i'm just only gonna do it the way that the world has changed like as well there was like a 25-week lead time oh like it was it was because of covid and because of like restrictions and stuff like that so many cd factories and vinyl factories they bloody closed down even before kobe by the way i love that you're worrying about how it's being manufactured and stuff i mean it's important isn't it but i mean it's great that you're sort one of your memories it's looking like squid games right now they've got people over there with guns i'm telling you because i'm like if this album leaks [Music] but also it didn't leak last time which was a cd in a physical era so i'm feeling all right about it but you know it is what it is i've lived within so long there will be people listening now that will be working in those factories that will be making those cds so they'll be they'll be looking out for it now i reckon better thanks for hard work though right adele we got to talk about the last time i worked out the last time we did an actual interview we've seen each other before since yes but the last time we did interview let's just go down memory lane here we go oh memory lane i'm nervous do you know what i didn't realize this you were my first ever interview yes i know i was i know i remember that first i remember that very very much 2007. this is the most 2007 thing you're ever going to hear here we go oh my gosh this is greg james on early breakfast and let's say good morning to adele hi dave hello you're right yeah i'm fine thank you how are you i'm very good thanks oh my god it it made me feel really weird listening back to this no i'm my skin is falling all right i'm hungover am i still out what's going on hello you're fine so i guess you were 19 and i was 21 i guess there you go oh my god we were babies so here's here's my one of my first questions talk us through like the beginning the exact sort of month where it all sort of went oh wow people are starting to do this at the beginning of yourself i was in new york and then zayn started playing um hometown as the hottest joker in the world that was like one day in that week and then um everyone else caught on and not all the press kind of came on and like i'm so busy i'm not used to being busy it's a bit weird nothing's changed nothing's changed that's amazing i'm not used to being busy [Music] and then a big shout out to the social media at the time yeah exactly so the myspace has really helped isn't it really i mean yeah i mean obviously not as much as like lily and kate nash you know they're phenomenons on it but um then they've got like you know my like grassroots fans you know incredible shout out to myspace oh yeah we love you where are you babes yeah no yeah i mean i used to have a personal myspace page but you know i wasn't even in charge of my music myspace until well just before i got signed but you're in charge of the cds now i'm in charge of the cds i'm single-handedly running the cd well this is i think this is quite a bold question from 21 year old me here we go is there anyone in the competition that you don't like not really no one no no no it's basically who you like that is a bold question also before like social media like spats when it was just good old myspace and no one was like i'm like i mean i know i've there's a couple of things that have that that have been said or i've said what someone else said and i reacted to like over like the last sort of like 12 13 years um i just i feel like well especially now obviously the artist or where i was as an artist in fact in just completely 360 actually i'm just nowhere near that person there that you're talking to really but i feel like it's my job to only elevate artists like you know i'm not i'm not i've you know i learned my lesson from a disagreement that i had early on with someone and and i just yeah i just music is it music is universal it's all those things and i won't be doing this forever like i don't want to do it forever and also people won't want me to do it forever and i just want to just i don't know i just i love artists i love music so much you know so i wouldn't i think people will want you to do it forever that's the problem you're going to have well it's about that remember when i did that interview with alan it was like whoa it was all alive when i'm not 95 who wants to hear me whining like chain smoking or something like that i'm living like a grey gardens character like all my cats being eaten alive well it was um it was amazing to listen to that again and hometown glory is still one of my favorite songs of all time it's a very special it was a very special moment it was great to talk to you in that moment it was amazing as well like 2006 in london it was like the best year ever yeah it was my nostalgic favorite year i've ever had it felt like something very special was about to happen and oh my god you couldn't have predicted how special it is [Music] oh that's very sweet thank you for saying that adele it's been a treat to speak to you again and please when you are you're coming back to the uk at some point soon can we go wait i can't wait i'm coming in a couple of weeks yeah right okay so album 19th of november we'll see you back in the studio at some point soon we'd love to hang out a bit more of course you've always had me before anyone could and you're still here now so yes we i will definitely coming yeah we we care very very much so i'm gonna i'm gonna play the song one more time and i'd like you to what would you so for people who are listening on a friday morning maybe a bit lost feeling a little bit all over the place and that they need something just to remind them that everything is going to be all right we're going to play this song for them and is there anything you want to say to those people um trust the process um goviga and um it's also fridays it's the weekend so cheer up for it [Laughter] put your hair in some rollers go out have a laugh find someone that you may or may not ever love but hey do it drink the bag juice drink the bad juice adele see you soon nice to see you hi darling thank you greg have a wonderful day thank you everyone cheers if you enjoyed this then please like and subscribe it and click the bell icon to keep up to date you can watch more great radio on videos by following the links on screen now for more great audio and video from the bbc you can listen on the bbc sounds app and watch on iplayer
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 2,224,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adele, Greg James, Radio 1, BBC, Breakfast show, New Music, Adele new album, Single
Id: FiB0k9m68oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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