Adelaide to Darwin, Peterborough, Quorn & Woomera South Australia

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[Music] welcome to episode 95 of our family travel australia series we've commenced our road trip from adelaide to darwin and if this first week and 700 kilometers are anything to go by the next six weeks are going to be epic our first stop is a free camp in peterborough once the epicenter of rail travel in australia to experience the award-winning steamtown sound and light show a must do for any train lover next we overnight in the quaint village of corn and marvel at one of the most incredible night time silo art installations before continuing on 350 kilometers to the glen dambo road house stopping to take in the missiles and rockets be sure to subscribe and join us for all of the adventure good morning everyone good morning jasper rooney how good is it today how are you feeling mate good you're feeling good i'm feeling pretty good too uh we are out today without katie i can't wait till she sees that that's right someone has to pay for these bills saying that you're you and i are out shopping we're going to head to one of my all-time favorite stores what's that jasper well we're not heading to [Music] i do love that stuff we're heading to bcf bcf and good hey we love that store we haven't been a bcf for a while so we're going to check out the latest greatest dual zone fridge freezer combo from dometic now i haven't reviewed this i don't know anything about it other than the fact that i set up for about two and a half hours last night and watched a dozen reviews on different fridge freezers this came up chumps more often than not i can't wait to check it out they've got one there they've sold out at all their other stores so they've put that on hold whoa what's this guy doing big crazy drivers down here in adelaide um just kidding anyway uh we also want to check out another product because we are heading into the deep red center of australia we want to make sure that we have got our safety uh in line i guess what i'm saying is as a dad i want to make sure that if there were a problem that i could do whatever i could to make it uh not a problem so we're going to check out a little satellite personal device like a personal locating beacon but it is a garmin in reach now again i've done lots of research on online on youtube the only place to research things and this looks like the real deal as well the the actual device that will will be what we need for where we're going on land so bcf doesn't have that we're going to go to another place called anaconda and check it out over there too because they've apparently got one in stock so here we go off to uh do a little bit of shopping a bit of daddy jasper day i love these days mate do you like these days yeah i also like the mummy in yesterday me too i guess the good thing about our days is that we get to have a sneaky kitkat on the way home and mum won't ever know right all right me we don't have a kitten no i i know mate that's why you got the good parent today all right let's do it bye anaconda and bca right next to each other unheard of jasper [Music] [Music] i think we should get the big one done but they're pretty bulky items and heavy yeah bulky and heavy i agree might get some help eh yeah okay [Music] good afternoon okay the ultimate road trip has begun how exciting is this jasper where are we going we're going to australia we sure are over 6 000 kilometers ahead of us we have say goodbye to adelaide look out here we come darwin but we're gonna take about six weeks or maybe a little bit longer to get there which is good we're doing what's called the explore away but we'll be deviating off the track a little bit yeah we will well as we do too you know we want to bring you all of those amazing places that you will be dying to see because we are uluru kings canyon cooper pd yes alice springs madaranca i mean the list goes on but we also want to get off the tourist trail and find those hidden gems and meet those amazing people and friendly faces so so much goodness coming yeah you're spot on and we're going to try and find some really quirky pups some really amazing station stay some free camping and a mix of pay camping as well so we've got a pretty huge itinerary we're also going to be covering off resources safety some new gear that we're looking at to to give us some better storage solutions and better setup in the trusty hilux so it's going to be jam-packed and an amazing adventure we can't wait to do this with you are you ready jasper all right let's do it we'll be back south australia [Music] so [Music] okay so we've made it to peterborough we are going to stay in the free rv park right opposite the steamtown heritage railway experience that we're going to head over to tonight and take in their light and sound show um how awesome peterborough have provided travelers this great free space you do need to be fully self-contained though so we've just stopped at the dump point to put a little bit of potable water in our tanks but um check this out i don't think paul maybe parked close enough or had a long enough hose how you going you need a few more inches babe ah well that's always the first for everything um we do actually have a longer hose i don't know i just i thought i'll just do the quick easy way look at this uh where there's a will there's a way how awesome though free rv park free potable water in town thank you peterborough do you know what i have to be honest though i'm always a bit nervous when the drinking tap water is this close to the uh dump easy but anyway uh we're told that it's safe there it is have a look at the sign someone's even put drinkable on it just in case you're confused well it is on the side of the toilet [Music] first night freebie yes love that and check this out just came in to uh check the level can you see that how's that i wish it was perfect like that here it's every time must just be a slight load of land there but fantastic nice little spot it's seriously chilly and the the venue that we're going to tonight is that roof over there so you can pretty well just leave your van hitched walk straight over can't wait love it what a great start awesome um okay so we're just heading over to the train museum aka the um train center where we're gonna have a tour hey what's this umbrella doing jasper okay it is happening hammering tonight and i'm just like i don't know what you will notice but this is a waterproof jacket that i'm wearing and we're heading to steamtown yes and we're also gonna see a light show and a video about the trains yeah right we can cross the road guys all right let's do it we're almost here holy julie did anyone read the weather report anyone no not mommy all right let's do it oh watch out for that massive puddle sorry oh my gosh okay here we go good morning chilly morning okay bring on darwin apparently they're going to have a top of 30 degrees today we started this morning at 2 degrees celsius so chilly all right peterborough we love peterborough we'd actually been here before and just for an in-and-out day visit so to stay overnight was fantastic i mean this particular place was the epicenter of rail transport in australia in its heyday and apparently had over 100 trains steam trains coming in and out every single day it's hard to believe this tiny little town but incredible history how awesome was staying at the free rv camp that the town makes available for travellers look it is fantastic uh there is a caravan park that you can go and play and stay out there's a couple of pubs that you can stay out and park behind and apparently the meals are fantastic but for us the freebie uh on our first night yes that is fantastic and also that we didn't have to unhitch and we could walk the 250 300 meters across to steamtown in the pouring rain okay yeah that wasn't so good holy dooley come out of nowhere and it absolutely was anyway torrentially made it over to steamtown which is also the visitor information center for peterborough they do day and night tours we did the night show it is an award-winning show and it was awesome yeah it really was it's um 25 bucks ahead kids under eight of three that goes for the day and night tours as well i know it's so good and you know for such a small regional town this experience that they have created here you can understand why they've won awards for it amazing what did you think jasper it was good it was good what did you like most what i liked was watching light shows and that's right so once you come in through the main shed where the steam engine is housed don't you reckon that's where the magic first started though the lights the steam pouring out of the funnel of the train the sounds that they're very well done the atmosphere was set up to immerse you straight away in this railway history and then a short walk out to the original roundhouse and turntable and you actually sit inside it's in like a 1916 heritage rail car and face out through the main windows in the rail car looking at where all of the engines are housed within the sheds of the turntable and that's where the light and sound show is look it's fantastic it goes for about 45 minutes that component which was right on the cusp i think for jasper especially as a knight experience being a train enthusiast you know obviously he's going to love anything to do with trains we thought it was fantastic value and just beautifully produced and beautifully presented so make sure that you do include it on your trip to peterborough yes absolutely especially if you've got a train enthusiast in your family okay so our next stop is only about 130 kilometers down the road the rain stopped which is fantastic and it's called corn with a cube another exciting experience there something that we've heard is amazing and it's also free all right we need to flip this camera around too because this view is amazing it's incredible okay here we go corn are you ready jasper okay bye [Music] we got your soul [Music] traveling from the deep forest into the sun [Music] oh tears keep on falling [Music] coffee can and my coffee looks like a yin and yang okay coffee cam in corn or jasper morning morning jasper yes there you go transfixed to the uh the tv and mickey and the roadster races oh there you go that was a bit resourceful katie kate thank you no worries look at this beautiful morning sun is just peaking its head up here in corn it is chilly isn't it put the camera there let's see how does that look look at that tree oh that is amazing we have had the heater absolutely cranking inside we run a diesel heater um i had that question uh if you look back right before we went to tassie actually we had that installed in all of odonga four months later stuck in uh covered lockdown in tassie g we were thankful for spending the dollars on on the diesel heater best investment we've we've had on the van isn't it yeah warm wife happy life that's all i'm gonna say people okay let's talk about corn what a fantastic historic little train town this is yes yes another one of those um we're staying at the caravan park which is just awesome it's a real authentic bush camping experience and it is the only one in town there are no free camps i think there is a gorge warren gorge about 20 kilometers north of here that looks absolutely spectacular so one to put on the list when we come back to explore linda's ranges a good tip on that is that the first 15 kilometers of bitumen and then the last five or six are unpaved wow it looks amazing it does look amazing um but this park is great only small there's about 40 powered sites they do have unpowered sites unpowered tent camping area they've got cabins as well you're allowed to bring your four-legged furry dog with you if you've got a dog you definitely are but really beautifully laid out and i have to say a highlight was the check-in and the friendly faces the management at reception was just awesome and that can really make or break your experience absolutely we talk about this all the time particularly in these rural towns that first frontline experience with a staff member or a manager yeah can make or break the your experience of the whole town okay the real highlight for us was the location for this caravan park that you can walk out the front straight across the old train tracks of the pitchy ritchie railway and about 200 meters down the track are these three old wheat silos that present the award-winning corn light show wow wow is exactly what it is and this overlay footage is amazing you'll see for yourself it's really presented in four different segments the first covers off a welcome to country and the history of the traditional owners of this area it then moves into a beautiful representation of water and finding water in this region the pastoral line of agriculture that was through south australia just again beautifully presented and beautifully produced the next part was really where i think it really stood out and that was the following videos on the world wars and how corn survived and how it helped support the servicemen and women of this area and an absolutely fabulous presentation about the cwa the country women's association yeah just a great history of this little town and its people and this experience is free so you can quite literally do what we did take your camp chairs go and sit and enjoy an hour or so entertainment in a rural town to have an offering like this i think is just incredible it is outstanding yes okay and look you you'd certainly be able to take um you know a beverage and a cheese board or whatever it is that you wanted to it was super cold yeah and a little bit rainy oh yeah stuck it out we braved that there was us and two other people actually our neighbors from here at the caravan park jenny and joe um so that was good that they braved it as well uh the final piece of the presentation is local artists photographers videographers presenting their work and again just project it up onto those massive silos seamless wonderfully oh amazing okay so we followed after our entertainment for a meal at one of the two pubs in town the transcontinental and that was just awesome as well coming out of that cold into that warm pub with the open fire that was raging as jasper said it was just awesome great service great food yes look that the tip here is to book oh yeah okay um it was booked fully booked we were tipped off to make sure we had a booking and so we were able to snag a table right next to the fire so yeah fantastic experience today we're heading off from here we're up nice and early so that we can get a good start we're going to head straight into port augusta do our weekly food shop we might talk about that during um an upcoming segment as well how we actually travel what food we we prepare and and how we manage our weekly shop great idea yeah uh and then we're gonna head to woomera famous for the rockets oh awesome yes so we'll check that out there is a campsite there we may stay there or we may continue a little further up the road again heading up towards kuberpedi and the northern end of south australia and that's in a little place called glendambo glenn dambo a fantastic pub stay so we're told so we're looking forward to that time to hit the road let's do it hit the road jack all right you're cheers love this dad hello can i get a train to darwin all aboard the pitchy richie railway it looks a little bit big yeah which way do we go um that that way or that way i need to get out of this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we just stopped over at a little road stop here on the way to warmura and it is chilly if you get our chilly it is when you're inside that beautiful warm car tell you what their trucks here along check this out [Music] hey hey what's going on um making lunch drinking lunch just been spelling some words on the fridge good boy bit of travelling fridge education isn't this like the best part or we say it every time we stop but how awesome is it to have your home on the back find somewhere pull up make a coffee make a bread roll oh it's just it's the best i love that bit okay we're about 60 kilometers uh down the road from umura so not too far to go but we thought oh let's let's not get hangry which if you do uh know what it's like to get hungry our family seems to suffer from that pretty badly i think it's in my jeans anyway um a quick bite to eat as katie said a travelling coffee fantastic and we'll be back on the road good job are you hungry mate are you hungry um hungry are you don't be angry mommy doesn't cook [Music] i don't know what it means but there's a smile upon your face [Music] and i see something shimmering in your eyes [Music] and they say if you wanna glimpse the future you need space and you said you put down your morning guns would you follow me to wonders take [Music] when you look at me this way i find it hard to not give in [Music] so the days became weeks it felt just like the night before [Music] you were slowly fading in my mind when you left i was so completely gone but now i'm sure you were some of the best [Music] that matters to me makes me wonder why i can't get over when you look at me this way i find it hard to not give it [Music] do [Laughter] all right jasmine let's do it are you a little bit excited yes what are you excited about oh i'm excited that i'm gonna launch my rocket ship here you're gonna launch a rocket ship my when um well whenever i'm tall enough to do drive the rocket ship i mean like it's kind of dry rocket ships mate i tell you what if elon musk can do it you can do it well elon musk isn't a kid no that's true all right hold my hand so if he's an adult then i'm gonna be an adult so that i can well this is the place to do it check this out [Music] nothing is untrue nothing doesn't matter [Music] it's of our emotions of everything we are and what we belong to how we reach our destination [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the museum was closed yeah that's okay do you know what there are so many rockets on display out the front across the two parks and planes and supersonic jets and um amazing what did you think yeah it was pretty good it was pretty good we even saw the remains of the rocket from the usa that helped australia become the fourth country in the world to launch a satellite pretty cool yes that's cool yeah pretty cool and i'm gonna launch my rocket here yes mate you're very set on that let's go with that it's gonna be a lot of schooling on the road to get you to be able to do that i'll tell you all right now we're heading to glendambo yes i'm not sure how far up the road it is i think it's just shy of a couple of hours so that'll make for a fairly long drive day to be honest uh by time we get there should be 2 3 just before 5 00 p.m there's a pub there with a very large fireplace it's going to be a cold night i think we might go in and have a beverage yeah a bit of an apple juice for you mate yes okay it should be good all right here we go you're always good [Music] and the sun [Music] [Music] this is [Music] safe to show [Music] [Music] i know i'm not the only [Music] i close my eyes at times i'll do it when the sky falls [Music] where everything is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] this moment is a rhythm [Music] visions tomorrow i'll be blind [Music] okay safe and well in glenn dambo i'm sitting in the car because it is absolutely blowing a gale out there um you might even be able to feel the calm rocking anyway interestingly the last hundred k's uh to get here it was so windy that the van was giving me quite a bit of sway which i haven't experienced to that degree before so uh holding on to the steering wheel a little bit tighter i dropped down to about 80 kilometers an hour for most of the way which obviously adds time on but drive to the conditions felt a bit safer not much you can do except really just you know concentrate okay so i'm going to talk inside here because of the wind but basically just over through the windscreen there behind those sort of trees there's a windmill um and just near there is the pub unfortunately like many outback towns they do not have a chef at the moment or they're just finding it really difficult to get staff and so no meals over there we're on an unpowered site tonight it was still i think around 33 for the night there isn't any free camping options around but anyway we've literally stayed um hooked up uh we will go over there and have a drink and um we always like to support the community and it's a good reason to have a little beverage over there by their massive open fireplace which i i've i've told is superb so looking forward to that uh and then i'll just take you inside the van i'll show you how we've chopped the back wheels up uh sorry the yeah of the high lux literally i've just driven up onto the chocks just to give me a little bit of a raise to make us level because the land sort of slopes down slowly all right so it's going to be a bit windy so i'll block that out here we go see all the other campers over there it's nice on this side of the van and you get on this side [Applause] pretty basic but that has made us perfectly level katie is uh putting away the shopping look at that all of that coffee you ripper i'm good we're just putting away some shopping and then we're gonna make some dinner sweet yeah i'm gonna go and have a little fiery moment aren't we just yes yes yeah beautiful spot my hands are getting cold i really need to wake up they're going back there jessica are you cold thanks glenn yeah it's nice and warm in here [Music] yeah great little spot yeah yeah that was actually really awesome easy love easy all right gang on the road again [Music] here we go glenn dambo we uh had a sunrise at about 25 after seven this morning it was freezing not quite i think it was about five degrees when we got up just hit seven now it's nine am so we're we've got a relatively early start seeing the sun was up late uh the pub just over here the glen dambo pub we were excited to get there to check out their massive fireplace it was raging there was a fireplace and there was a group of four workmen that were perched right in front of it uh so i think they were the only ones that actually were pouring out and good for them they've probably been out in the cold all day so anyway rv so we didn't have any shots at the fire because uh it would have been weird just showing you for work i'm on the wrong side here to get diesel we're gonna get some some diesel before we go um and we'll share some prices of diesel as we're traveling as well just to give you an idea interesting fact we've been getting with the canopy and the new setup 15 liters per 100 kilometers of diesel used uh yesterday with that headwind and those weather conditions we hit 22 liters per hundred kilometers that was an expensive drive wasn't it uh but anyway it's windy oh just but look at the truck it is what it is uh we are ready to go get some fuel cuba pd we have snagged their annual opal festival it online looks pretty uh amazing and crazy and so yeah so we'll be in cooper pd for the next three or four days we can't wait i am so excited about cooper petty jasper what where do people live in cooper pedi where they live some fit somewhere down deep down that's right towards the center of the earth um okay so we're going to get you to cooper pd today for now it's by from the fieldwood family look after yourselves look after each other happy trail bye [Music] thanks for watching please do like subscribe and share our channel and if you'd like more information on full-time rv travel and living visit our website there you'll find loads of free resources our weekly podcast caravan cooking recipes our monthly go rv magazine articles and much more we look forward to seeing you next week take care of yourself and your family and happy trails [Music] [Applause] i i love peanut butter [Music] yes jessica what'd you think of that what did you think all of those trees wasn't that great dad where does that go how cool is this that's a trans-australian railway posters oh how good is that oh no that's that's that's just a secret doorway you go in there guess what you go back to 1918. back when the steam trains were coming through this little town it's a secret portal do you want to go is that the theme song from back to the future yes [Music] good morning jasper rooney okay today is a very good morning in fact because we're on a little bit of a shopping mission as you can see we haven't got the katie with us which means that we can spend more money because she's not here [Music] good morning everyone good morning good morning how you feeling today jasper fantastic very good fit fine and fantastic okay vcf and good is that good neat work [Music] feel the journey [Music] family you
Channel: The Feel Good Family - Lap Around Australia Series
Views: 39,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caravan australia, caravan family, caravan family australia, caravan hacks, caravaning australia, caravanning australia, caravanning family, family caravan around australia, family in a van, family travel australia, feel good family, rv australia, travel australia in a caravan, traveling australia, van life australia, adelaide to darwin, Peterborough, Woomera South Australia, Quorn, outback road trip, south australia outback road trip, on the way to darwin, south australia
Id: NV645lgzmIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 45sec (2805 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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