Adelaide 3D City Model

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what should our city look like in ten twenty or thirty years time will that have enough capacity to meet the city and the state's aspirations for growth and still retain its character the city of Adelaide has created a 3d model as a key tool to assist in planning for the city's future the current model is still in development and shows different levels of detail which will be improved over time as a dynamic and growing city Adelaide skyline has changed dramatically over the last ten years the city of Adelaide strategic plan envisages further change with an increase in the city's permanent residential population of 1300 people per annum an increase in over 700 students per annum and a total increase in the number of city workers to 125,000 by 2012 the 3d model can be used to display scenarios and assist in answering questions such as what will Adelaide look like if the population doubles to 50,000 in 2027 as forecasts do building height controls need to be changed to accommodate the expected population and how can development respect the city's valuable heritage buildings the model will enable us to visualise future growth scenarios help architects and designers to prepare their buildings in a simulated city environment assess how new buildings fit into the city illustrate where heritage buildings and other important facilities are and assist in community debate there is considerable development potential in the city arising from height increases from changes to the 2006 development plan much of it currently underutilized the proposed new Royal Adelaide Hospital development will further foster regeneration of the city's northwest sites with the potential for redevelopment can be identified as an example this block contains a number of sites ripe for redevelopment this is what it could look like if built - development plan Heights the plan also allows over high buildings under certain circumstances sites such as these can be redeveloped over the next 30 years to enable the targets in the draft 30 year plan for greater Adelaide to be met these draft targets envisage an additional forty three thousand workers and an additional sixteen thousand three hundred residents over the next thirty years in the city one example of a redevelopment is the bus station site the city also has many valuable heritage buildings which can be retained while also allowing further development potential an example being the Tivoli development in the city's East the model can also be used to depict concepts for potential urban design projects such as options for future tram routes the draft 30 year plan for greater Adelaide illustrates an option for a mass transit loop through the city urban design changes associated with the River Torrens can also be modeled what could a footbridge over the River Torrens from elder Park to the South Australian Cricket Ground look like towards this development assessment the model can illustrate proposed developments for existing buildings and surrounding areas or display a new building from different viewpoints and consider what Shadow the building may create the vision for the city is to be a vibrant populous and sustainable capital city builds upon Adelaide's heritage and lifestyle this model will assist wider community debate and understanding on how the city can be developed and enhanced in order to realize the vision the Adelaide City 3d model will be available to the public in a dynamic online 3d environment as of today
Channel: City of Adelaide
Views: 10,101
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: Adelaide, 3D, City, Model
Id: VwNVDshuE30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2010
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