Adding New Mount Point fdisk Demonstration Linux

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hi welcome to this video in this video I am going to give a demonstration on f-test utility this is used to add tastes to your server this is m2 all the analysts who work in Linux and some of the UNIX flavors in this video I am going to show you how to add newly added disk partition to your server using the app Disk Utility let's jump into the demonstration assume that you have logged in as root user let us check out what all the known points existing over here here you see currently nine point six GB there is a root and both the FSH and these are the default one so we have only one mount point which is of nine point six GB 2.5 GB is already being used 7.2 GB is free it is around 26 percentage anyway our target is to add another disk or here from back end they have added 75 GB of space some part will be going off so that is we want to activate over here to do that first of all let us see what the hidden mount find loop let's let's try with EFT is - L this shows some of the information let us read it I just highlight the information over here def X V T V there is some a 2.5 GB which is there but we need to include it how to do that and clearly you can see that def X V DV doesn't contain a valid partition table so copy this dev slash X V DD let's put it to F test space slash dev slash X V DB could enter device contains neither a valid dos partition table or Sun or any other formats but if you want to get more information from this you can click on am for more help these are all the options you can try out with your F is to create a new partition you can follow the sequence you can remember or noted somewhere else first you need to type Yong there is nothing but adding a new partition now your partition should look like as a primary or extend the concept is similar to your Windows whether it is C or D something else by default you can go with primary partition so put P and the partition number you can go for 1 this is first one in that info cycle default it is showing us one you can simply say enter and the last cycle if you want this one to be into two partitions you can choose somewhere in between 1 2 9 7 9 0 or over the last one by default it is already selected say enter or you can even go for nine seven nine zero either is the same now I can print the partition P this is how it looks like the new one finally you can type W to write the partition calling the ioctl to reread the partition table sinking lists you can see the partition table has been altered with this information DF - H it won't provide any information so just added it to the partition table you need to format it and then mount it till the time you won't see it over here so our next step would be camp AF s total xt3 - B or 0 9 6 block size 12 X VTP click enter now it is writing the inode tables based on your phone size it will take some time you need to sit back and wait for it to get completed now it's done new partition has been created but molding is still pending that is our step 3 after creating the app base - L and creating the new partition you need to update your ATC FX tab wearing all the mount point information will be provided over there then it will be a permanent one after reboot will be getting the information so let us open it is e FS tag you need to add this one at the end the information is the mount point that we created just now without one then assume that we are going to add it to web Center the type ext3 defaults 1:1 you remember this line and like putting it now the information is here in your it is CFS tab let's confirm that yeah it is next thing we gotta do is create the directory which is not existing let's enter or you can choose any of your preferred more for me then we are going to fire the command mom f XV teepee web-centric you can verify the DF - h command we're in a 74 gb is the size 180 mb is used and 70 is free only 1% so this has been added to your web Center but if you don't put this line in your EDC FS tab for the next word every time you got off by this command like in our case it is not necessary since it has been permanently updated cure a DCFS tab to know more details about it you can google what's this FS tab is looking like and its purpose now let me create one file over there to show you how it's being used moving to web Center touched one file LS one and I'm removing that so you can do the normal operations to any file system to this mount point thanks for watching this video keep subscribing to this channel to get more such videos if you like this video share it as many audience as possible and pass on this wall I would create more videos based on your response you can leave your comments and feedback below thanks for watching this this is Karen Kinney signing off half peace
Channel: kiran ginni
Views: 60,754
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Keywords: linux, partition, add, mountpoint, mount, point, fdisk, utility, command, demo, demonstration, first, best, top, quick, easy, learn, teach, education, nice, follow, subscribe, like, comment, share, youtube, video, OS, how, when, where, why, who, dba, unix, flavours, do, done, want, free, tutorial, check, out, fantastic, wonderful, friends, colleagues, mass, propogate, money, online, save, each, one, of, you
Id: sH6r7bwWuUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2013
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