Adding NEW Animals || Paludarium UPDATE

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[Music] it's been two months since i initially set up this tank and everything has finally started to grow in i've added a handful of new plants and a few species of animals since then in this video i'm going to go over all of it but in order to do that we have to go back in time a month i had just gotten back from my local aquarium store and with these guys malaysian trumpet snails and some neocaridina shrimp these guys will both play important roles in the ecosystem i'm building up i'll talk more about that in a minute anyway over the course of two hours i acclimated them by slowly pouring water from my tank into their container this process gets them used to my tank parameters and reduces stress afterwards i added them straight to the tank [Music] the snails immediately began exploring while the shrimp took cover i never saw the shrimp for the first couple of days so i decided to add some redwood floater red roof floater is a type of floating plant which will shade a lot of the tank [Music] i predicted that it would make the shrimp feel more secure and i was right the shrimp started coming out of hiding and began exploring their new home [Music] within just two days of setting it up the malaysian trumpet snails already gave birth to babies as you can see they're all over the place to these snails finding a date is a thing of the past alright they don't actually need to reproduce sexually they can actually just make little clones of themselves and that's called parthenogenesis imagine having kids but all your kids were exactly like you and their kids were also exactly like you so you just have this huge family tree with just like 50 pictures of you in it now wait wait i'm getting off topic here now the reason why i added these snails in the first place is because of their barrowing habits during the day most of the snails will bury themselves under the sand and hide this is beneficial because it drags organic matter such as poop down into the substrate this will act as a fertilizer to the plant and will keep the surface of the substrate clean this one snail has decided to take a field trip out of water [Music] here's a close-up of one eating there is also a very prolific species of white worm-like animal i'm guessing that it's a species of planaria if you can confirm this or tell me what it actually is please let me know in the comments on the land area i added springtails these little guys eat all kinds of decaying matter and mold there are a few different species crawling around the tank but this is just one of them they'll serve as a great food source for future inhabitants present day the red roof loader is ironically no longer red it's growing well nonetheless [Music] while on the topic of plants here's a quick rundown of what i've added in the upper part of the tank i added a handful of bromeliads right now a lot of them are still green but once they acclimate to the tank they'll turn a lot of them will turn red and i think one or two of them will even turn orange now if we move down to the substrate level of the tank you'll see that a lot has also changed i've added a few new species of plants but a lot of them have actually just been taken from the background and i replanted them down at the bottom this is because they outgrew the background and they look better on the ground anyway because i did that i now have two empty pots in the background one in the middle and one to the far left if you have any plan suggestions please let me know [Music] you
Channel: Dr. Plants
Views: 527,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paludarium, vivarium, shrimp, Malaysian trumpet snails, ecosphere, terrarium
Id: MJTOp0Gxofc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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