I put an Ikea Bonsai in a terrarium (with animals)...THIS happened

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I went to Ikea to buy a table and came home with this and this yeah we've all been there I'm going to put these plants and also some animals in this Glass House terrarium with today's house prices this was about 150 000 Euros I'm mixing my own substrate starting with cocoa fiber and wood chips adding some potting soil mixing everything adding some soil for my garden you're probably thinking that travel is too small well think again yeah that should do it this is more my size I'm adding the sole because it contains all the nutrients microorganisms and organic matter that terrarium needs also as a biologist I can tell you this is a snail and also as a biologist I can tell you this is catch it mixing the substrate again before we add it into the terrarium now let's put it in that's what she said I'm just covering the whole bottom with substrate don't worry I'll hurry up well that camera angle switch fast forward so you don't have to sit through that boring stuff for too long and that all without making any mess rearranging the substrate a bit okay I'll admit it at this point I'm just doing it to show off my tools since this is a bonsai first we need to trim it a bit yep that should do it now I'm removing the soil it came with please don't take plant advice from me I'm probably killing it right now as a biologist I can tell you this is um I this is a small Pawn the funny part is I'm actually a biologist just not a very good one I'm separating the bones so I can use a few but the Bonsai is going in first I rearranged it a bit more off-screen so you don't have to watch that boring stuff but not before another crazy camera angle switch amazing don't know what I'm doing here but okay pawns are also going into the back so they don't block The View that is one and number two three four and five um unless count shouldn't have put in two together but I'm pretty confident that there are somewhere between 1 and 100 pounds in there terrarium without Moss it's like a vacuum that is on it sucks I need to hurry up a bit because these two are waiting for their new home I will add them later but first let's add the Moss again with camera angle switch from such a pro I know how much you guys like to see me at Mars so enjoy big piece in the front adding this piece of wood just because I could and we have our first resident I think it's a species of roundworm I know that because it's round and it's a worm adding a rock looks nice putting some bark in the back yeah nice throw loser keep watching it's not done yet watch out fast forward of me adding moss and coming now I'm going to shut up for a few seconds because you're probably tired of my voice so what are you going to do this weekend yeah I don't like awkward silences also please consider liking this video my goal is 80 085 likes just a random number almost done with the Moss last pieces and giving them a bet for some reason adding some Dead Leaves this is decoration and food for the animals I hope they will love their new home giving the terrarium a fight pray these plants can handle a high humidity level this terrain is ready to move in some animals also I really need to take a course on how to film this sucks because maybe beat some 24 7. I have an unlimited supply of them in another terrarium here is a baby one and yes I know my fingers are dirty I've been playing in soil isn't it cute this is an adult of another species and yes I should have washed my hand before I wouldn't want to be on there either I don't trust these bastards they are going to eat all my plants so they are going back in the old terrarium remember when I said that many beats hum 24 7. I have made my point I separated two millipedes for one minute and this happened that is also why I'm putting only three midi beats in the new terrarium one baby and two adults there they go ready to explore their new habitat or you know just don't care and keep banging at this point it looks like they're eating each other let's give them some privacy this is the end result and there's a legend attached to the terrarium Legend say these two are banging to this day before I end the video I want to do one last thing I want to thank all patrons and everyone that watched no new patrons this week that popular game people no I'm kidding I'm very grateful for all the support I'm getting thank you watch this video next
Channel: Homemade Ecosystems
Views: 516,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terrarium, Terrarium build, building a terrairum, bonsai, how to build a terrarium, terrarium making, making a terrarium, terrarium diy, easy terrarium
Id: JpvhoBoRq5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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