Adding End User's in Cisco UCM using POSTMAN and AXL API

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hello everyone and welcome to Cisco collaboration group and my channel on YouTube this is Co collaboration learning series thank you very much for subscribing to my channels and liking my videos asking questions I believe you guys are now finding some videos interesting so I just announce again that it's not an official Cisco group on Facebook it's just for us to learn you know and to help understand each other and let their knowledge grow all right so today we are gonna discuss about our next important configuration which is about adding the end user in Cisco Unified Communications Manager using postman via the Excel API right so without any further ado let's get started and let's see how can we configure it's going to be a quick short video this time alright so let's get started all right so let's see today whatever we have configured and then we'll start further but before that let me zoom in something so that you guys can see it a little bit better all right so let's login to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager first and see whatever things we have configured until now using the postman tool the first thing that we configured was partitioned I think there should not be much partition other than the self built partition so he has created this provisioning partition using postman and then we assigned this partition to a CSS Oh this postman - CSS was the partition that we assigned us where he created the CSS and we assigned the partition provisioning - PT and then after that we created a directory number using bulk as well but I have created that again so I'll just show you one of those directory numbers that you have created so we created for example directory number five thousand one and we assign the provisioning - PT and then give it a description and then we associate it I will show you then so this is the directory number that we created and the next step what we did was we created cisco unified client services framework for example this device we created CSF user 1 you and then we assigned the end user that was already available why our lapsing for example most of the most of the companies have LDAP sync so this is why I just use one of those users in the script and then assigned it and then we see that there is a directory number assigned to this device so this is all that we have done using postman API with the help of Sookie wise as well hope you I was just used to copy the script and I will tell you later on in my next video is how could you create your or self requests or soap requests and header without using so Qi as well so this is what we did and today what we are gonna do now is that we will create a new user for example I had some small companies and they didn't want it to have the LDAP integrations with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager and this is why not now but I think couple of years back they want it and sometimes some some companies need some of the users were not LDAP synchronized you know in that case we could still create a local user on Cisco Unified Communications Manager and this is the end user page where we'll be creating is one of the users you know because when you go here add new you have to see to lot of clicks so until now I've done two clicks and now you add lot of informations here you know and then here you have three click and then again inside you have four five click and then at least I think you would need ten clicks ten to twelve or fifteen clicks to just create an end user let's see how can we quickly create this end user using the postman once you have this script already with all right so let's first of all again I will show you how will you create an application user first of all without before even creating an application user I would create an access control group so that I can assign this access control group to the application user I will say you a postman shichi provisioning ACG whatever it is and after giving it a name we will assign a role just click on assign role to access control group and then I will assign standard Excel API access role that's the one that's needed or getting the access to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager sorry means [Music] right and then here you select standard Excel API access and then you see add selected just save it all right just save it right you have your standard access control group ready and then you can create an application user I will give it a name as API user and just any password ever you like and I would just save it and then I will assign the access control group here so the one that we created now I think we give it a name postman right give it now we can make use of this we go to postman API so first of all whatever I where I went was I went to you know a soap you I said create new so project give it a name and then you can have a look at my first videos or second video I think where you will see how did I connect the WSDL file and gave it a name for a project and then how did I get access to these API bindings here so these are the things that you see these are the Excel API bindings so these are the binding requests that are needed as an header when you send a soap request so these are all the bindings that are available and then I just searched for a user so I will show you how do you find this in the WSDL file as well so that next time we just use the WSDL file n x SD file to generate a manual request so initially it will take a time but over the period of time you know you can develop your skills and then it would be much quicker when you have your own scripts ready so this is what add user requests hope requests would look like or a test in case of in terms of software developer our test for the end point would look like and this lot of things are optional so I just copied it and pasted it in a notepad plus plus file and then you know I just entered the information for example I said first name is this the last name of the display name of the user is this and the last name which is the mandatory parameter is this and then I said okay this is the user ID that I would like to create for this user user 1 and then I gave a password pin I said ok this is user 1 at train collab dot-com so yeah Trinculo Broadcom is just my domain that i am using that i have registered and then which device you want to associate so i said i have created a cisco unified communications sorry cisco unified client services framework jabber i would like to associate that device and what is the primary extension so this is the primary extension usually needed for voicemails you know and then there is also an option where you could say ok i need to assign the partition here but that's optional parameter so you could just remove it and then what are the Associated user group I will say I just need a standard CCM end user group I would like to associate just with the standard CCM and the user group and then you will say ok yeah I would like to enable the CTI for this end user and I just credentials you would usually not need it it's only needed for example when you have a third party safe device when you like to register with the Cisco Unified Communications and then this is the presence group name I said standard presence group and yes I would like to have a home cluster checked otherwise the neighbor would not be able to find the home cluster while registering and then I said yes I am man presence enabled is true No then service profile this is the wrong parameter because service profile should be default the profile is one you know it's not updating this okay and presence group name is correct that's not a problem after this I would like to associate the user for the line presence so I'm associating the values I said associate for the line presence yes that's true and then which device I would like to associate I said this is the product type and this is the MAC address or the jabber name so wherever there is this CSF user 1 you would you can just replace it with the MAC address you know and the product I for example 88 45 verse 88 51 whatever it is and it should be the same for all the devices it should not be anything different so I'm just showing it with jabber but you could use it with any hard phones you know that's what I mean and then you provide the partition and the that's it so that you know now once you do this then a line will be associated with the end user as well for the presence status and then I said okay I need a directory URI and usually when you have an LDAP synchronization it comes automatically where and you can say ok what is the director URI looking like for example you say ok it should look like email address and then it will just associate the directory you arrived with the email address of the you but for now I just created one and I said user 1 at train collab calm and then I said the telephone number field should has to be it has to be five thousand one same as the directory now once all these informations are added you could put a postman I just created another folder and I said I need to have another request that's called add single user then I selected a type of request that's a post request and then I added HTTP the IP address of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager : 8 443 slash XL slash that's very important if you don't put this slash at the end it will not create that object you know or the instance of that object right and then in the authorization header I will say here API user is the application user that we created currently and then the password and this header souls for example this error is soap action and then this is the value and where do you get this value from let me show you something called as a WSDL file oh three second ah here you have this because I got one of the questions in one of my videos how do you get this value you know so I get this value for example from this WSDL file there is something called as operation and then you have the binding on that operation what needs to be done so just let me search for add user user there has to be an operation call as user or gonna take time so I would just search for let's say Adeline I think pretty show right now yeah for example there is this operation named add line see here and then there is this soap action this is the header value so soap action this is the header and what is the value of this but this is the value of that opener right and then course the content type needs to be entered and then content type could be application slash JavaScript or Python or whatever so for now I am just using application slash javascript okay and then in the body i just copied all the informations from here i just added it here oh I didn't do any changes copy and paste here and then I would say I just selected of course in the body I selected draw and then pasted the information and then made sure that this is selected as a JavaScript here and then I said scent and then here you see that it has returned an object you IIED that means an object has been created in Cisco Unified Communications Manager let's go on to Cisco Unified Communications Manager and see if this user has been created so the user ID was user one I would say the user ID begins with user one and voila you see here the user ID user one is created and let's see all the informations quickly yeah user 1 and then I sent the password and it took the password user ID pin whatever I have said the last name I set it to 1 it took that first name display name directly URI it took the to a directory URI as well I said telephone number should be equal to directory number 4001 that's my user ID or mail ID sorry and then yeah these are all the default things if you leave it default it's optional so it will just put in the default stuffs here or the default information here hey I said home cluster true it checked that I said enable for I'm in presence it checked that I said user service profile default user profile your system default default user profile it took that you know or if you want a specific user profile just create that user profile and add that name under user profile service profile sorry once you create that service profile you can add the same name here or if you just want to use a default user profile then you can put it all to use a file name but I will it's always needed to have a service profile so that it could connect for CTI and also for a voicemail services so the jabber could connect to this services you know then we said primary extension and then it took that 5001 in provisioning partition and then I said I need to associate in standard CCM end users group and it took that information as well let's see if it associated the device yes it has associated the device and in the same way there is also an option if you want to associate the you DPS you know if we have created but just provide the name of that UDP and then you could just associate that UDP here and then let's see if it has associated the line here hopefully it has associated the device with the line and you see here I think it didn't associate it but this is not checked would check it from here as well Sofia the one here let's see here avatars associated yeah it didn't associate the end user here because maybe I missed to add that information you know but you can add that information as well and then it will associate the end user with a line for the Chabert presence but I said here I think line appearance Association for presences and I said true and [Music] here are CSF user 1 and then the partition I need to check this it's too wide it didn't do this I will put even my description if I find something informative as to why it ain't a sign or if I am missing anything and I will let you guys know about this why it did not assign the ein appearance witty or why didn't associate the directory number all right so at least successfully we have created an end user and associated a device and associated a service profile and associated the primary extensions ECM and user groups I hope this was useful for you guys and then I thank you guys for watching this video and I hope you would implement it in your environment in your test labs in your practice or in your offices you know to make your lives easier in case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact me and then I would try to find out a solution for you guys as well until then thank you and have a nice day and take care of yourself and your family bye bye [Music]
Channel: TrainCollab
Views: 1,163
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Id: kuYjPRruTU4
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Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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