Lecture 3: Cisco UCCX Call Flow

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hello and welcome everyone in this section we are going to discuss about Unified CCX called flow so we have a small scenario here but there is a phone that is connected to the PSTN and on the customer network we have the voice gateway which terminates INPI to the PSTN and on the land side we have a Cisco voice which which provides a land connectivity to the voice servers phones and their desktops and workstations and as well as it provides power over ethernet to the phones we have a unified ccs cluster with two nodes and unified cm + ur with one publisher into subscriber nodes we have three agents or resources and let's consider they are part of the sales team or we can say they are part of the resource group called sales so whenever we want to distribute the calls to the group of agents for a resource crew call sales we would send it to these people so in this scenario we are going to discuss about the call that is coming for the sales team and we will see how that call is being related to unified cm what are the communication that would happen between the unified CM cluster and the CCX but also what are the communication that would happen between the CCX node to the CAD application which is running on the desktop and I hope you also watch a previous section about the terminologies if you have good understanding on that section I would really help you to understand the call flows that would happen on this section so let's say for an example there is a call that is coming to the voice gateway it's an inbound call that is coming for this sales team so the voice gateway which is terminating the pt.1 receives the voice call so I say that this receives information with the help of dial PR it signals the C you see em and say there is a call for you now CCM should know how to route the call now consider this is a generic number it's not associated to a phone so Cu cm should hand out the call to an external application called Unified CCX so that it can process the call so what does see UCM do is it would find something called a Syria route point which is created in unified CM by Unified CCX when we create something called trigger and we discussed about the triggers and call control group in law section so consider those triggers and call control groups are already created in Unified CCX cluster and that is created as a c0 point and a pool of CDA ports in unified CM so as soon as the unified CM receives the signaling information for the call for the sales call it would relay that information to the UCC acts through JP wrote request so once the CCX receives the Zeta P route request it know that number is associated with the trigger and that trigger is mapped to an application which which Maps the trigger a script called control group and everything else so it would find the control group so what is called control group called control group provides a pool of IVR ports for example let's say this call control group holds 50 IVR ports so what is the purpose of that so this 50 IV airports helps this application to receive 50 differentiations or 50 different calls from the unified CM to the unified ccs cluster let's consider this is the first call that is coming to the application so all the 50 ports are available to pick up the call so it would find a free port and relay the information of the CTA directory number back to the Unified CCX engine so that it can relay that information back to any fied cm with the DN of the CTA port d n is nothing but the directory number once the Cu sim receives this directory number of CTA port it knows okay this is the CDA port I have to use to send I send the call out to the Unified CCX cluster so that's the time it initiate the call set up it sends a call set up message to the CCS cluster and as soon as this receives a call set of message it knows that this set up message is for the C's team and the sales team number is say for an example 4,000 and is associated with the trigger and its associated with the application called sales now it's time to execute the script can see a small script here which is similar to an ICD script but we have the start and end step which is typically the first and last step and almost all the scripts and we also have the ax up step which basically except the call which is nothing but picking up the call it's answers a call as soon as it executes this axe of step it basically answers the call as soon as it executes the axe up step you see see X relay the axe of staff except signal over to the unified cm+ sure once the CM receives the axe up message from the ccac's it it relays the information back to the voice gateway through a su-25 connect message or mgcp modify connection message so once this happens that has 245 negotiation are through md's MDC x the negotiation of the UDP ports and the IP address of the end points would be relayed back and forth between this voice gateway and Unified CCX cluster by the unified CM once this happens it's helped to establish the RTP streams between the endpoints here the endpoints are the voice gateway and CCX obviously this RTP stream would flow through the Lance first just for the illustration I have provided that RTP is the streaming directly between the voice gateway and CCX once acts up step is executed in ads as soon as it's pick up the call it executes the next step called pre-prom step which basically plays the wave file the CCX encodes the wave file and it streams are the UDP packets out to the Ethernet port of this CCX node so it basically plays a survey file which is stored in a variable called welcome prompt variable so which is which is stored in the prompt management of the c6 administration or the prompt repository of the CC administration we would be uploading those prompts to the prompt repository from the app admin or Cisco CCX administration page so this play prompt step plays the wave file to the caller so at that time the RTP stream would be flowing between the CC x and the y Skateway once it is done with playing the wav file it executes the next step which is the Select resource tab select resource tab would look for the free agents or available agents to distribute the call-out to the agent it would do it with the help of something called csq so what is CS q CS q is nothing but the contact service q we discussed about the contact service q in the last section so basically the contact service q will tell the UCC acts of how to route the call and batter out the call let us first discuss about that would route the call so should we route the call out to the resource group or should we route the call out to the group of agent who has who has the skills assigned or also called the resource kill so let's consider we are sending the call out to the resource group called sales we already know that these three agents or resources are part of the resource group called sales so this CSU would try to distribute the call out to the agent who is available in the resource group called sales now the resource manages the system and the UCC acts who relate information that all the agents are not ready that means they are not available to pick up the call so the c6 engine cannot distribute or cannot transfer the call out to the agent that condition it would execute the q step which is a sub step of the Select resource step which will execute the play prompt step I would play the prompt or wave file that is stored in the variable called queue prompt that can be something like please be on hold our agents are busy at the moment we will return your call as soon as possible something something like that so when this play prompt executes the wav file is played to the caller through the RTP stream that would flow between these endpoints so once this happens let's let's say that these agents are not ready and this agent here comes back from the braid and he want to change state to ready to pick up the calls the resource manager subsystem monitor the agent state and then it relays information to the c6 engine that this agent is ready and is available to pick up the call as soon as this happens the CCX would send a state change the agent state change message to the catskil agent desktop application and reserve the agent so once this happens it executes the connect step so that the call can be distributed to the agent or transferred to the agent so you can see that the agent state is reserved and then the CCX would as a see you cm to ring the phone so when when the see you see em signals that information to the phone the phone would starts rang at the same time the ccac's would provides pop up to the Cisco age and desktop where he can see who is a caller and what is a call is for and how long the customer was in queue and and any other custom information that can be showed in the Cisco agent desktop application so now the agent or the resource has the option to either pick up the call or answer the call from the phone or from the Cisco agent desktop consider he is picking up the call from his CI PC so that means this cipc would signal the Cu cm that that the Asian answered the call as soon as this happens it relays information to CCX and ccac's would change the agent state to talking right as soon as this happens the call is transferred to the Asian and RTP stream would be flowing directly between the agent and the voice gateway so once this has happened the CT port that was in use that was reserved is release from the from the session that means that CD ports is available for use by the an association so we said like we have 50 CD ID ends when we receive the call when the CCX accepted the call that CTA port was in use once a call is transferred to the agent now the allocated resource is released and it's free to pick up the next call so now the RTP stream is directly foreign flowing between the agent and the voice gateway now think about the situation where the Asian serve the customer and he is about to disconnect the call so in that condition the Asian would send the N call from his Cisco agent desktop so he has the option to disconnect the call from the phone or from Cisco agent desktop let's thing that he is doing the disconnect from the Cisco agent desktop it sends the N call misses to the CCX which in turns relay that information back to CCX as soon as this happens it signals a CI PC as well as it signals a voice gateway to tear down the call so once all of this happens this c6 engine would execute the N script that means the agent is released and the resources that was utilized are also released and also the CCX would send agent state change message to change the state of the agent to either not ready or again back to ready or even the agent can be pushed to work State Fair you can do some wrap-up works after the call once all of this are done this call is being recorded in the CCD R which is contact call detail record so that those information can be later pull through the historical reporting so that's all about this section I hope you enjoyed the session thanks for watching
Channel: Let's Do Network
Views: 41,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UCCX, IPCC, CCX, Cisco, Unified Contact Center Express, Let's Do Network, Contact Center
Id: O-nGaQTyJlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2015
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