Add Photos in Your Quilts Using June Tailor Colorfast Fabric Sheets & Bee Quilt Update!

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have you ever wanted to put a photo into one of your quilting projects today we're going to go over June tailors colorfast so in fabric sheets for your inkjet printer let's learn how [Music] [Music] welcome back everybody I am Lisa with Lisa Cape and quilts I make t-shirt quilts memory quilts art quilts traditional quilts I do custom long arm quilting and today we are making two very special memory quilts what better way to add a specific memory day and time special photo of your loved one then to printed on fabric and to put it into your quilt tried several different methods to do this you can even print pictures using freezer paper ironed on to the back side of your fabric and put that through the printer however my favorite product out there that I have tried I've tried several is to Jun Taylor's color fast so in fabric she's very very simple to use the colors from the ink are very bright and bold and again it's color fast which means I'm making this quilt for this customer to use okay and to do that you have to be able to wash it every once in a while well since we're going to color fast these photos that means she can put this through the wash although there are some instructions like wash with cold water gentle cycle but she'll be able to do that with these fabric sheets so today we're going to walk through the process of using these sheets and stay tuned for an announcement about my bee quilt at the end of the video let's get started okay we're at the iron and I'm way down here without Harlan my video skills are a hot mess but I'm able to bring you guys videos much faster and easier so we're gonna deal with my hot mess and deal with me way down here so that I sit in the video as you can see I have my photos printed on to the tune tailors colorfast sheet to do that you'll need an inkjet printer I sent the photos that were given to me through a facebook messenger over to our combined email and Harlan was able to print these pictures off using his inkjet printer my printer on my computer is a laser jet so you want to make sure that you're using an inkjet printer to print your photos onto these sheets the next phase that we do you're going to want to let that dry for at least 10 minutes we printed these out overnight and so they are more than dry as you can see there is a paper backing that we're going to remove before we heat set this and you're going to want to let your iron warm up to the highest cotton setting and no steam so go ahead and turn off your steam option on your iron now the paper backing is a little bit tacky it's what holds the fabric onto the sheet so take really good extra care when you're removing the fabric from the sheet that you're not pulling really hard and distorting your image on your photo and it comes off fairly simple just pull it off evenly and slow [Music] see you kind of see that that's a little bit tacky now you're done with that part now the instructions say to he press your photo for one to two minutes with the highest setting cotton setting on your iron and you're not moving the iron back and forth or pressing really hard so that you're not distorting your image and it helps to sort of have a firm pressing surface when you're doing this versus like an ironing board with a really cushiony cover so that when you set the iron down to the photo it's not pushing in and changing the fabric so we're gonna heat set this pardon my shop everybody I don't know about you guys but when I'm working on a project I tend to spread things out so that I can see everything and I have five bins of clothing that I'm working with with these two quilts and so my shop is already small so it just tends the clothing sort of tends to take over you can sort of see how much I've started on the first one of these quilts right in the corner there you can see I'm not even using any pressure I'm just letting the iron rest onto the photo so we're not stretching anything out now one thing I did consider when I was printing out the photos I wanted to use as much space on the fabric sheet as I could do so I printed two pictures that are going to go into this quilt on one sheet and doing so because this is a so end product I wanted to make sure that I left at least a quarter inch around my photos so that I would have my quarter inch seam allowance so keep that in mind when you're positioning your photos within whatever program you use to set up your photos onto your printer oh that's nice and hot okay you guys it's as simple as that these are heat said I'm gonna let them cool off we're gonna move into the kitchen so we can rinse these with cool water I'm going to show you that process and then we're going to come back out to the shop and we're going to heat set these once again and then we're ready to stir them into this quilt all right you guys ready to kitchen if you hear screaming that is my bird papi he loves attention he probably wants to be in the video or he wants to be attached to me whatever I'm doing so if you hear that that's what that is so we're in the kitchen and I've made a cool bath of water it's just cold tap water and I have something to dry pat dry the photo when I'm done it says you can use paper towels I'm out of paper towels you guys it's Wednesday as my grocery day which reminds me that today I'm trying out the Walmart grocery out I'm really hoping that I love this app because it gives me back half of a workday I'm the shopper and our family I did the meal planning and the grocery shopping every week and so to do that I usually take half of my Wednesday to clip coupons to plan our meals and to shop the groceries that takes so much time and it's a huge contribution to our family and so it is like a part-time job and so that's what I do and if this app works I'm going to do a review on it because not only does they provide a local job to someone it saves me time and my job which time is money and I get half my work day back and I don't have to go into the store where I'm an impulse shopper okay and but I like to save money on our groceries and that's one of the reasons why I do the shopping is because I use coupons not shot the deals and so there's no impulse buying and so I'm excited to try that out today but no paper towels they're on the list so we're going to use just a dry cloth and I have our photos remember we've already removed the backing and we've heat set the photos for between a minute and two minutes on the highest cotton setting with no steam and now we're just going to gently submerge our photo into the cold water and you know it doesn't tell you a specific time that you do this for it just is to rinse your photo in cold water so I'm just making sure that everything is soaked through and then everything is consistently wet just like so but I'm not pulling and tugging on the photos okay that's really important and just like that we're gonna pull it out of the cold water and I'm trying to get as much water off as we can get and then we're going to lay it flat I say on a hard surface once again so you're not distorting your photos and now we can just pet that dry with a cloth and it's that easy to color fast your photos now the instructions say that you can wash your quilt that's no detergent cold water on a gentle cycle and to lay your project flat when you dry it I did a family tree quilt last year and use several photos within that quilt and I did wash and dry and the machine that quilt and the pictures turned out fine I don't think that they faded at all however if you're you know dead set against any Carnot fading I would recommend to maybe lay it flat to dry it did work for me to put it in a dryer and one reason I think that it might be okay to dry it in the dryers because you're using an iron to heat set the ink so why not use heat in the dryer I don't know it worked out fine for me but if you are considerably nervous about doing that then follow the instructions within or on the back of the package [Music] Wow the bird is being so good he's not screaming or anything we're just gonna Pat dry the back now this sounds crazy this sheet is damp now we're going to take it to the iron and we're going to press it while it's damp as per the instructions to finish heat setting and color fasting these photos and then we're ready to put them into our quilt okay once again we are at the iron and remember our photos sheet is still thin up from the rinsing process and you're going to win it face-up and again repeating this again the cotton study the highest cotton setting on your iron no steam we're looking to dry the pictures and to set those inks and to do that we don't use the steam again no pressure on the photos you're just setting the iron oh it's hot out here today I was supposed to be a cooler day today so if any of you guys ever put pictures into your quilts I'd be interested in hearing your process what your favorite product was I'm always looking to try new things and love getting suggestions so if you've ever used this product or something different I'd love to hear about your experiences if you a comment below I would love some feedback on what you used and how it turned out in your quilts when I move the iron I really you can't probably see it but I'm just lifting it up really slightly so I'm not rubbing the fabric itself it is actually lifted off of the picture when I move and you can see by doing that I haven't skewed the photos in any way one thing you want to keep in mind also is a tip make sure your iron is clean when you do this because the fabric is wet and you're using the heat it would be really easy to transfer any kind of residues on the bottom of your iron onto your photo and after going through these steps you know that would be such a huge went down if that happened you know you'd probably want to start all over again [Music] guess what guys just as fast as that the photos are dry and then your aren't color fasted so I'm going to get busy this morning into my four hours of given time this morning how wonderful is that and I'm going to incorporate these into the blocks that I want to add to this memory quilt that I'm working on and when I get to a point where these photos are incorporated I'm going to come back and show you how I did that and it's a lot of fun we'll come back here in just a minute all right we are back to finish up today's video as you can see I have put a small little frame around that picture and actually I used the shirt that he's wearing in the photo to frame the picture and then the mom wanted the shirt the the collar from the shirt with the buttons in the quilt and so I just put that right above his picture how special is that I mean it's really something that adds so much to a memory quilt t-shirt quilt pillows all kinds of different clothing ideas that you could do with that just want to take a minute to talk about this quilt I already love this I love the person I'm making this quote for what a special person so far I have used jerseys I've used one of his favorite flannel shirts and put a little Jean border around that I've used a small logo from a t-shirt quilt a favorite bathing suit this was an outfit right here that he wore when he was little that his mom made she still has that isn't that awesome we have some baseball pants and of course if you've ever had a kid who played baseball or someone in your family you know you never get the baseball field off of these pants and isn't that just special because that holds a lot of memories and there this was a handprint of his and I saved a little room right here in this corner because I believe the mom wants to write his age when this handprint was made for this t-shirt we have a polo and another bathing suit this is part of his bathing suit shorts with the velcro pocket so I've left it so the velcro can open and there's a little pocket area in there one of his favorite flannel jackets we have incorporated that in there this block here is cargo shorts and it's hard to see here but I incorporated the whole pocket so the pocket opens and when I quilt that I'll try to quilt around it so that you can still open the pocket and also you cannot see on the flannel jacket but this was where you put your hands in the pocket in the front I've left the pocket there and I've left it open so you can actually put your hand in and use it just the same way that he did in his coat I'll try to remember when I quilt this to leave some of it unquoted so that you can still go into the pocket a little bit how special our memory quilts I mean really they're really priceless if you ask me an announcement about the bee quilt if you have watched some of my earlier videos I did a video where I showed a demonstration with freezer paper and Elmer's glue on a bee quilt and that was an original quilt design and I mentioned in that video that I was going to offer the pattern as a free download sort of a welcoming gift to my channel well I have completed that pattern it's in a PDF file the file is 17 pages long however when you print it off you do not have to resize anything everything all the pattern pieces are true to size and so even though the pattern is long and several pages you're ready to go once you print this off and so if you're interested in getting a copy of that bee quilt pattern go over to my facebook page lisa caping quilts and send me a message through the messenger there let me know all you need to do is send me your email address and I can send you that file to download you'll need a PDF reader and then a printer and you can print that out I'm off to Walmart I just got my email that says my groceries are ready and so I'm excited to see how this goes if this works its gonna save me so much time oh and as you know time is money so I'm off to Walmart you guys I hope that you give the June Taylor's color fast so in pages are try again if you have used them or you use something different and you'd like to share your experiences comment below make sure to check out my page again at Facebook at Lisa Cape and quilts like and subscribe to my channel you guys and click the little bell you'll get notified when I post new videos I'd like to show more of this quilt as we go along and just thanks for watching you guys have a good day
Channel: Lisa Capen Quilts
Views: 150,184
Rating: 4.821918 out of 5
Keywords: photo on fabric, june tailor, colorfast photos, memory quilt, tshirt quilt, t-shirt quilt, photo in quilt, june tailor colorfast, quilt, quilting, custom quilt, add photo in quilts, Lisa Capen, Lisa Capen Quilts, june tailor colorfast fabric sheet, photo quilt diy, photo quilt tutorial, photo quilt how to make
Id: bVFbFGfGo_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2017
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