Add Light To Your Miniatures/ HOW TO PAINT OSL WITH BRUSH

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before showcasing the OSL effect I'll take a minute to talk about what I did beforehand so I did a simple base coating of the model keeping it dark and desaturated even adding some bluish white to the skin tone to make it look more dead this is to enhance the contrast the blue light will create later when highlighting the cloak I did it with the lantern as the light source when possible and in a more joural way for the rest of it some of it will get covered by the blue light but it will make further steps easier [Music] later you can see the highlights are quite opaque and not smooth at all to help sell the effect of a dark Ambience I pushed everything down with a black glaze and I say glaze and not wash because I am spreading the pain to avoid it pulling on the recesses which will also help blend the highlights on the [Music] ropes now for the more technical part I establish which parts of the model are exposed to the light turning the model around and looking from the view of the lamp I also Imagine a bubble of how far I'll have my light travel we have to take into account that the top of the lantern will block the light reaching the hand and the top of the head just the same way the top of the arm is not exposed to the light these things will variate from model to model above I'll link a previous OSL tutorial so you can have a look at another example for this model I begin by applying thin down turquise on the ropes slowly building up the light I'll begin with the more of this details like the fs in the ropes avoiding the side of them which are facing away from the lamp also the chains bottom of the hand and so on I can always add more paint but not remove it so I'll work slowly and when in doubt I'll just look from the perspective of the lamp to see what is exposed and what [Music] not here is how the first layer ended up looking from there I moved on to blue green I did the same as before however this time I imagin the smaller bubble of light this stage is easier since I just had to go over what I have already painted so do take your time while mapping out the lights on the first [Music] [Music] step since this jumping color stood out too much I went back to the turquoise and diluted it just like I did before with the black going over the blue green and tuning it down a bit and for any paint that got into the recesses I fixed it by mixing some black into the turquoise and reinh dancing the shadows and recesses as well as the edges of my first light bubble but with a subtle hint of blue in the [Music] black [Music] here is how the effect is coming out so far since the blue green was tuned down through the turquoise wash we can reapply it again within a smaller bubble of light to create more layers of Illumination from here it is just a matter of repeating going lighter and reducing the bubble it is important that no reflection is lighter than the light source which basically means to keep the White Light Within the Lantern and not make a reflection out of [Music] it if you find you jumped in color too much just go back a step with a wash like I did between the turquoise and the blue green and remember to to reinh those Shadows if necessary here I am doing it once again going over the surfaces facing away from the light and the [Music] recesses let us now analyze the end result to better see what I've done we have white only on the lantern establishing it as the brightest point then blue green reflecting the chains and the outermost edge of the ropes same thing on the other side a bit of blue green and turquoise highlighting the other FS as well as the face turquoise works as a general light outside of the race details and on the recesses a bit of bluish tint is present through the black and turquoise mix wash I hope you found this video useful only thing left to say is go practice this technique requires understanding how light works which is key if you're looking to improve your painting skills any questions you have feel free to ask them in the comments
Channel: Resourceful Miniatures
Views: 27,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: painting miniatures, object source lighting, osl, warhammer, age of sigmar, 40k, horus heresy, miniature painting, mini painting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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