Add an OLED Stats Display to Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye

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raspberry pi os bulzer has recently been released and with it comes a number of improvements with most of them being under the hood there aren't too many visual differences the most noticeable is a new default desktop background which is now a sunset over a dermal lake with the operating system upgrade comes the usual bugs and incompatibilities some of which have caused my previous oled stats display tutorial that i used for my raspberry pi desktop case to no longer work correctly so in this video i'll take you through the installation and setup process to get the same articy oled display running on raspberry pi os pulsar starting out we're going to go through the same process to connect the display to the raspberry pi to do this you'll need a four wire female to female jumper cable the colors don't really matter they're just there to help keep track of which wire goes to which terminal the oled displays terminals are labeled on the front which seems to confuse a lot of people especially once the display has been installed into the case and the front area of the display is no longer visible the pin arrangement is most commonly ground vcc scl and sda but don't just copy this arrangement make sure you check your own display as there are versions of this display with the vcc and ground pins switched around if you connect power to them incorrectly they'll most likely be damaged and will no longer work even if you correct the wiring afterwards plug your ribbon cable into these pins and make a note of which color you've got connected to which of the four pins if you're installing your display into a case before connecting it to your part then it's a good idea to write down which color is connected to which pin so that you don't forget next we can plug the other ends of the jumpers into our raspberry pi's gpr opens the pi's gpo pin art diagram can be found quite easily online and is available from the official website make sure that your pie is off and that the power is disconnected before plugging or unplugging jumpers from the gpu opens you don't want a shorter connection or plug a lead into the incorrect pin by mistake and not have a chance to check your connection before powering it up you've got a few options for the ground and vcc jumpers i usually put the ground jump on to pin on but you can use any pin labelled ground and i plug the vcc jumper into pin 1 which is a 3.3 volt power pin next we need to connect the communication jumpers scl and sda these just get plugged into the corresponding gpio opens plug scl into pin 5 and sda into pin 3. don't get confused between the gpio numbers and the pin numbers ignore the gpio numbers on the diagram and just go by the stl and sca labels and the corresponding pin numbers check all of your connections again and you're then ready to power up your part and get started programming the display once you've booted up your power you should be on the raspberry pi os desktop it is possible to do this installation on the headless pi as well using the same steps open up a new terminal window and start by making sure that your power software is all up to date by running the following commands next we're going to install the adafruit circuit path in library using the following commands hit yes to any prompts which come up and yes to reboot at the end this script should also have enabled rtc communication which is needed to communicate with the display you can check that it's enabled and your pi is able to see the connected display by entering the following command you should then see a table similar to the one shown which has a single set of characters in it this code indicates the rtc address of your display if it hasn't shown up anything then either r2c communication isn't turned on which can be done through the configuration utility or your wiring is not correct if you get a table full of characters then you've probably made a wiring mistake as this happens if sda is shorter to ground go back and recheck all your connections to your power and your display and re-check that you've got rtc communication turned on don't proceed with trying to get the script to work if you don't get the correct response in this step if your part isn't able to see that the display is connected then it won't be able to communicate with it and get anything displayed on it next we need to install the circuit path and libraries specific to the display start by entering the following commands now we just need to download the actual script rather than trying to edit it on the bar i've made it available on github in its complete form so you just need to run the following command to copy it to your part navigate to the new clone directory and then run the script now we've got the display running but we'd like to run it automatically on startup open up cron tab by entering the following command if this is the first time you're opening up crontab then select one as your editor and hit enter add the following line to the end of the file to run the script don't forget the and at the end to tell the part to continue booting up and run the script in the background we'll also need to copy the script and font into the home directory save the file when you exit and then try rebooting your part to see if it's working correctly if it is all working correctly then you should have a working stats display which starts up automatically each time you boot up your part if you're using an arc tile with your stats display plug your fan's power connectors into the five volts and ground gp opens next to the display connectors just like i've done thanks for watching please remember to like this video if you enjoyed it and subscribe for more tech and electronics projects tutorials and reviews
Channel: Michael Klements
Views: 80,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye, OS Bullseye, Debian, OLED Stats, OLED Display, Stats Display, I2C, 128x64, OLED, Computer Stats, Performance Stats, I2C Communication
Id: lRTQ0NsXMuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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