Adams Lecture Series Phd Colloquium | Robert Smith | PhD

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speak Lord for your servants are listening in Jesus's name we pray amen I want to talk about helmet tilaka as a doctrinal preacher email bruna magnificent Swiss theologian delivered to helmet tilaka one of the most searing stinging indictments of his preaching career he said to Tilikum I'm gonna warn you against being obtuse that is hard to understand I'm gonna warn you against being a pure academic I want to warn you against being so esoteric in your communication in other words he was saying to him you can preach to erudite elite theologians but you can't bring it down to talk to ordinary common people which is what you're going to be doing for most of your preaching career and he wanted him to be able to be effective standing behind the lectern in the academy as well as to be effective standing behind the pulpit in the church from 1936 to 1940 April 1940 actually teleca's served as a professor of theology at the university of heightened heidelberg he was visited before his firing in April 1940 by the Minister of Education of Germany who said there's coming a time when German faculties will not be composed Wow Bors talk about Telugu talking about cobber but only sucking pigs to use the analogy of Martin Luther and sure enough in April 1940 he was fired but providentially Theophilus firm the bishop in the bavaria area hired him he went to ravensberg and he became a pastor for about two years it was a providential arrangement he said pastoring people put me in touch with the essential themes of how doctrine applied to the lives of common people he would knock on the doors of his parishioners because he was an ivory tower see at first I became pastoral he knew what it was like to be able to reach him to the innermost recesses of the being of people so he would be more relational then after two years at ravensberg he's transferred to Stuttgart where he will serve as a pastor there he will deliver lectures to Swabian pastors he knew what was like to spend a night in air-raid shelters with his parishioners because they were homeless and he would become homeless and he know what it's like to see one of his children taking the mother's cookbook and licking the pages of food because they were so hungry the people in Stuttgart knew that tilaka was thinking with him as he preached the sermon he became a madea via a middle of the road a middle-range theologian who could be a preacher who theologizing yet become a theologian who could preach and could stand behind the lectern in the Academy and the pulpit in the church and bring both together he look up at the end of the war in 1945 will be called to serve as a professor in Topeka and we'll be there for 1945 to 1954 where he would be called to be the Dean of the newly established school of divinity of the University of Hamburg a non church-going City and the first thing he did was to require his faculty to preach he wanted the students to see that theologians could practice theology in other words theologians were able to preach so that they could be preachers once again who could theology for he said this theology must be preached evil if it's not preach about theology is either poor theology or is no theology at all it's ray who passed at the cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church in Brooklyn New York who says that the preacher is a resident theologian and what he does is to go to the mountain of theology he cannot take it lift up the mountain and put it on his pickup truck and then take it to the church and then tell the people to eat it he's got to do that and break it up in bite-size pieces and put it on his pickup truck and then serve it on Sunday morning so that people have theology that's broken down not watered down but broken down so they can do let's he even demonstrated that in his own preacher he will preach at saint mickey alice's church in a non church-going city once a week what we would call Bible conferences or revivals he'd pack it out over 3,000 people for five nights preaching the Apostles Creed I believe the Christians Creed which is a compendium of a doctrinal digest of preaching he would preach the waiting father which is a compendium of the parables of Jesus he's the first one that I know who does not call the parable of the prodigal saw the peril the product calls it the parable of the waiting father because it's not about this son it's about the father who waits and the father who runs and the father who in braces so tilaka is a preacher who theologizing and is a theologian who preaches it is the bishop of North Africa Hippo augustine born 3 54 ad died 430 ad who writes what is arguably the first homiletic takes the doctrinal christiana on christian doctrine or teaching christianity he writes that for books we would call them chapters the first three deal with hermeneutics the interpretation of the text but the fourth one deals with homiletics the presentation the delivery of the sermon he puts both together because they must remain inextricably connected yes I think what we've done today is to spin three chapters on homiletics and one chapter on hermeneutics I think that's backwards cuz you got to have something to say hermeneutics what to say Hama Lenox how to say it refine theologian refine the rhetorician like John Chrysostom and like our Aeneas and Justin morrow all those individuals who were rhetorician and yet theologians and Agustin sets the table for us so that we need to be concerned about our substance I call substance in terms of my metaphor the exegetical escort and I define accidental escort as one who utters the hearer by the Word of God into the presence of Christ the Son of God through the power of the Spirit of God for the purpose of transformation is Trinity and it relieves me because I have no responsibility for transformation I do have responsibility to usher people by the Word of God right you divide the word that you cut it straight into the presence of Christ the Son of God because I can't do the transforming through the power of the Spirit of God for the purpose of transformation and once I lead them into the throne room and transformation takes place I'll wait outside the door and I become the Midwife that catches the baby delivers the baby I didn't produce it but delivers the baby and then disciples the baby so that that baby goes from drinking milk to eating meat it's it's the substance but there's also the style I think that we have almost eliminated style we don't talk about style much the latin word tener a means to entertain to entertain in the sense of the whole of holding the attention of people you got something good to say Robert Smith but you're so boring and dull that you put people to sleep the word enthusiasm is a combination of two words in Theo's in God so how in the world can I be boring if I'm in God I'm not talking about this worked up stuff I'm talking about the stuff that shows that protects has life in it and I present it that way I think how actors and actresses can take a script that's based on fiction and presented as if it's reality and we'll take a script that's based on reality and present it just like it's fiction and people who do stand-up comedy and then talk about nothing can hold a crowd talk about nothing and they spent a few hundred dollars to hear nothing and we have the greatest message in the world and we seem to be so aloof from it and the fire is not shut up you know bones but then there is the doxological dancer and I defined that by saying the doxological dancer communicates the doctrinal verities of scripture with such accuracy that's the first thing an ardor so that the exuberant here exalts in the exaltation of God you communicate the doctrinal truths of Scripture how with accuracy and then our because accuracy and order are not antithetical at all so that the exuberant here I think people come to church because they want to come to church it's a terrible place to try to sleep those pills are not comfortable they're gonna give me 30 to 40 minutes and I don't have anything to say and though I have something to say I say it so poorly that it assists their sleep so the exuberant here exhausts that is rejoice is Joy's in the fact that God is being exalted and if I be lifted up from the earth I'll draw all people on to me we are called to preach the whole counsel of God that's what Paul is saying in his meeting with the elders from Ephesus who've come to my latest for this pastors conference and Paul says in acts 20:27 I have not hesitated I have not shunned from preaching to you the whole counsel of God the whole counsel of God is that broad and overarching concept that unites and ties together every portion of Scripture so that it relates to the overall plan and comprehensive purpose of God revealed in the scripture by the Holy Spirit in order to magnify Jesus in other words it's that broad overarching concept that unites and ties together the scripture so that relates to the overall plan and comprehensive purpose of God no scripture stands by itself in isolation independent of the whole Chanin Genesis 37 verse 17 and Jacobson's Joseph to look for the brothers he comes to a place and asked a man have you seen my brothers and demands said yes they went that way that way it just seems so innocent didn't have anything in terms of a redemptive reverberation to it but the fact that Joseph went that way so that his brother sold him into slavery to the Israelites who sold him down in Egypt and Joseph becomes if you will the household manager of Potiphar's house and from there there's a phony molestation charge that's level on him he winds up in jail he meets a butler and the Baker and the baker is executed but the button that takes it recommends him to the Pharaoh he interprets Pharaoh's dream and this famine that has affected not only gypped but even his own homeland Joseph's plan is accepted and as a result of that his brothers come that way and they have to get grain because they came that way admit then that nervous brother star particularly Judah and because Judah didn't starve to death and didn't die beau asked could exist and because boys existed then all bad came into existence because Obed came into existence then Jesse came into system because yes he came into existence then David came this is and Jesus comes out of David because they went that way because I've got to take a Texan see how does this text fit in the hole cannon I don't need to just try to preach that text and ignore the whole Bible which means I need to have some familiarity with Scripture the Book of Ruth it is not about what a woman wants a redemptive tone to it there is no bread in Bethlehem because Bethlehem means House of bread so they're filing election Naomi or making their way to MOBA Moab and because of that there is no sunday the to die my lawn and Killian certainly there's no king because the tix opens up in the days of the judges Ruth won one and we know that in the days of the judges there was no king at fat judges in the last first and the people did what was right in their own eyes because there was no king but ten years later there's a word from my time about ten ways to date someone and don't even talk about what God is doing redemptive Lynn oh the census preneur there is an Hosea 11:1 out of Egypt I called my son Hey centuries later Matthew reverses that text in the fullest sense progressive revelation Matthew 215 out of Egypt have I called my son he's not talking about the Exodus he's talking about his own son he's one of the kind son his only begotten Son Jesus now that Herod the Great is dead he can return and will be raised up in Nazareth to fulfill the prophecy he shall be called a Nazarene I tell you it's taken allowing the text to relate to the wholeness of Scripture through the Holy Spirit who enlightens us for the purpose of magnifying Christ I tell you this if the Holy Spirit's job is to be the public relations manager of Jesus John 15:26 when the Spirit has come he would not testify of himself he'll testify of me John 16 14 when he has come he will not glorify himself he'll glorify me and I can stand up and not testify of Jesus it's strange that in Luke 931 Elijah and Moses have their eternal vacation interrupted and they show up on the mountain of Transfiguration and there is Jesus there Elijah had our food through death and Moses had died Elijah represents the prophets Moses represents the law and Jesus of course is the fulfillment of both law and profit and the Bible says in Luke 931 the only thing they talked about was the exit on the Exodus the death of Christ they came all the way from heaven to talk about I don't have anywhere to go just get him a car go a few miles they came all the way from heaven to talk about Jesus because that was what was on heavens most important news item the death of Jesus which would be followed by the resurrection of Christ it is this matter of preaching the whole council about really I'm not talking I quote every scripture in the Bible I'm talking about putting your text in light of the microscope of all of Scripture and asking yourself how does this text fit in the corpus of all of Scripture so that I come up with a Houska shifty salvation history and the redemptive historical moment of that particular text definitions I will just offer one I think it's an important and I think the important definition for me probably the most important one comes out of the work of ek Bailey why expository preaching 10 reasons for expository preaching this is what dr. Bailey says he says expository preaching is a message taken from a portion of scripture in order to clearly establish the precise meaning of the text so that the preacher can pointedly motivate the hearer to adopt the attitude and the action dictated by me by the text through the power of the Holy Spirit as far as still preaching is not a sermon it's a message it's a message that's relevant because it comes out of the revelation of God that speaks to people it's not just my giving people the answer to their what question just information and he's right when he says people don't come to church just to hear what happened to the Jebusites just giving them information nothing but that I've got to preach in such a way that people have the question so what what difference does this make in my life it's Sunday but mud is coming and I've got to go to the court and the son may be given 10 to 15 years and then the now what question what am I to do about what the text is saying it's a message taken from a portion out of verse not a fragment but from a portion of Scripture and read that portion in order to clearly establish the precise meaning of the text live in the text long enough until you smell until you see to you taste do you feel - you hear and don't say to people you know the stories they don't know the story we are living in an era of biblical illiteracy and what I hate to say is I find in seminarians don't know the story people didn't grow up with a Bible in their home tell the stor don't assume it goes without saying nothing goes without saying you got to say it tell the people exactly what scripture says establish the precise meaning of the text it was the preacher poignantly motivates keenly that's passively you've got the logos you have the egos but where is that pathos where is the passion I'm not talking about passion you borrow from Adrian Rogers he had his own yet yours find your voice if that mean your voice is elevated you don't have to scream if you are soft-spoken person saying god is good doesn't make it stronger because you yell it god is good it's the essence of who you are totally motivates to hear to adopt the attitude look at the attitude of the text what's the mood there and the action what are you supposed to do there based upon what the text says that's dictated in the text and it's done through the power of the Holy Spirit I believe that doctrine has to point beyond itself the reasons doctor the preaching is so dry is that doctor preaching has been allowed to forget its role got some preaching is assign the Bible is a sign the written word that points to the revealed word the gospel is a sign these word that points to the real the revealed word Christ's doctrine has to port beyond itself listen to job job chapter 19 verse 25 to 27 I know that my redeemer liz'll you don't talk about Redemption he wants talk about his redeeming I know that my redeemer lives and that's the latter day he'll stand upon the earth and after the skin burns a divide my body yet in my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for myself and my I should not behold another talk about Redemption but let the division point beyond itself to the Redeemer we see that there is a redeemer Jesus Christ God's talk about the Redeemer that's what's exciting not just about you but who the doctrine points to talk about Jesus word for us Martha has really good eschatology Lazarus has died and she was right Jesus had you been here our brother would not die would not have died because every time Jesus met deaf deaf died he really did they have died when the Daughter of Jairus was laying in the bed and he said to Luther I say the little girl rise they have died they would have named Sun Jesus interrupted the procession touched the top of the casket and said little boy rise dev time and now she said had you Jesus you see him again she says I know in the resurrection good eschatology great her problem is Christology jesus said I don't want to talk about resurrection I want to talk about the one the resurrection points to I am the resurrection and the life he won't talk about resurrection and getting to all of these other theories Second Coming and so forth all that kind of fine but make sure whether you think he'll come before the millennium after millennium of whatever the fact is he's gonna come and because you don't and we see it so powerfully itself to Jesus here's pilot standing before Jesus in John 18 38 what is truth Jesus says in John 14:6 I am the way the truth we want to talk about epistemology in terms of truth but he is the living truth he's the Living Word he makes truth truth and for doctrine has to point beyond itself to the one that is to be glorified and the one who's to be worshipped one of teleca's great contributions which is radical and it may not fit you right now because it didn't fit him at first he says preaching or Proclamation three seeds theology and therefore theology has a subservient role to preaching theology is a servant to preach it huh he struggled with that but this is what he reminds us of salvation comes because faith comes by hearing Romans 10:17 and hearing by the Word of God now you got salvation and for the rest of your life you are going to delve into theological reflection so that there's a basis for your experience that salvific you get saved and then you fear our eyes for your rest of your life so that you hear Peter saying at first Peter 3:15 always be ready to give a reason for the apology for the apologetic that lies in you so you don't just have an emotional experience you have an experience that's based upon theological truths it's an song his dictum and his prose prologue prologue Ian he says faith cease understanding I believe in order to understand not I understand and then I believe so that the basis of my faith is a feel a gentle and a biblical one I got saved May 1956 at 7 years old remember ever hearing the word justification but I got saved hearing the word propitiation but I got saved let me hear in the word sanctification of glorification but I got say just simple thing in fact I want to ask you how much did you know about adoption would you God say how much did you know about justification when you got say how much did you know about justification but you can and all those other doctrines you get save and for the rest of your life you know what you're doing your theology you still don't know everything there is to know about it you are building a stronger stronger basis for your experience so much so that you can't argue people into the kingdom faith comes by hearing just simple faith and hearing by the Word of God and tilaka values I don't have time for that so I just let that go and move on there are odds that whole concrete together we drive on the highway every day and we pay no attention to the fact that they are embedded in the concrete iron rods that lie below the surface and we don't even see them we just take the for granted there's some iron rods that held Tanaka's Proclamation and his ministry together after all the goal I think of preaching is that we preach in order that I hear us we'll also preach oh I don't mean in a formal sense that they are called I'm talking about the sense in Acts chapter 8 verse 1 when persecution broke out among the church in Jerusalem Bible says everyone left Jerusalem except the apostles there's that word for diaspora it acts 8 and 1 they scattered as an in verse 4 it says everywhere they scattered they scattered the Word of God when they were scattered they scattered so that two Tilian is right 2nd century church father that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church and I contend that no Christian has a job every Christian has a ministry God has placed you there maybe as undercover agents for Christ in order to take your pastor sermon and preach it in the beauty shop preach it in the grocery store or wherever you work you are there in order to proclaim the Word of God so if you are an astronomer you ought to talk about Jesus as the bright and Morning Star in the Sun of righteousness that rises with healing in his wings and if you are botanist you're there to tell people about Jesus who is the rolls of Sharon and the lily of the valley if you are doctor you there to tell people about Jesus who is the great physician if you are geologist you are there to tell people about the stone that the builders rejected if you are an educator you're there to tell people about Jesus who is the wisdom of God and what you want to do when you preach Robert Smith and your pastor or wherever you you want to sow equip your people with the word so that places you will not go they'll go speaking the Word of God that's what Peter Taylor Forsyth was trying to tell us he delivered the Lyman Beecher lectures he said that preaching is the organized hallelujah of an ordered event the organized hallelujah of an ordered event you preach so that others will preach in places that you will never go well one of the iron rods that holds the concrete together in terms of teddicus preaching and ministry is the Holy Spirit TV says let me give you a picture of the Holy Spirit and in this illustration is in his work I believe in the Holy Ghost in his book I believe the Christians Creed which is his development semana CLE of the Apostles Creed say you stand outside you look at this Gothic cathedral and they're staying last windows and the windows seems so dull and drab and Gumi and the windows don't preach they're mute they don't have anything to say but when you go inside of the Gothic cathedral and the sun's rays are refracted through the windows and there you look and there's a star and there's a stable and there is a mother holding it ciao the nativity scene of Jesus and there's a young lad who is in the temple teaching and being interrogated by a man who seemed to be sagacious and wise hmm Jesus at his Bar Mitzvah and there is uh someone in the baptismal pool there's a dove on his shoulder and evidently someone's speaking from the cloud it's a baptism of Jesus the son you're seeing that in there there's someone on the cross is his crucifixion and there's an empty tomb and someone has emerged it's his resurrection and there's someone on the cloud who is ascending back somewhere it's his ascension but you don't see that on the outside you have to get on the inside to see that's what the spirit does I don't care if you get 15,000 phd's the spirit wrote the scripture you don't understand at all you understand words and Center but I'm talking about the revelation stuff you can't get from reading a book and he's pitched to you in such a way that it blows your mind and you have to admit flesh and blood did not reveal this to the Holy Spirit he is one the Incarnation and I'll stop in about probably about six minutes the Incarnation is another one of the iron rods the holes the current three together because the incarnation for Teleca remember he has lived through World War One World War two and other wars and has preached all of those decades the inclination for him is the solution to the dilemma of a godless world and a world of God that is a world without God and a God without a world that he is a god who's transcendent but not imminent that is not in the presence of his people involved in the Feres of his people a God who is a loose and separated from his people and the Germans felt that way how do you have faith after Auschwitz and where was God's when this took place and tilaka says the Incarnation is answer oh I know the mysterium tremendum fastened olsun that according to Roth Otto and the knowledge of the holy that God is mysterium tremendum fastened osis he's tremendous mystery who leaves us transfixed with trimmers so that there is trimming adoration as we stand before him there he is in Psalm 77 verse 19 and 20 God takes and walks through the waters and through the Seas but his footprints are not you don't know where he's going because you'll know ways there and then you hear Paul say in romans 11:33 all the depths of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God how inscrutable his ways his ways of pass finding out and yet the Incarnation brings God where we are because the Incarnation the word has made flesh and dwell among us and we beheld his glory the glory the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth we see him he's the human face of God Philip when you've seen me you've seen my father he's the parable of God he's a story of God and we have a God who became what he was not human and yet been who he is God and a God who could become sin and not be a sinner so that we were sinners might be may the Rice's of God that's a tremendous rod that holds the concrete of helmet teleca's preaching together one other thing t like us preaching particular as a doctor preaching had an air of risk and bonus bonus he said when the church gets serious the church has some questions to ask the world the church has an agenda to present to the world he criticized carb art because of his emphases only on individual salvation getting people say same thing about Spurgeon though he writes a book on Spurgeon in countess with Spurgeon even says about spurred to sell all you have and vice versa that's what but if that's virgin was just too interested in individual salvation and did not immerse himself into being activists ik about what's going on in the world and so here he is he goes down to South Africa in his book diary from Africa apartheid in South Africa in the midst of the people and shows from Scripture that is unbiblical he takes and comes to America in his work between heaven and earth conversations with American young American Christians and he stands on the college campus and he says if America continues to control people the way they're treating them then the same fate that fell upon Germany and he attributes Germany's defeat to God's judgment will also be experienced by America and he challenges us safety and elect the gospel speak to societal inequities in the context of the Bible don't socialize the gospel gospel eyes are social let the gospel speak to social situation they are not either/or they're both hands don't have time topic but that's the truth because God is interested in your salvation person but he's interested in your family that's falling apart he's interested in your body he's interested in children who have nothing at home to eat he's interested he's interested and he's interested I leave you with this and Paul shira's work the word god-sent which is Islam in beach' lectures there's a moving chapter on preaching as a radical transaction in which he says nothing will do them any good until it disturbs them and nothing will disturb them deep enough until it gets to the very depth of their beam then he goes on to say this Jesus was always addressing those needs that lie at the root of a man's sense of the will Dermott alienation and anxiety and here the words he was for ever going further in and deeper down dock to the preaching goes further in it's not concerned about the cosmetic the superficial further in and deeper down so that the person is experiencing not cosmetic surgery but a radical surgery I commend him to you he needs to be visited revisited and we can learn from him because he wants to speak to us today and tell us that there's some iron rods that hold our preaching together that we must never compromise and we must never expand and give up I think that's all [Applause] okay we've got a few minutes for questions and I'll make sure you ask question with a mic so we can record that let me begin dr. Smith just by asking currently you've seen decades of Christian preaching now and currently what are you encouraged by and what would you say are some real challenges that you would see that or concerns you might have currently in terms of preaching I'm encouraged by the fact that God is making doctrinal preaching necessary our plight in American in the world necessitates more than some of the fluff that we offer people doctrinal preaching forces you to get deep into the teaching of Scripture and that teaching will always point to Christ doctoral preaching is necessary now it's not an option it's a necessity and what I'm seeing in terms of where we are what concerns me is cowardice yes on the part of preachers we don't mind comforting the afflicted that's the work of the priests we like that but we don't want to afflict the comfortable we don't want to say woe to those who had ease in Zion we don't want to do that I was giving a lecture at beastmen in the school 20-some years ago and I was talking about prophetic preaching and the preacher stood up and and he said this he says you know that's me that I really want to be more pathetic because the Bible calls for there's a prophetic word he says but I can't do that because if I speak prophetically I'll lose my job as a pastor and I have a family to take care of so I can't be prophetic in my church I have to be priestly and pastoral well I think that's a that's unfortunate because the church in essence is not really providing for you God is I don't think I'd be anywhere where my hands were tied and I couldn't be free to preach the truth I wouldn't be anywhere where a committee would have to take and look at my sermon and edit it before I was allowed to preach it I just wouldn't be that way I got to be free and trust that if I'm not to be there that God has a master key to every lock in the universe and he'll get me where I'm suppose I've got to be free to preach truth a chin-up eat at Jezebel's table and depend upon what she serves I've got to trust that God can send a black bird catering service to feed me even when the brooks have dried up he's got a widow who will give me a little cake fix that little hole cake and then because of her faithfulness put a cornfield in her crews and an all well in her barrel so that when she dips out a pint of all he puts in a pint and when she dips out a quart of meal he puts in a quart and it lasts for the entire three and a half year family I just have to be that way that's what discourages me covetousness yes my name is my name is Jeff Haim hi Jeff and I spoke with you yesterday but I wanted to share here I was born and raised on the south side of Detroit when I was five years old my mom asked me what do you want to be when you grow up and I said I want to be a black preacher yeah and I think she didn't have the heart to tell me I was not qualified about 20 years later I was in seminary this was around 2000 2001 and I was at Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis and an expository preaching conference as a preaching student and I watched what you did and I turned to my friend next to me and I said man when I grow up I want to be like that and I spent the next 20 years preaching in Detroit and I got pretty good at it dr. Smith man I could shuck corn for a white kid but yesterday you put some bacon grease in a pan and fried up some 23 for all of us and served that man served it and with tears of my eyes I turned around three seminary students in their mid-20s and I said when I grow up I want to be like that guy and I just praise the Lord and I thank you they don't want to thank you for the 200 people in Detroit whose lives were radically changed by Hugh in front of all these scholars sir you deserve massive acclaim and I praise the Lord for that [Applause] Griffen gouge I was hoping you could tell us if you think there's a place for political preaching you referenced Harrison Fosdick what does that look like for evangelicals in the moment we're in I don't think there's a place for political preaching I think there's a place for preaching that deals with politics preaching that treats politics preaching that treats in other words the emphasis has to come from preaching and preaching addresses everything what am I saying you can't really you can't read Robert Smith you can't read the prophets without saying that there's a conflict between Elijah and Ahab you're the one who troubles Israel that's quite a word to say to the King on Moses saying the farewell God says get rid of your free labor let my people go the words preaching has to address all Spears I don't like what concerns me about this is that some preachers have jettison or thrown overboard the gospel and they become political activists after surrendering the gospel I don't surrender the gospel I believe that the gospel addresses everything and tits particularly addresses everything and I don't know why when we get to a text that definitely deals with God shaking up and Jesus is asking who's who's superscription who's right who's face is on this coin well it sounds it's Caesar alright didn't render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's render unto God the things are government of God and Dorothy Dave remember reminds us that if everything that belong to God was given to God and Caesar wouldn't have anything because it all belongs to God we don't get up to preach a political sermon we let the text address it and we don't bypass it and it won't be comfortable I wish I had time to talk about this but I don't but I just think it's important to remind individuals that God must always be over government that there is a hill higher than Capitol Hill that the flag is not greater than the cross and exchange it some day because some people are more patriotic than they are Christian and they fight you over their party affiliation but they lay down the cross I just think that my ultimate allegiance and I'm patriotic but my oath of allegiance is not to the White House but to the right house I don't care who's that in my father's house that's my will I pray for our president do I love our president yes but ultimately my allegiance is to him and when I say him I'm telling my one who does not need to be nominated cannot be elected and sho'nuff can't being teased he succeeds himself so stop saying God is still on the throne what else you think he's gonna be stop saying still on the thir he's not gonna advocate his throne okay we got time for one more thank you very much hey my name is Stephen the church historian here one things I wanted to ask you to really appreciated your reference to agustin and this emphasis on the importance of hermeneutics and rightly understanding and interpreting the text I wondered if you might just speak for a moment about the the importance of handling the text in such a way that it's convictional that you are you're presenting the truths of God to his people each and every time you preach but also tempering that with humility because the text is really hard to interpret in some places and so how do you as a pastor Shepherd you know your people through that just sort of that that conflict and much of it has to do with pasto ethos Paul says speak the truth Ephesians 4:15 as I recall in love speak the truth in love my mama would say to me she has hurt you that bad oh don't don't hurt like that just stop just fine but what she was saying to me is I've got to do this now so that someone else will not beat your head in and shoot you at cetera et cetera hmm so I'm gonna speak the truth in love so that you know I love I never doubted the fact that Baba loved me and I knew that she was chastising me because she loved me all of us know this is true doubt children who wished that they had curfews they wish that their parents discipline them they'd come in when they won't they can do anything otherwise don't care at the Smith house yeah it Smith name couldn't do that so I think that our congregation ought to see tears in our W Dale as I remember from the Birmingham England Church I was talking about Hale and was saying that the only person who really needs to preach on hell and I think this is this was individual and he was talking about all to be here to join me because he always preaches it with tears in his eyes do you hear Jesus say o Jerusalem Jerusalem thou who kills the prophets and stones those who were sinning that you listen to this how often would I have gathered you like and he and gathers its biddies his chicks but you wouldn't come to disappointment the tears the tears the tears and so the ethos I say this to young pastors if you give care to the souls of your people during the week they'll give care to your sermon on Sunday if you will be a priest during the week you'd be a prophet on Sunday but if you're not a priest during the week you're not there when someone died you're absent you doing all these revivals you're doing everything you're just not there you're not being priestly on Sunday morning you want to be prophetic oh no they won't take it that's why you preacher the pastor does not have to be an outstanding preacher but they'd rather hear that pastor then they'd hear what you and I would consider the greatest pulpit area in the world you know why because the pastor has been there to bury the dead to hatch the children that were born into dispatch the dead and to match those who are getting there been there been priestly therefore they can take the prophetic voice because they know that the pastor came that's really important and we're losing that we really aren't we're losing
Channel: Southeastern Seminary
Views: 647
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Keywords: Southeastern, Baptist, Theological, Seminary, Chapel, Message, Jesus, Preaching, God, North Carolina, Wake Forest, Gospel, Danny, Great Commission, Training, Education, Southern, Boyce, SBTS, Al, Mohler, MWBTS, NOBTS, Gateway, Universtiy, ERLC, Matt, Chandler, B21, IMB, NAMB, SBC, SBC20, NCSU, ECU, UNC, Duke, Divinity, School, Platt, Greear, JD, David, Whos, Your, One, Midwestern, Akin, RDU, Conversations, That, Matter, New Orleans, Critical, Race, Theory, Orlando, Florida, woke
Id: kQjt5E41SUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 16sec (3196 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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