Adam22 on Lamar Odom Walking Out of His No Jumper Interview Over Trans Rumors (Part 15)

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well you just interviewed Lamar Odum yeah and he walked out after uh you're asking about the trans rumors cuz there's pictures I remember one picture of him with a trans woman but I guess there's multiple pictures of him with various trans people when I was doing my Googles on Lamar odm some of the stuff that I found was like I found like a radio clip of Ricky Smiley kind of making fun of him for being caught spending time with trans women and stuff like that I found a couple different blog posts so you know when you're writing questions for an interview and it's somebody that you're at least like a little bit nervous or a little bit like on the edge you don't know how how comfortable they're going to be you have a lot of times questions that are I'm definitely going to ask these and then for me sometimes I'll have other questions that are like if I feel really really really comfortable with him I'll ask him these and so that's what the trans one was for me is like I I did the whole interview it's like an hour and 20 minutes didn't say anything about like because we're talking about him doing a podcast with Caitlyn Jenner cuz that's his whole yeah thing now he's got the sports podcast with with Caitlin Jenner who is his his exm mother-in-law yeah and uh no no no no no no no no no no no yeah ex stepmother-in-law oh because that's not Khloe's Dad okay I'm very poorly versed in the Kardashian verse well Chris Jenner married Bruce Jenner after oh Robert Kardashian senior died and had Kylie and Kendall got it those are their kids together got Chloe has a different dad very good fact he was married to Chloe right okay there's other episodes of mine that I should probably edit because that that is accurate but uh either way like you know we're kind of talking about trans people a little tiny bit he did he he dead named Caitlyn Jenner for a moment he called her Bruce but he took it right back so I don't think the trans Community was like offended or anything like that but then at the end of the interview I say to him you know I'm kind of like wrapping it up it's clear that the interview is kind of winding down and he says like so what you a't got no more questions and it's like a fun jokey environment in the interview and I say like you want more questions I got more questions he goes yeah give me another question so I tried to like say it in the most roundabout way possible and I said so now that you're doing this podcast with Caitlyn Jenner do you think that that might open the door for you to spend time with trans women romantically and he basically just said this dude's crazy and he walked out which you know it it wasn't like a mad walk out cuz we were like hanging out right after that and like taking pictures together and [ __ ] like that it was more like him kind of doing a funny walk out which I never really had before normally when people walk out they're very angry um so yeah that was that was a crazy Vibe especially because my dad was there my dad's a huge basketball fan so he just happened to be sitting there watching us have this conversation so my dad got to witness a walk out which was kind of cool for him well I was supposed to have a Lamar odm interview around the same time right but it did not happen right he bailing you the last minute right well you know when people waste my time and money I don't try to get revenge or I don't try to somehow you know do something to them but I will talk about it and I will earn my money back that way so Lamar Odum we had an interview years ago I paid him to do the interview it was a great interview was like a life story piece I watched it yeah it's cool interview everything else like that had a good vibe everyone walked away happy he got paid interviewed good numbers thought we had a reasonable relationship at that point business relationship at that we had another interview he was supposed to get paid for it last minute I think he just asked for a bunch of extra money out of the blue and I was like n this wasn't he just didn't show up another interview once again it was a paid interview and yeah he just didn't show up last minute so they reach out to you know reach out again was like yo he wants to do an interview I'm like well listen I'm not paying him at this point I've already wasted two two different inst because every time we lose an interview we lose thousands of dollars between the cameraman the studio all the time spent my staff like it's and the fact that if something's you know set for that day usually that day is shot I can't go and get someone else that day so our our schedule gets affected so it really I take it personally when people do that and for him it's like the third time I said okay look I could do it but I'm not going to pay him this time like no no it's cool he going to do it it's 100% he's with it whatever whatever day of the interview a couple hours before the interview he's not going to make it I said again you got to be [ __ ] kidding me right now so after that happened I sent him a DM I said yo this is the third time you've canceled on me last minute do you have some sort of personal issue with me and I get a response from his so-called manager Gina Rodriguez and she was like oh uh we never uh scheduled this we never confirmed on this but since you want to have this attitude we're not going to do any video you know interviews with you in the future so I go back to my people who are scheduling it and I'm like I showed them this I'm like what just happened they're like nah he responded to us was like oh um Vlad paid me for the you know the first interview why would I go and do one for free now so once again he pulls this [ __ ] number one [ __ ] you Gina Rodriguez you can go [ __ ] yourself if I was an old lady who was still trying to pay my bills making money off of managing Lamar Odum I guess I'd be mad at the world too uhhuh so [ __ ] you point blank period you can go [ __ ] yourself cuz really your response was so [ __ ] up it was like yo I just had something canceled on me and I'm telling you it's a it's a it's a pattern of the [ __ ] being cancelled as his so-called manager you should at least do some sort of damage control as opposed to be like oh we're not going to interview with you in the future like of course I'm upset but you know and then start a whole back and forth when she's like oh you're lying uh he never agreed to this and I'm like you're not around him 24/7 you don't know what the [ __ ] he's agreeing to this [ __ ] was on crack like I remember Gilbert Arenas told me the story in our last interview right because remember he was on the big three at one point and Gilbert I think was coaching Gib tell me the story he wasn't there but a bunch of the other players told him he said after a game Lamar Odum is taking a shower and he's got his phone out and he's watching porn as he's showering he finishes showering walks into the team meeting and the whole time he's on his phone watching porn with everyone around him seeing what he's watching like this a for help like that's seem like something a sane person does you know and by the way I have a new name for him from now on he's Layar odm he's not Lamar anymore he's lay R odm and Layar if you want to hit me up and have a conversation with me manto man you could do it right it is what it is like you know what you've done right what you did was really nasty and foul and I remember when I when I mentioned this to Gilbert he goes well he just has a history of this type of thing even when he was like doing the big three he wouldn't show up to [ __ ] and he'd be doing this weird porn [ __ ] he's like yeah you know some of these Lakers dudes kind of feel like they're kind of bigger the life you know cuz people sort of like you know look up to him because you know because you may have played with Kobe or you know you're part of a championship team or whatever so so they act like but I'm just like well that's [ __ ] because I've interviewed so many worldclass athletes from Mike Tyson Evander Holyfield Michael Vic John Sally Dominique Wilkins uh Dennis Rodman like like guys with actual multiple rings that they deserved and you know world class Champions you know Daryl strawberry the list goes on and on José cono uh Pete Rose like I can go on and on with people who have way more accolades than Lamar and were very professional came in did their job got paid everyone walks away cool Lamar odm is on another [ __ ] level yeah he was totally professional with us but that is that's a shame like I've I've had this happen so many times to me that I feel like I'm kind of numb to it and I just like don't really have too many emotions about it like because all right the last time I kind of gave somebody an attitude about this was there's a rapper named ot7 quani who's kind of blown up on more of a Underground Level right and like I had gone back and forth with him because I [ __ ] with his music like a lot about him doing the interview and I put him on text with my publicist and she like lines up a date and then that date doesn't happen she lines up another date it doesn't happen and then he like text me and he's just like yo I'm outside your store let's do this interview on a random day and I'm like I I probably was like kind of rude I was like bro you need to pick a date for us to do the interview you can't just show up I'm not at my store I'm at my studio I don't have questions written for you I need some time to be able to get ready like we already scheduled two different dates that you didn't show up like how are you just hitting me up spontaneously like that and uh I I don't think he's responded to me since then so I may have eliminated my chance of getting that interview because I gave him a little bit of a sarcastic or crude response which I I do think that I'm deserving of that because it is so insane to just show up to my retail store on Melrose and think that I'm going to be there and be ready to interview you on a random [ __ ] day but you know I don't know I just I just feel like at this point no matter how offended I am I'm just going to kind of roll with it because it just in terms of my ultimate goal which is just getting the best interviews possible I feel like it just doesn't really behoove me to uh to stand on business when it comes to people ghosting me for interviews yeah i' had but I totally understand yeah no I've had it happen I don't know I just can't get over it when it does happen you know like like what what's his name um Chad Hanks he did that too he did that to me and he talked about it on your show and he even admitted he was like yeah you know I just uh I just didn't feel like doing it that day and I'm like yeah cuz you're a bum who's never worked a day in his life who has a rich dad so you don't value other people's time you told him that I'm saying it now oh okay I don't have any communication with them I feel like you and me wake up and feel almost the same every day and I feel like a lot of people wake up and it's just like they're not going to do an interview that day like they just don't if they wake up in the wrong mind State it's just not they know it's not a good day to do it interview on top of that a lot of people do drugs you wake up you're hung over you feel like [ __ ] whatever I I I remember one time I canceled on a podcast in like 2015 because I took acid the night before and I woke up in the morning to do the interview and I literally didn't know who I was like I felt like I had no ego left I didn't like I didn't know how I was going to go on camera and talk about myself because I just had been like so Fried by this acid that you know I try to relate to it a little bit more and a lot of people their their mental state is kind of like more in a state of flux at any given time all right say you're a junkie and uh you know you were too drugged out to do anything I'd be a little bit more understanding of that situation and then possibly go back and try to reschedule just don't disrespect people's time but then again ched Hanks is a bum who's literally I don't think ever he hasn't worked a single day he gets little little things here and there he tries to be a rapper that's failed I saw them little do little cameos on Atlanta basically people laughing at at him with his fake accent that's it he's a joke and the fact that we gave you an open platform and now he wants to fight me out you know didn't he say he wants to fight me now really oh [ __ ] well that's what he said on your show I think no probably I forget who cares I go fight me not gonna fight no damn Chad Hanks he's a bum you know I might as well fight a homeless person now I [ __ ] with Chad Hanks though he's a cool cool guy I still see him around and stuff but for sure he should have done that interview I need to see that I need to see a Vlad Chad Hanks in you want me a broker a peace peace treaty I could do that possibly possibly possibly not maybe it'll possibly I mean listen I I'll broke her a fade you broke her I'm not going to do a fade I'm not fighting anybody yeah you know lots of people have offered to fight me for money I'm good it's not what I'm doing in life but uh I mean I'm willing to have a conversation with him and and basically be like yo like you you got to respect other people's time and other people's money and I think because of who you are you don't have a concept of that when you wake up in the morning and your dad is Tom Hanks and you've done nothing you end up in rehab and whatever the [ __ ] else because you've done nothing and all you do is do drugs and like I I it'd be interesting to see what ched Hanks typical week is like you know what I'm saying like what what does he accomplish in a typical week I don't know the only time I see him is at parties he goes to parties I see him at some parties here and there yeah that's what I'm saying this is probably the Highlight this is his sense of accomplishment is showing up to a party without any kind of goal in mind of doing something by showing up with that party
Channel: djvlad
Views: 49,064
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Id: A_evHBoOMrE
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Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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