Adam vs. World's Best 19-year-old

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- [Adam] I am going to challenge Felix Lebrun's older brother, the current champion of France, Alexis Lebrun. At three years old, he already had a coach and shortly after his brother was born, he started playing with him. His younger brother, Felix at 16 years old European Games champion. His father, top seven in France. His uncle, a legend for France during its best years of table tennis. Alexis broke the French supremacy of Simon Gauzy two years ago and now Alexis is back to back French National Champion. A year and a half ago internationally, nobody knew who he was and in just 18 months he went from outside the top 1,000 to number 14 in the world. That's crazy! Skyrocketing to success, he's recently beaten the world number one, Fan Zhendong. His style of play is incredibly creative and there's no question he's got the power of a cannon when he plays and he's got the touch of an angel when he contacts the ball. He also plays with a lot of passion. I'm gonna challenge him in the same place where I played against Felix: Montpellier which means it's gonna be very hot, humid and quite challenging for me. It will be a best of five match as Alexis is way better than me. I'm gonna start the first game with a seven to zero lead. If he wins game one, I'll start the next game with an eight to zero lead. If I win the first game, I'll start the next game with the six to zero lead and so on. The first player to win three games wins. But now Felix will coach Alexis and the Lebrun brothers' coach, Coach Nat Molin will coach me throughout the match. So without any further ado, let the games begin. - Which hand? - Left. - Almost. - Okay. Good. - Ayi! Whoa. Oh. - Good going. Whoo. Oh. Oh my God. - He's finished. - Okay, come on. - YO!. - We did it. - [Adam] wait a second. - [Alexis] Wait. What? - [Adam] Alexis has a very fast rhythm and he spends less time than most preparing for serves. So sometimes he doesn't even realize that he's serving before his opponent is ready. - [Alexis] What happened? - Adam. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Um, uh. Nice. - Get down. - He's totally dead. - Eight, nine. - Oh no. - Game point. - Adam. - It was very good. I saw you play one ball into forehand and after in backhand. I think this is a very good tactic. This one is very good. Okay, let's go! - [Adam] I was beaten by Felix in the last video and Alexis has an even better ranking than him. This means he's gonna be even harder to beat. It's really hot and humid. He's really good. - Big breath. Now, let's come back. - Okay, thanks. Come on. - All right. Aiyah! Eight, one. - Nice. - You don't need coach. You need physical training. - Yeah. - [Adam] He just won six points in a row. You have to do something, Adam. - Come on. - Oh. - [Adam] This was the best shot. I've hit this match and he crushed it. What on earth can I do? - Adam. - Game point. - Come on. - Deuce. Yo! - [Alexis] Be cool, honey bunny. Be cool. - Game point. - Aiyah! - Deuce. - What? - Game point. - Deuce. Strawberries everywhere. - Game point. - We can use another tactic. Maybe we can pay him, little bit. I have a car. - We can pay him with your car. - Yes. - I like your tactics. Okay, I'm on. [Adam] I have to win all three remaining games now and he just needs one to win. - I saw you play a little bit in the short game. I think is obviously the best point of the sets. You understand? - Yes. Yeah. Okay. - Okay One advice. Don't be a coach, stay player. - Ah, yeah. Adam. - Hey look. - What? - Ah. - Good. - Sorry. - Now it's payback. - [Crowd] Yes. - Game point. Game point. That's good. - Game point. - [Adam] Ladies and gentlemen, we got 'em. - Bad set for me. I have no feeling. I have to improve for the next set. - Put the ball on the table. It's important. - Sorry, sorry. - Okay. - Oh, ah. - Look, look. Look his face. He just smile like he don't know what to do. I am sure now big chance for you. - Okay, when he gets behind the table, I gotta take advantage to make him run. Let's go! (Spanish) Let's go! - Yo, come on. - [Adam] I'm back. Ayi! Snake. That's not a problem. - [Coach Nat] What are you doing, man? - [Adam] That looked so easy and I missed it. Aiyah! Every single point that he wins just adds to the pressure. - Another one. - Game point. Good. - Game point. - No. - Game point. - Yo! - Ah. - This is it. Game five. It all comes down to this. I've got my chance. - I told you, he lose confidence. I see his eyes. - Yeah. Okay. - I feel very tired. It's too difficult. - [Adam] You think you're tired? Haiyah! - I don't know what I have to explain to you. Just play better, I think. - Okay. Thank you. - Yes, of course. Nice. Aiyah! - Good. - You ready? - Always. - [Adam] He's getting closer to my score and all I need is three points to win this match. Come on, Adam. You can do this. Come on. - Good. Timeout. - Little bit water. - Very tired. - You have to return back the serve and after. - Good advice! - After he will give you the ball and you can "BOMBA!" And finish the point. - Okay! - You need to breathe. - I've got two serves to come. What do you think? - Maybe you can take his serve like this special one. - Okay. - Try it. - [Adam] So Coach Nat was talking about a very special serve that very few people do in the modern game. It's called the windshield wiper. Some call it the lollipop. In the modern game, it's fair to say that this is Alexis' signature serve, so I am gonna try to use his signature serve against him. - I tried, he was ready. Aiyah! - Which side are you on? - His side! - Nice. - Oh my God. Match point! - Whoa - Thank you. - Great match. Anything you wanna say to the fans out there that have been watching you play so well. - Thank you for the support and I hope I will continue to play good tournaments and make good match. - [Adam] He played really well. His shot selections, snakes and skills were really impressive. There's no doubt that Alexis is currently one of the best table tennis players in the world. Alexis is quickly climbing the world rankings and I expect to see him in the Top 10 in the world quite soon. - You can follow me on Instagram. My Instagram is alexislebrun2003. - Keep your eyes on him. Olympics coming up much more amazing to follow. - [Adam] The Lebrun brothers were really strong and I was beaten by both of them, even with the seven point lead to start but the fun is not over yet. In my next video, I'm gonna give them a challenge to see who is the true winner. Wanna know the challenge? Make sure you don't miss the next video as the Snakeman likes to say, sss'scribe. SSS'scribe (Subscribe) Until then, keep on pongin'. Peace.
Channel: Adam Bobrow
Views: 563,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam Bobrow, table tennis, ping pong, destination table tennis, funny table tennis, funny ping pong, table tennis highlights, table tennis around world, table tennis tricks, ping pong tricks, tenis de mesa, ping pang, bordtennis, tennisdetable, 탁구, 卓球, 桌球, tenismeja, tischtennis, 乒乓球, 芸人, ぴんぽん, ピンポン, challenge match, Adam vs. Alexis Lebrun, French table tennis, Adam in France, France champion table tennis, tt, tt game, TT match, Alexis Lebrun, Adam vs. New French champion
Id: zl50eHnAH0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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