Adam Savage's Live Builds: KiwiCo Astronaut Starter Kit!

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hey everybody welcome to the live stream i know it's been a minute um i have since adam savage here in my cave in san francisco it is a beautiful wednesday wednesday afternoon hello everybody it's been a month it's been more than a month since i did the last live stream uh and in that interim i have been to las vegas twice cape cod for an extended period of time and then miami yeah that is a really weird bracket i have to admit it was weird for me too uh but i'm back in san francisco and i have to tell you i love the air here in this city really more than it's one of my favorite things about northern california is the almost the taste of the air and every time i've been traveling and it was really nice to get some east coast humidity get some heat in me because we just don't get it out here but it was even nicer to come back home and feel that plane door open and like oh i always feel like i want to eat the air when i get off the plane it's just it's so welcoming uh and it was humid last night we had a kind of rainy sort of misty kind of night so the city wakes up this morning you know smelling of petrichor um one of my favorite smells and hi i am going to do i'm not doing a a q a today it is a live build for the next hour um i am going to be building this kiwi co subscription crate specifically astronaut starter kit yeah it's funny they they they sent us four or five kits uh for me to choose from to make one and all the rest were nine and up i ended up choosing the one that was for ages five and up um simply because i can't not gravitate towards a thing called the astronaut sorter kit but more specifically there's an aspect to this that i'm particularly excited about which is this and that is a model of the sun and the planets moving around the sun um said model a model of the solar system of any portion of the solar system is often referred to as an orary orary o-r-r-e-r-y one of the worst words to have to say repeatedly but already i have been orally obsessed for decades in fact i've been map obsessed for decades even when i was i think a lot of little kids first manufacturing material is brown paper bags and i was totally the same i took lots of brown paper shopping bags and made pirate maps out of them i went through a whole like two summers of making endless pirate maps out of uh brown shopping bags and i would draw out the map and then i would cut close to the drawing and then i would burn the edges you know um and i think there really is something abiding to a kid's love of making pirate maps i have this map that thing one made and it actually hangs in one of our bathrooms and it just has this amazing thing of like there's an island and it's spelled with an e i land and then there's there's an island and then there's a dotted line and then there's like this clump and it says rocks r-o-k-s and then there's another dotted line and it says treasure t-r-e-c-h-r s-h-r-t-r-e-s-h-r and i'm like are all these things on the island or is the island a separate part of your journey maps always give us pers they literally give us perspective right i've always loved globes i dream that one day i will add a bellarby and co globe to my collection oh you don't know what all right i'm just going to tell you about this there's a company in england ballerby that makes these globes that are like they're stupid expensive and they're absolutely gorgeous and i covet i covet them if you were interested in maps as an 18th century person you could have purchased one of these this is a replica of what's called a pocket globe um and i have three or four of these uh this is thrilling to me this this is really really lovely and this is what the world looked like uh the to the best of everyone's knowledge in 1749 so we have huge chunks of the united states that are just missing but there really is something uh well look i mean all of science and exploration is about getting perspective on our world and how it works and getting perspective on our surroundings and an oreo is exactly that on a scale that dwarfs everything else so let's get into the astronaut starter kit um i love kiwico i have built several of their builds in the past their folding desk i built one of their lamps i built their ukulele uh we've done this all on the channel uh and kiwico has a whole host of kits and subscription crates uh this is one of their crates and among the things that are great about this first off everything you need for your build is in this box there are no tools knives markers pieces of tape that you will require that aren't in here and that that's that's just great there's nothing worse than like running around the house looking for that last rubber band to complete that craft project you're working on um but way more importantly the the the the stuff that kiwi co makes gets kids interested gets kids involved in steam science technology engineering arts and math they get them in on this wonderful ground level so there's both construction and there's also all the supporting material for the construction uh and none of it is it just frankly as i build as i have built these kits all the instructions and the extra material always feels like kind of a hug because it's it's clear that the folks at kiwico are actually building their stuff there's a thing about restaurants i learned at one point that you can tell a really good restaurant when everyone's tasting the food and you can tell where they're not you really can tell where they're not tasting the food um by the same token when i build kits made by people i can tell how carefully they paid attention to the building process and kiwico is the best um so we have a little blower i think that's going to be our son give me back my son uh let's see that's gonna be a stand vacuform we've got some foam balls we've got some interesting got some darts i only noticed the orary on the cupboard there's a couple of other builds in here get through them all all right we got a little space shuttle there got some wow all right i oh what paints wait a minute oh that's cool got some wax paper all right i think we should just open everything lay it all out so we know where everything is um yeah i there is a thing about large globes and specifically and or yeah for some reason i have this in my head it exists the same amount of love for large globes and for oraries and oris are like weirdly expensive often if you go to ebay right now and look you'll find that they can cost thousands of dollars um and you know that's a shame because everyone should have an order in their house frankly it is a really lovely way of sort of grocking crocking our immediate surroundings in this galactic neighborhood lovely and we've got some little stickums there [Applause] this looks like some whole kind of air powered oh i'm getting it there's going to be a stop rocket in here somewhere this is the propulsive air i think we've got some i'm just guessing here i think we've got some piping and some air channel channels for air and a projectile known as a nerf dart or a foam dart i yeah we call it a foam dart these are the eight planets one two three four five six seven eight wait seven one two three four five six seven oh i guess maybe we don't have neptune or pluto all right let's see if i remember my planetary sizes here uh i'm going to guess that these two big ones are jupiter and saturn uh i could be wrong about that no saturdays i don't know the biggest ones right the smallest one is going to be mercury and uranus uh venus and earth yeah they're going to be like roughly the same size maybe i'm close we'll see i can already hear people yelling at me through the screen [Laughter] uh um oh wow this looks like well there's way more to this kit than i thought there was okay i like getting obviously i like getting everything open and out and about before i start although lately with legos i have not been knowing as much with the lego kits that i've been building i know that's strange but uh wait you try mixing it up after a million times doing the same thing these are interesting lovely black sticks with colored ends [Applause] some injection molded plastic things things all right oh some space shuttles all right box paper uh one last bag to open one less okay oh ah i see yeah i'm starting to i'm starting to get it okay um there is a solar system which also includes all right these are spinners oh oh wait oh okay oh okay okay that's the solar system there is also an astronaut shuttle launch i was right i was right it is a stop rocket okay there's a shuttle launch and oh i think those are the two big belts i think those are the two builds okay and we have an astronaut's guide i you know i'll tell you i love i love literature about how to be an astronaut about that you too can be an astronaut because i now know enough astronauts that i actually totally i totally believe and know that it's true that you too could be an astronaut it doesn't it's like when you meet a few astronauts you start to realize yeah they're just people they're people and they're excited and geeky and nerdy and and brilliant at what they're doing and that could be anybody and it's thrilling right now my friend chelle lindgren is actually up on the iss as we speak this is the first time i like i said i know a few astronauts but this is the first time one that i know has gone back into space while while i know them and that's that's thrilling i've actually chatted with him a couple times from space i know um i'm debating you know what i'm going to do the shuttle launch first because i'm really excited about the ori and i like saving the most exciting thing for last so let's do the shuttle launch first now we have here a okay yeah it is a wonderful fold out and we've got uh let's see here okay build the launch pad and that includes that's is that the launch pad no wait yes that is the first launch pad and i take gray foam circles there they are they are sticky and they have a sticky back so we put one in each corner uh i used to live across the street from a rubber manufacturer called darkoid rubber and their dumpster was always full of sticky foam pieces for the things that they made and i still have back there up in the rack i still have some sticky foam circles from the early freaking 90s okay now we put double stick foam circle oh right but this one not that one okay oh oh no no wait i do put one of these so flip the piece stick another thick foam circle on the circle great there we go and then take a double stick foam circle of which there is one and put it on top good uh grab the platform pieces stick a thin grain foam square on one side of each tab oh oh that's neat okay wait where are there they are one two three four i see ah so they're doing this so it wedges in but i'm doing oh okay ah that's the one i'm looking for that's why i was confused put a thin gray foam square on one side of every tab okay so we're gonna do one side of each tab i really should get some tweezers for this but i don't want to use any external tools that's the thing uh they're not the prettiest of applications but they will disappear and excellent oh i did it on the wrong side come on come back up there we go oh good i was able to redirect even though i got it on the wrong side okay and then yep same thing there oh that one i got way off let's redo that come on don't oh no okay okay so now we put in that one goes here like that then these guys go here and this guy goes there and thus guys go there okay great attach the elbow connector okay elbow connector we're already moving in that one uh to the end of one end of the gray tube oh i see yes yes yes so that'll go here right oh so i peel the backing off of this and it provides a sticky basis for the elbow to sit down ladies and gentlemen i'm gonna guess that this goes over top of that but let's see if i'm right i am place the small launch pad on top of the tabs so they poke up through the slots will do there they are poking up through the slots make sure the elbow connector pokes through the round hole affirmative put a double stick foam square on the bottom of the launcher tower ah okay one of these guys i see they've provided a nice black piece of printing so i can see where it goes peel off the backing and stick the tower to the back of the launch pad but where exactly well kind of there okay i guess it's not structural okay and i'm just gonna there we go squeeze those together so that they want to play nicely okay oh oh oh i totally forgot about this part oh wow it's going way over there uh sorry i i jump to step three i'm always jumping to step three i put this down and then i put wait is it this one it is this one use a thin grain to cover the hole on the pump okay i'm covering the hole on the pump okay and then all right so that sticks in here yeah and we've got a launch pad now twist the plastic straw over the tip of the elbow connector done and now it says that i made a launcher apparently i have made a launcher amazing um okay so that is the launcher now it's time to build the orbiters okay here comes the orbiters i see some paper die cut paper well they've include two orbiters this is great uh we've got a tail fin i think here and they want me to orbit or fin they want me to fold it in half and fold the tabs down oh they've actually done a little bit of a of a crease there so that they they actually uh they fold right where you want them to stick a double stick foam square to the two tabs and this is the this one wait a second yeah i put it across the middle yeah there we go oh i see it's about the size of the middle there we go okay and then and then no one then okay uh then we put this on the black square that's on the orbiter i was just recently standing in front of one of the space shuttles at udvar-hazy in dc uh okay grab a double stick foam strip and line up the bottom of the strip with the open end of the oh wow they're calling these red tubes copy that uh and i'm taking one of these long foam strips and i am putting it on the tube lining up with the bottom red tube okay uh now i peel that backing off the foam i had some double stick trouble uh a few weeks ago on one of the videos and you guys sent me so many different solutions for how to deal with that i really appreciate it all right so i want to line this up there we go okay so make sure that the bottom of the orbiter lines up with the open end of the tube yes i did do that stick another oh no way there's boosters nice okay here we go uh so put another bit of foam dump foam double stick on the white straw oh my god uh sorry i was just thinking about how annoyed paper straws make me you know what i want out of a straw i want it to last for a drink is that too much to ask and yet paper straws would have you believe that half a drink is enough all right i will peel the paper backing off the other foam double stick piece just trim my fingernails and now they're useless all right uh and the booster goes on either side this is fabulous oh this is yeah you know what else i love about kiwi co you can try it at home it's literally about trying it at home uh okay repeat steps one to seven to make a second orbiter i'm not gonna make a second orbiter but now it's time to fly step one for flight is to slide the red tube over the plastic straw here we go okay and then i gonna hammer on the um on the thing yep is that it is that all that's required hang on just a second ah there it is i just gonna record this i want to get a slo-mo shot oh hey what's it sorry all right everything all right okay we're just going to get a slow-mo shot of this for posterity video slo-mo there we go and do that yep here we go three two beautiful [Music] [Laughter] oh that is fantastic i just want to see that that worked let's see here beauty oh there's norm filming it from the other side awesome we made a launcher um stomp rockets are incredible they're some of my favorite toys did you get it excellent all right wow that was um that was about 25 minutes all right here we go that doesn't need to be going um so i'm going to put the stop rocket over here and let's move on to the solar system to the ori all right here we go uh build the stand let me try and not skip any steps here uh lay the platform down and put down four foam circles from with these a thick black foam circle on each corner oh these guys okay um great one two two [Music] three uh flip the platform over oh i did this totally wrong not paying attention error but luckily the adhesive they use is robust and forgiving at the same time i appreciate that about an adhesive oh god do you know how much i hate buying kitchen stuff where the label doesn't come off the thing all right that's the base now take the foam double stick circles these guys and put one in each corner yes those are the corners i got all excited about the outlines and was jumping ahead nope come on there we go all right so and then uh we peel off the the backing and we put the this guy on there there we go slide a black ring and that's one of these guys these little black o-rings slide a black ring i appreciate them including two ah there we go that's it slide a black ring a little way up the pole slide the other end of the pole up through the hole out the platform and up through the hole in the base got it oh i see that's how they do a little bit of capture they use o-rings that is mechanically clever actually you dig that push the base down so it rests the ring will slide okay where am i at okay now add the spinners [Applause] okay grab a thick black foam square that is this guy and stick the square at the light gray section at the end of a spinner okay so these are the spinners and we have mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune why did i think there were seven planets i don't know why i was miscounting my channel is nothing but an endless compendium of me doing math poorly my estimates are all off my metric to imperial conversions are terrible okay so we're going to take some of these black squares and we're going to one two three oh four five six i can see now some of their engineering involves using the dimensionality of the foam which i think is kind of brilliant as a way of robustly holding something mechanically upright that is cool i'm starting to imagine the design team at kiwiko and i'm picturing them like playing around with innovative ways to use simple materials to do complex things like this is this is a neat solution right here using this like um what is this 3 8 inch thick black foam as a upright support for the posts on which the planets will sit that's that's great i'm i'm sure that there are like little efficiencies that like get thought of years before they're ending up in a kit you know like we had this on mythbusters like you know there was always the wish list of stuff you wanted to do or you couldn't find a way to work it into the normal workflow but okay so now i've got the black foam on the spinners and lay the black sticks out in order from shortest to the longest the tips should be in this color order red orange yellow red orange yellow light green dark green light green dark green uh blue purple white blue purple and white yup yup yup okay grab a double stick foam rectangle punch out the hole and stick the rectangle on top of a spacer oh these are spacers got it okay so it's these guys these double stick foam pieces with the center being popped out i'm going to save that in case i need it and i put this over the spacer cool one two three four i might go over norm just a little bit it's cool oh oh oh don't don't there we go line up don't get too comfy man five did they include nine spacers not just eight that's great of them again i love any model kit that includes extra parts i love that about lego there's always just like a few extras like every car repair i do there's a bunch of extra things there um you guys don't remember maybe maybe you know some of you remember the brady bunch but there was this brady bunch in which greg brady buys a car and he fixes it up and when his parents come out to look at the fixed-up car there's this pile of parts and they're like what are these and he's like i don't know they were left over when i put it back together and that is like that is a truism of some engineering like i've rarely seen that was a great little lesson right there all right uh last one so do that peel the backing okay repeat symptoms and correct the rest of this okay so i should end up with all of the all right yeah i see this i am putting one of these at the bottom of each one of these cardboard arms cardboard arms one and two to three the thing about an ory is it shows the planets moving around the earth but not in scale and when i have it built i'll talk to you a little bit about the scale but it provides a terrific model of understanding what's going on and like you know an advanced aurora has all sorts of gearing so all the planets and celestial bodies move in correct orientation to each other and as you could imagine like if you want to add the uh the moons of saturn or jupiter you end up with a very very complicated piece of engineering which is one of the reasons they tend to be expensive but frankly i still think orais are a little too expensive and there are some kits that you can buy some really nice brass kits but frankly again one of the other things about oris is how weirdly unbeautiful they can be given that it's an object that i find the concept of it's so beautiful uh and i really like this really straightforward this is this is your absolute basic model of planetary movement okay so uh oh right now i push the sticks in and yeah so then we do there's a white one there right is that how that goes i just push it in these colors should match white and white and same thing okay ah okay now i have the okay i can work out the order in a minute this is purple purple is my life uh and we got the blue it really helps to twist these these skewers as you put them in just pushing not quite enough but a little twist seriously helps this this is great this foam man this foam holding it upright i'm just i'm very i have a lot of respect for this solution i think it's gorgeous okay venus okay now red is the small red is the small and so is light green bars two three four yeah yeah light green is the small grey red yeah and then and then the mediums are yup venus and earth great and then [Music] jupiter and saturn yeah yeah okay i was mostly right in my layout here jupiter and saturn are the two big ones and then we get the uh uranus and neptune are the mediums are the largest yeah okay all right paint the planets oh whoa okay um refer to the poster for guidance refer to the poster for guidance there is poster for guidance here we go oh yes here is my guidance oh this is going to be fun um let's get a painting rag we'll get the paints out and we'll follow the guide oh this is going to be great so [Music] yeah i'm just looking at their colors thinking about how i'm going to do them all right uh yes we have me the water there thank you okay oh yeah um i just gonna grab a coffee stir just to help me and here comes mercury oh the paint goes on the foam ball nicely it's also it's not quite perfectly uniform which is great so you can kind of add some planetary streaks and make it look kind of neat oh that's cool yeah i like that all right uh venus is going to be the same but a little bit lighter so let's go here and we'll get some paint across venus i was just thinking if they ever do uh uh uh what do you call it if we ever do visit and create a base on venus and you're traveling from one thing to another on venus it could be said that you're traveling intravenously welcome it's all dad jokes up here uh all right let's get uh just some color variation here i'm just tossing in a little bit of white onto the venus picture here just to sort of differentiate it from mercury am i right that we only ever see one side of mercury it rotates slowly enough that it's always showing the same side to the sun it's like the moon right we only ever see one side of the moon i wonder if the other side feels neglected frankly okay so there's mercury uh i'm gonna save earth for last mars the red planet i don't have a red i have a i have an orange but not a red okay well we're gonna do a bit of orange mars and then we'll also add a little bit of i'm curious about how i'm going to get to a redder mars oh i didn't i you know what i i must admit to you i wasn't sure i was going to get to the painting today but as soon as i saw the paints and uh their colors i was like no i got to do this all right let's get a little bit of brown on there and just see yeah okay then we have jupiter which is huge and has lots of lines all the way around it so let's get this one i think i actually even want to thin this out and just sort of spread it around and get a kind of a universal coloring and then i'm going to go in and kind of add all of the i'll add the great dark spot the storm and some of jupiter's beautiful topography uh come on i also love that it's called a gas giant i don't know why i find that really evocative it's like something out of tolkien all right so this is just the first pass of color just to get it kind of all around and then once i've got this pass i can go and start to add in my detail and we'll add in some more neato oh that's actually i'm kind of pleased with how that's turning out that's kind of neat so i'm spinning the model as i'm holding the brush and that's actually working out kind of great let's get a little bit of some dabbing action there and frankly i feel like jupiter is looking pretty darn great saturn that's a lot more yellow all right let's get some of saturn's action going here whether i'm painting or cooking i always have a cloth on my shoulder okay uh let's give saturn a base of yellow and then we'll go over it with a brown there's plenty of brown on my brush anyway so i kind of is there a ring for saturn i might want to cut one out i might want to add that at the very end of this just because yeah let's add some brown in here you know what i can pull this off of here and then i don't have to be holding on to everything at once this is one of my one of the things i'm super impatient about is i'm always trying to hold on to something while doing something else and it's always getting me in trouble oh wow this is really neat also spinning it is actually a really nice technique for getting what feels like planetary details right because they spin in a direction consequently a lot of the visible detail on the surface is oh neat okay let's get a little more brown in there yeah yeah all right good enough there goes saturn and then uranus which is more light blue did i just dip my finger in the yellow i did all right so we're going to do a blue yeah this is i start to get quiet when i'm having lots of fun sorry about that i know i should keep up the uh the verbiage but at this point i'm like oh that looks really neat okay well let's get some of this going now the white's doing pretty good yeah i know i keep saying uranus it's just i'm not willing to make a joke about that today i know it's all dad jokes but i'm still going to make a uranus joke all right i think that looks really lovely and then uh neptune is going to be blue and purple so that's going to be a probably a mix of some blue and even a little bit of orange will that get me a kind of a purpley let's see yeah yeah yeah yeah sort of brute force co covering it i don't know i want i want a purple or i should technically go you i'm a little green now all right let's try a little bit of this oh that's not so bad it does kind of add a sort of a well it's a very different color yeah that's helping oh okay that is all of the planets painted i like them i'm happy with that all right now i've painted the planets uh i've painted them i've painted them and i didn't do earth sorry about that here we go obviously earth gets a blue light blue coating all up and down [Music] to do okay so there's that and then [Music] i actually want to wipe a bunch of that off so i get it mostly dry that looks good now i'm going to add in some land masses i've got let's see here uh my land masses of earth are going to be not so amazing but there's india and we'll make sure we get australia and new zealand all right there's eastern europe russia china we got everybody uh south america yeah i know there's not enough the atlantic is a little too small antarctica okay good um i'm gonna let that dry i'm gonna hit it with a little bit of clouds in a little bit but i think we can now do when the planets are dry it's time to put your solar system together start with the longest spinner that would be neptune and that goes there oh then move on here we go two three four five six seven eight and now you understand that the reason for all the spacers was so that all these things could actually spin by each other uh place one find one of the double stick foam circles with a slit in it it's on this one double stick foam okay found it grab the yellow ball grabbed that's the sun oh i see okay so that sticks stick the foam circle on the ball done peel the backing off the circle and stick the sun onto the last spacer that's this guy like that flip the page to finish your solar system place the sun on the look at that okay i'm very uh the sun is so huge more than a million earths fit inside of it here's the thing i want to explain is that the scale of our solar system is absolutely gobsmacking and i didn't do the math before we uh started this started this video but like to be fair if the sun was this big the earth's distance from the sun would be miles literal miles that's that's this when you start there are a few scaled solar system models in the united states and there's one in which i think the sun is like six feet and the farthest planets are hundreds of miles from it in scale uh and this is just a positioning orry this is not geared uh so these orbit that does not like i said there are some mechanical oraries in which the gearing allows all the planets to move at their correct orientations and and periodicities around the sun this is just to help understand where they all sit and here we have a nice alignment of mercury venus and earth oh right i wanted to do clouds on earth i got to do one last thing here i wanted to do clouds um all right and i'm just gonna get it wet there yep and we're gonna do this oh we're almost right there this is great um bellissimo i love me some planetary models man so did we lose the other no here's our here's our launcher kiwiko uh we have a special offer for viewers of this program right now you can head to test it and get 50 off your first month of any of kiwi coast subscription crates that they offer try saying subscription crate several times fast and your mouth will leave you um it's almost as tough to say as mythbusters uh yes tested viewers go to tested right now get 50 off your first month of any of their subscription crates um this is i think the fifth build i've done from kiwi coast crates and i love it i i this is when you give a kid everything they need to build something and you let them do it on their own and they create something that didn't exist before that's power and that's exactly the kind of power that you want kids to feel and to explore and to take to the next level and this is a great way to do that uh i'm such a fan of this company and the things they make and frankly there is there is also a a real healthy dose of whimsy and love in these constructions um thank you guys so much really oh you guys are so sweet [Music] well amazing i did not i did not realize that was gonna happen that is delightful i am in fact turning 55 in a couple of days all right here we go um i am never blowing out another cake there we go [Laughter] thank you guys so much for joining me for this live stream i'm adam in my cave and as always stay safe take good care of each other and i will see you next time wave everybody [Laughter] you
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 95,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, tested one day builds, adam savage one day build, one day builds adam savage, tested adam savage, adam savage kiwico, kiwico review, kiwico maker crate, kiwico astronaut starter kit, adam savage tested, one day builds, one day builds tested, engineering for kids, kiwi crate, stem toy, science learning, kiwi co, science for kids, stem learning toys, stem learning activities, stem learning kits, adam savage stem, adam savage steam
Id: FFt_6ANv1FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 53sec (3353 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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