Adam Savage's Comic-Con 2015 Panel (with Chris Hadfield and Alton Brown!)
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Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 220,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam Savage (TV Producer), Chris Hadfield (Astronaut), Alton Brown (Chef), Phil Plait (Academic), andy weir, the martian, tested, testedcom, comic-con, San Diego Comic-Con International (Conference Series), panel, 2015, MythBusters (TV Program), preview
Id: ZX7KrgynRGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 12sec (3132 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2015
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I looked at this and it seems that Adam is gathering together a group of friends that are experts in their specific fields and then it occurred to me that all he needs is one more person and he could be....
Doc Savage and the The Fabulous Five.
(I'm sure he has jodhpurs, a torn up shirt and bronze makeup in his collection.)
@42:13 this guy sounds like the forbidden love child of Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Ted Levine(Buffalo Bill).
This is one of the first panels I have been able to watch all the way through in a long while. Adam Savage of course one of my favorite people, including Chris Hadfield and Andy Weir.
I do not know the other two but will definitely look them up now. Need to know that mole reference if there is one.
Phil Plait never gets any love.
Steven Hawking asks a question at 25.40