Adam Ruins Everything - How America Created the “Model Minority” Myth | truTV

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I like this show, but take what he says with a huge grain of salt. It's primarily entertainment.

👍︎︎ 189 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

This guy is the human manifestation of a Buzzfeed article.

👍︎︎ 84 👤︎︎ u/delightporn 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

1:36 - claims that no german americans were interned during WW2

Granted, 11,000 souls is less than the number of Japanese taken into custody, but this is not difficult information to find. That the writers outright denied this fact for a cheap jab is deceitful at best.

I usually like Adam ruining things but this makes me want to check his sources on other videos

👍︎︎ 123 👤︎︎ u/chomblebrown 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
Boy, I'm sure glad we left the pool party, Trey. Math homework is way more fun! Computer, that's the first thing you've ever said that doesn't add up. (canned laughter) You're so studious, Computer. Trey, you could learn a thing or two from his people. They're very wise. (canned laughter) Whoa, time out! (whistle blowing) Here we go again! TV and movies are rampant with Asian stereotypes. Especially the idea that Asian people are some kind of "model minority." Smart, successful, polite, obedient, and of course, inherently good at math. What's the big deal? Those are all compliments. Well, these "compliments" actually originated in a government propaganda campaign. And not too long ago, white Americans actually thought the exact opposite. Time in! (whistle blowing) In the mid-1800s, Americans were so hostile to Chinese people, the country passed laws banning Chinese immigration and denying their freedoms. They were stereotyped as a lazy, opium-addicted, menacing horde dubbed the "yellow peril." (guitar riff) But you're old Uncle Sammy didn't stop there. Uncle Sammy! Uncle Sammy! (canned applause) (Adam) Yeah, Uncle Sammy hasn't been such a cool uncle. Because of anti-Asian racism during World War II, the United States interned Japanese Americans in concentration camps. Hey, it's our Japanese friend Kenji from up the street! Oh, that's not your friend. That's a spy who wants to kill Americans. (canned laughter) Uncle Sammy, why didn't you do that to German Americans in World War II? Yeah, I wonder. Because they're white. Because they're white. But all that changed when the US needed to suck up to its Asian allies during the Cold War. See, as the Soviet Union rose to power, the US worried that Soviet propaganda was making communism sound "dyno-mite." (Russian accent) America is so racist, am I right? It's like, hey, USA, cut it out! Woof. Guess I better "have mercy" on these Asians. So America embarked on a propaganda campaign to tout Asian-American success stories. The State Department highlighted Asian-American artists, politicians, and even sent an all Chinese-American basketball team on tour overseas. Forget all that nastiness earlier. America loves our Asian sports heroes. And in 1965, Congress approved a landmark immigration law that ditched racist restrictions. But it gave preference to immigrants who had training, talent, or skill sets that would benefit the US economy. (speaker feedback) Sammy and The Rippers are changing their tune. Border's now open for smart, successful Asian immigrants. (guitar riff) Wow! Now that I've let all these educated, successful Asians into America, I've gotta say, Asian Americans sure are successful and educated. (wild guitar riff) (canned laughter) So America went from a country that despised Asians to one that held them up as a shining example of assimilation. And this self-fulfilling prophecy resulted in the "model minority" myth. And the most sinister part of this myth is it was used to put other minorities down. And it's still holding people back today. Oh, it's our very special guest star, professor of history at Indiana University Ellen Wu. (canned applause) Why did I need to use the ladder, Adam? Aren't we on the ground floor? It's a sitcom thing. In the 1960s, government officials looked at socio-economic data from African-American communities and contrasted it to the so-called "family values and stability" of Asian Americans. Now, this fueled racist claims that black people had no one to blame but themselves if they experienced poverty and other social disadvantages. Conservatives went on to use these claims to justify making cuts to many essential social programs for African Americans and other disadvantaged minority groups. They were even used to argue against civil rights. Come on, you don't see Computer complaining about "fair and equal protection." Asians earned their place in this country. Why can't you? Wh-- what? No! Uncle Sammy, you helped Asian people. Why can't you see that? And the model minority myth hurts Asian people too. If an Asian-American student is struggling in school, many teachers assume that they don't really need extra help. And it's not true that all Asians are crazy rich and successful. The poverty rate for Asian Americans is actually higher than the national average. And frankly, it's kinda ridiculous that we lump people from so many different backgrounds together as "Asian." Yeah, Asian people are not a monolith. Trey, you and your multi-ethnic adopted parents keep referring to me as your "smart Asian neighbor." Specifically, I am Korean American and, sure, I'm smart, but I also love Ultimate Frisbee. Why doesn't anybody talk about that? (canned applause) You know what? This is messed up. Computer's a person who contains multitudes, and probably has a real name. You know what, Uncle Sammy? This is all your fault. Get out of my room. Whoa, watch the hair! (canned laughter and applause) 145 00:05:19,986 --> 00:05:19,019 Aww, wipe your tears, you sissy.
Channel: truTV
Views: 739,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: truTv, Shows, New, Series, episode, clips, youtube, true, tv, truetv, channel, the, adam ruins everything, ruins everything, adam ruins, truTv adam ruins everything, adam conover, adam ruins everything truTV, adam conover runis everything, Truth, Model Minority, Soviet propaganda, America seem racist, Cold War, despised Asians, assimilation, assimilation to gain, Model Minority Myth, racism, World War II, Japanese, America, sitcoms, German, Soviet, propaganda, immigrants
Id: Pg1X1KkVxN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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