Adam 22 diss AD and Lush on Bootleg kev interview

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to be badass on yeah who wants special treatment because uh Snoopy badass had a video where he basically said that like and this was a long time ago because I I did an interview with Snoopy like two years ago and A.D wasn't there or anything and like Snoop and Snoopy had a video where he basically said that ad was blocking him from going on no jumper and that ad is just a hater because you know Snoopy's the real king of Compton or whatever the [ __ ] he said so when I had Snoopy on the other day I asked him what was up with that video are you saying that you would [ __ ] ad up or whatever and I guess you know A.D like last night did this whole song and dance acting like the victim acting like oh that's so [ __ ] up that I would ask this dude about him um so just for the record I am one of the greatest hip-hop podcasters to ever live and if you think that I'm gonna have a [ __ ] on the show and not ask him about the beef that he previously had with someone who was a host on the channel a you're not paying attention to what I've been doing for all these years because that is 100 what I do if I have an interview with a rapper that hates bootleg Kev tomorrow I'm gonna probably make it clear in the course of the interview like I [ __ ] would be like Kev but I'm gonna say so why are you like kept yeah that's normal that's what everybody does AD like I don't know why he like thinks he needs like special treatment but I think the reality is is that he probably isn't even actually bothered by what I said in the interview with Snoopy badass he just does like four streams a week and he needs topics and he needs stuff to talk about and so that probably seemed like something that would be good click bait right and that's not like people just you see people become this weird version of themselves and they start faking fights and they start faking beefs and they start you know creating beef sudden nothing or whatever and it's like I don't know like I saw like a two minute clip of his stream in the Reddit and I just didn't even I didn't even think about responding it just seems so I was gonna say I think he said that you guys were like cordial we've got some text conversations since then and everything but like okay why do we have a text conversation when I was in Florence about to get married is because his cousin came on one of the November panels and then A.D did a whole stream talking about you know if if I'm not [ __ ] with Adam then you or if you're my cousin you shouldn't go on no jumper or whatever and I hit him up I send him like you know a couple of texts just being like bro I didn't know you had a problem with this [ __ ] guy like like what do you like but again it's like he needed some click bait he needed something to talk about that week so you see how A.D even being who he is he just is I don't know it's like weird like oh you could have just texted me and said like why'd you interview my cousin instead you do a three-hour live stream about it and you know that but that's why I kind of feel bad for these guys because it's like they they feel like they have to talk about me to get views and to get people to pay attention because that's all of their most viral content has just been talking well I think Lush said that I think Lush is like this is what y'all want so I'm gonna keep doing it Lush did a whole video swearing that he wasn't going to talk about me anymore and thanking me for the positive impact on his career and everything and then he interviews somebody else that I don't [ __ ] with and he said like hey I really tried to stop talking about November but this is what y'all want but you guys don't watch my [ __ ] unless I talk about no jumper so I'm talking about no jumper now the difference between Lush talking about a no jumper and not talking about November is he'll get like a thousand views on an average stream and then he'll talk about new jumper and he'll get like 10 000. Okay so yes that is a 10x multiplier but still you're a grown ass man getting 10 000 views on your live stream have you guys chatted at all I mean he tries to hit me up and stuff and it's like bro I just don't [ __ ] with it because I I like you know I had him on and uh he went on he went off on me on some [ __ ] podcast and then I ended up bringing him on and we're you know we're cool because I think I caught I I called him some [ __ ] when you and I because I I never was like a fan of him on the channel but when I met him I was like oh he seems like a really genuinely like like nice dude and and with him it's like it just reminds me like do not operate your business like a [ __ ] charity project because he was somebody that was just so obviously [ __ ] and like I put him on the channel because it was like I thought that that was kind of like an interesting narrative like look at this guy he's an ex-junkie he's [ __ ] addicted to banging prostitutes on fig he's just got like a clearly got a few screws loose he's chasing this battle rap dream but then you know like we brought him on the channel and it's just like everybody on the channel was just viciously clowning him all the time and I was the one telling people I was the one sitting down with Almighty suspect and saying like suspect you got to go easy on Lush you can't just like be this mean to him because I I remember there was like a freestyle thing where a lush wrapped and suspect was laughing so hard like falling out of his chair and it was so funny and I'm over here I'm the one looking out for lunch saying suspect you can't treat them like that like suspect you got to be nicer to him whatever t-rell was [ __ ] [ __ ] on him left and right he [ __ ] hated them and I'm kind of trying to like you know navigate that and and you know like why was I going out of my way to help this guy I never did one bad thing to this guy and then of course all of his streams are about me because I'm the only successful person that he's ever been around in his entire life I'm the only famous person that he's ever been associated with so he has to talk about me or else nothing's ever going to move my challenge to all of those guys and I've said this before is get a million views have an opinion have a thought are you talking about on a specific video make a video that gets a million views have a thought have an opinion do something the stipulations are if you can't get a million views talking about me that's not going to do it there's not a million people who care that much about any of these exos talking about me or you know uh get an interview talk to somebody who's like really interesting and get a million views that's my challenge to every single one of them well I think you will have proven to me that you successfully left the nest when you get a million views because I could tell you that last month I got 50 million views on my YouTube channel and this is like people talk about a sinking ship all of these channels combined are maybe 10 of the views that I get in a month and I'm a sinking ship this is what these people actually want you to believe it's [ __ ] narrative they were never mistreated while they were on the channel I was always transparent about pay I was always like very uh you know open to having discussions about what the future of the channel was going to be so that that is the one thing that really bothers me is just this [ __ ] victim narrative that was painted on the way out but I don't think the people are falling for it anymore I you know the channel is doing way way better we're crushing it right now um and I have tons more great ideas and at the end of the day you need money to go to war and I got a lot of it and I I can't I mean I don't think they want to I mean I I would hate to see like a wart I mean obviously to me it's like there's a scoreboard right and I'm way up even though people tried to paint me as if I was way down yeah I mean well but I do think it's important to acknowledge like community and and and and back on fig are are successful they're not maybe there is a jumper successful but thank you I think you've you have a head start you know true you've been and I'm a goat I mean look yeah of course you're you have some of the most iconic interviews of all time listen I think you gotta look at it as like through the scope of like these guys just started these channels so it's like you know but they need to get a million views you know have you watched uh fig Community world no no you never well I've seen some clips here yeah yeah I just think that like they're building something that they're you know and I just wish that there was less like like I don't I didn't like the way the whole split happen you know what I'm saying um yeah it was [ __ ] but I I think that uh you know both things can be true they're successful maybe not as successful as you but again you have a head start but they're doing I'm sure they're making much more money for their families for themselves then would you acknowledge that that they're probably making more money now than they were making with no jumper hell no you don't think so no no no no no okay so I I'm not in the business so I just know that they have sponsors they got you know they got their own sponsor money coming in like I don't know I just I just feel like they're probably and they might be okay even if it's even if they're making 75 of what they were making with you oh hell no you don't think so no I mean I listen a lot of people talk to me a lot of people tell me things I basically know like almost exactly how much money they make and I feel bad that they had bad management that led them in the direction of walking away from you know money that could that was very very meaningful for an opportunity that realistically has not panned out yet and well I mean yeah I mean do you think um there would ever be an opportunity for you guys to do a reunion show or go on each other's Platforms in the future is that out of the realm of possibility for me I'm looking towards the future so is it possible I guess anything is possible but I just got a lot of good things going for me right now I'm really focused on and I don't really feel the need to sort of go back in time you know and you obviously
Channel: Dmackdon1
Views: 1,023
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Id: OK3pinGG13o
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Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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