Acuteq OTDR ATO 750 Introduction Part 2: Testing Splitters in FTTH

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[Music] hi guys today we are going to penetrate splitters with our aquatech ddr okay so before pantries leaders i will give you the basic work and theory about this other for odi is like the laser is generated from these laser detector sorry laser diode okay from the list diode then you will go to the cable then the cable will have its reflection point you can see the event okay then the laser will be reflected back to our audience the odr will detect the reflection value and after the calculation it will tell you what is the distance what is the event they have met like splitters or just a collection port point just like splicing point okay so you may wondering why i'm saying this because this is a basic theory about how to test splitters as you can see as you can see okay as we have as we just said odr is to detect the reflection value and after calculation and telling you the event okay so to test the splitters we have to test not from input part but from output part why because if we test from input part okay it will have four reflection values one two three four but if you're using like a one to 16 splitters do i have 16 reflection value all these reflection values back and it will be reflected back to our otdr so which means the value will not correct so it will give you the wrong result but if we test the front output part okay laser will go to to go through chip part then after go to input part also it will be reflected back only one reflection and two output parts so so remember to test those littles only test from this output not from import okay so let's backside so uh before we penetrate the splitters i also need to give you the information about the platform or you can see the segments tensions we have we are testing today okay so this is a 1 000 meters okay this is 5 000 meters okay this is ten thousand meters why we are testing like this because the ftth which means the last mile is using one thousand meters after one thousand meters one it will meet the nap which means like network access point okay after that it will go to like a data center okay go to the center then go to the city center or you can see the larger data center so it has a one five turn is a typical network we're fixing okay so so before we test this leaders we were just to test all these vertices okay so we connected here we will use auto we will use auto to test the results so 1 5 10 okay this is very clear and a beautiful graph yeah we're using two wavelengths to test the results we're setting about 10 seconds so we can see 1 6 16 okay so right now we're testing splitters normally for the nap we'll use 1 to 16 speakers okay so right now we are only testing the one two sixteenths leaders first let's say output okay import okay first we will not test about the from small data center to larger data center you can say so we only test the first period okay to test the splitters we will not use auto because auto will only tell you the distances so we will say we'll choose pyramid setting and also as our first video have said remember always choose the double length so right now it is one kilometers five kilometers so we'll choose twenty twenty congress okay for the pilot will choose about 59 seconds so we'll just depress a revenge avenue you may wonder why and how we can choose the path of life it depends on the curve and we also will give you a form about which level you should choose but right now we'll choose 5500 nanoseconds oh so you can see it has a giant gate here okay it has a giant gate here which means the laser has go through in the splitters and the drop down so this is the split spot okay but also you can see here the curve is not so smooth okay in these cases you can also increase the pathway which means if we are choosing well like a one one us which means okay so we are just press it again you will see the curve is different the curve is better it is like a more smooth so it will be better so sometimes you as you will find the curve is not good just increase the pathway but sometimes you will find the curve has another you know has another shape so we are not we should load down the palawan just like this we will choose like five years right now press left you will see wow we cannot see the pinko here a pinnacle here we cannot see the pinnacle here if we cannot see the pinnacle here it means that otdr telling you i'm overloaded my detector is overloaded just low down the pathway so if you can also see the pinnacle just load down okay so remember this is okay but not beautiful so in this case we'll choose like a one two two us you can see the pinnacle will be better by steer but still you cannot say the pinnacle here still you cannot see the pickle here okay so in these cases you have to adjust a little bit so this is how to choose the pathway okay so let's go back let's let's also i will also so this is to test the first layers of leaders then i think this is down then we'll go to test the second splitters okay so here as i explained before or tested from output input okay so in these cases you can see right now while testing like 1 000 meters 1 to 16 splitters 5 000 meters 1 2 4 liters then 10 kilometers okay so we are testing all dpr again odr parameter setting as i said before right now we have like a third way we should choose 40 000 meters which means 40 km okay the pathway let's try two years okay you can also choose a testing time if you choose 30 seconds it will be better okay but 10 seconds is also okay so let's test it again oh you can see oh the pinnacle is not very good it means we may have to low down the power part wise oh sorry we may have to increase before you can see this curve is not a very beautiful oh maybe we have choose five years okay so you can see here this is the first drop down but this is the first splitters okay that is second splitters okay you can see if you can see here 1 16 sorry 6 and 16. you can see here it is like a 12.5 db loss is about 70 exactly the same losses about 1 to 16 and do one decision okay so let's go back to the event map even map the same settings like in our otdr settings first of all press the settings choose menu okay offshoots menu let's choose like two wavelengths that's my range 40 kilometers okay by the while let's try maybe two is also okay let's leave this yes as i said before remember to set the splitter value here because sometimes you're you're you're using one as the apc sometimes they're using scupc so you have to type the splitter value here okay just like a six or seven or whatever just press the enter it will be down launch cable we don't have right now receive cable we don't have right now so we just test it let's see the results right now you can see right one kilometers above one to 16. okay six kilometers which is about one two four oh okay one two four splits perfect so this is a basic testing about how to test the splitters you can also by choosing settings to test some other splitters maybe one to eight and also one to sixty four oh all years it depends on your applications depends on your cabling so thanks for watching thanks for watching so this is how to attach the splitters if you have any questions just that sending inquiries are problems to us you can also check our youtube channel it is called acure tech college a good technology technology okay thanks for watching
Channel: Acuteq Instruments Inc.
Views: 2,232
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Id: BLBoc4cV-go
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Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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