Actress Who Knew Elvis, Heard Natalie Drowning! EXCLUSIVE Interview #rj #murder

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bed and I listened at the whatever side the right side of the boat uh window and I could hear a woman yelling help me somebody help me I'm drowning so I said to John yeah somebody said help me somebody I'm drowning what what should we do he said go up on the deck and talk to whomever it is and I'll call Harbor Patrol so I did I went up on the deck and started yelling in that direction uh where are you um I don't remember I I just kept babbling to keep the person yelling and so that I could get a bead on really where they were right that's what I was going to ask you uh first of all it was dark right it by that time it was 11:00 and uh were there any stars out pitch black pitch black so you couldn't see anything no but you could hear person we had that light on the top but you couldn't even read a book with big writing from that thing so John had turned that on and it kept turning around but we couldn't see anything you couldn't see anything now was this voice a a man or a woman it was a woman you couldn't get a beat on it were there any other boats that were mored around you yes there was we were at the in a clock we were at the Cent C of the clock there was a boat at our 3:00 position was also mored exactly in the same space that we not same space But same line that we were and there was a boat at our 9:00 position also mored at exactly the same line that we were mored at there was a 90 foot swing space that they give you when you m a boat so in the event of Rough Waters or whatever you wouldn't crash into it each other right so we were approximately 90 ft away from the boat at the 3:00 position and 90 ft away from the boat at the 9:00 position okay and could you could you tell at all from the from the um cries for help like what direction in which direction the boat was that it was coming from was coming from within the area of our of the 9:00 position the boat that was mored next to us now did you know who the people were that were in that boat no we had NOA did did you come to find out who they were well uh we uh went back to Newport Beach where John kept his boat and somebody ran up to the boat and said were you all at at the ismos this weekend and we said yes why and they said Natalie would drown and John and I looked at each other like this was the woman who was yelling for help let's go back to to uh what you heard out there when the person was yelling for help or the woman was yelling for help did anybody respond there the boat at our 3:00 position uh they were having a party they were very loud and um at one point when I was up on the deck I heard somebody say from the 3:00 position uh hold your hat I'm paraphrasing a bit but it was something the hold your hat we coming to get you so John then he was downstairs calling Harbor Patrol and I yelled down to him apparently this person's with this party over here and then we would have a conversation back and forth about what to do given the fact that they had said hold on we're coming to get you right uh nobody ever came to get anybody and they continued with the party so uh did there come a time during all this when you thought about jumping in the water and trying to find this person um yes uh when John couldn't get a hold of Harbor Patrol he then he called Avalon and by now it was about 20 after 11: now the only reason I know the exact time was because John had given my son a digital watch and so we kept yelling back to Anthony what time is it because he stayed in his State room and he kept telling us minute by minute what time it was okay so I knew that it was at 11:20 when John called Avalon the first time or called called Avalon yeah yeah uh har he called Harbor Patrol first he called Harbor Patrol several times yeah he kept trying and trying and trying no response right uh Avalon did respond and they said we'll send a helicopter out and John said well he told me he said you better do it in a hurry because somebody's drowning and then John came upstairs because we expected a helicopter to fly over and uh we could use a flashlight to right try and point the direction of whoever was yelling for help uh but nobody came there was no helicopter Avalon never called us back no one ever responded uh at that point I figured the only way whoever was drowning was going to have to be saved if somebody jumped in and saved her why did you think you could do something like that because I'm an idiot I didn't think you don't think it at a time like that you you really do not think it's all adrenaline yeah and and with somebody yelling that they were drowning and you just work on emotion um I'll just jump overboard and swim over to wherever this person is were you capable of doing that I mean could you swim well my father had been an Olympic champion in the 36 Olympia Olympics gold and silver Medal winner and so in platform and springboard diving and so his friends one of them was Johnny Weiss Miller uh my father taught me to dive when I was two and when I was four Johnny Weiss Miller taught me how to swim so and I I was a competitive swimmer uh yeah I was a very strong swimmer so you were capable of jumping in and doing that why didn't you do it John wouldn't let me and he had he had In fairness to John he had an excellent reason he said to me in in our panic and I was really ready to go overboard he said you are the sole support and single parent of a 10-year-old uh you have responsibilities and on top of that you're going to jump into ice cold water you weigh 110 pounds you're going to die of hypothermia before you ever reach the person and if by any chance you should reach the person which is highly doubtful that person is going to grab you in her panic and drag you under and you're both going to drown those were all very valuable points yeah the point that yes a single parent of a 10-year-old uh sole support of him was the one that actually stopped me what should have stopped me was just common sense yes but as I said you're not thinking at a time like that how about the dingy how come you didn't like try to pump up the dinghy and get out there John had deflated the dinghy and folded it up and stuck it in uh oh the D it wasn't where you could use it no at some point did the cries for help stopped at 20 after 11 the cries for help stopped and I don't really remember what happened after that I think I just blank that out I don't really remember yeah so the next morning what time in the morning did you get up Sunday that is well we were up and ready to go by 5:00 when the harbor guy came around to collect the harbor fees the the moing fee and that was at 5: in the morning and I looked over to our 3:00 position because I was at the end of the boat oh as I remember John was on the phone still at that point calling the Harbor Master oh okay in the morning it just came to me yeah okay and um that's why I was at the end of the boat paying for the moing fee and I looked over to my right and there were police boats and all sorts of commotion and I said to the kid that was collecting the moing fee I think somebody was over there last night that was drowning what's going on and he said you'd be smart to mind your own business okay so as John sailed out or motored out of the ismos I said go a little slowly I yelled down to him go a little slowly so I can see the name of this boat and we can check when we get back to Newport Beach who owns this boat so is he sailed past it so I yelled down I said John it's called Splendor out of Santa Monica and did did you know who owned that boat no okay so then you go back to where where did you all go back well John John kept the boat in Newport Beach so we went back and when we pulled into his docking space uh the kid that took care of John's boat ran up and said hey were you all at the is this weekend and um and I said why he said Natalie Wood Brown oh John yeah so at that point in time you thought that's who you heard was nly we knew instantaneously yeah yeah yeah so we closed all the windows and all the doors and sat down and said not much of anything really I think we just stared at each other what do you do yes after this happened and you heard these screams did you tell people about it like for instance the Harbor Patrol guy that came to the boat Sunday morning did you tell him what you heard no I said what I just told you that yeah what's going on over there last night somebody sounded like they were drowning okay you told him that mhm and he told told me to mind my own business he told you to mind your own business right when you got back to Newport Beach and after they told you that Natalie had drowned did you tell people no what you'd heard no okay do you know if John did I don't know all right at some point in time did the did the Press try to get a hold of you uh yes um Monday morning when I was at work what happened it was about 10:30 in the morning and remember as a commodity broker you've got to be there at something like 5:30 in the morning so i' already been there for a while uh about 10:30 in the morning somebody with the Los Angeles Times came to my office and um asked me if I were Marilyn Wayne and I said yes and I frankly I was still unable to really this was not Computing um Natalie Wood drowning yes I had met Natalie when she was about oh probably 18 she was dating Widener I was on the lot the Paramount lot and um I'd met her then and I was friends with a lot of her friends I was very close friends with Nick Adams was very close to Elvis um uh when I met Elvis Nick was part of that uh group that Elvis played with oh okay and I met him at the Warwick Hotel when Elvis was in New York doing the edivan show and I was introduced to Elvis and Elvis liked to have me around I was fun and so I hung out with with Elvis for until he went to the Army all right and Nick and I ended up oddly enough uh in a Summer Stock Show together and then we were very close friends when I moved out to California all right let's get back to the newspaper reporter did you talk to the repor yes I told him everything that happened his reporting of the incident is the only accurate 100% accurate report of what happened word for word the time the weather the day everything I think his last name was love was rasher quoted in the newspaper about what you had to say about what happened out there I don't know did he well he did I just wondered if you remembered it he said he said something like well I just think it was those people trying to get their name in the paper you remember him saying to get your name in the paper no I don't remember that I I know that uh I was called a lot of things uh 15 minutes of fame oh really disgusting things yeah um over the years but um I don't remember I he may have but I don't remember it after you talked to the Press was there an incident that happened to work that kind of unnerved you a little bit kind of um as I mentioned sherson had took up most of the block was the second largest sherson in the United States and so we had a front door on Cannon and a back door at the parking lot you could walk walk from the parking lot through the back door past the compliance department now stock Brokers are not allowed to receive private mail they have to leave it in the mailbox before they get any further into the actual um trading room you know for obvious reasons insider trading Etc and so I got a call from the compliance Department saying Marilyn someone just left a note in your mailbox I think you better come down and read it before the compliance Department gives a Financial Consultant any paperwork they have to review it so the compliance Department had read the note before they handed it to me and it was a a note written on a kind of a crumpled piece of paper in childish handwriting that said if you know what's good for you you'll keep your mouth shut and was it sign no my initial reaction was that some of them were doing it to scare me yeah did it work sure did I kept my mouth shot for seven 19 years yes um what did I do with the note I may have given it to my lawyer my long long suffering lawyer within days of of that were you and John out to dinner at the Beverly Hills Hotel yes within three weeks later we were out having dinner and what happened um Robert Wagner came in [Music] and he was with his mother and I don't know how I know that it was his mother I I think the matri D may have told us and um the matri D came to John and asked if we would like to be moved to a different room if we felt uncomfortable and now let's go back for a minute okay uh you asked me about red reader's office yes this this this was this will always remain a mystery to me in order to get to Red reader's office you had to walk through mine it was the way the building was structured so and my name was on my desk said Marilyn Wayne um red was the stock broker for Sinatra the whole Rat Pack um Wagner anyone who was in that group they all had to walk through my office they all saw my name they all knew that I had been involved in this because it made the headlines of every newspaper and yet not one of them ever stopped to say ah you're what's her face yes and so when John and I to go forward were sitting in um the Beverly Hills restaurant we both thought that since no one had stopped talking to me on their way to Red's office it would seem just natural that Wagner would say to his mother there's Marilyn Wayne Let's go ask her what happened to Natalie that night since she and John Payne that's probably since she's engaged to him probably can tell us the whole story since we didn't have a silent generator we couldn't hear what was going on on the slip step of their boat right whereas we could 90 ft away because we had a silent generator um um that they would be interested in what you heard so John and I said to the MRI no we just sit here if they want to talk to us my gosh yes send them over Wagner and his mother walked right past us did he say anything to you he didn't say anything to you or John not a word I will never forget that particular moment that Wagner walked walked past us without saying a word because it makes absolutely no sense right who in their right mind wouldn't immediately say oh my God I'm sorry to to bother you at dinner but can we join you I'm Robert Wagner this is my mother tell us what happened yeah yeah but that didn't happen do you have anything that you want to say here on this video uh before we finish Marilyn about anything that you can think of oh that's a loaded question Sam yeah um yes thank you there's a lot I'd like to say may I yeah yeah go ahead say say what you'd like to say Robert Wagner is now 92 years old I understand that he's not in good health I have not myself out trying to get to the coroner in La I did get to naguchi because he had his time frame all messed up so I had to straighten out his time frame I have tried to get to the coroner who did such a job on me on a TV show at the end of it uh doing a a show on Natalie dying and somebody playing my role and at the very very end detective uh said some woman called in a month after Natalie died but we didn't take her seriously okay I was used to I was used to the abuse for years newspapers would say why didn't she jump in and help her I I got used to it when I finally calmed down which was about a month later because I was I was Furious that was a 90-minute show and he said it at the very end of it this woman and one of those 48 hour things it was 48 hours I um I called him and he answered the phone and I said my name is Marilyn Wayne I'm sure you know who I am and you are and it was a four-letter word liar um he didn't say a word it was silence on the other end of the phone and I reamed into him I was so Furious I said said this whole Police Department every one of you have covered this up for 20 some odd years now now you're involved you've been in the case for 5 years and now you're covering it up and you know damn good and well exactly what happened that night and yet you had the nerve to drag my name through the mud as if I were some sort of lunatic that was enjoying Natalie Wood's death and I went on and on on I don't think I took a breath and finally I think I did take a breath long enough for him to say what do you want me to do and I said to him the right thing and I hung up yeah and then then he dropped inad yeah uh they still refuse to do anything it's still a cover up now the statute of limitations has not expired Wagner is still responsible what the papers have printed it's absolutely false and I will also follow up by telling you that having been an actress I had a lot of friends that knew Wagner and I was told uh on the side that that weekend Natalie told Wagner that when she got back to Los Angeles she had contacted divorce lawyer and she was going to ask for a divorce she was the bread winner so when you put two and two together where are the police statute of limitations has not expired as yet M just because he has been Hollywood actor doesn't mean he shouldn't be put before a jury of his peers and questioned about this Sam can I ask one question I want to ask Marilyn about you talked about when you heard her voice what kind of inflection I mean what kind of what did you denote in it you know you just like you said help me but I mean it's I'm sure for you there was a lot of 100 more details in that voice I can imitate it exactly because you repeated it I'm guessing in that 20 minute time from 5 after 11 until 11:20 um she kept repeating help me somebody please help me I'm drowning help me somebody help me please I'm drowning somebody help me please I'm drowning and I would yell back where are you talk to me uh say something anything tell me your name help me somebody please help me I'm drowning there there wasn't a sound of Hysteria Panic lunacy drunkenness it was strictly a plea for help from somebody coming who was calm and you don't find she was going down and up in the water she definitely was not it was a steady unbroken help me somebody please help me I'm drowning
Channel: Trav-Elvis
Views: 128,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 48 hours, Drowning, Legal standard, Tragic, catalina, catalina island, catalina island california, cbs news, christopher walken, crime, dennis davern, hollywood, homicide, interview, investigation, law, natalie wood, natalie wood death, natalie wood drowning, nogutchi, robert wagner, robert wagner natalie wood, santa catalina island, sinatra, things to do on catalina island, true crime documentary, what happened to natalie wood
Id: fjGA4Ze2xq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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