A.C.T.O.R with Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

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foreign relax foreign [Music] ready um [Music] [Music] you remember oh yeah yeah um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you have a lot of money yeah yes yes I'm out just here I'll just hand them right to you what can you know what we're gonna need a wired mic for questions because she's going to do the um that's what we'll do because you'll feel more comfortable with this okay now this one we do have to speak right here okay okay I think everyone should have had the opportunity to go ahead and review the definition that was before you and um we're gonna actually hear Dr Wells in his presentation we'll have some time for Q a and then we'll have some time for her to sign some books as well for those of you are interested in purchasing the book it is available at teaching for changes Busboys and Poets bookstore in the front of our space and that is an independent bookstore independent bookstores continue to thrive because the community around them supports them it's not okay to go in the bookstore and see a title there and then go buy it on Amazon because that means that this bookstore is going to die so please uh support local bookstores they are few and far between and this bookstore in particular is one that has titles that are about inclusion they are about a lifelong learning and Global perspectives about social justice and diversity and inclusion that you don't find in other bookstores so please support the store and again Dr Wilson's book can be we had there now um Dr Francis pressed welsing is an African-American General and child psychiatrist she's been practicing in the Washington DC area for 47 years she is noted before among other things her press theory of color confrontation and um she hosts the crest welsing Institute at Howard University's Blackburn Center the second Thursday of every month at 7 pm which is free and open to the public so again today's presentation will be brief but of course you can hear more from Dr wellsink every month at the Blackburn Center she is originally from Chicago and has been in the Washington area for a number of years now please join me in welcoming to bus boys and Poets our actor event Dr Francis Wilson [Applause] mm-hmm well thank you very much and let me say thank you to everyone who's come this afternoon uh and this is an answer to our attorney general Harry Potter who raised the question early on are we a nation of powers being unable to talk about racism this audience is saying we are courageous and we can talk about racism uh let me give you a little background I did my training in Psychiatry of cinnamon responsible and in the course of being a resident of psychiatry the patients that I talked and they had black and white faces at Saint Elizabeth at that time and the black patients that I talked to there is always something about racism and history I'm a third generation physician who follows a position in Chicago his father was also a position in Chicago then I thought I'm going to be an effective societies for black people I have to understand racism what is it and when I was an undergrad I thought that I was a Marxist and I like Marx in theory to the extent that it attempted to tie everything in other words how to understand broadly but after attempting to use Mercy in theory uh solving black people's problems I said wait a minute that doesn't work I remember going home and my family was sitting around the dining room table and my grandmother was there and I said Mama Marxist and my grandmother said more education they'd get from government but anyway I wanted to understand racism more in death I finished three years of residency at St Elizabeth and then I did two years of child support agriculture in her Children's Hospital and I'm still looking well what is racism beyond all the hundreds of books that you read in 1967 I met a gentleman whose name is Bailey Fuller Jr and his quote is at the bottom of that page he is a guard at the Bureau of Engraving here in the District of Columbia he had been writing about racism from the time he was in the Korean War and sitting on a Radar Site in Japan he started thinking about the United States to make a long story short he ended up saying and thinking about racism as a total system structure and I think everybody should get that word clearly in their minds he said racism is a system and the system is going to maintaining a power equation the white power over a relative non-white powerlessness and so talking with him for a long time and he said that the system was operative in all areas of people activity economic education entertainment labor law politics religion sex and War so being a psychiatrist and I say old school Psychiatry new school Psychiatry is learned about the chemicals in the brain and learn about the Pharmaceuticals that affect it but old school Psychiatry was wondering why behavior is what it is what is the causative Factor of behavior being what it is so I kept saying well why on this planet would this particular power equation be important and I thought about and I tell people when I was actually standing in my kitchen at 743 Fairmont Street just nothing around the corner and it just came to me see why the power equation of white power over a relative non-white tolerance men and I thought about some of the things that were said within the culture I hope we have time because I'll tell you about the importance of all games and I'll tell you about the importance of guns uh I thought about one major aspect of the discussion that would take place that black people were genetically inferiorated to people who classify themselves as life thought about that and I thought about the fact that the people of color on this planet are referred to as minorities whereas in reality on this planet the overwhelmed in the dark and people are people of color black brown red and yellow nine tenths of the people and they are genetically dominant in terms of skin coloration if anybody have any questions what does that mean just look at Barack Obama Barack Obama is an example of the dominance of the ability to produce the black pigment melons father was black his mother was white but because the ability to produce that black pigment is genetically dominant anytime you mix white plus they cover black ground red or yellow you're going to get a colored person and so my brain computer gets clicked on and said I said that's it in other words if the people who classify themselves as white on this planet now let me just see if we can have a little diagram I tell people to think about 1492. then Columbus started Voyages of European people coming out of your and circumnavigating the planet and I say every place they landed it was coming and if the men on those ships had sexual relations as a part of the hospitality and it took nine months for the votes to be repaired they realized that all of the Children looked like the colored mothers and so I thought well then what if they thought what if these guys got his books living our boat did they decided to take their navigational skills from south to North and the women were receptive then white could be genetically inaugurated this was a quite a critical question then that is a question now I say this is the fundamental concern as to why we have the Persistence of this problem if we take the black people's experience in this area of the world let's say 500 years there has never been a day a week an hour when the practice of quite over known White has not been in place in economics education entertainment labor law politics religion sex videos when I make it myself feel so far so I said this is a key and I've lectured across the country I've lectured outside of this country and in talking to people who classify themselves this fight audiences of people then I say politely do you want your children to become do you want your grandchildren to be covered do you want your great great great great great great great grandchildren to become polite there for Life what do they say yes I know so I say if you mean this it simply means that you have to do the certain things in each of these areas of activity so that this power equation which is a survival power equation is maintained now once you begin to understand this there are many things that you can begin to understand that are not talked about and for example I say that in excuse me excuse me in this system the most difficult thing for anyone to talk about is the issue of racism I remember applying for a job here in the District of Columbia working for the city government as a psychiatrist there was an opening 954 uh the Physicians were in a clinic that was on Spring Road and the clinic was staffed by predominantly white people and so the director said to me Dr Wilson you have an excellent reputation about the psychiatrist but all of our staff is white and you talk about racism and that makes white people uncomfortable and so I smiled and I said wait a minute here we are in a black community all of the patients are black and you tell me I have an excellent reputation but because I made the staff uncomfortable talking about a critical problem I can't have a job now that wasn't the end of that story the end of the story was he was forced to give me a job but the point being that this is the most difficult thing to talk about the reality of racism and looking at it in Death I say that there is no one paragraph definition of racism that is more comprehensive than my particular one paragraph statement I'm the only psychiatrist in the United States who has talked about racism for 40 years I'm the only psychiatrist in this entire world that has been talking about racism white supremacy for the last 40 plus years and I say this is a tragedy I wish I had a lot of company but we don't have a lot of company because people are so frightened and they're so nervous about talking about this critical subject now I say that all of the things that we worry about worry about guns let me tell you why guns are important we're all grown-ups here we have a few children in the room if there is a feat of genetics annihilation then the brain computer you will see in my definition consciously and or subconsciously the determined if there is a fear of genetic annihilation the brain computer is now that's not a man with glasses do I need a model right these are the testicles the vibration in the room is sunsane this is where the genetic material now this is Black History Month we all know that is a part of American history is that a significant part of the black history is where black males were limp and pastry is that correct yeah I mean everybody needed their history with medicine is that true yes yes but you see people are nervous right right okay black men were literally cast friends and often the reason was that they thought about thinking about imagining questioning about having sex with the white female is that right that was usually the motivation yeah we're doing this because he did this or he thought about doing this in until 14 years of age it's supposed to have said something to a white female and so he was lynched so I say that why is the male important the male is important because females cannot impose sexual intercourse see a female can entice but she cannot impose impose if I went to my purse and got a Uzi and I selected a gentleman and I said you were gonna have sex right now I don't care about your wife and I fight with him what would happen gentlemen see if the man was right the physiology is just that he would not be able to maintain an erection Mayo if the question and the fear is genetic annihilation then the attack has to be on the male person whether it's conscious and or subconsciously determined now this is very critical because we are now being told that 70 percent of black families are what I am a female and I say that is because of the war that is taking place against a black male persons the graduation levels of black males even to this day from high school is very very low and if fathers are missing from the homes that this has a profound impact on the development of male children but his fathers are unemployed I heard discussion on the television today 20 percent unemployment in a city like Chicago so if there are not fathers in the home then we are doing something very critical to male development but instead of just wondering why we have to go back to what is fundamentally taking place and the society in the social system structure that is determining people's behavior so let's talk about it wow this is some of the most important activity within the culture is that right right the day is Super Bowl the I mean I hear why should I receive watching the ball game why are ball games important what are these testicles called colloquialism and what are the two series of balls players huh any other answer you're looking at it all the time but unless you have unless the brain has the contacts that is conscious level then you will not see what you're looking at it all the time we're told we are in a democracy and I say where the system of racism and white supremacy system for why genetic survival this is the power Dynamic that is actually going on and so what are the two series of all games within this system structure you read the Isis papers downtown anybody who you're looking at but I say you won't see too serious for ball games are big brown and small length a small light bulb are you looking what are the big round balls basketball what are the small white ping-pong yes no baseball see now I'd say that this is absolutely fascinating this is not coming from France as well seeing the brain computer this is what the culture is turning out you can say at the subconscious level to address the fear of white genetic annihilation and this is concerned about bars ball games occupy more people's attention than church I see every season has a ball game and there's a lot of flurry and activity going on of our bars in the same culture according to females white females say is their Ideal Meat oh [Laughter] it's all dark and so then all we have to do is look and see where these big ground balls go are you ready okay the football goes into some white upright legs at the end of the field the basketball goes into a white thing and then there are usually white females in short skirts dancing on the side black girls can hardly get on the squad are you all with me yeah see now this is discussion that is going on at the symbolic level 24 7. 24 7. let's look at that the small white bars now white gentleman said to me Dr Wilson do you know what Mike can say and I said no I don't said white men say they're not males they're not men until when everyone come here so the most powerful white men to play we're getting oh no and how is that being played long stick panel between thank you trying to get a small white ball into a hole where in black mother earth look we can also do smoking Noggins because I said this is the key this is the fundamental concern that is going on in a culture that is concerned about its genetic survival so these are the balls and in Psychiatry mcstigmund Freud was saying that the penis of the metallic symbol then smoking objects our bad examples and so they also call this to keep category in this culture mix and so we have big brown smoking objects in one of those classes there's more cigarettes and what a small white cigarettes and what are cigarettes called in the dictionary okay thanks this is an English language this is not Francis Wilson this is what is going on in the culture so when white males have a son who do they pass out cigarettes you see as a statement about masculinity what does Russian Empires look at 12 minutes okay so done everybody is momentum about gun control why can't we have gun control the fundamental question is what do guns actually represent and I said this is your feet the front view of mathematavia this is a lab review if you turn it around 90 degrees you have this what is this place equalizer [Music] please consciously or self-consciously the black male has looked at he has weapons Canon dilate me must create weapons change the same thing and that becomes a gun so if someone talks about taking the gun away when there is the fear that is not discussed of genetic annihilation then the gun cannot be taken away from scratch where you cannot be taken away by a black man than the White House see I sit in my office talking to patients and the Dominus psychiatrists at least as I said old school new school is see the patient 15 years you assess whether they're depressed or anxious they're writing prescription not use your training to help people understand why their behavior might be what it is is not take on people that's cheap that is cheap to spend energy on this planet hating anybody the goal objective would be displays a system of racism by Supremacy with a system of justice justice league no one is mistreated no one is allowed to be living and those who need the most help get the most help but if people are feeling genetically inadequate then they have to see appearance and have to see people in poverty and they have to engage and breed in other words if I feel an adequate I have to have everything I don't know all the diamonds everything so the things that we are troubled by in the culture is we really indeed wanted to take our courage to a deeper level then we would have to look at levels of reality that people don't want to talk about in the Attorney General Eric Holder said I was a nation of powers the president even took off the same we needed to have dialogue about great if both of these gentlemen have been shot there's no discussion about there's no discussion about racism no discussion I mean yes people talk about race but they don't go into any debt so let's look at the necessary color code for maintaining white genetic survivors are black plans get back if you are proud if you are yellow then if you were white all right all right now see black people learn this they learned it on the day of birth when the family goes to look at the baby in the bathroom that the new baby and I'm sure it's true for all people to come it's true in Central America it's true in South America it's true in Asia because all of the people of color who have been exposed to white domination ends up practicing the color code no matter what language they talk about it in I can be in London to the audience is able to respond just as you have responded now what does this relate to the genetic ability to produce the black piglet melon if you have a lot your skin is Crystal black a little bit less it looks Brown a little bit less so-called red a little bit yeah and white you're all right so where do people take classes in maintaining racism and white supremacy did anybody know where you go to take a class Dr Wilson television no just turn on your television see if you turn on your television that's how you can turn it on at 4 30 in the morning or six o'clock in the morning or eight o'clock in the morning and you're going to see quite right right made you see a commercial with a black man acting stupid and then you see quite frankly and then you see a commercial with the Oakley black one white white white white white white are you wrong with me so then you go to school and you open a textbook or you open any magazine or you open any newspaper you are getting the message about what the culture is really all about and people are behaving based on what they are being programmed to think let's talk about Sun pain see why black people are being taught to have skin pigmentation means that you're ugly then the more color you have the uglier you are then across town or across the track what are people attempting to do you have something to hand get a suntan I was the only black girl in my class in college and I remember the first spring and I still had our genes and adapted in Ohio I was folding but the Sun was shining and I saw all of these white bodies all along and I actually said what are they doing but the first time people were attempting to get the pain while telling people across the track maybe they already had it they were ugly now I advise people I advise people to read my graduation present from college in 1957 my parents said what do you want for graduation the thing I needed a psychiatrist but I said send me to Germany now my parents are really hip aware people very political people then teach us take us to hear the boys take us to hear Paul Robeson always political dialogue going on in the house and my parents didn't say what they said I said I want to go to Germany and this was 12 years after the war and I want to live with German people and I want to ask them in person did they know what they were allowing or had allowed to happen to their neighbors and I was in a Work Camp outside of Frankfort of course the only black one there the Frankfurt House of mine did an article Brown Francis from Chicago is here how to do it but there were young German people who were walking around with swastikas on and so if I you know if I saw one then I would say don't do that and they would say I'm sure they go to dinner and if I wasn't around they would start the same thing doing it again so if you breathe Adolf Hitler's work Hitler said that he wasn't interested in the religion of the Jewish people he said they were not white and he was going to kill 11 million because they were not white now the German people that I was in this Camp outside of Frankfurt I saw nice people some of them Francis come and live at our house but I realized because sometimes I have to remember related is should I have told my parents give me a call but that was a very important experience for me because people who on the surface could be nice but they could stand by and observe other people being destroyed so that was a very actually very important kind of lesson we could even think about gentrification going on here because Hitler was removing semites of the Jewish religion to some place where there would be jobs and housing but we are sitting in this nation's capital and watching the removal of black people take place and you would be surprised how many black people start saying now I know how the Native Americans felt because black people are being systematically removed you see and somehow at some level and this is why you know we have so-called news programs where people are doing more laughing than thinking and talk they say so they don't really have to talk in substance about what is actually taking place but people need to be aware if I could go back let's say to 1933 or 1937 or 1939 and I was in Austria Germany and talking to Sigmund Freud I would say why don't you talk about anti-semitism instead of sex repression you're spending a whole lot of time talking about sex repression but what are the people actually experiencing they were experiencing images and magazines they can have TV of course images and movies images and newspapers negative images of semi to the Jewish religion the word hip refused was tear Mish animal people sub-human and some of this is some of the Imaging and I say that many of the semites of the Jewish religion I probably have 500 books on what happened in Germany in my library because what it's time to be honestly those who do not learn from history will repeat history so I have in my Institute I tell people repeat after me reading let me repeat is more important it's more important than watching TV than watching TV let's see what happens Valentine's Day is this month right and in this culture wasn't white ladies want for Valentine's Day [Music] see people who want chocolate kisses and then say it's a contradictions when people do not deal at the levels of Truth and this is what we are challenged to do let me just share with you and then questions we'll have time for questions I think I have 15 minutes I wonder why is the word use so often by black people yeah my mother bless her was a retired Chicago public school teacher and so she heard that I said this word then my mother called on the phone and she said Francis I said yes Francis I heard that you said that word in public and I said mother what word you know I was mystified and she said you know and I said I don't please help me I don't know she said Maryland farmers and I said oh okay Ma I did say it but don't worry it's a political expression and she said something well Francis is real anyway I came out of the clinic on Spring Road 1125 Spring Road this would be the area B Community Mental Health Center and young black people were passing and [Music] I thought oh my goodness the poor young people wow and then it occurred to me any term that is used with high frequency in a culture has significance what is a significance and so then we have to always go back to the context and the context is what planned something like that Inspirations of white supremities white power over God's not by powerlessness okay so my brain computer said oh wow okay there are five people categories man woman boys girl and baby not speaking to black people who is the man they're white people who is the man I said Here Comes the man you are who am I talking about the white male the boyfriend so that means this is an isolating article any other male has four Choice woman boy girl baby the Black History Month black men fought historically don't call me on your board right right their black men died I'm trying to say don't call me no more everything until recently one of the journalism how many black women can cause Batman baby we won't get free lines to yourself okay so we finally black men called from this legal mama no truth great [Music] truth makes you strong it doesn't make me weak and how many times one strong name too strong of a brain computer simply says man who caused another man's email it's called baby it's called Little he sleeps with Mom called the place where he sleeps a friend will do the math call himself a so what does this term mean baby compared to man in terms of power in this one get a baby knocking on a man so the babies they're just talking about the culture that we that we pray to talk about are you all with me see that would be just like did Nazi Germany before assume out of the Jewish religious oh he can't do anything to me and ask you to hold the mic up adoption so I said this term can be powerless maybe there's another male in the culture who feels powerless spider power how many people are aware of the black people are the mothers and fathers of everybody on the planet black people are the only people that can produce all the colors Crystal black and then you produce an invitation to albinism that's why and you mix it too and you get all of the colors in the middle all of the different shapes white people can only do 20 people so if you live together in Africa black men and black women are the mothers and fathers of everybody on the planet and I say that people who classify themselves as quite pay tribute to their family connection when they want to have Uncle Ben's rice benjaminers pancakes it might even be why Oprah was so popular Brave woman program was embracing white people they tell me what your problem is thank you yeah so I saved them right now who have already stated they don't feel like they're men unless they've had sexual relations with a black woman but when they have a relationship with a black woman the children he is genetically annihilated and the children are taught so he feels genetically powerless yes and then he imposes political powerlessness my class I can go on for four hours let me have you ask questions yes [Applause] thank you okay I have the wire the wireless mic so I'm going to come around for those and if you just raise your hand up then I can um come to the come to you with the mic and I'm going to ask everybody to keep their statements in the form of a question rather than to make a statement or to take on the lecture role of Dr welsing I'm going to ask you to please keep your uh your time at the mic in the formal question all right [Music] I heard you on a radio talk show back in the 90s and you stated that white men don't steal from black men I like the good job you said white men don't steal from black men um and I also wanted to know if your interpretation is there a difference between white supremacy and racism uh let me just say first I don't I don't remember saying white men don't steal from that black man's gonna see him right now white men don't steal from black men right now I'm not connected I'm not you know it's exactly what that racism in other words let's say God forbid a black person said I hate white people that's just somebody making a statement it goes into the air the black person doesn't have the power to control over what happens in the lives of white people so that the power is in the hands of people who classify themselves and fight on the planet at this point in time they have more weapons than anybody else do you see other people may have some weapons but the question becomes who has most weapons who can cause the life the loss of most life at any given point in time so I say racism that I'm talking about is quite Supremacy yes Dr Wilson I want congratulations for a beautiful service today in the community my question is a reference to the movie John gold and what do you feel about the cultural condition of the n-word and also the use of that because uh and the question did you see the movie no I haven't seen it and I'm not going to see it but I'm not telling anybody else not to see it I say that for the movie to have use the word which is we go to your dictionary it is a demeaning term a degrading term that that is the message you see that you can use this term now whether it was done consciously and or subconsciously the use of this word you've got a black president but it's an effect so hey that doesn't mean a thing that this is the word that is meaning something even though you have many young people many many young people and older people who say oh this doesn't mean anything this is entertainment remember I said the system of race of the white supremacy is practice being economics education entertainment labor law politics religion section and so if a person just doesn't see understand system it is going to the movie in the abstract it would be like a person in Nazi Germany who didn't understand system of white supremacy then when they see degraded images of semites or the Jewish religion they said oh that doesn't mean anything they had to find out later that it had major meaning see black people are being pushed out of urban centers all across the country inferior schools inferior housing homelessness so to say that the word doesn't have meaning the word has meaning to the majority of the people who read I acknowledge the books are better than TV but I did see a TV program a couple of days ago on History Channel the first day of February Black History Month and it was about the history of the cute flux plan made chronicled four different surges of the acute flux plan over the past Century so it struck me that everything they were saying about the plan and its rise and fall would seemed to apply today to the tea party and the National Rifle Association you you see those phenomena as being part of the same sort of surge of racism well I see mind you I'm saying that we are in thank you see the system the total system is racism and so we have a party political party structure that we refer to as conservatives and liberal but we're talking about the system so we have people who are conserving interested in maintaining their system and we have people who are more liberal they have black friends they're more liberal about the system and I say in football game between in the system of racism between team conservative and team liberal what role do the black people play in football you see so client if anybody is continue with the newsletter or Journal that comes out from the Southern Poverty Law Center you're not familiar with it go on the internet and read where they monitor the number of conservative groups conservative extremely conservative you see but within this same system you may have people complaining about the guns who are maybe more over here but you don't have anybody saying stop the system of racism for all the people I've Advocate all the people who are in bed with white people all the white people who are in bed with colored people why don't they have an organization [Music] what was absent was the effect that that um white male racism has all black women specifically um I'm referring to a comments that you made about the purpose of your work being being so that no one is mistreated because that's the Injustice on their own life but the only reference he made to black women was was that 70 percent of black families were headed by single mothers how do you reconcile imposing what sounds like a white male patriarchal context on the back of black women that are working hard to maintain our friendships all right today Society okay first and foremost I tell people this there's not a person in this room that is now 50 male and 50 female we are a combination of genetic contributions from mothers and fathers if I'm given a limited amount of time to speak I'm trying to cut to what is critical racism is a war against black people in general but black man person in particular now to the extent that the system is effective in destroying black men it has put black males and black females in a state of genocide so we are all impacted together but if you have a limited amount of time to speak you do triage and you talk about the most critical issue because if I talk about what's happening to black men I'm talking to every black woman about her son that what's happening to her son so let me also say this that when a minority wants to establish and maintain power it divides and confidence if you see so you have the one thing dividing the nine cents into all kind of fractions that fight each other see I probably that's not a commercial on television where you see the only place you see in the media a black man's looking with respect that a black female to vice versa is when we see Barack Obama looking at Michelle Obama and they are together holding their children otherwise the commercials have a black woman looking at a black man like these crazy they're making all kind of mistakes whether it's a package being delivered or some kind of insurance disease so divide and conquer his critical and let me just say this that if the orange population on the planet is 110th are they genetically Superior in terms of intelligence the fact that they are able to control and hold down the nonsense or have they been able to teach the nine tenths to hate themselves so that this majority is broken down and is in support of the one thing that those are all the people in Asia and half percent of Central America and South America who hate themselves because their father you see him want to bleach their skin and if I had three pills and can go on eBay the first pill you take on Monday morning with water it'll allow you to turn white the second pill you take on Tuesday with a half a glass of water and it'll give you long straight hair the third pill you take on Wednesday with a glass and a half of water and it'll allow you to have so-called white features now I'll be wealthier than Bill Gates in five days because the majority of people um whether they're in Asia whether they're in Africa whether they're in South America Central America here North America have all a very deep levels been taught to hate themselves and you can do magic work if you tell people that God is white see think about that God is white so all of the non-white people on the planet who say that they're Christians and I'm baptized Baptists and Christianity baptized under the water but the truth is is that that is a religious system to uphold the system of race in Hawaii supremacists and even Billy Graham said Jesus could not if he came from that part of the world and if he was a historic figure everyone you see but it's critical to have people of color pray to the image of the people who oppressed him you see whether they're Gods or whether they're angels and I do hope this lecture has not been about hey it's whatever about let us all try to rise to the level of Courage to talk about truth so that a critical problem that exists on this planet has a potential to be solved any problem that people can perceive if they decide that they're going to work on it they can solve that problem thank you okay is there another question okay well first do you still hold the doctors at our University third person yeah second Thursday of every month from 7 to 10 p.m in Blackburn Center it's free informed my question uh it's kind of a little long since well as long as the concept of race exists which is a system used to express different people of the different colored people of the world how do you propose we eliminate the theory and concept of racism as long as there are people who are willing to die to keep the system going without an all-out War between the 110 and the nine times well I tell people and I mistake that self-respect is the most powerful weapon in the world there's no nuclear device that is more powerful than self-respective you see him self-respect has an impact on people in spite of themselves and so I say that we need a critical mass of people of color and anybody who classifies himself or herself as white see one people just need to tell the truth that they know many white people have said Dr Wilson how can I help and I said a way you can help is tell black people what white people talk about it when there's no black people around now white female professor at American University I have been invited to speak at large in prison and I talked to the black presidents they were mostly black about racism and we were driving home and she said Dr Wilson I hate to admit this is American University professor she said I hate to admit but when white people are in a social situation that there are no black people around she said Dr Wilson we are talking negatively about black people and I told her that I understood that that is simply talking cold for white genetic survival but it's a white person says how can I help then tell black people what white people talk about if somebody wants to help busy because the secrets are the things that are not said to black people it's like going to have Nazi Germany nobody was going to tell the semi to the Jewish religion look you guys this is what's about to happen to you next but people were socializing and you know I mean going in and out of stores and the neighborhoods Etc but nobody was telling and I say that Holocaust Memorial Museum is the most important Museum on the mall because for everybody who says that oh that's conspiracy thinking that's Dr Wells saying hey that's the whole museum that is devoted to a governmental conspiracy to destroy people that they said were not white so it wasn't just a semites of the Jewish religion they were The Offspring of African soldiers and German women hey guess what it was started out destroying the German homosexuals putting pink triangles on them and then putting yellow stars on the people who were semites of the Jewish religious but back when he was in him see and I would say if semites are the Jewish religion asked me a question I said stop calling and call across and call it a museum about the Dynamics of the system of racism white supremacy where people sat down there was a conference outside of Berlin called the YMC conference where they step down governmental officials and assigning responsibilities who was going to do this and who was going to do this with the gold objective of killing the 11 million oh you know nice beautiful Miller people eating sandwiches and tea talking about how many see there are discussions that are going on about black people used to talk about the plans the removal of black people from the District of Columbia and people would say oh no oh no you black people are paranoid one of my white colleges Psychiatry I gave a talk at Saint Elizabeth Hospital talking about racism some years ago so at the end same kind of discussion I'm handling with you so my white colleague went to the microphone and he said you're paranoid and I just smile and so that a black person in the audience got up and said he said you were paranoid and I said he just paid me a compliment he said that I understood racism okay I wanted to ask you a question specifically about white biological racial fear of being annihilated um and I was thinking about it and hopefully I can kind of communicate and you can help answer my question um isn't there like beginning premise of identity that has to do with this for example Barack Obama you were talking about is an example of a white person has a child with a black person and the child will not be white but at the same time the child is not African and it kind of depends on your social perspective if you went to Brazil and you said that Barack Obama was the first black president of the United States they wouldn't know what you were talking about because he's not black members of um so is it there a fundamental question of identity that comes even before we can talk about what team am I on am I afraid of being and I well let me just say this every Banker or you walk into a bank to get a loan the banker doesn't scratch his head and say is this a colored person now you may have some societies where you have more of a mixture of African and European and Indians and so they have 260 different categories that they class people in but they have one category at the top that they don't mess with and that's called life do you see and so you divide up people and you say oh no he's not you know I heard on television one of the newscasters saying something about he was your life light power basically because there's an effort being made in Soledad O'Brien who's black in America all of these colors Translate into people of color so if Barack Obama decided to walk out of one afternoon [Music] onto what shall we say 15th Street and try to get a cab there's no question about whose colors DC and the people who classify themselves in one way in Brazil let them stop here and the white people even have a fancy terms for real white what is it not hispanic white that means real white people meaning that some of you colored people want to be white I like it that way because it's going to be a whole colored struggle because the whites are becoming a minority so if they can get into the brain circuits of a lot of colored people you know like I've said many times the white person feels out their census form they check White the black person well I think now somebody told me my great grandma was German [Music] um oh yeah let me see and I think the slave match that he was from Ireland it's all the colored people trying to be everything but who they are getting an A-Plus and a lack of self-respect because that's what the system of white supremacy teaches the system is even calculating now under slavery where the white slave master was raping the African woman and so no matter what shave the baby came out it was nursing on a black dress but now we can have another kind where the white female has relationships with a black man and the first breast in the mouth that's white that's another mentality because the black mother says you're black this is what sold it down Brian said her mother told murder you're black the white mother on the white supremacy said you're not black so that's going to be a schizophrenic because that child is black somebody brought me a magazine article about all the movie stars who are adopting little black children now what about when that child the male child is 13 or 14. he's growing up all around these white people but let me make the wrong approach to a white female child he might be at school what's going to happen to him because nobody is talking about racism white supremacy is being denied okay can you say something about the DREAM Act about the DREAM Act and its effect on our community the DREAM Act is the act that allows 11 million Latinos to become citizens immediately well see I don't have anything against the non-white people who are being allowed to come into this country this is an act of white supremacy you see in other words the fear of white genetic Annihilation I gave you the color code if you're black death red Brown stick around y'all know right right so people who are a lighter shade on the color scale make people feel less nervous seriously so you say it's illegal but you actually are bringing them in to be a buffer between the White and the black and then if you are successful in teaching the buffer you are better than black you're better and so we're going to give you all the construction jobs and we're gonna you know make certain that you get whatever but the war is not against people of color you got to see where the problem is you see and those people who classify themselves as white who say they're not racist they don't want to be friends then take responsibility and stop the white people you have more power than any non-white people and so if the white people will address the white people who are doing these things that if the non-white people decide they're not going to fall into the problem of hating each other along with hating themselves then we have a chance for a better world [Applause] as a psychiatrist I think you've made some very intriguing selections of examples of our relationships in ways that I had not that I found intrigued on the other hand your example of of Nazi Germany I found uh counter to the come to the idea of of racial um racial uh Annihilation I mean even though Hitler talked about race and actually borrowed many Concepts from America in doing that most of the Jews in Germany I thought were white and so for him to choose that group to scapegoat for the economic problems that Germany was facing I don't think it's a good example of so I'm wondering whether Marxism would it wouldn't be a better uh theory for explaining that particular conflict and the Abolitionist Movement in the United States the best explanation for how it evolved as the Abolitionist the series that was on PBS recently I think you saw many other kinds of explanations for where abolitionists came from why do you think it really has to do with with the the preservation of of racial uh uh continuation I don't understand that well let me get started with this there are many black people that look just like you do you see I'm saying in other words if you have misagonation over time then you and there are people who let's say black people who are the products of miscegenation who pass for white maybe it would be interesting if they start genetic testing and find out how many white people actually have African ancestors you see but Hitler just Hitler said no I want to know who your grandparents are because you look like you could be white but I want to know who your grandparents to your great-grandparents are because if I want to stay White I can't have little jeans from Africa in the Middle East piling up in my white population you see I was talking to a teacher from Scandinavia um who was here uh some years ago and she said Dr welsing has scanned the Navy and we don't consider the Jews or the Italians to be white people you see so according to Hitler 's measurement of he wanted Europe to be pure that same struggle is going on and you're right now talking about people from you know using the religion but they really are talking about genetics we don't want these people from the Middle East piling up in Europe and changing the face of Europe see if you see so now talking about Evolution what is Lincoln said about black people I'm a free man but they cannot be the equal the white people she figure this you have millions of slaves Africans enslaved Africans so they were being brutalized and all of that and so the Lincoln comes along to save the Union and he says I gotta do this tactically to break the back of itself in the secession of space we can't have them be the equal the white people because guess what would happen now Lincoln didn't say this see I think living himself was really great to remember and then she hangs made of minimal energy meaning those people who were in The Hills who were all mixed up which is why he looks worthy it had all that stiff hair okay but imagine what would happen if everybody was made equal that means that black people and white people would be mingling and mixing genes and then what would happen to white people they would be gone yeah that's what they're talking about now with the white minority the white people are getting ready to be outnumbered by so-called Hispanic and black Justice and everybody's equal what's going to happen to the genetic recessive statement it's gonna disappear now white people like the content but they don't want permanent colors that's white instead of teaching it's a mutation twice in is a mutation to albinism it's the failure of the melodic type to produce the tyrosinees enzyme necessary to produce pigmentation do you see so they don't want permanent color but everybody would be taller if the enslaved Africans were equal and this is why you got to have periodic killing last killing the large numbers of people you can call a Taliban if you call it anything
Channel: Busboys and Poets
Views: 71,391
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Keywords: Busboys14V
Id: WaY7FawOP6Q
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Length: 96min 18sec (5778 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2013
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