Active and Passive Voice Tricks | 3 Secret Rules | Active Voice and Passive Voice in English Grammar

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hey there and welcome back to the 21 day english speaking course today is day number 11 and in this class we are going to talk about four things one active and passive voice what is it and where is it used two three golden rules or three secret tips that will help you identify active and passive voice three lots of examples and finally a very interesting quiz so let's get going hey this is chetna and you're watching chet chat so what are voices no these are not those strange voices that you're going to hear at night in a spooky house when you're alone this in english grammar voices is the way in which you choose to say something the voice that you use to express something for example you may choose to be strong direct concise and to the point by saying i am watching this video and that would be your active voice alternatively you may choose to say it in a more neutral or subtle way as though you're you know you're this observer who's standing on the side this bystander then you may say the video was being watched by her that is your passive voice [Music] the active voice is more direct clear and concise for example sally is eating apples sally is the subject eating is the verb and apples is the object dogs chase cats dogs are the subject chase is the verb and cats is the object a verb is said to be an active voice when the subject actively does something they actually act on the object for example she is beating him or he helped me the active voice tends to use fewer words the passive voice think of the passive voice as someone standing on the side watching what's going on so this is a neutral bystander who's just watching everything and is thinking about reporting all of these events to a newspaper for example apples were written by sally cats were chased by dogs so a verb is said to be in passive form when it receives the action in the active form remember it was the one giving the action it was actually active and therefore action but in passive form it's standing on the side it is receiving the action for example he was getting beaten by her or she was getting helped by him and now for the three golden rules rule number one is the rule of x here's the x now think about it the subject becomes the object and the object becomes the subject for example raul holds a book is the active form so rowl is the subject and the book is the object now when you convert it into passive form the subject becomes the object so the book is held by raul the x remember the x and just switch the subject and the object around example the child petted the puppy the puppy was being petted by the child chetna teaches english english is being taught by chetna rule number two is called helping verbs now notice when you see a sentence in passive voice it'll contain a few extra verbs like helping verbs for example is was were or are now these are helping verbs they're also called auxiliary verbs because they don't stand up on their own for example if i say to you that the stars lit up the sky now this is an active voice now when i'm turning it around into passive voice can i say that the sky lit by the stars that sounds a little odd so i need to say the sky was lit by the stars and this extra word that i'm adding the wars or the is is the helping verb or the auxiliary verb rule number three the bystander remember the passive voice is spoken by this neutral person a bystander standing on the side watching the action reporting it into a newspaper and the bystander has the word by in it and 99 of sentences that are in the passive voice contain the word by for example the teacher teaches the class the class is being taught by the teacher so this bystander is super important because he's sneakily standing there quietly watching the action and sneaks into every sentence when he's conveying the message to somebody else he opened the door the passive of this would be the door was opened by him now remember i said 99 of all sentences contain this by and you're thinking what about that one percent because my teacher is definitely going to give a question in that one category so let me tell you that that one percent is not very difficult for you to identify for example let's say you i would say to you an active voice the workers constructed the building now if i were to change this into passive voice i could say the building was constructed i don't have to say that it was constructed by the workers because it's obvious cats and dogs are not going to come and construct the building so sometimes it's so obvious as to who did the action that it is not mentioned but the trick here is if you try to elaborate the sentence the building was constructed and you try to elaborate it you will be able to grammatically complete it by saying the building was constructed by the workers and when you're able to do that you know that that sentence is in passive voice let's take another example someone stole my purse this sentence is an active voice hey by the way how do you know this is an active voice because it's short crisp clear direct someone stole my purse the subject is doing something to the object the subject stole the purse okay cool this is an active voice now if i want to make it in passive voice you know this bystander who's standing on the side and saying how do i report this episode of the purse stealing to the newspaper then perhaps in a more neutral tone i'll say the purse was stolen remember the rule of x but you're saying where's the bystander the buy doesn't appear in this sentence so how do i know for sure that this is passive voice so how about you try to complete the sentence the purse was stolen by someone and that makes perfect grammatical sense and therefore you know that this sentence is in passive voice okay now let's try a fun example i'm going to give you a set of instructions in active voice to make that cup of coffee and we are going to convert those sentences into passive voice so let's take a look one boil water two take one teaspoon each of instant coffee and sugar three add boiling water and stir the mixture vigorously warm milk separately add warm milk to the mixture and stir hot instant coffee is ready to drink and i'm going to give you the answers right now the water is boiled then a teaspoon of instant coffee and one teaspoon of sugar is added then boiling water is added and the mixture is stirred vigorously milk is warmed separately warm milk is added to the mixture and it is stirred hot instant coffee is ready to drink okay i'm sure you did really well on that one and now it's quiz time [Music] here are a set of five instructions to be followed by a person suffering from common cold convert them to passive voice avoid cold or chilled products make a decoction of 10 mint leaves in a cup of water add a teaspoon of honey before drinking it at bedtime keep a cut onion by the side of the bed to inhale okay and i hope that helped you to thoroughly understand active and passive voice this was class number 11 of our 21 day english speaking course and i strongly urge you to go back and watch the first 10 days if you haven't already and please press that join button which is right next to the subscribe button if you want me to personally check all of your quizzes and give you personal feedback and in the meantime happy learning
Channel: ChetChat
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Keywords: active voice, passive voice, active passive, active passive voice, 3 secret rules of active and passive voice, active and passive voice, active voice and passive voice, active and passive voice rules, active and passive voice tricks, active voice in English grammar, active passive voice concept, active voice rules, passive voice rules, chetchat, chetna vasishth, chetchat latest, chetchat new video, learn English grammar, active voice and passive voice in english grammar
Id: kZHEcb_h7js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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