Active Active vs Active Passive High Availability Cluster

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello there this is John V software evangelist with J scape and you're watching another J scape MFT server tutorial in today's video we'll explain the difference between active active and active passive high availability clusters let's start with the active active high availability cluster an active active cluster is typically made up of at least two nodes both actively running the same kind of service simultaneously the main purpose of an active active cluster is to achieve load balancing load balancing distributes workloads across all nodes in order to prevent any single node from getting overloaded because there are more nodes available to serve there will also be a marked improvement in throughput and response times the setup you're seeing which consists of a load balancer and two HTTP servers meaning two nodes is an example of this type of AJ cluster configuration instead of connecting directly to an HTTP server web clients go through the load balancer which in turn connects each client to any of the HTTP servers behind it assigning these clients the nodes in the cluster isn't an arbitrary process rather it's based on whatever load balancing algorithm is set on the load balancer so for example in a round-robin algorithm the first client to connect is sent to the first server the second line to the second server third grind back the first server at the fourth client back to the second server and so on if you wanna know more about these algorithms read the article from fairing load balancing algorithms we've provided a link to that below in order for the high availability cluster to operate seamlessly it's recommended the two nodes be configured for redundancy in other words their individual configurations or settings must be identical if you are interested the tutorials how to set up high availability file transfer servers explains how to achieve redundancy between two MSD servers another thing to bear in mind is that a cluster like this works best where the nodes store files in a shared storage like an ass read the article setting up an ass shared storage for your file files for servers for more information again there are links to these articles in the description let's now talk about active passive high availability clusters like reactive active configuration active passive also consists of at least two nodes however is the name active passive implies not all nodes are going to be active in the case of two nodes for example if the first node is already active the second node must be passive or on standby the passive server also known as a failover server serves as the backup that's ready to take over as soon as the active server also known as the primary server gets disconnected or isn't able to serve when clients connect to a two node cluster in active active configuration they only connect to one server in other words all clients will connect to the same server like in the active active configuration is important since the two servers of exactly the same settings if changes are made in the settings of the primary server those changes must be cascaded to the failover server that way when the failover it does stay over the clients won't be able to tell the difference JC APIs to products that enable you to setup either an active active or active passive or even a combination of both high availability cluster the first product is Jacob FG server a managed file transfer server that supports several file transfer protocols including FTP FTPS SSB HTTP web develop DP EAS to a FTP and many others J scaping server comes with failover capabilities that allow you to arrange to MFD servers in an active passive configuration you can also be used to provide file transfer services behind a load balancer for an active active setup the second product is Jacob MSG gateway a server application that functions both as a reverse proxy and a load balancer it can provide the load balancing function in an active active configuration MSD gateway supports multiple load balancing algorithms including round-robin weighted round robin random least connections and weighted lead connections that's it now that you know the difference between an active active and active passive H a cluster we encourage you to download evaluation editions of those two products [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jscapeus
Views: 46,680
Rating: 4.8073654 out of 5
Keywords: high availability, business continuity, mft server, managed file transfer, ftp, ftps, sftp, load balancing, server clusters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2017
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