ACT Tips & Tricks that ACTUALLY work (perfect score) in 2024

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quick is the act a test that measures intelligence no do you have to be a genius to get a 36 no hey my name is rishab I'm a freshman at Harvard studying neuroscience and I'm here to tell you that Princeton Review Kaplan all those test companies that want you to spend thousands of dollars on private tutoring and coaching are fake what I realized after getting my 36 is that it's all just about technique all you got to do is focus on your own on improving your Technique and practicing and in this video I'm going to give you 10 guiding techniques that will help you definitively increase your score my first strategy is to Bubble at the end and you can even do this on your AP exams or other sorts of tests rather than going from question and then bubbling back to question and then bubbling once again this wastes a lot of time and it constantly has your brain switch from one task answering questions to the other task filling in that Circle and so it's far more more efficient to First just have your workbook right in front of you just forget about that whole bubble sheet completely and just work on the workbook do all of the questions and then at the very end quickly go through when you have 5 minutes left and bubble in I used to have a watch or some sort of timer or clock in front of me and so I would look and notice hey I have 10 minutes left that means now I'm going to spend 5 minutes reviewing all my answers and then at the last 5 minutes I'm just going to quickly bubble in all those questions my second piece of advice is to guess the letters e/k on on your exam now this seems like a super weird strategy but trust me it actually works it may seem like the ACT has all of the different sections and all of the different answer choices to be weighed randomly for instance 20% a 20% B CDE e f right that that seems kind of obvious but that's not actually the case they expect students to actually bubble certain answer choices over others more frequently and so some Studies have actually shown that choosing the letters e and K on the test are the most effective so you're either going to have those five bubbles that say A B C D E so in that case guess that letter e or you're going to have g h i j k in which case you guess K so always guess that last letter on the test and that will lead to the highest score possible in terms of guessing now my third tip here is to actually do your easier sections first now if you're on the reading section you might have different types of passages for instance one one science one history and different types of questions in those and this is something that I did when I got my 36 on the ACT cuz I was going through that reading section the first one I think was just some sort of dialogue type scene and I was like shoot I can't get any of the questions right in here so I said hey I'm going to ditch this passage I'm going to go over to the two science passages that I know I will be able to get a high score on because I'm more of a science type of guy and I was able to immediately do those passages way faster and then once my brain kind of got got warmed up by doing those other passages I actually came back to that earlier passage that I was having trouble with and was able to get all the questions right my fourth tip is actually for the morning of the test and this is something that students commonly make mistakes on you know they'll go out and get their protein bar they'll get their water but they don't do anything else when you're in the car to the exam when you're actually going there I want you to pull up an act English or act reading section okay and actually physically read out loud those words in that section that warms up your brain and starts it getting primed for actually doing the questions and even beyond that do a couple practice problems once again this will warm up your brain in fact I'd actually advise you not even to look at the answers because once you look at the answers it just kind of you know may make your mood a little bit bad if you don't get those questions right so don't even look at the answers just do the practice questions to kind of warm up your brain another hack I have that tons of students have done by the way I have a couple videos that have kind of gone viral in this AC scene because students love the techniques that I give is a cold shower technique this kind of shocks your brain and warms you up in the morning and it's very hard to do but I did it the morning of my act2 I do it the morning before all of my tests and tons of students have left in the comments below saying hey this actually works so I'd recommend you try it too my fifth suggestion is to actually guess in a straight line so don't do any sort of random guessing once again like a then e then D then and so on right guess in a straight line let's say you have five questions left you ran out of time just guess in the straight line for all of those five questions that's going to maximize your score now over here this is a little bit of a difficult situation because let's say you just bombed a section or you think you bombed a section it can often be super demotivating and students will just kind of give up on the next section and then they don't even realize oh they got a 33 not not too bad and they would have gotten a 36 if they really tried on that next section so I urge you guys if it feels like you you know failed a section don't give up a teacher actually told me that one of their their students thought they failed they were about to cancel their score and then they ended up getting a 36 on the act so guys don't think you failed just kind of forget about the last question and keep going number seven is don't study any science terminology students will often fall into this Pitfall they'll start learning about different cellular organel and they think that that's what the ACT science is about it's not you need to actually look at proper science questions look at those practice tests and identify what they're trying to get you to do it's more of a reading comprehension identifying statistical points identifying things from a graph or a table that's the type of question that they're looking for I've actually made a full act science cheat sheet for viewers of this channel go check it out link is in the description and pin comment down below number eight is to do the first questions faster on the math section this is a mistake I made on one of my practice tests right before I took the ACT I honestly did not study that much for the ACT and was still able to finesse a 36 one of the reasons I did this is because I paid close attention to the mistakes I was making on the practice test my fir one of my first practice tests I made that mistake of I finished the first 20 or so act math questions in about I don't know 5 10 minutes and I thought oh I have tons of time left it's 60 Questions 60 minutes this is going to be a breeze and so I actually went and checked those 20 questions again and that was a huge time sync because I actually then ran out of time on the last five or so questions on the ACT practice so on my actual test I made sure that these questions are easy they're a breeze but you just kind of have to Breeze through them because some of the later questions do get much more tricky they take a lot more time and so don't think that hey I'm ahead on time let me go back and check Save checking for the very end of the test my next tip here is to learn calculator math tricks and this is something that helps your efficiency a lot is just knowing how to use those special tricks on your calculator and it's kind of a nerdy thing I didn't even know people did it but one of my friends showed me this cool trick I actually took my PSAT test and um one of the questions took me a really really long time and I remember after the test later some of my friends were discussing and I was like Hey guys like that question took me such a long time like what are you supposed to do in that scenario right but what I ended up realizing was that all it took was a simple calculator trick if I went on my ti84 and PR pressed math to Frack it would automatically turn that super long decimal I don't know 0.855 444 whatever into the exact fraction that I needed in order to answer that specific question so I'd recommend one of two calculators if you don't have a calculator approved for the test yet that's either the ti84 this is a solid choice or the numworks graphing calculator this is something a friend recommended I'll leave those Linked In the description below make sure you get a test approved calculator that has all of these tricks that's super straightforward and easy to use to speed up your time on the math section finally don't buy any sort of Prep course or anything like that I have tons of friends friends who spent thousands of dollars on summer coaching and they only improved their score very marginally what they realized and what I realized too is that spending thousands of dollars on this coaching is just not worth it what you should do instead is take tons of practice tests and study the right sort of material that means cheat sheets not textbooks for the ACT and so I've made a compilation of exactly how you can do this along with additional guides and tips and tricks for you guys on how to improve from your practice test you have exact layout to list out what you got wrong what form code that was what you could improve on next time and this is the exact strategy that thousands of my fans have used over the last year or two in order to improve their scores massively and so I'd recommend it the link is in the description and pin comment down below if you found this video helpful be sure to subscribe to the channel and let me know if you have any tips
Channel: Rishab Jain
Views: 23,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: act, act prep, act tips and tricks, act tips, act 2024, how to get a 36 on the act, how to get a perfect score on the act, how to get a 36 on act, how to get a 36 on act science, act test, 36 act, act test tips, act math tips, how to pass the act without studying, how to ace act, act reading tips
Id: uTYdu1O53uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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