How to Crack the SAT's Code!

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wondering how to crack the sats code and dramatically improve your score in this video i'm going to show you how you can do exactly that but first be sure to hit that subscribe button because it helps me out and it'll help you out as well as i release more sat prep videos in the future with all that being said let's go ahead and get started if you don't know me already my name is hayden rohde and i was able to improve by 410 points from my worst psat to my last sat my high score on the sat is 1590 and i was able to score perfectly on back to back sat math and writing sections now i'm going to be completely honest with you but you have to promise not to click away the sat is not as hard as you think it is now before you click away allow me to explain improving and scoring highly on the sat is all about knowing how to best approach each different question type now notice how i said question type and not just question this is because while the numbers in a math question may change and the words in a reading section or writing section may differ from passage to passage overall the question types will remain the same from sat to sat moreover the structure of the passages and the questions will remain the same understanding this is the key to cracking the sat's code now the sat is not testing your intelligence instead the sat is testing your ability to recognize rules patterns and setups all of which are completely teachable now to illustrate this let's take a look at some examples all right so the first setup that we're going to take a look at is what i call the stacked equation set so if we take a look at this problem we see that we've got equations stacked up above the wording of the question okay so what this is indicating to me is that i'm almost always going to be looking to add or subtract either my top equation or my bottom equation in order to get to my answer and sometimes this means i will also have to multiply one of my equations or potentially both by some number okay so now if we read through this question it says according to the system of equations above what's the value of x okay so we got to solve for x here to do that i want to get rid of y so to get rid of y what i'm going to do is multiply this top equation by 2. that way i can get 2y and then i can subtract the other 2i okay so i do that i got to keep in mind i have to distribute this 2 to that x as well and the negative 9. so i do that i will have 2y minus 2y my y's are now gone notice how i got rid of y's because i want to solve for that x now i've got 2x minus x so this is going ahead and it's giving me x pretty much right away next i've got 2 times negative 9 that'll give me negative 18. then i do negative 18 minus negative 25 so that'll be negative 18 plus 25 and i see then that x will equal 7. so as you can see by using that stacked equation set up right by recognizing its stacked equations and using this trick we're able to save a ton of time whereas if we didn't realize with stacked equations we can multiply either our top equation or bottom equation by a number and then add or subtract one or the other to get to our answer the fastest we would have had to subtract x from each side okay so we subtract x from each side so now x is gone then we'd have negative nine minus x we'd have to plug that in for y okay so we've got x plus two times negative nine minus x equals negative 25 and then as you can see we would have to go through and solve it that way and that's going to end up taking way longer than if we use the method that i just showed you by recognizing that stacked equation set up all right let's take a look at a second example where recognizing a question type is going to save you a ton of time so this is going to come from question three in this writing passage so the question reads which choice most effectively combines the underlying sentences okay so this question right here the type is combining sentences now what it's testing you on is your ability to write something that is grammatically correct and also avoid repetition and redundancy okay so let's go ahead and take a look so what we want to do with these questions is start with the answer choice that is the shortest now the reason why we want to start with the answer choice that is shortest when we're going to go through these is because that choice is the most likely to have no repetition and no redundancy okay so if it fits with the paragraph it's grammatically correct and has no repetition and redundancy we can go ahead and pick it right and we don't have to waste time reading through those other three which are very lengthy and likely include repetition and redundancy as i will show you as i go through this so let's go ahead and run through d it says in addition to being unsightly and odorous these algal blooms okay and now this right here which i'm gonna underline is an introductory modifying clause now what it's modifying is algal blooms which is correct so we can go ahead and leave that that's correct and then we have these algo blooms cause oxygen depletion which kills fish and other wildlife in the lakes okay and now what i just underlined there is referring to the oxygen depletion it has to have that common grammatically therefore one or i'm sorry answer choice d is grammatically correct that'll be our correct answer now let me show you why a through c are wrong and why this strategy makes sense if we take a look at a it says in addition to being unsightly and odorous these algal blooms cause oxygen depletion and then we have the result being that it kills okay the result being is very wordy okay we want to avoid wordiness we want to avoid wordiness repetition and redundancy when combining sentences therefore a is incorrect option b in addition to being unsightly and odorous these algal blooms cause oxygen depletion the algal blooms cause oxygen depletion right there that's repetitive and it's redundant so like i was talking about with these combining sentences they're really testing your ability to get rid of wordiness repetition and redundancy now if we take a look at choice c we have in addition to being unsightly and odorous these algal blooms cause oxygen depletion and oxygen depletion so right there we see it again repetition and redundancy we want to avoid repetition of the same words in one sentence therefore we can get rid of c our answer is going to be d so like i said with these types of questions you're going to want to start with that shortest answer if you're combining sentences all right let's take a look at another example on the sat math section where understanding the best approach to a question type is very essential to being efficient okay so if we take a look at this question it says which of the following expressions is equivalent to x squared minus two x minus five over x minus three now a lot of people would just go ahead and they would write this all out and they would do that whole division problem now the reason that you don't want to do that here is it's going to take more time than is necessary to answer this question now you're probably thinking that has to be the only way to answer this it's not you can use what's called the remainder theorem now the remainder theorem says that if we have a division problem like this with a polynomial up top okay in this case our polynomial is x squared minus two x minus five and we are dividing by something like x minus three here we can take this three we can plug it into this polynomial up here and that's gonna give us our remainder now the reason that i can do this for this question is because all of my remainders in a through d are different okay if my remainders were the same and two of those answers then i would have to go through and do division but because i recognize all those remainders are different i can use the remainder theorem and that's going to help me solve this way quicker all i got to do is plug in 3 so it's going to give me 3 squared minus 2 times 3 and then minus 5 and that's going to end up giving me negative 2. so my answer is going to be d okay notice how recognizing that saves a ton of time versus writing out that whole problem because if you were to write out all of this as a division problem that's going to be even more writing than i did right there okay and that's even before you have to go through and solve all of it okay so as you can see understanding these setups tricks patterns to the sat for the math section writing section and reading section is super important all right let's take a look at another example from the writing section where having the right strategy is going to help you be crazy efficient on the sat so when you take a look at this writing passage we see this paragraph starts with a one whenever i see that that's telling me i want to go find the question where i'm placing a sentence first and the reason why you want to do that is because if you were to just go ahead and go through and not read that sentence you have to place you have to go all the way back and read through that entire paragraph once again to find where you have to place that sentence so what we're going to do here is we're actually going to go down to 22 because i see that's where we're placing a sentence okay so we've got to make this paragraph most logical sentence 5 should be placed where so what i'm going to do next is i'm going to go through and read sentence 5 and determine what should come before it and then what should also come after it okay now keep in mind if it's something where it's going to be placed at the beginning of a paragraph then what you find for what comes before it may not be there but what comes after it will okay so that's why we do for both before and after that sentence so let's go ahead and read through it we have berlin advocated using keep in mind that the answer there is going to be no change and that's another thing here is we want to answer these questions as we see them because otherwise we're going to be rereading and that's wasting time for the sat writing section so my answer for 21 is going to be a okay options b and options c they are not idiomatic if we look at option d we had advocating to use soil extraction there's no real subject there okay advocating to use soil extraction to do what okay we see that that's not going to be an independent clause and because that's not an independent clause d has to be incorrect okay now let's go ahead and read through so we have berlin advocated using soil extraction removing small amounts of soil from under the towers north side opposite its tilt to enable gravity to straighten the tower okay so afterwards i would want to be talking about some sort of straightening of the tower right or some sort of him using the method okay so straightening the tower by using that soil extraction that's what i'd be looking forward to come after now what should come before that would be an introduction of john berlin okay he's the subject of this independent clause we're talking about him advocating using that soil extraction so we would want to talk about berlin who he is kind of what background he has so let's go ahead and take a look through our paragraph so we have entry committee member john berlin in case we're introducing him and then we have comma he is a geotechnological engineer now the reason that we don't want to have he is here is because we just stated the subject john berlin stating here here we don't need to do we can just delete that whole underlying portion and say a geotechnical engineer from england who saved london's clock tower big ben from collapse okay we know that that's referring to john berlin because it's coming after and we have that comma after berlin okay we don't want to say berlin again and we don't want to say his again that's repeating that subject we don't want to repeat the subject because like i said earlier we want to avoid repetition and redundancy now let's go and keep reading we've got berlin began a years-long process of drilling out small amounts of soil now notice how that is coming in after what i said in sentence five right in sense five i said what i want to come after is that i'm talking about straightening the tower using that process of soil extraction that's what we're talking about there okay we're talking about the beginning of using soil extraction and drilling out those small amounts of soil so now we're doing what i said should come after sentence five therefore we want to place this sentence after sentence one okay we know that it has what should come before in an introduction of john berlin and it's got what should come after it in sentence two therefore it should be placed after sentence one now while we're at it we'll go ahead and answer 20 as well so as we read through we've got berlin began a years long process of drilling out small amounts of soil from under the tower and then we see here that took several years to complete well once again what did we say earlier we said a year's long process okay so if we say that took several years to complete we are being repetitive and redundant so that's another example of where we want to avoid repetition and redundancy at all costs and we see options b and option c they both talk about taking several years which is repetitive and redundant so our answer there is going to be d all right so i've got two more examples for you so let's go and take a look at one from the sat math section so this is question three now most people when they see this question will just do what pretty much everyone does right they'll start reading through the problem and then they'll get here now here's why that is inefficient if you ever see on the sat that you've got one variable right in this case it's p set equal to a bunch of other variables in this case it's m it's e and it's o and you also see that you've just got an equation like this you already know basically that you're going to have to give that letter in this case p that variable in terms of the others so there's no need to read any of this paragraph so if i'm ever going through the sat and i see in my answer choices and keep in mind i'm always going to take a quick glance at the answer choices before i start going through the question just because sometimes it'll give me something like this especially if i ever see that i've got some sort of equation with multiple variables set up like that that's usually going to be a situation where i have to rearrange them in one of the questions in this case it's three okay so i would see this i wouldn't read any of this okay so i can just go ahead and get rid of that immediately what i'm doing is i'm just skipping down seeing okay i gotta find what p is equal to all right that's gonna be really easy all i gotta do is multiply each side by six okay now i got six e then i just gotta subtract o from each side gets rid of that subtract 4m from each side get rid of that okay so i'm going to end up with 6e minus o and minus 4m as we can see that that's going to be answer choice a we got 6e minus o and minus 4m all right i've got one last example for the sat writing section that's going to show you how important identifying question types is when you're trying to be as efficient as possible on the s.a.t so let's take a look at question number 30 so we'll read through the sentence we have more over the training period four pas is markedly shorter than and then i've got those four underlined positions now immediately i know that this is a question that's testing my ability to compare two things to each other how do i know that well for one an indicator to me is the fact that i've got those four i've also got that compared with and that four okay another thing in the sentence we already know we're comparing two things just from what we read now when we're comparing two things what the sats testing our ability on is to make sure we are comparing these same two things and then also that we are maintaining the same number right we're getting the right number so let's go ahead and talk about how we would solve this one so we have the training period of four ras now or i'm sorry four pas now four pas is a prepositional phrase so we're gonna ignore four pas when determining the number okay so we're comparing the training period we're not comparing the pas right we're comparing the training period training period is singular all right so i know already i'm not going to use the word those okay because those would be for if it was comparing two things that were plural all right so we can go ahead and get rid of option a and then if we take a look at answer choice b which says that compared with we know that's going to be wrong as well because it would be being repetitive and redundant we already said that the training period for pas is markedly shorter saying that something's markedly shorter than something else is already comparing the two so we don't have to use the word compared there so we can go and get rid of b we can't delete the underlying portion because then we would just have more over the training period four pa's is markedly shorter than for physician i'm sorry then physicians in that case we'd be comparing physicians to a training period okay we can't compare physicians to a training period we need to compare the training period for pas to the training period for physicians therefore our answer's got to be c so as you can see right there being able to identify what the question is testing you on is what's going to make that question so much easier all right so now that you've learned the importance of being able to recognize question types patterns rules and setups on the sat let's talk about how you can improve your score dramatically by learning all of these not just the few i showed in these examples now i want to preface what i'm about to say by telling you that the way that i'm going to recommend that you learn all of these question types patterns rules and setups on the sat is slightly different than the way that i learned them but the way that i'm going to recommend to you is going to be way more efficient and it's going to take way less time to learn all of these than it took me this is because the way that i learned all of these patterns rules setups and question types on the sat was by analyzing tons of sats that were released previously and also sat practice tests this is because i couldn't afford private sat tutoring or prep books and in addition to that there was not very much quality sat tutoring available online so this meant that i really had to take a lot of time to go through and figure out the test i had to crack the sats code by myself now the good news for you is that you're not going to have to do this by yourself i spent well over a thousand hours studying the sat to figure out question types patterns rules and setups so that i can teach them to you and be the person who i needed during my sat prep process this means i'm going to teach you exactly what i look for on the sat including all of the keys to cracking the sats code so if that's something you're interested in or you're just thankful that i'm doing this for people be sure to hit that subscribe button like i said it's completely free now let's discuss a little bit more in depth one of the largest elements in cracking the sats code and that's efficiency efficiency is everything if you're able to solve the easy questions efficiently it makes those harder problems way easier because you can have so much more time to solve by knowing the best approach for every sat question type it's going to relieve so much of the pressure and anxiety that you might feel on test day and it's overall it's going to help you perform so much better best of all when you take the sat you're going to feel powerful and that's something that a lot of people don't get to feel when they take standardized tests and i think that that's really special so overall if you want to crack the sats code and drastically improve your score then you're going to want to make sure that you understand all of the question types patterns rules and setups on the sat because they're going to allow you to be extremely efficient now like i alluded to earlier i have completely free sat prep available on my channel taught by me designed to teach you everything that you need to know for the sat i have free 14 and 90 day sat prep courses available i also have answer explanations for sat practice tests i have tips and tricks playlists compilation videos of math problems of different difficulties and i have reading videos arranged in a compilation by passage type be it science be it literature history social science and in addition to that i'll be creating new sat prep content throughout the rest of the year as well as revamping some of my old content now that i've greatly improved the production quality of my videos by spending over a thousand dollars on improved video and audio recording equipment so that being said please subscribe like and share if my videos are helpful and if you're gaining value from my content please consider donating to me it helps keep my videos free and it also supports me personally if you're looking for private sat prep college essay editing college admissions consulting then please check out my website the link is in the description and with all that being said i will catch you in the next one
Channel: Hayden Rhodea SAT
Views: 173,050
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Keywords: How to Improve on the SAT, How to Crack the SATs code, how to crack the sat, How to raise your SAT score, how to increase sat, how to increase sat score, sat prep 2021, sat prep, sat preparation, how to improve by 400 points on the sat, how improve by 200, how to improve sat scores by 200 points, how to improve sat by 300 points, how to improve sat by, how to improve sat by 100 points, how to improve sat by 200 points, hayden rhodea, how to score 1600 in sat, 1600, 1500, 1550
Id: ugYMeQ8-O8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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