Acrylic Nails Tutorial For Beginners | Full Set | Materials Needed for A Full Set

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everyone welcome back to my channel or if you are new welcome so today I'm gonna be doing an updated version of my how to do acrylic nails and the materials that you will be needing to create a full set of acrylic nails so pretty much everything that I'm using is the same I heaven I don't think I've gotten any new products from the last time that I did one but I'm still gonna do it because there's a couple of things that people have asked me ever since that I want to address in this video so of course I'm gonna be showing you the materials that I'm gonna be using as well as the actual process of doing the nails so first off of course I'm going to show you the products so I'm gonna try to go and order based on how you would use the products during the full set so the first thing would be of course to push back the cuticles so I use a Tammy Taylor pill and stay cuticle pusher that looks like this and then you can take off the little tabs and change them after each client which is why I use our why I like using this one because of course you didn't take this off but you can use a regular like google pusher whether it's a plastic one a wooden one a metal one it doesn't matter whatever you feel comfortable using on your clients or on yourself next we're gonna use a nail clipper so you could either use a straight edge nail clipper alright you can also use a curved one if I can find it okay so this one which as you can see this one's straight and this one is curved so this one would be better for like the natural nails and then this one I use because whenever I do a different shape like coffin or stiletto then I'll cut the side of the nail tips and that way I save a lot of time whenever it comes to filing so again this is a straight edge now clipper and of course you can still use this one to cut someone's natural nails next we have a hand file so this is a 100 100 nail file and I do have these on my website so I'll be sure to leave the link in the description but again you just use this one to shape the natural nail or to shape the new tips next we have the nail glue so from my new glue I use the kb/s glue I also have this one on my website if you're interested and then whenever you use the glue of course you're gonna need the nail tips so I use either natural nail tips or clearing out tips now they're both the same the only difference would be the color of course what's gonna be really clear and the other one is gonna be like an off-white natural looking so it's just gonna depend on your client do they just want you know a natural look with polish over it or do they one clear nails to where you're actually able to see through the know maybe they want some glitter and they want the nail to be clear you know so it's gonna depend on your client but usually I always use the clear I mean not the clear ones but the natural ones unless they tell me that they want the clear ones which they'll know or if not you know a lot of the time they show me pictures or how they want them so I know to use the clear ones but on my nail trailer I actually use a different type of nail tips which are a little bit thinner and more slim seer I believe these are the same kind that they use at the know shops as you can see like they're really flimsy and thin compared to the other ones that I use but they work really good on my nail trainer so that's why I use these and these I just get from my local nail supply store I'm not sure they still own like online I'm pretty sure they do but I've never actually looked them up but I'll try to find them and I'll be sure to leave that down in a description so after the nut tips once we shape the nose and cut them down or actually once we shape them all right now shake them going so we glue the nail tips on you're gonna need a tip cutter this is not necessarily required because I know that there's people that just trim their tips down with a nail clipper or then I've also seen people trim their nails down sisters but for the tips that I use there are they are a little bit more sturdy so I think that if you cut them with scissors they would break so I use a nail clipper or a tip cutter and it just looks like this so and that's that and then after that that's when you shape your nails and then once you shape your nails the first thing before your acrylic application would be your primer so I use my OPI bond X that looks like this if you can see it it just looks like this and it is by OPI you guys know that I use the OPI primer because I have a lot of it from whenever I use to use OPI acrylic system but it works really good for me I don't have any problems with lifting whatsoever unless I'm doing the cover colors which I've talked about that before but you apply the primer and then you start your acrylic application so for my acrylic application the first thing that I'm gonna be showing you is my brush so I use an alpha brush in an oval shape and this is a number eight and for beginners I do recommend that you start with like a number eight or nine something small to where you're gonna be able to control your product if you use a really big brush you're gonna pick up more product which is gonna be a little bit harder to control so again if you are a beginner I recommend you start off with a number eight or nine again this is by alpha brush and I do have a promo code for them so I'll be sure to leave that down in a description but if you know me you know that I love their brushes and this is all that I use I have like I think I have about a a 9 a 10 a 12 a 16 and I can't remember what else and then I also have a cleaning brush but I mostly used my 8 in my 9 because even though I have more experience with working with acrylic I still like staying with the smaller brushes so I can control my products but anyways after that we're gonna go on to the acrylic so we're gonna be using my me a secret monomer so I buy the big bottles I usually order from this one store on a story like out of Dallas and I buy online but I think this time when I was gonna order they're out of stock but I believe it's called like glamorous nails and I'll leave the link in the description but they have a lot of the me a secret products but this is what the big bottle of monomer looks like and then this is the big bottle of powder so I bought a new one because I'm almost out of my other one here is seem like it's barely stuff in here it's literally right here and this one remember I think you guys watched a video where I labeled my bottle to see how long it would last me so I labeled this October is that I'm coming no that's is fourth of 2018 so it lasted me quite a long time was the algis so five months a bottle this bottle has to me five months or close yeah five months cuz we're already in January so this bottle lasted me five months and there's still some in there so this is probably like two ounces in there so I went ahead and bought another better another bottle now this one I think my last one I bought it in November and I just ran out this week so it's still asking me you know pretty long but again these I buy from I think this time I bought the monomer from Amazon and then I bought the bottle from eBay because Amazon was tracking me too much for shipping so I know so again this one was from Amazon and this one was from eBay but I'll be sure to leave the link in the description to the store where I usually give my products from but again they were out of stock this time and then after that you're also gonna need the paper towels so I use the vive paper towels because they're really absorbent and as you can see they're pretty thick and I just like them so they're the Vino paper tells you can find them anywhere like Walmart Walmart Dollar General has some Walgreens Target wherever they have them and then after that you're also gonna need like another people that don't use a drill but I do so oops so I'm just gonna show tried to show you mine now Joe so sorry it's plugged in so I can't really pull it out but this is the one that I use it is by McQuoid and this is the JT 700 I do have a review video for it so I'll leave the link in the description to that but I've been using it ever since I did that review and it's worked really good for me I haven't had any issues with it at all and then for my drill bits I use the makar drill bits that come like this and it comes from like quite a few different ones so I believe it comes with like seven different ones and they work they work really good um what else oh yeah and then I also used my desk collector and this you know this is not necessarily required for you to have to do a full set of course but you know it just helps with keeping all of the dust out of your face and out of your work area and then also I have a monomer warmer I know a lot of people ask you what this is but it just looks like this and you put the little definition here with monomer and it warms your monomer up because once it gets cold the monomer starts acting funny and it takes it a little bit longer to dry and then mine kind of flakes up a little bit so I have to have this monomer warmer I mean it usually happens every year but I try to keep it warm in here while I'm working but um for some reason it's been cold in the house so it's a little bit harder so that's why I went ahead and started using my monomer warmer but this one one my teacher actually gave it to me so I think somebody left the link on my Facebook but I tried to find it and I put it but I remember someone on my face look left the link so if you have to link to the monomer warmer please leave it down in a description for ever for anyone that's interested is it staying for anyone that's interested in it but um yeah I think that's pretty much and I think I mention everything that you need and of course I will leave all of the materials down in the description but a link for you to purchase if you're interested but we're gonna go ahead and get started and I'm gonna be using my pond of no trainer as you can they're still they still have to sit on from last time and I really should just polish these cuz they look so good I'll look that up an outside oh my God look at that shape but anyways I'm gonna go ahead and use this one Armani Oh trying to do the tutorial but yeah I'm gonna go ahead and turn the camera over and yeah clearly required for you to have to do a full set of course but you know it just helps with keeping all of the dust out of your face and out of your work area and then also I have a monomer warmer I know a lot of people ask you what this is but it just looks like this and you put the little definition here with monomer and it wants your monomer up because once it gets cold the monomer starts acting funny and it takes it a little bit longer to dry and then mine kind of flakes up a little bit so I have to have this monomer warmer I mean it usually happens every year but I try to keep it warm in here while I'm working but for some reason it's been cold in the house so it's a little bit harder so that's why I went ahead and started using my monomer warmer but this one when my teacher actually gave it to me so I think somebody left the link on my Facebook but I tried to find it in that couldn't but I remember someone on my facebook left the link so if you have to link to the monomer warmer please leave it down in the description for ever for anyone that's interested in this thing for anyone that's interested in it but um yeah I think that's pretty much and I think I mention everything that you need and of course I will leave all of the materials down in the description but a link for you to perches if you're interested but we're gonna go ahead and get started and I'm gonna be using my pond uh no trainer as you can see they're still they still have to sit on from last time and I really should just polish these cuz they look so good I look that up an outside oh my God look at that shape but anyways I'm gonna go ahead and use this one arm I know trying to do the tutorial but yeah I'm gonna go ahead and turn the camera over and yeah alrighty also I still have the nails on from the last set so for this one all you have to do is literally just pop them off and of course you could publish these you know to do a design on them but I never did so I'm just popping them up and you literally just pull them off just like this and then you're going to just get a new set of the little black nails and put them on there again I use the little nail trainer tips by ponta and it comes with two different sizes which is the two point two centimeters and then two point six centimeters and there's 80 of the two point two and twenty of the two point six and I'll try to leave the link in the description to my nail trainer I know I got it off of Amazon but I think they removed them for a while I'm not sure what happened but I'll try to find one so I'm going to show you the difference between the sizes so as you can see this one is way bigger than this one so usually what I do is I use this one for the thumb and then I use this one for the rest of the nails and the back of them look like this so you literally just push them in there and you would hear a click like that and you literally just put them in the little insert thing and then again I use the smaller ones for the other fingers and then the bigger one for the thumb okay so just like that I'm gonna go ahead and put these up okay so once the no tips are on I'm gonna go ahead and cut them down so basically this would be like somebody's natural nail so you don't want to just to play the nail tips over someones natural nail like long natural nail so we're gonna trim them down so I'll always trim on both sides so I'm going in on one side and then come back and trim on the other side all righty so I trimmed them down so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go in with my one hundred one hundred nail file and we're just going to be shaping up the natural nail so you go from one end to the center from the other end to the center and also be sure to hold the little nail tip so it doesn't pop off like that [Music] I already saw shape the now so pretty good so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go in with this same nail file and I'm gonna be removing the shine from the natural nail as you guys know I would usually do this with mine be file buy it whenever I use the II fell on this no trainer it doesn't work as good just because it's plastic and yeah so I'm gonna show you how you would do it with the e-file so with the e-file you would just turn it on on a slow speed and then you would literally start around that cuticle area just like that and then just removing all of the shine from that natural nail making sure that you get the shine off really good from around that cuticle area just because that's where a lot of your lifting will come from so make sure that you get the sides right here and then around and cuticle and then of course the rest of the nail as well so I'm gonna go ahead and do that for like two nails so again working away the cuticle area sorry working around the cuticle area and then just filing the rest of the now just like that and you want to use a 180 sending band you don't want to use anything more coarse than that because you will damage some ones now so I'm gonna go ahead and put the e file up and I'm also going to show you how to do this if you only have a handful so you literally just go in with your handphone you want to be really gentle especially making sure that you don't cut anyone's cuticle area but it's like you just start filing and you're just going in in like a circular motion you don't want to just go in there and saw back and forth you literally want to go in in a circular motion and be really gentle especially when you're working your way closer to that cuticle area because you won't cut someone so as you can see I'm just going back and forth and I'm making sure that I move my clients finger over to the sides to make sure that I'm able to get a full coverage and remove all of these shine from that nail just like that again just start falling going in circular motions and as you can see I'm just working my way closer to the cuticle area to remove the shine so I don't just automatically start on the cuticle I literally work my way closer to that Kido comb and I know there's a lot of people that are scared to use the e-file especially if you are a beginner because I know I was I was just scared that I would cut someone so at first when I first started I would only use a hand file but finally I got the courage to start using an e file and it just took a little bit of practice for me to finally you know perfect are not necessarily perfect but just get better at you know using the e file and not cutting someone but remember all right so we're done with that so you want to make sure that when you're doing that you are really careful for one not to cut someone's cuticle and also to make sure that you remove all of the shine because if you leave any shiny layers or any tiny spots on the nail you will get lifting and that's gonna be one of the most important things being able to prevent your lifting whenever you're doing nails now it will take a little bit because it's just pretty hard at first that's probably going to be the biggest problem when you're first starting off doing else but making sure that you put the nail correctly applying the right sight tips and then filing really good after the acrylic application you will be good so once we finish removing the shine which is Dustin else off and now we're gonna be applying the nail tips again these are the ones that I use for my now trainer because they're really flimsy and they stay on the no really good and for my glue I'm using the KDS glue so I'm gonna go ahead and open this and usually for my nail trainer I use the I don't know if I even have that size as you can see I'm really low on my number fives I thought about some guy I don't know what happened so this one's a number four so as you can see it's a little bit big kinda miss it I probably go up a size okay so one thing that I get a lot from people about using a new trainer is that they're not able to keep the nails on because they pop off so what you want to do is make sure that you use a note tip that is bigger than the actual nail bed only when you're working on the nail trainer not for your clients but on the nail trainer make sure that you use a tip that's bigger than the actual nail bed you see it's kind of hanging off not a lot but it is because if you use a smaller one like say I was to use this one I know that it's that it's small you see how like I'm forcing it like if I was to force it down it's covering that nail bed but it's gonna want to come back up once I let it go it's gonna want to come back up to its natural shape just like that say look I'm gonna try so you can see so if the note tip is too small I promise you is gonna it's not gonna stay see even if I hold it for a few seconds it's still gonna come back up like it's not gonna stay at all so what you want to do is use a tip that's a little bit bigger than the nail bed and then just file it on the sides so let's see so just put it on there hold it for a few seconds and that you will have to hold it for a little bit longer than if you were working on a client just because you're gluing it on plastic but see even that it didn't take that long but um as you can see it's still a little bit bigger than the actual nail bed as you can see right here and right here is kind of hanging off the nail but that's fine it's fine for the nail trainer I canister is that enough it's why when you're working on the no trainer but not on the actual client so once you have the nail tip on that's when you can go back and file that off and that's what you're going to have to do to be able to get the nail tips to stick to this new trainer just apply bigger nail tips and then go back and file them so that was what a number three I think that's it maybe not now that's too big okay so this one is bigger but that's fine we're just gonna apply it on there and then just come back and cut it down or falling down sorry okay just like that so usually I use the same size tips for all of these just because the actual nail bed is the same size so again I'm using a number four we just make sure we measure it go back and apply the glue right on the tip and then just place it on the nail and hold it down for a few seconds until it dries also one thing that's important when you never you're applying nail tips is that you want to make sure that you press down really good because you don't want it to be any little air bubbles and see on this one I didn't apply enough glue so as you can see it's kind of whitish right there so what you can do is just go in there and apply a little bit of glue on the sides as you can see now it went back to looking like the rest of the nail was and then for the thumb I'm not sure what size I use let's see okay I'm gonna go ahead and use a number one and again it is a little bit bigger than the nail bed but we're gonna file it down and I promise you don't know how many times I get this question I have a lot of people emailing me all the time asking how do you apply the nail tips on the nail trainer because they're doing everything they can they've used a whole bunch of different glues but they cannot get the nail tips to stick on and again you want to make sure that you use bigger nail tips bigger than the nail bed that way they stay on really good so I'm gonna go ahead and put this up again that was our natural nail tips and then the KDS glue all right so after we finish applying the no tips we're gonna go in with the tip cutter and just trim the nails down so I'm gonna do him like a medium type of long ish like right there maybe so I'm cutting my half of the nail tip off and you just go in there make sure that the blade is facing you and you just go in there and just trim it and you after doing this for so long you will be able to kind of look at your clients nail and be able to guesstimate you know the length so this is pretty good and then same thing for the thumb and then you could always go back and measure you know the two nails I mean the two hands against each other to make sure that they're the right length so I guess I can show you different shapes as well so for this one I guess I'm gonna do a stiletto so I'm using my straight edge nail clipper and I'm just gonna go in and just trim the sides because that's what I'm gonna have to file off to get thee stiletto nail so that's just gonna save us time whenever we actually go to file this one I'm gonna do coffin we can do this one square we can do this one like an almond shape so I'm gonna cut this one too just a little bit and then we can do this one I don't know what shape should we do let's see stiletto coffin square around it we can do this on all men and then this one round in okay so again the reason why I trimmed down the sides is because that's what I would have to like file down once I go to file but instead of doing that I can just cut it and now it just saved me a lot of time so I'm gonna be using my dust collector just because I'm met to start creating more dust so I'm just gonna turn it on while I'm filing but whenever you start to filing again this say 100 100 now file you want to make sure that you position your your nail file correctly so on the sides we want to file at a 45 degree angle just like this just going back and forth and making sure that we file against the actual nail bed I'm starting on the nail groups because you don't want the note tip to be wider than your actual nail because it's not going to look so natural so we just go back and forth making sure that we alternate from side to side you don't want to sit there and file a lot on this side and not on the other because then your notes going to be tricking but for this one since it is a stiletto nail we're just gonna keep following until we see that the know starting to get in there a little bit more narrow because of course for this little nose we want it to be pointing kind of like what I have now so we just file making sure again that you alternate from side to side and you just want to file you know they might tell you they don't want them super pointy they might tell you they want them really really pointy so just file you know as much as you want and then if this is too pointy for them then you can just round off the tip a little bit okay so that's a pretty good shape again this is the stiletto nail and then once you shape the nail you just want to go in and just blend the nail tip in and this is just gonna help make it look a little bit more natural once you apply the acrylic and that's pretty much it just like that so that's one tip down so that's the stiletto we said this one was going to be the coffin so same thing falling at a 45 degree angle but except this time we're not going to file a lot on the nail tip because of course it is going to be a coffin so falling at a 45 degree angle and then the free edge you want to fall at a 90 degree angle you don't want to file like this or like this you want it to be super straight with the nail tip at a 90 degree angle and just going back and forth and then you could also file like this which is what I usually on my nail clients because we're not my nail coins with my client just because I feel like you can get the nail a little bit more straight by doing it like this but you want to make sure that when you're filing you pay attention to your shape because you will be able to see it change while you're following it so make sure that you pay attention that way you can see you know if you need to go a little bit more narrow if you need to follow a little bit more on one side or if it's good and you can move on to the next meal okay so that's pretty good so I'm gonna go ahead and blend them heel tip right in the middle just like that [Music] and then of course you don't want to just spend like a lot of time of doing this at the beginning because you're always going to have to come back and reshape the nails once you apply the acrylic so this one is going to be the square nail so this one you want to fall at a 90 degree angle on the sides as you can see this time my nail file is not leaning in is going straight in a 90 degree angle on the sides and then same thing for the free edge filing at exactly 90 degrees because we want it to be really straight and also make sure that you're holding your nails claw your clients nail really straight because as you can see I was holding it to the side so the free edge it's a little bit leaning over to the side so make sure that you hold your clients nail really straight that way it's not crooked just like that and then blending the notes up then again you can always go in and file vertically okay so this one we are going to do it almond so it's going to be basically the same thing as this but not as pointing so same thing this one would fall at a 45 degree angle making sure that you alternate from side to side and then once we get to like right here and then you would start rounding it off just like that so you see how this one's a lot more rounded at the tip than this one is and then again just blending that in just like that so again we have stiletto coffins squared and all mint and then our thumb is going to be a round eight now so same thing 45-degree angle and as you can see it's pretty much the same thing for each nail as far as like the rounded the stiletto the coffin but it just depends on how you file these free edge so this one we're not gonna fall in a lot because we do want it like really rounded so you still fall out a 45-degree angle but then you start rounding off the tips just like that and then blending again [Music] okay so once we finished with that I'm gonna just dust them off I didn't even turn my dust collector but we just dust them off so now after we do this I usually clean my desk area as you can see there's a little bit of dust here and only if I'm not using my dust collector which I usually always use it but I don't use it right then so now we're gonna apply the primer again I use my OPI bond X which looks like dicks and you literally just want to apply this on the natural nail you just go in there and big do a big swipe get it all on the natural nail making sure that you don't get it on the cuticle area or the skin because if they have any cuts it will burn them really bad okay so I applied the primer so now we're gonna do the acrylic so again I'm using my muse secret pink acrylic which just looks like this it's it looks pretty pinkish but once we applied it's really translucent where you can't really see the pink tint in there and then again I'm using my vive paper towels so I just hold them like this like I fold them one two hot dog style and then I fold them again burger style and then I just said it underneath and then I set my monomer over that like right here there's still a little bit of monomer in there so I'm gonna go ahead and just use that and then I'm gonna pour a little bit more in there I'm usually after each client there's no monomer and love just because I kind of know how much it takes to do each client that way I'm not using you know the same monomer on different people alrighty so I went ahead and got my brush so again I'm using my alpha brush in the number 8 and it is an oval shape and I do have a promo code for them so I dip my brush and to the lake way let me scoot this over I dip it in there into the liquid and then I want to wipe some of that liquid off to where it's wet but not soaking wet and then I dip it into my powder I just drag grab a nice ice bead and then I place it right in the middle of the nail Pat it down and then just gently brushing it down towards the tub also you want to make sure that when you're working you take into consideration what know you're like doing because of course if this was somebody's natural nail their pinkie it's not gonna be this big so you wouldn't grab you know a really big bead I'm gonna move these fingers out of the way so I did my first bead again brushing it down towards the tip so my next one I'm gonna do right below that one like right there and it's really important that when you're doing stiletto nails that you get the right apex placement because if not you're no tips will break off really easily so making sure that you have the right apex which would be like right in this area and also making sure that the note tip is not super thin because they will break off so the third bead would go right behind the first one again placing it down patting it down because we're getting closer to that cuticle so be really careful and then just gently brushing it down towards the tub make sure that whenever you're brushing you're not like brush and super super hard because you don't want to remove that product you want it to stay right there where you placed it because again that's where our nail gets a string from okay and then of course if it gets on a cuticle area just go back in with the very tip of your brush and just wiping it off and as you can see while I'm working I'm cleaning off my brush and also you want to make sure that you always wipe your brush off on a paper towel before you dip it back into your liquid yeah and so you're liquid so now I'm gonna dip it back into the liquid as you can see now that my beats are starting to get a little bit smaller I wiped most of my product off so I dip it in there wipe it off dip it back into the powder as you can see I didn't grab a lot because I don't need it so I'm just placing it right closer to the cuticle area patting it down and then just really really gently brushing it down towards the tip and that's what's going to create our apex you also want to make sure that you brush really gently that's really important if you brush really hard you're gonna be brushing a lot of that product down and it's gonna make the tip really thick and then it's gonna be really flat back here so I'm gonna show you a side view if you can kind of see so I can tell that I have a pretty nice Apex so again that was the 4-bar method so I did the first one right in the middle where the natural nail and the tip meets brush it down towards the tip came back and did another one right below that one brushed it down came back and did a third one behind the first one and brushed it down and then did a smaller and fourth one closer to the cuticle area and brushed it down and then cleaned around the cuticle area so we're gonna go ahead and move on to the next one so same thing dip it in grab a bead and you will notice that our beats are gonna get smaller as we go so placing it closer or sorry placing it right in the middle where the natural nail and the tip means patting it down and notice how gently I'm working again that's super super important brushing it down and as you can see I brush a lot just because the more you brush the smoother your acrylic will go on because whenever you're brushing it you're literally like even in even in it out okay just like that I'm gonna go in and get another bead placing it right below that one patting it down and brushing it toys that tub and then also you see me pushing up the acrylic on the sides and the reason why I do that with the reason why I do this and this right here and this is because once you applied the acrylic it will run over to the sides and it kind of takes away from your shape so me doing this is just helping from that happening that way at the end I won't have a lot of filing to do so next I'm going to go in with the third bead placing it closer to the cuticle area and it's really important that whenever you place this one you don't place it right on the cuticle but really close to it and then just with your brush just pushing it really really close to that cuticle because remember if you get acrylic on the cuticle you will get lifting because it's gonna be really hard to get it off the skin going in with the very tip and cleaning around the cuticle area just like that as you can see it's starting to look pretty good and then after that we're gonna go and what a fourth bead place it in it close here instantly cuticle area again patting it down and then just gently brushing it down towards the tub just like that and it looks really good if you can see it it's kind of hard to tell but I can tell from right here so I'm just pushing up the sides and that's pretty much it so I do want to show you also how to do like the ombre nails so I'm gonna be doing that as well so I'm gonna go ahead and use my cover rose which is by me a secret they're gonna be using my pink acrylic also by me a secret then I'm also gonna be showing you or using the white go in a dark powder and this one I just mixed up on my own I literally just use white acrylic and then I do in some of the glow-in-the-dark powder so for this one what you want to do is first apply the acrylic on the tip so first you would go in with the white or whatever color you want to use so I'll grab a small bead place it right on the tip brushing it down and then you swipe up the opposites like the opposite way and just brush it up to kind of blend it up that way it's not just like a really straight line I'm gonna go ahead and place another one because that was too thin brushing it this way and then blending it up again making sure that you brush the signs that way it doesn't take away from your shape and usually whenever I'm doing ombre I like to go ahead and do all of the tips so I'm going to do two today so you can see so again grab your beads so dip it into the liquid then into the powder get a nice ice bead place it right in the middle Pat it down brushing it down towards the tub and then blending it up towards the like brushing up towards the cuticle not all the way towards the cuticle but you know just blending it that way okay so once you have there we're gonna go and with the pink so whenever you're doing ombre nose you want to make sure that you're using a covered color as you can see this is the cover rose by me a secret which that what that means is that it's going to be darker than just any pink so I'm gonna go ahead and show you a bead so this one is just the translucent pink which is going to be really clear as you can see but this one is gonna be more opaque so this one will be able to cover the white which is gonna make it you know blend really well so for this one same thing just dip it into your liquid into the powder get a nice high speed and the first one I'll place it right in the middle behind that price one patting it down and then just brushing down towards the tip but not all the way to the tip literally just blending it right in the middle because if I brush this all the way down towards the tip it's gonna be more pink and it's not going to look so good get another be placing it closer to the cuticle area patting it down and then brushing it towards it up just like that and then of course my other pink one because it's still kind of translucent back here and then also remember that if you need to go back and add more acrylic then that's fine so you don't necessarily have to stick to a four ball method right now it's working out pretty good for me but whenever I'm working on clients sometimes of course you might need to add a little bit more or maybe you missed a spot so it's okay to go back and add wherever you need it but don't just go back and add it you know over the whole nail because you will be able to UM or now you want because you're gonna have a lot of filing to do sorry I don't know what I was thinking so now that's what it looks like so now I'm gonna go in with my muse secret pink just a regular pink which is really translucent and I'm gonna encapsulate this of course you can use your clear this is just the one that I like to use because again it's really translucent and you can barely tell that it has much pink in there so we just encapsulate that and the reason why we do that is because whenever we start filing we don't want to file away all of the white and pink so you want to go back and just encapsulate that and also another reason why is because you know we apply more pink than than we do white so if we just left there like that the tip would be really really thin and then the back would be you know thicker so I just applied two beats and I'm gonna check it to make sure that it's fine clean around in cuticle area as always look at your note from the side to see if you have a nice orange so that's what I always do anytime that you see me lift the nail like this I'm looking at the nail from the side to make sure that I have a nice arch again your arch is right here your stress area your apex whatever you want to call it it's right here and if it if that's too thin most likely your nail will break off so make sure that you can't keep that in mind so again same thing for this one we're going to dip it into the liquid dip it into the pattern placing it closer to the cuticle area like right in the middle actually patting it down and then brushing it down towards the middle to blend it in another one and as you guys know Mia Secret has the cover pink cover beige and cover Rose and I think there's another one I can't remember what it is but there are really pretty but this one is definitely my favorite one is you guys see I ordered the bigger bottle which is what I've been saying I was gonna do I place my other bead closer to the cuticle area brush Nate towards the tip and then cleaning around Nick it alone as you can see when I clean around the cuticle area I use literally the very very very tip of my brush and then now this is why I say you have to go back and encapsulate it as you can see the nail tip is literally like paper-thin and back here it's thicker so you have to go back in and apply some clear or whatever color you want to use whether it's this pink one or clear and just go in place it closer to the tip brushing it down towards the tub cleaning the signs to make sure it doesn't take away from our shape and now I'm going to go ahead and apply another bead closer to the cuticle area brushing it down all right so as you can see the tip is a little bit thin still so I'm going to just go in and grab another bead again just place it wherever you need it this time I needed it closer to the kid I started not to the cuticle but at the tip so that's exactly where I placed it because if I were to place it back here we already have a nice thickness and I don't want it to be any thicker okay so that's pretty good so now for the thumb I think I want to incorporate some glitter just so you guys see I can see how you would do that when you're doing a full set all right so I'm just gonna be using one of my Koko glitter or Koko glitter bells and I just got these on eBay but she does have a website so I'll be sure to link the link in the description but I really really like her glitters and this is the one that I have on my nose right now and it's also by Koko glitter Belle okay so the way this one works is you want to just do a thin layer of acrylic so I'm just gonna go in grab a bead place it all over the nail so for this one I'm going to place this one closer to the cuticle area and brushing it down towards the tip just because I just want one even layer cleaning the sides and cleaning the cuticle area okay so now I'm gonna go in and dip this into my liquid and into the acrylic and then I'm gonna dip that acrylic into the glitter just like that to pick up a good bead now I'm gonna place it right at the tip just like that and then I'm just gonna Pat it around wherever I want the glitter and I'm just gonna do like a glitter ombre so I'm gonna leave most of the glitter at the tip I'm gonna add a little bit more so I just go in barely grab anything dip dip it into the glitter and place it on the nail and then just blend that up towards the top so it gives us that ombre effect just like that okay so once we have the acrylic or sorry the glitter where we want it we just go in and grab a bigger bead of acrylic so I'm gonna go in and get a bigger ball place it right in the middle and brushing it towards the tip and as you can see that's just to encapsulate the glitter if I were to just lift it higher West most of that glitter would've came off whenever I started falling so now as you can see the tip is still really flat so I'm gonna go in and grab another beam placing it closer into that cuticle area and the reason why I did a layer of acrylic first is because if I want to come back next time when she come in for a few I could always just file with the glitter down because she already had a kerlick down or acrylic on there so I don't have to say you know remove the whole nail I could just follow the glitter off and I probably didn't apply enough but you kind of get the idea okay I'm applying another bead at the back of this one because it's still a little bit flat okay so that's it so again we opes I literally just hit it with my now okay so that's it for this one so now I'm just gonna sit my brush in a little deffend dish with brush cleaner and I'm just gonna let that or let that sit there for about ten minutes to let any of the critic in the brush soak off because if not your brush will get hard I'm gonna go ahead and put this glitter on again this was by Coco glitter Belle and she has really pretty glitters as you guys seen on my Instagram I just bought some like felon time sake glitters here's X here's one and it's just like pink Herrington and so cute so be sure to go check them out um again I purchased mine from ebay but she does have a website as well okay so I'm going ahead and putting this up dump out my monomer as you can see I had just a little bit left in there clean this out okay so now I'm gonna go in and reshape the nose so you want to make sure that they're pretty dry before you start falling and usually by the time you you know do the other hand and come back to this one this one will be completely dry but the way to know if they're dry is you can tap it with your hand file and if it makes that clicking noise then it's dry so these are pretty dry but if I tap this one most likely I'm gonna mess it up but see it doesn't make that clicking noise because it's not dry at all so I'm gonna go ahead and start with this pinky and we're just gonna Shree shape so same thing this one we're just falling at a 45 degree angle on both sides and just kind of rounding off the tip just a little bit just like that so as you can see it doesn't take much at all to reshape the nail but you don't want to make sure you go back and reshape because you see those rough edges that's what happens after you applied the acrylic so we just have to go back and make sure that the sides are really nice and then making sure that the note tip is nice and straight as well because sometimes I feel like even if the nails don't look that good or if the application is not that good but if your shape looks pretty good it kind of makes the nose look a little bit better so that was a coffin remember for the square we just fall at a 90 degree angle on the sides and the free edge as well all right so that's it and then all right all right now which this one's starting to look a little bit more stiletto so I'm gonna go ahead and round this off a little bit yeah probably bit this one a little bit too narrow [Music] and then this one is probably still not dry so now once you finish reshaping the nails you would go in with a fine drill bit and just start filing all of the nails so I'm gonna go ahead and show you how you would do it what the e-file even though I don't like to use the e-file on this no trainer because it's pretty hard to do it so usually what you want to do is always start around the cuticle area start from the right side working your way over to the left side just going back him forward and you want to be able to see where the cuticle is where the natural nail is like right there in the middle and then where the acrylic is that way you know that the acrylic is not on the skin so of course these nails are pretty nice and smooth so I don't have to do a lot of filing and then once you get your cuticle area looking nice and neat we just go back and file the rest of the nail to make sure that that's also nice and smooth so again break around okay so just like that so again do the cuticle area first and then follow the rest of the nail to make sure that it's nice and smooth and also making sure that you look at you know from different angles to see if you need to file a little bit more you might have a little bump somewhere and you can't just see everything from up here so you have to turn your nail from at different angles so same thing and then I'm gonna switch over to my hand file so start around that cuticle area fresh starting from the right side working your way over to your left side and then as you can see I place my pinky on my clients fingers that way I get more stability if I was just doing this like it just would not work your Dro is just going all over the place so make sure you place your pinky on the side as well as hold in it with your other fingers or with your other hand and just going around that cuticle area and also remembering not to leave your eCall in one spot for too long look it will cost your clients notes of burn because it causes friction responders arresting right now okay just like that and then also you can go back and fill it and see if you fit feel any bumps if not then it's good to go but if you don't have an E file and you only have a handful then it's no problem you just go in there and just file your life away it is gonna take a little bit longer but you know that's no problem but again same thing just make sure you go around the cuticle area be really careful and make sure that you're going in a circular motion don't just go back and forth like this but make sure that you you know fall around the whole nail as you can see I'm just going in circular motions getting closer to that cuticle area and then just follow some more of the rest of the nail go-bag just making sure that you follow all of the nail but making sure that you focus on that cuticle area first because again a lot of your lifting will come from not following this area correctly because any water or any moisture that gets trapped underneath the know it will cause the nail to lift so again I don't have much filing to do because they're pretty nice and smooth so I'm just kind of you know trying to show you really good but again just falling around that cuticle area going in a circular motion and being really careful not to cut someone okay just like that and then for this thumb we still have to reshape it because it wasn't dry yet so same thing just following the sides and then oops her finger popped off so just following the signs and then falling the rest of the nail to make sure that it's nice and smooth okay so there are pretty nice and smooth okay so after we finish filing we're gonna go in with a buffer as you guys know this is to get rid of any of the scratches left from right you file or our handful because as you can see there are quite a few so what you want to do is same thing you literally just want to hold your clients finger and then you just go first off make sure you don't cut their finger off but just make sure you hold the notes up and then go in and just blow the whole nail making sure that again you move your clients finger over to the sides making sure that you buff the entire nail and then afterwards just go back and fill on the note to make sure that it's nice and smooth alrighty so we've buffed all of the nails so now what I'm gonna do next is I'm gonna go in with my brush and just dust them off and after this you could have your client go wash their hands but as you guys know I just wipe the nose off with an alcohol wipe and these are just regular alcohol wipes that you can buy at one more a dollar store just about anywhere and we're just gonna wipe those nails off to remove any of that dust all righty so after you wipe the nails off with an alcohol wipe then after that of course you can go in and apply your bling your color whatever you want to do but for today since this was more of a acrylic application tutorial I'm just gonna go in and apply a topcoat so you can see how nice a look and I'm just using my IBD gel topcoat and I'm just gonna apply them on all of the nails all righty so I'm gonna go ahead and just cure these four and I am using my a body UV LED lamp I do have a tutorial or not tutor but a review on it so I'll be sure to leave the link in the description and the reason why I only did those four was because as you guys know the thumb is like leaning over to the side so if I put it in there it wasn't gonna cure properly but this lamp is just a different color that's the other one that I had the other one that I was using for a while was the melodies to see UV LED lamp which worked really good for me but I just wanted a new one because I did replace a lot of things on my desk which was the top the armrest I got a new chair I brought out this new lamp and yeah so it was like a new year new stuff kind of thing but the other ones still worked really good but again I just wanted something new out alrighty so now once those up here I'm gonna go in and do the thumb all righty also here is the final look so again we did five different shapes and we also did three different type of kerlix which was the regular pink by me a seeker with the ombre glow-in-the-dark nails and then we also did a glitter tub just so you guys could get a little feel of you know just doing different nails four full sets um so yeah I think that was pretty much it so I hope this helped a lot of people so be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram and getting all 32 and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Natali Carmona
Views: 658,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nailtutorial, howtodonails, nails, diynails, getnailed32, howtoshapenails, acrylic
Id: VF_TlTuKC_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 44sec (3944 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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