Acrylic Nails Fullset For Beginners | Nails Step-by-Step | Acrylic Nails Tutorial

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[Music] [Music] hey everyone welcome back to my channel so today I am back with another video and this time we're gonna be doing a full set of acrylic nails step by step so the first thing that I'm doing is just pushing back those cuticles you want to make sure that you always push back the cuticles because this is going to help expose the new growth and also help with reducing lifting and also if you have those clients that have really rough skin around their cuticle area in a lot of dead skin then I would suggest you know going in there with a pair in your purse and just nipping that off but if they don't then I usually don't you know really mess with it because a lot of the time of my clients cuticles look pretty good after that we're going in with a 180 sending band I'm using my melody SUSE Scarlett no drill I do have a promo code for them so I'll be sure to leave that down below so as always we're just going in to remove the shine and we're literally just getting rid of that shiny layer on the net renowned as you guys know our body produce a lot of oils and those oils happen to be on our nails which is why our natural nails are shiny so we just go in there and remove the shine go from the right side over to the left side just going back and forth until the shine is completely gone and then I also use the same drill bit to just shorten the length of the nails that way I don't have to go in and trim them down and then hand follow them I can just go ahead and do that with this one a descending Bend also remember that when you're using your ePHI you want to make sure that you always keep your drill moving at all times you don't want to leave it in one spot for too long because they will cause friction and it will cause your clients nails to burn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so after I finished removing the shine I'm going in and I'm applying the nail tips I'm using my natural nail tips which are on my website right now and then I'm also using the Cadiz glue which is also on the website so once you apply the nail tips you want to make sure or when you're applying the node tips you want to make sure that the new tip fits exactly from sidewall to sidewall you don't want it to be too big or too small because if it's too big it's going to lift and if it's too small it's gonna eventually crack on the side so make sure that you fit it exactly from sidewall to sidewall just apply the no glue on the tip and just place it on the nail and this glue dries really really fast so you you know it's not gonna take that long but the most important thing is make sure you making sure that it fits again exactly from side wants a sidewalk and not stress that a note but it's really really important also another thing is making sure that you're holding your clients finger really straight when you're doing this that way the nail let's not crooked on there now and also remember that when you're applying the note tips if one tip is too big and the other one's too small always go with the one that's a little bit bigger and just follow it down on the sides to make it fit perfectly and for that I use my 100/100 no file - father knit order to them yet so father nails down on the sides and I have those on my website as well [Music] [Music] so once we've applied all of the nail tips I'm gonna go in and trim them down and I'm using my tip cutter and it's definitely time for a new one I've been kind of using it for whenever I trimmed down acrylic nails and I feel like it dulls down the sharpness on the tip cutter so I definitely have to get a new one soon before I start back doing nails but again remember that when you are trimming down the nails you want to make sure that they're all the right size now I'm kind of able to like guesstimate it but as you can see I still go in and just measure the nails against each other but you could use a nail form as a guide since they have numbers on them and you could just kind of use that to measure the nails that way you know that all of the nails are the same size I feel like that would help a lot you know if you're a beginner but now I'm going in with a straightedge nail clipper which these are on my website as well and we're just using this to trim down the side of the nails remember that when you're doing coffin nails we are basically falling down just the sides of the nails so when we're doing this it's like we're saving us some time from you know falling so much and we're just trimming away that acrylic or sorry the no tip that we would normally fall away remember you want to make sure that you use a straight edge nail clipper which means that the tip of it is straight and then we go in and just reshape the nails of course and so we went in and just trim down the side so we're not gonna have so much balling to do but as always we're filing the sides at a 90 degree angle and the free edge as well to make sure that it's super super straight and then also blending the notes of right in the middle to make it look a lot more natural when you're filing but again it's really important that you hold your file exactly at a 90 degree angle when you're doing this so you can get that perfect coffin shape [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty so after we finish shaping all of the nails we went ahead and just dust them off and now I'm going in with my young nail putzing bond we're applying that on all of the natural nails remember we don't want to get it on the skin literally just on the natural nail next we're gonna go in with the acrylic I'm using my me a secured acrylic system in the color pink which is the pink acrylic powder and the monomer and for my brush I'm using my alpha brush and a number 9 and I'll be sure to leave the link to that down in the description but as you can see I'll place my first bead right in the middle where the natural nail and the tip meets brushed it down towards the tip cleaning the sides up making sure that the acrylic is nice and smooth before I go in and apply the next bead also making sure that you look at your know from different angles when you're doing this that way you know exactly where you need to brush you know the acrylic but as you can see whenever I'm brushing the acrylic it's like I'm feathering it down it's like I'm brushing super super lightly because if you pat too hard or brush too hard I feel like that's what makes the curd like dry really fast and that's what creates your bumps and lumps so again make sure that you just brush super super gently with like the tip of your brush and just brush in that product down towards the tip the next meet is going to be closely to the cuticle area same thing patting it down and then brushing it down towards the tip make sure that when you apply that bead closer to the cuticle area that you place it really close to the cuticle area but not right on the skin and then if it happens to get on the skin then of course just go in and clean on the cuticle area which I always do anyways but you want to make sure that you do this with the very tip of your brush literally just going in there and between the like cuticle area and the acrylic because you don't want that product on the skin and then just brushing the product down towards the tip making sure it's all nice and even and then as you can see I also make sure that I like basically pet the side like the fridge that way I know that it's nice and smooth and even after that we're gonna go in and apply the fourth meat as you can see it's a bit smaller and this one is just gonna go right in the middle and this is what's gonna help build our apex as you can see every time that I lift that nail up that's me checking the nail from the sides to make sure that we have a nice apex if not I go in and add a little bit more acrylic wherever it's needed but if I see that it's fine then of course I move on to the next one so as you can see we're doing the 4-bar method and I recommend that if you're a beginner that you stick to a certain method whether it's a three-bar method with whether it's a four-bar method which is what I do but you want to make sure that you have some sort of technique that you're going by that way you're not just you know randomly applying product you kind of know exactly what you're doing and then of course just because you're doing the 4-bar method doesn't mean that you can only apply for beads you know just look at the know from different angles and then that's going to determine you know where you need to add more acrylic because you're going to be able to see if maybe your tip is too thin or the apex is you know not strong enough so you can add a little bit more where it's needed but for the most part under the first one right in the middle where the net you know and the tip meets the second one right here right below the first one the third one is gonna go closer to the cuticle area and the fourth one is gonna go you know closer to the back right like kinda in the middle and that's gonna build your apex so again it's really important that you stick to a certain method that way kind of makes the whole process you know a lot easier but do make sure that when you're working with your product that you work really gently and as you can see this third bead that I just plays as you can see I didn't place it right on the cuticle I placed it really close to it and then I Pat it down and when I Pat it down it kind of spreads out and gets as closely closest akin to the cuticle area and then I go in and just wipe around to make sure that I have no acrylic on the cuticle area because if not we would get lifting so we're gonna go ahead and continue doing this is the same process over and over again if you're still having a problem with your liquid to powder ratio um I do suggest looking up the tummy tailor practice sheet and you're able to practice your beads that way you know you have been more consistent they go to powder ratio before you actually start working on your clients that way you know you either are working with product that's too dry or too wet you kind of get you know the hang of it by just practicing with a tummy tailor sheet you can just go online and just type in Tami Taylor practice sheet their website for some reason has not been pulling it up lately I've been trying but you can find it on Google there is one where it you know it's just like the nails and then there's another one that has like the little circles to practice your beads or you could even just draw you know little circles kind of because I know they had a printable one but for some reason again I couldn't find it so you can just find one and use it as a guide and maybe create your own just draw some circles you know or just print out a sheet with some circles you know just different ones whether it's a big bead a medium one or a small one and just practice with that just so you can kind of see how much like what you need for a small one how much like what you need for a medium one and how much you need for a big bead but it's all about consistency but remember that it's you know the same steps over and over again is just a matter of practicing you know this is not something that's going to come to you overnight definitely think come to me overnight it definitely took some years for me to you know get good at doing this but you just have to be really patient you have to practice a lot and you have to be really dedicated so we're gonna go ahead and continue doing the acrylic again I'm using the media secured acrylic system which I do recommend for beginners because it doesn't dry too fast like other products I know I've actually used like the Tami Taylor acrylic system and that one just dries super fast I guess soon as you place the bead on the nail it's already dry so that definitely I would not recommend for beginners because even me I feel like I'm too slow when I'm working with that because it dries so fast and you like it's gonna be lumpy what are their brand glam and glitz I've used and I really really like but it does try a little bit faster as well it's like a medium you know setting time so it kind of gives you you know like right in the middle and not so fast not so slow so if you're little if you're a little bit more advanced then you know that would be a good brand but you kind of just have to find what works for you Mia's secret is on the like run ear side so you do have so you know make sure that you're not using too much liquid because it's already kind of liquidy but you kind of get to you know get the hang of it after you work with it a few times I know I have but it is a little bit more on the runny err side but that just means that it's not gonna dry as fast as other products and it's also gonna give you you know a lot longer a lot more time to kind of play with it that way your notes are not all bumpy and lumpy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty so we're on the last knell of applying the acrylic so after this we're gonna go ahead and just put our products up and we're gonna go in with the 100 on genell file and we're gonna follow the nails again to reshape them as you guys know after you apply the acrylic it kind of takes away from the shape so we're just going in and redefining that shape filing the sides and the free edge at a 90 degree angle making sure that you follow straight out from the nail groove which is the side of the nail towards the tip and then making sure that you followed that free edge at a 90 degree angle to get it super super straight you want to make sure that you always go in and reshape the nails after you apply the acrylic because again it does take away from your shape and again as you can see right here I'm literally holding it exactly at a 90 degree angle you don't want to tilt it to the side or nothing because then that's when your nail it's gonna be crooked but do make sure that again you get right on the side of the nail and just going straight towards the free edge at a 90 degree angle and I know I keep saying 90-degree angle but you know the angle is really important the angle that you hold your faul at is gonna basically make or break your shape you could get you know a really pretty coffin shape or you know from you not holding your file correctly you will get a ballerina shape is just all about the angle of the nail file [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty so we're finishing up reshaping the nails and then I'm going to show you what the nails look like before we actually go in and follow them with the e-file as you can see they're nice and smooth this is about the thickness that I always do my nails as you can see they're not too thin or too thin and yeah so they look pretty good before filing no bumps and lumps but as always I do always make sure that I still go in there with the e-file and just file around the cuticle area first and also you know just following the rest of the nail to make sure that it's all nice and smooth but making sure that we focus on that cuticle area first to make sure that we don't get any lifting so as you can see I'm going from the right side over to the left side going getting as close as I can to that cuticle area that way I'm able to seal the curl egg and we don't get any lifting and then also making sure that we follow the rest of the nail just to make sure that it's all nice and smooth I'm using an extra fine drill bit I get these from Amazon and thereby Ponte but I'll be sure to leave that down below as well for you guys but again just falling from the right side working your way over to the left side just going back and forth until you're able to see where the cuticle is where the net rinoa is and where the acrylic is that way you know that the acrylic is not on the skin and then after you you know are able to see those three things then you can go in and follow the rest of the nail so just keep going back and forth there and then another thing is also making sure that you know you're using the correct drill bit you don't want to use anything that's too coarse or something that's not you know coarse enough because you want to be able to you know smooth the nail out really good if you use something that's too coarse like even a medium one is probably too coarse for this you're gonna remove a lot of that product you know you might be falling down your apex or something and you don't want that so I do suggest that you use a fine one or an extra fine one when you're doing this now if your nails are like super super lumpy and super thick then of course I would suggest using a medium drill bit or even a coarse one because that's gonna just fall down some of that acrylic so it won't be so thick or bumpy but the only way to get rid of any bumps and lumps is just by going in there and filing the nail with you know your drill or your hand file even but it you know that's literally the only way so if you're a beginner and your notes are still pretty bumpy and lumpy though only because I know I get this question a lot the only way you can get rid of them is by filing the nail just spend a little bit more time look at the nail from different angles filled on the nail and you will be able to see those lumps because sometimes you like you know can't really see them by just looking at the nail from the top which is why I always tell you guys to look at the nail from these sides and just from different angles because you will be able to see any imperfection by just looking at the nail from these sides I'm sorry gonna go ahead and continue doing this I'm using it at five dozen sorry ten thousand rpms when I'm doing this and again this is the melody so see Scarlett no drill bit or no drill and the drill bit is by Panna [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty so now I'm just going in with the buffer and I have these on my website as well but remember that when you buck the nails this is just to get rid of any of the scratches left on the nail from the hand file or the e-file so make sure that you buff the nails really really good because if not any little scratch that's left on the nail you will be able to see it through your polish so make sure that you go in there and buff buff and buff those nails until they are nice and smooth after this we're gonna go ahead and just Dustin else off wipe them off with an alcohol wipe or you can have your nail or your client go wash your hands whatever works for you best and then that's really going to be it for this video I want it to focus on the acrylic application and you know just really the whole acrylic process and not the polish which is why I'm not going to include the Polish part of this set so as always I hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to Like comment and subscribe follow me on Instagram and Twitter and get know dirty too and I will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Natali Carmona
Views: 2,166,148
Rating: 4.9169931 out of 5
Id: 0WyF54xr8Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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