ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE Mystery Box! Best Spidey Movie EVER!?!?!

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I just got back from the gorgeous heart-wrenching beautiful amazing spectacular perfect across the spider-verse film and I cannot wait to dig into this Mystery Box filled with spider-verse figures [Music] okay so here's the box and as you can see this is just a hodgepodge of all of my different spider verse figures so let's actually take some out go through them in order because I want to tell the story of this movie without giving away a bunch of spoilers but also at the end I want to show you some other figures from my collection that I think need to be in the future waves of spider-verse figures let's do it okay it's a lot but let's start out with the figures that Hasbro made from into the spider-verse and we're going to start with some of the basic lines that were actually made for kids because they contained characters that we didn't get anywhere else like the giant spider robot so we got this like huge I mean it's like almost 10 inches tall spider robot in the original spider-verse line and it's pretty cool and it came with the driver I think is her name Annie I have a hard time or Penny Penny Parker and this is arguably the weakest sculpted figure in the entire line because that looks absolutely nothing like the character but a cool addition that we got in the kids line was the only version so far that we've gotten of Scorpion and it's actually a pretty sweet mechanical scorpion I mean he's got this awesome articulated tail coming over the top he's got that animated look I mean it's it's it's pretty cool now let's get into some of the main characters that we got in both versions both the kid version that was like really simplified simplified articulation simplified sculpting and then what we got as Marvel Legends and you can see there's there's a pretty significant difference between the two honestly this one has it's maybe more consistent with the animated look this Prowler figure and it's really good and you know no spoilers but Prowler does make a presence in across the spider verse I do like though the Marvel Legends even though uh you know what I don't know that I do like it as much I mean it has more detail it's certainly got more of his electronic tech but the musculature I'm sure they borrowed these parts from other Marvel Legends figures I actually think I like the simpler kid version better I think it fits the animation better than what we've seen let's take a look at some of the other characters and see how they stand up to the same comparison uh beginning with Gwen so here's the kid version of Gwen really kind of nice she does have the detail but it's not painted the weblines aren't painted on the inside of her hoodie she came with like a little web accessory and of course they don't have articulation at the knees but they do have uh the sweet ballet shoes something I did not notice the first time that I watched spider verse but I I picked it up when I saw the movie today is in her first scene she puts on her ballet slippers and when she comes in she actually lands on point which I thought was a really nice thing and a little nod that I do pay attention to my wife talking about her dancing history and what it means to be on point with ballet now here's the the Marvel Legends Gwen and this thing is just fabulous I mean that head sculpt of Gwen from the cartoon is is just brilliant now she has the ballet slippers but because she doesn't have as much of the musculature I think she fits in really really well with the animated line so I definitely am going to say that this is a superior figure for gwendy Pete I actually have two of these these are the same figure this is the kid version I love it I mean it's so simple you know these were cheap these were significantly cheaper than Marvel Legends granted again they don't have much articulation below the waist but for a toy for a kid that looks just like Peter B Parker from spider-verse but we did get this just absolute loser they captured everything in this Marvel Legends the the different shoes the the tummy coming out there are no ab muscles there he's got his jacket he's got his drink and he just has that kind of half smirk befuddled Peter B Parker now we're going to see a lot more Peter B Parkers but I Gotta Give the Hasbro team credit with their Marvel Legends this one's really really good we did get the Spider-Man Noir he has his hat he's got his gun it's a lot of reused Parts but you know hey it it definitely works and uh you know brief Cameo but he was in the new film of course you've got my favorite the spider ham and you know I don't remember what this may be like a hero clicks or something I'm not even sure what this came from but I love he's able to pull his hammer from the hammer universe and he just has that he's got that grin that you can see it he's got the grin on his face as he's coming in with his giant hammer and then this is the one that came in the Marvel Legends line and it's nice uh we'll see some imports here in a minute zero articulation just a ball jointed neck but that was about it but how about the star of the show from the very first movie here is Miles Morales and this is the kid version really really simple I don't love that head it's almost like they just kind of took a head from a different miles and and popped it on this body good frame you know he definitely has the the frame and of course it's got the unique spray paint features of his spider logo but they really did an even better job with the Legends version now I think this is borrowing ahead from another figure but where they did so well was the spray paint look you know that's hard to do to get it to have that organic spray paint look um it doesn't quite capture the fact that this was an original red and blue suit underneath we saved that for this version so this version with a very boyish looking miles which is appropriate for the very first film does capture the fact that that's a red and blue Spidey suit that he's painted black with the spray paint red he's got his dual coats which is that's nice for for a mass-market figure uh again there's the red and Blues he's got his Air Jordans on his long baggy shorts this is a solid solid figure we got really good Marvel Legends figures but we're about to take a look at the Imports and see what the next level was yeah I'm not gonna lie there's a fair amount of cash laid out on these import across the spider verse or into the spider-verse figure so let's go through them and see what we've got beginning with Penny Parker and her giant robot and this actually you can switch the head out to more of a happy face head you can see it's much much more uh Cartoon accurate way better articulation but the area where this one totally excels is with Penny herself now granted she's not articulated she has like a little stand that you can put into her you know hello kitty-ish book bag there but at least she actually looks like Penny Parker so big step up when it comes to Penny Parker I'm not sure that I feel the same about Gwen I think this is the mayfax Gwen Stacy uh I don't know that I I think I've got the Sentinel one on order but this is the one that we have one cool thing is that's a magnet so her Hood stays on because it's magnetized now great great you know thin frame again she's got her ballet shoes she can get into some gorgeous articulated poses because of this Advanced articulated scheme really really nice but when you look at the mafex alternate head I don't think that's better than the Marvel Legends one so for the price I think you gotta pick Marvel Legends over this import mafex one let's talk miles I've got miles from two different companies I have the mafex miles and it's arguably the most disappointing of all the import figures there's something just kind of flat and without personality about his face yeah granted he's got a really good representation of his suit he's got much better uh Jordans on here uh he's really thin I like the soft goods those are pretty cool but this figure is ridiculously fragile and by that I mean look he's broken at the elbow I mean I think this thing cost a hundred bucks for it to break without even really being played with is pretty disappointing what was not disappointing is upstart company Sentinel I don't know that much about this company but they are in the action figure game with the spider-verse figures and they are stupendous look at how great this miles is I mean so much more character to that face it really brings out his his youthful Boyhood exuberance his his coats the two layers are like moving you can see kind of how it it has that sense of motion and he came with a ton of different hand accessories here he is with his spray paint can and again great great articulation and even better Air Jordans on so this is a this is the best miles figure that we've gotten so far and it's not even close and they also gave us an invisible version so I put the alternate head sculpt on this one where he's got kind of like the squinty eye you know miles was just figuring out his powers in into the spider-verse he is a much more fully formed superhero in across the spider verse and therefore he utilizes this power a significant amount more so this figure has now become an even bigger favorite in my collection because of that look at how great they did There's even like a notch in the back of his thigh so that you can get that full Bend of his legs just just buttery articulation and that carries on with the next Sentinel figure that we're going to look at as well but before we get to the oh yeah oh so here is the Sentinel no not Sentinel this is the mayfax uh Peter Porker the spectacular Spider ham I think he came with Gwen it's okay it again has just minimal minimal articulation for me we're still looking for the definitive spider ham and hopefully we'll get it with across the spider verse part two now I actually bought two different ones of the mafex and the Sentinel and the reason why is because they came with so many accessories and different ways that you could display them one figure wasn't enough and let's start with a really terrific Peter B Parker from mayfax so mayfax did a great job just like we saw with Marvel Legends with having a really kind of rough and tumble Peter B Parker this time I went with the mask halfway on he definitely has that kind of bigger dad bod belly going on they probably did it best with mayfax the soft goods actually really do work with this figure he's got the different shoes but the nice thing is you can actually take all of these soft goods off and you get a pretty terrific just regular Spider-Man I went with the more thin like ditko eyes you can see they're a little bit asymmetrical which is pretty cool his articulation is what you would expect from you know one of these import Figures it's really really good but as good as this figure is it actually doesn't hold a candle to the next one which is the Sentinel Spider-Man now we got two different versions of this guy we did get the Peter B Parker version with his goofy goofy look on his face he's got his glasses he's drinking his coffee he came with an extra abdominal piece so that he could have his little bit of a pot belly his little dad bod action going on there but this is the only figure where we actually got a head sculpt of the blonde-haired Peter Parker from miles's original universe and oh yep that's how you switch out the abdomen just like that pops right back in so that was one of the reasons why I ended up getting two of these because I needed to be able to show our two different Peters and the only way to do it was like this now I did an entire video on this figure because when you get it into this form where he's got the more abdominal ripped musculature he's got a more standard Spidey head this is arguably one of the greatest Spider-Man figures ever to to talk about how incredible this articulation is I mean I could go on for days sure he's got lots of accessories he has things like these terrific web hands he's got you know kind of a surprised head he has a different Peter B Parker head I mean he's got all of that stuff but it's just this basic Spider-Man and the way that he moves and the poses that you can get him into and just the flow of it I mean look at how those knee joints double back again he's got the cut thighs so that you can get his calves all the way back but it makes for just these unbelievable ditko McFarlane type poses this is this is one of the finest Spider-Man figures ever made I I will stand by that and a great representation from into the spider-verse but what we really want to see we want to see the figures from across the spider verse so let's bust those out and take a look at those next hey if you all are enjoying this video let me know in the comments but please keep them spoiler free we're getting really close to 50 000 subscribers here at Carbon scoring so if you want the best in comics history and action figures every week consider hitting that subscribe button now back to the figures okay I'm not gonna give any spoilers I'm not going to give any spoilers I promise I'm not going to give any spoilers but oh this movie was so good guys if you haven't seen it you have got to go see it it is absolutely it's two hours and like 20 minutes two hours and 40 minutes something like that it could have gone on for 10 hours and I would have never stopped enjoying it it was absolutely brilliant and we'll talk about some of the art and just the just the absolute animation just phenomenon that this thing has become but but I've got the new spider verse figures here let's kind of piece through them and take a look and we'll start with our main guy with my main man Miles Morales and so I actually bought like the the six pack of of the kids figures and I'm I'm really glad I did because they're they're super fun so here is miles in his new costume you can see it's got a little bit more blue his mask is blue or at least it's kind of got blue here on the front instead of black and what you can really pick up on a lot during the movie is the red stripe that runs down the side of his costume now I mentioned that miles is older in this film and so he's got a little bit better grip of his powers and that includes his Venom blast so I'm glad that this kid figure actually came with a Venom blast accessory because that's going to be fun that's going to be fun for kids but let's take a look at the Marvel Legends version of Miles and see just how terrific that one is and wow so much more detail so unlike that previous Miles Morales that we saw from the first movie this one is truly custom built for this film so you can see the the red stripe but you can also see all of the tech miles makes a comment that that he made himself a new suit and so that explains why he does have this totally new one but it does have that gradation of color over the mask as well as here on the abdomen but still that very familiar uh you know spray paint looking spider logo really really cool and thankfully this figure did come with with an alternate head and I think it's really important to point out miles looks different you know this movie is I guess about a year or a year and a half into the future and so when you go from you know say 13 to 15 your your body's Gonna Change and miles is taller his face is leaner he looks more like a young adult than like a little kid and they managed to capture that with this head sculpt really really well done by the Marvel Legends team now for me as a child of the 80s there was very few things that I was excited for as seeing the spot on the big screen so spot was actually in one of the very first Comics that I ever read and that cover to Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man 99 is brilliant it is one of the coolest covers and it shows the potential that spot has but what's so funny is when spot first appeared Peter in the comics treated him like a joke and they maintained that they they stay true to the spot's origin even to the point of how he was first defeated in the comics is how he was first defeated in the movie but then they take it to a whole another level and that's one of the things that I absolutely love about MCU movies and the spider-verse movies is they take the core ideas that came from the comics and then they make them better they they but they they're they're still true to them and of course this is the kid version of spot which has this great play feature where if you squeeze his legs his fist come through one of his dimensional portals which is really really sweet now of course he made it in the Legends line this one is a more normal body looking one this one has this really really goofy body that is actually kind of what he looked like right at the beginning of the film so it's definitely screen accurate and they get some good jokes on spot at the beginning but uh I'm not gonna say that he has the last laugh but let me just tell you his story is not done yet now I love this having a spot in my hands is like a dream come true but I want a comic accurate 616 spot this this misshapen body is just not quite what uh what I'm looking for but I love it but I mean it's accurate but I want us to go now and give me a real spot I have a custom uh it's cool but I want a real one so hook us up Hasbro need a real spot in the line uh one of the most badass characters is Jessica Drew Spider-Woman and this figure is just so cool I ran a survey a poll on our Channel and I asked what character you were most excited about seeing and dead last with like virtually zero votes was Spider-Woman and let me tell you y'all are wrong she is so cool I mean anybody that can rock this hair has got to be awesome and this figure is super sweet the clear goggles where you can see her eyes that little yellow triangle which is a throwback to the classic Spider Woman costume with the red and black and they don't really go into it but she has a very specific shape to her body that when I was first looking at this figure I was like man is she pregnant well maybe so and they didn't shy away from that I mean we got like legit baby bump but I know that you guys initially weren't excited about this figure let me tell you something you're gonna change your mind after you see the movie and I think she's gonna play an even bigger role in part two beyond the spider verse alright who's next oh oh let's go here let's go with spider Punk so spider Punk made his appearance in the comics spider-verse storyline that was written by Dan slot and he was instantly a huge pop hit like everybody loved him so much so that he got his own Marvel Legends figure and it is great if you watched my Spider-Man tournament where I took 64 different Marvel Legends figures and competed them against each other to see what was the greatest Spider-Man figure you know that spider Punk went a long way as he should because it's a great great great character this is the kid version he doesn't have any kind of articulation at the knees but he still has the the terrific detailing of the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man that's like the CBGB logo from the famous New York City Punk bar and yeah he's got some nice spikes and he's really super thin but as nice as this one is it and it came it came with a guitar so you know he's got just kind of a plastic molded guitar it does not hold a candle to the Marvel Legends what oh my gosh the level of detail on this thing from his suspenders hanging down to all the laces on his giant boots to individually painted with multiple colors on each one of these buttons all of the little spikes and rivets across every aspect all of them have individual paint on them and of course you've got the rough look of his webs now one of the things that I have to mention about spider punk from the movie is I read a couple of years ago when they were doing the pre-production for across the spider verse the directors and the producers said listen we completely reinvented animation with into the spider-verse so for the next movie we've got to take it the next step and one of the ways that they did that was by having each character have their own unique animation Style out and the thought behind that was they're all from different universes and so they're all going to look slightly different and one of the most extreme examples of that in the film was spider Punk and if they had tried to make a figure the way that he was animated on the movie it wouldn't work so they had to go with a more traditional kind of look to this figure but it's still so good we got the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man we've got all of the stickers this looks like my skateboard from the 80s if you were any kind of 80s kid you knew you filled your skateboard up with the coolest stickers you possibly could we'll hear spider Punk totally copying that aesthetic and he's even got a pick in his hand but he is just absolutely rocking out and you're gonna be surprised when you meet spider punk in this movie and again he is somebody who played a crucial role in this part one but I believe is set up for even bigger things in the next one let's kick over let's kick over to the giant cyborg Spider-Man now this is a pretty cool toy right let's just talk about it as a toy if you're a kid and you ignore the fact that I think this thing was 50 damn dollars or something ridiculous like that look at how crazy cool this is you know with like the cybernetic eye and the giant Mad Max shoulder pads he's got a freaking Gatling gun with spinning spikes for an arm you got like Wolverine type claws coming off of here giant spikes on his boots chains everywhere I wish that I could tell you more about this character I wish that I learned more about them in across the spider verse but I didn't and I'm just gonna leave it at that it is a very toyetic toy of course it's priced for collectors only and out of the literal hundreds of characters that could have been made this one turns out to be kind of an interesting choice so see the movie let me know in the comments what you think please no spoilers in the comments though at least for the first few weeks because I really want everybody to enjoy this the way that I did which was totally spoiler free and it was just so so terrific all right who's next let's talk about Pete so uh I did so I bought that like I said I bought the five pack and uh and they had a Peter in it and I'm fairly certain I've already put it back in the box I'm fairly certain this is exactly the same as the Peter that we got with the last one cool little web shooter great toy love it I we've got to get kids buying toys like we've got to have toys that are available for kids prices that look like Spider-Man that get them into this hobby so that it continues to Survive and Thrive and it's toys like this that really are going to help to make that happen so I love it I love that here is my girl Gwen now you talk about the linchpin of this film spider Gwen is just truly amazing and Marvel Legends once again crushed it with a gorgeous perfect Gwen head sculpt they changed her hair you know she still has that gimmick where it's shaved on the side where Miles got his hand stuck on it but here we've got the the great pink highlights that come through and through a little bit of change to the gloves I think she also came with an alternate head with hoods she is not wearing her ballet slippers throughout the majority of the film she's got these Chucks and they're a little bit of a plot point and we'll have to see exactly how far they go with that as we get into the second the second movie beyond the spider verse so here is a terrific Gwen Stacy who you know this is still a Miles Morales movie but I think you could definitely argue she is the heart of this film so this is a very very gwen-centric movie and you will love it no matter what you think you will absolutely love it because of that now we got my main man Pete and I think there's a lot of reuse here with this one you know it'd be nice if the web lines were painted in he basically just has his pants there's some stuff going on with Peter in this movie that I understand why they couldn't come out with how he really looked in the film because that would be way too many spoilers but you also can't have a line of Spider-Man toys without freaking Spider-Man in it so you know this is kind of what we got it's a cop-out I'm not gonna lie when I when I go back and I'll re-watch this movie you know Peter B continues to be a vital part of this film but this figure is a bit of a cop-out from where we came from on that now I've got a couple of spot accessories here's miles hooking out through one of the dimensional portals and there's there's a few others those were really cool they come on a stand I think I knocked the stand off yeah here it is you can put this like on a stand and set it up so it looks like miles is poking out the fight scenes with spot are an absolute common mcfan's dream you know it's something that you could not do a fight scene with the spot with live action you just you couldn't do it you couldn't do it with the pace and the frenetic nature and and the laughs and just all of it they crush it they absolutely crush it in this movie now I saved my favorite for last and I have a long-standing affinity for Spider-Man 2099 29 20 90 99 2099 he was the the very first letter I ever had published in a Marvel comic was in Spider-Man 2099 and so he's always going to be just a super special character to be this is the kid version this is the one that came in like this the six pack and it's I'm super glad I got it because it's different from the retail version in that it's translucent plastic you can see how the light shines through it and he's he's kind of got some tech bass to him and so this really does kind of bring out a different part of the movie that the regular figure didn't have this thing is good man it's got the bigger broader proportions it has terrific paint and detail for an 11 figure you know the regular figures in this line were only like 11 bucks he does come with uh an accessory that sort of shows sort of how his web powers kind of work they're more of like an electric type of thing but this thing is pretty sweet and as sweet as it is is still not as good as the Marvel Legends one so I I wanted to see the portrayal of spidey2099 in this film is one of the things that I was looking forward to the most and I was not let down because Miguel O'Hara has a very different personality than all the witty Peter Parkers and spider-gwins that are out there and they capture that and they're true to that and I know there's a lot of like oh he's going to be the bad guy you know complex characters aren't all good or bad and that's what they do with spidey2099 they also do something brilliant with his costume you can see here in the comics he he wore like a Mexican Day of the Dead costume that was where he got his costume from but here they've taken that skull Motif that was on his Comics costume kept it but converted it into a spider so it's much more spyderetic in this version you still have the look of that skull that brings out all that 2099 but look it actually a spider coming down gorgeous absolutely gorgeous and I love the the transition of his cape that's something that makes him different that makes his costume different from all the other Spidey costumes he's got these giant things he I don't think he came with a lot of alternate hands I'd have to go back and look he doesn't really have the claw fingertips they're in the movie though so you know the things that you love about spidey2099 are all in there and again he's going to be one of the showstoppers as we move forward in this story now let me show you a couple of other things that I actually got at the theater so I suppose because we went to a Premiere they were handing out these really cool collector cards at the theater so you got one of Spider-Man a really sweet action shot of Gwen everybody's favorite Spider Woman and somebody who must must make the next series Spider-Man India the scenes that he were in was in were so crucial and absolutely brilliantly you know animated again he has a completely different animation look from any of the other characters this costume looks so great and would come across as such a great toy hopefully we're gonna get a figure of him pretty soon but there were a couple little cameos that I'm gonna just briefly show you that if you don't want any spoilers you can go ahead and watch another one of my videos right now but if you do check these out all right no comments I'm just gonna put these down gotta go see the movie I hope you guys enjoyed this romp through the spider-verse please go see this movie it is so great and tell me what you thought of it leave me a comment tell me what you think of these figures do you do you agree with my takes on them what was your favorite part of the movie and as always give me a like hit subscribe for the very best in comics history and action figures subscribe to carbon scoring
Channel: Carbon Scoring
Views: 1,782,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c0tDlsOZF34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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