The Train from Vancouver to Seattle Explained

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heyno fellow travelers mark here with Walter's world today we're in Vancouver British Columbia and we're heading to Seattle and we're taking the Amtrak train now what you should know is there's two trains a day down to sit down to Seattle from Vancouver and you leave from the Pacific Central Station one is early in the morning like 6:30 in the morning there's one in the afternoon it's about a three and a half hour train ride I actually booked my tickets online with Amtrak calm when you do booked with Amtrak calm when you do this you need to make sure you have your passport and password numbers for everybody that's gonna be going you have to put that in when you buy your ticket okay so here's our experience with going from Vancouver to Seattle with Amtrak so let's see what happens so we've checked in we're about to board our train just some things you should know they say to be here about an hour early before departure so you can go and do a few things one thing you have to do is when you get there you get to fill out a u.s. customs form it doesn't matter if you're from the US or outside the US or Canada everyone has to fill out that customs form and then what you do is you get in two lines so if you have a business class ticket you go the business class line if you're an economy ticket you go in the economy line and you just wait there about five say they say five twenty but it's like more like five thirty they started having people go through and they then they check your ticket and then they give you your seat assignment okay at least in business classes we had they gave us our seat assignment and then we went into customs and in customs it's a typical thing you give them your passport in the form they ask you a few questions like what were you doing in Canada and what are you gonna do in the US and things like that so you answer those they stamp the the form and but I didn't get it stamped my passport so that was sad but they give that and you come to your train and you know their number night normal trains we're in train too and what's cool is they have a nice big dining car and bar restaurant car sorry restaurant card not bar car he there's there's plenty of stuff there if you're looking at the timeframe I mean we didn't have we're here way early because we have business class tickets so we got the board first so you know the one hour thing is kind of like the three hours for international flight stuff but if it is high season I do recommend doing that one hour before if it's low season probably 45 minutes you should be okay but they say at least an hour but also we were in business class so it was a little bit quicker a few other things you can actually check your luggage on here if you have bigger than a carry-on they might ask you to check it in the normal part and what it is is when you come in you'll see these guys that will be tagging your bags and stuff like that and they put it in the back of the Train like if you look down here the very end way way down there you'll see guys that are doing that right now then you just get on the train and you wait to go so we're waiting to go and hopefully this helps somebody know what to do so I'll give you anymore heads up when we're leaving okay or like on the road to see maybe we'll try something from the restaurant car to see what they have to give you now if you want to get something to eat when you're on the train that you have it okay Connor it's a typical Amtrak fare nothing special even though it's international on its typical Amtrak food hot dog sandwiches chips candy banana bread they do have beers actually do have some craft beers from around the area so that was kind of cool but in general typical kind of train food they take the currency of pain is dollar US dollars you can use Canadian duck bills but you cannot use Canadian coins we've used Canadian bills they will give your change back in u.s. and US coins so you have an idea there so got somebody left over you can go use it there that's what I did yeah Brent not too bad so if you want to where you should sit if you're coming for a makeover you want to sit on the right side so you can look at and see the views now that's not a really good view right there because the windows not very clear but I'll put some of the videos on with the with the views because it is really beautiful the tracks are right on the thing is you might not get to choose let's see you're in what you do and get on that right side when you're going down from Vancouver or the left side it's beautiful views on there I'm from Vancouver you're going to hit the US border and what happens is they stop at the border and they bring and the word Gardens come on and they check your passport they ask you a few questions and they take your customer source and they move on usually stop their boat around 20 minutes 15 minutes is pretty quick nothing really too too big in and out the treatment overall suppose we for a half hours long so make sure you bring some stuff but there are some plugs on the train so you could do that that's really helpful no charge of your devices Canadian in the u.s. plugs both work on them between the safe ones nice nice thing is if you're looking for a little bit shorter round you can actually get a bus from Vancouver to Seattle it's a little bit shorter but it's nowhere near as comfortable Oregon something like that it is a nice way to go and a cheap way to go hours it would be a lot faster climbing a flight from Baker in Seattle's like half an hour okay that is faster but this is a nice way to go so she had family got lost is usually covering this way stationed there so remain here at Seattle King Street Station about four and a half hours to get here nice little drive have the aivars or Ivor's however they say clam chowder's from a local fast-food place here it is awesome when you're on the train well with if you're looking at a snack I was at the clam chowder on the train would be good but it was but anyway we're here it's a good trip so I hope that helps you know what it's like to go from Vancouver to Seattle on the train with Amtrak there are some other busses you can take but like I said it's not really worth it for the amount of comfort you have on the train so have a good time and hope you enjoy riding the Amtrak Cascades live from Seattle
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 329,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy, vancity
Id: bDuLXGaBeeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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