Acronis Global Cyber Summit 2019 - Recap of Day 2 - Gaidar Magdanurov

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okay other sponsors it wouldn't be possible to do without you and actually nothing that we do at Acronis would be possible without our partners so basically everything we do here is just because of you and things we do with a chronic cyber foundation and thank everybody for attending yesterday and for donating we were able to get enough contribution to building one school and as I decided to do it yesterday we had two more schools to our commitment so we will do three more schools more than we planned it's all thanks to you so big thank you everybody and just there's a recap of what we were talking about yesterday and just as a reminder of all the key messages the first of all we already have a chronic cyber cloud and we start the rollout of version eight it's actually ongoing right now we'll send a public announcement beginning of the next week but those services already available we have our cyber backup that within an hour to cyber backup everything will be cyber we can you can already sell the services that are protected secure services you can always already deliver it to your customers so it's already there cyber infrastructure is already there you can get ready to sell you can start testing it you can start implementing it and I do advise you if you didn't have a chance to do it before to go to the booth and see how it actually works so you can actually see it's in production then cyber platform it's out there developer portal is life you can start exploring it will be adding additional SDK additional languages will be available you can start
Channel: Acronis
Views: 145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4j4S5SXb5hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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