ACOUSTIC BLUES GUITAR LESSON - Combining Turnarounds, Fills & Licks With Rhythm Playing

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[Music] hey guys Howard here with acoustic blues guitar adding fills turnarounds licks and all the rest to your Rhythm playing uh about a week ago I did 10 blues turnarounds for guitar and I did that on electric guitar on my Telly and a few people spotted this little Groove that I played after I did a certain example and they were like Hey Howard can you tell us a little bit more about that can you do a tutorial on that so I thought that's a great idea but it might be kind of boring just doing that rhythm guitar part over and over again okay so what I thought I'd do is I'd add a few of those turnarounds those licks and stuff that I did in the previous lesson into this rhythm guitar part and kind of really uh build on that and just show you some cool things that you can do all right so uh I'll just do the performance and then we'll get into the [Music] [Applause] [Music] tutorial [Applause] [Music] oh all right so let's jump right into it right out the gate I played the very first turnaround that was in my 10 turnarounds for blues guitar right so that's a nice turnaround it's a nice opener it's a nice closer anything like that okay so let me just play that one for you really slow and you've got the tab up on the screen [Music] right into a B7 sharp N9 and then we're into that Groove that uh some viewers had mentioned okay so what I'm doing is I'm [Music] playing so what I've got is my first finger on the second fret on the G string my ring finger fourth fret on the the a string and the D string in between is just muted out okay so lay this finger a little bit sloppy and you'll have it there's a little bit of muting in the back here of course uh but I'm also using that open E [Music] string hit it again and you can see what I did there I just replaced this finger with this one and do a half step slide subtle Bend like about a quarter bend on the third fret on the uh sixth string and that's the pattern that's the [Music] circle and then I do another fill okay so what we have so far [Music] is [Music] and that walks us into the four chord into a and so that fill nice and slow is and once you hit that open a string you're into the four chord once more nice and slow okay and you can use whatever fingers you want for that or with your first two but once we're into that four chord now we're playing [Music] this it's the same pattern that we used on E but of course we're in a now and taking into consideration the tuning of the guitar we have the first finger on the third fr on the B string second finger fourth fret on the D string and of course this time that g string is muted out although if it comes through it's still sounds pretty cool anyway right and so what I do there is I lay my ring finger down onto the fourth fret on the B string to slide up to the fifth fret right back to that and then of course little subtle bend on the third fret on the a string this time you're going to play that twice like any good Blues right but when you come back attack the sixth string to take you back to e it sounds a little bit better that way so if I were to play all of that nice and slow it would be this [Music] and we do that little walk off of the one chord into the five chord so how I do that exactly timing wise is like [Music] this right after that second slide and that takes us to the five chord so once again on [Music] that and I'm into that B7 sharp n hit the bass note twice that sounds kind of nice and rhythmic move up to a C9 back to the B7 sharp n so rhythmically we [Music] have and then we play the [Music] turnaround and as a note that is one that was included in my 10 blues turnarounds for guitar okay but here it is nice and slow I think cross picking is best on this down up up down up [Music] up and of course I played the C9 into that B7 sharp n at the TA end of that as well so entering into the second go-around of this 12 Bar Blues we do a little hendris Okay so we've got the classic e E7 sharp 9 and I'm [Music] playing right so we've got that open E string twice and then the chord and then we have that's all pretty straight ahead and then you can see I come back and I play this pattern again just one time and back to the uh Hendrix [Music] chord and then we do this walk up it's similar to the turnaround but we're going in the opposite direction of course making our way up to the four chord so we have that's a little bit wider swing right but the picking should be the same down up up down up up and that takes us to the uh four chord the A7 so let me play that nice and slow as [Music] well and then we have an A7 to a 13th to an A7 again and I'm playing okay that's the first pattern I'll play that [Music] slowly and then we form an A7 get back style so that whole section together is played like this and then we are back [Music] to same walk that we did before [Music] right into that B7 but this time we're arpeggiating the [Music] chord into an A7 okay down down down up up down up up down up up down but of course feel free to do whatever works best for you okay so we [Music] have and that's the final turnaround right there I'll just play that one nice and slow and then we end with an F9 to an E9 so there you go with acoustic blues adding turnarounds fills licks whatever you want to do okay I hope you guys enjoyed it and as always I shall see you in the next video and
Channel: 24/7 Guitar with Howard Hart
Views: 81,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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